785 resultados para Workplace alcohol and other drugs
Background The transition to higher education can affect lifestyle-related factors. Objectives: To identify lifestyles of higher education students and analyse the influence of self-esteem and psychological well-being. Methods Correlational cross-sectional study. A total of 4,314 students partici- pated in the study. Online questionnaires were used: Estilo de Vida Fantástico (Fantastic Lifestyle Assessment) [1]; Questionário de Bem- estar Psicológico (Psychological General Well-Being Questionnaire) [2], and Escala de auto-estima de Rosenberg (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [3]. Results Most students (85.3 %) have a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle is strongly correlated with self-esteem and psychological well-being (p < 0.001). While analysing the association between self-esteem and psycho- logical well-being and the various lifestyle domains according to gen- der, a positive and significant correlation (p < 0.001) was found among female students, except for the Smoking domain (p = 0.393); in relation to psychological well-being, positive correlations were found in all domains. Among male students, positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001) were found in most lifestyle domains and self-esteem, except for the Smoking (p = 0.992), Alcohol and other drugs (p = 0.181) and Other behaviours (p = 0.442) domains; in rela- tion to psychological well-being, positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001) were found in most lifestyle domains, except for the Smoking (p = 0.458) and Other behaviours (p = 0.128) domains. Conclusions Based on the results, higher education institutions should support intervention projects to maintain high levels of psychological well- being and self-esteem, promoting healthy lifestyles.
The information contained in this Annual Safety and Security Report is provided to new and prospective students and employees, as well as their families, and all current members of the campus community. It contains Public Safety Services and Programming,Building Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Program,Campus Security authorities, Annual Preparation of Crime Statistics, Disclosure of Crime Statistics, Daily Crime Log, How to Report a Crime, Suspicious Activity or Emergency, Silent Witness Program, Relationship with Local Authorities, Off-Campus Violations & Criminal Activity, Confidential Reporting, Timely Warning Procedures, Emergency Response, Notification and Evacuation Procedures Activation Authority, Available Communications Media, Emergency Notification Tests, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Shelter-in-Place Procedures,Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs, Emergency Telephones, Access To Facilities, Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, Sex Offender Registration, Weapons on Campus, Referrals for Disciplinary Action, Crime Information: Definitions and Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Definitions, Reporting Areas. Crime Statistics
Super vision probably does have benefits both for the maintenance and improvement of clinical skills and for job satisfaction, but the data are very thin and almost non-existent in the area of alcohol and other drugs services. Because of the potential complexity of objectives and roles in super vision, a structured agreement appears to be an important part of the effective supervision relationship. Because sessions can degenerate easily into unstructured socialization, agendas and session objectives may also be important. While a working alliance based on mutual respect and trust is an essential base for the supervision relationship, procedures for direct observation of clinical skills, demonstration of new procedures and skills practice with detailed feedback appear critical to super vision's impact on practice. To ensure effective super vision, there needs not only to be a minimum of personnel and resources, but also a compatibility with the values and procedures of management and staff, access to supervision training and consultation and sufficient incentives to ensure it continues.
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo conhecer e analisar a atuação do professor de Educação Física no tratamento de pessoas que fazem uso prejudicial de álcool e outras drogas, especificamente em dois Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas (CAPSad) da região da Grande Vitória, ES, buscando elementos para subsidiar a questão a partir dos professores e demais integrantes da equipe multidisciplinar. Antes de adentrar no tema da pesquisa, considerei necessário expor os caminhos que fizeram com que se encontrassem, ao longo da história, os personagens protagonistas deste trabalho – professor de Educação Física e CAPSad. Para isso, retomei a Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira, a instituição dos CAPS, as intervenções políticas em álcool e outras drogas e a inserção do professor de Educação Física na saúde mental/saúde pública. A metodologia empregada foi a observação e a condução de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os professores e trabalhadores da equipe de saúde. Na descrição e análise dos dados, foi possível constatar que há certa semelhança nas atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores em ambos os CAPSad, os quais demonstraram a participação na equipe de modo multidisciplinar e intersetorial. A pesquisa demonstrou a relevância dos professores de Educação Física não somente como mais um membro da equipe, portador de uma série de intervenções, mas como um trabalhador que pode vir a somar significativamente com o campo da saúde mental. Mesmo não possuindo formação específica para atuarem, os professores se mostraram comprometidos com o trabalho dos CAPSad a partir de práticas corporais e outras atuações que evidenciam as relações humanas.
OBJECTIVE: To compare HIV seronegative (HIV-) and HIV seropositive (HIV+) males in terms of sexual behavior with female and male partners of different types. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. From August 1994 to February 1995, a sample of 236 respondents (150 HIV- and 86 HIV+) recruited from public health centers in the State of S. Paulo (Brazil), answered a questionnaire, including questions on demographic aspects, HIV and AIDS related knowledge, sexual orientation, use of alcohol and other drugs, sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners, and perceived risk of HIV infection. Sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners within the previous three months, was investigated. RESULTS: A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in sexual contact with regular female partners (p < .01) and in vaginal intercourse with this type of partner (p < .01). A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in overall sexual activity (p < .001) and reported lower frequency of penetrative sexual practices (p < .05). A high level of condom use with female and male partners was identified with no significant differences being found between the two serostatus groups. Some risky sexual behavior was identified, however, especially with regular partners, suggesting that some men were continuing to practice unsafe sex. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of condom use identified suggests that safer sex advice has been taken up. Condom use was not universal, however, and some men continue to place themselves at risk, especially with regular partners. Prevention programs should strive not only to encourage HIV- to practice safer sex, but also to encourage HIV+ to do so in order to prevent further transmission of the virus.
