930 resultados para World Peace Foundation.
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La educaci??n como quehacer de convicciones : homenaje acad??mico a Jos?? Antonio Ib????ez-Mart??n"
Chapters contributed by experts on each period examine how world views have determined the view of war and peace, and the conduct of war, throughout European history.
Informa sobre la reunion realizada con el objetivo de intercambiar informacion y buscar una posicion comun del Caribe en los temas a considerar en la Reunion Regional: problemas y logros alcanzados en la region en la implementacion de las metas y objetivos del decenio de las NU para la mujer, estrategia para el ano 2000.
Contiene: asistencia y organizacion de los trabajos, resumen de los debates, y evaluacion del decenio y estrategias y medidas concretas de ejecucion para el adelanto de la mujer hasta el ano 2000, aprobadas por la Reunion.
With a growing number of threats to governance in the international system that result from globalization and technological innovation, it is no surprise that states have come to rely more heavily on each other and the global community for support. While the EU is partially constrained by the ultimate outcome of its own integration process, limited knowledge on this issue, and the national interests of its Member States, other governments are also experiencing difficulty in domestic implementation of international resolutions. To better understand the impact of the most recent sanctioning efforts, this paper will explore the development of the non-proliferation regime, examine implementation mechanisms of non-proliferation agreements, and analyze the impact of increased cooperation among states to thwart the spread of WMD technology and material. Case studies of unilateral measures undertaken by the US and EU against Iran will provide insight into the political and economic implications of economic sanctions from individual governments. New and emerging methods for limiting rogue states and non-state actors from acquiring the means to develop WMD will also be discussed in an effort to further discussion for future policy debates on this critical topic.
Includes bibliographies.
Mode of access: Internet.
"First edition, August, 1942".