Contexte : l'adolescence est une période de transition au cours de laquelle l'enfant développe les capacités physiques et cognitives qui lui permettent de s'intégrer au monde adulte et qui se caractérise notamment par une prise de risque, une grande impulsivité et une constante recherche de sensations. Bien que des déterminants sociaux et familiaux entrent en jeu dans ce domaine, il y a également une composante neurobiologique importante. Les avancées techniques dans le domaine de l'imagerie ont permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs changements structurels à l'adolescence tels qu'un remodelage de la matière grise avec une perte de synapses plus ou moins importante selon la région observée et une augmentation de la myélinisation. En outre, le développement cérébral n'est pas uniforme dans le temps. En effet, la maturation du cortex préfrontal est ultérieure au développement du système limbique. Cet asynchronisme pourrait expliquer l'impulsivité des adolescents (consécutive à l'immaturité du cortex préfrontal) et leur comportement de recherche de sensation et/ou de prise de risque (consécutif au développement précoce du noyau accumbens notamment). Ces régions font également partie intégrante du système de récompense et modulent la motivation pour des récompenses naturelles et non-‐naturelles, comme l'alcool et d'autres drogues. L'émergence d'une consommation d'alcool excessive est justement préoccupante chez les adolescents. En 2007, l'étude ESPAD (The European School Survey Project On Alcohol and Other Drugs) menée auprès de jeunes de 15 à 16 ans relève que 41% des jeunes questionnées ont régulièrement bu jusqu'à l'ivresse dans les 12 mois précédant l'entretien. Les conséquences neuropsychologiques à long terme de ce comportement de « binge-‐drinking » commencent à alarmer le corps médical, mais l'interrogation demeure sur les risques de ce type de comportement vis-‐à-‐vis du développement d'un alcoolisme chronique à l'âge adulte. Objectifs du travail : en s'appuyant sur une revue de la littérature, ce travail a pour objectif d'expliquer les comportements qui émergent à l'adolescence à la lumière des modifications neurobiologiques qui s'opèrent durant cette période critique. Au niveau expérimental, nous proposons d'évaluer la propension de rats juvéniles exposés précocement à de l'alcool à développer un comportement d'abus de consommation d'alcool à l'âge adulte en comparaison avec un groupe contrôle. Dans un deuxième temps nous souhaitons déterminer la propension des rats exposés précocement à de l'alcool à montrer une préférence pour l'alcool par rapport à la saccharine, puis par rapport à de l'eau en comparaison au groupe contrôle. Méthode : nous comparons deux groupes de rongeurs adolescents (âgés de 32 jours à 67 jours). Le groupe test (groupe E, n=8), qui est exposé par un accès ad libitum à une solution d'éthanol 10 % contenant de la saccharine 0.2%, ceci afin de limiter l'aspect gustatif aversif de l'éthanol. Et le groupe témoin (groupe S, n=8), qui est exposé par un accès ad libitum à une solution de saccharine 0.2%. Ce conditionnement se fait sur 13 semaines. Une fois atteinte l'âge adulte, les animaux sont ensuite entraînés à appuyer sur un levier afin de recevoir de l'éthanol (0,1 ml d'une solution à 10%). Nous nous proposons d'évaluer la quantité d'alcool ainsi consommée, puis la motivation des animaux pour obtenir de l'éthanol et enfin leur capacité de résistance à un choc électrique non douloureux mais aversif, lorsque celui-‐ci est associé à l'éthanol. Enfin, nous évaluerons, via un paradigme de choix à deux leviers, la propension des animaux à choisir de consommer volontairement de l'éthanol quand ils ont le choix entre de l'éthanol 10% et une solution de saccharine à différentes concentrations, puis entre de l'éthanol 10% et de l'eau. Résultats : la phase de tests de comportements à risque d'abus ne permet pas de mettre en évidence une différence significative entre les deux groupes. La phase de test de choix montre une diminution significative du pourcentage d'appuis sur le levier associé à la saccharine avec la diminution de la concentration de saccharine pour les deux groupes. Le groupe S a un pourcentage d'appuis sur le levier associé à l'éthanol significativement plus important que les rats du groupe E et a tendance à préférer l'éthanol pour une concentration de saccharine plus grande que le groupe E. Le groupe S montre également une préférence significative pour l'éthanol quand il n'a plus que le choix avec l'eau alors que le groupe E ne montre pas de préférence. Conclusions : chez des rats élevés dans les mêmes conditons, la consommation précoce d'éthanol n'est pas un facteur de risque de comportements d'abus de consommation d'alcool à l'âge adulte. Cependant un phénomène dit de « sensiblisation croisée » entre le goût sucrée et l'éthanol a été soulevé au cours de cette étude permettant de se questionner sur l'impact d'une consommation intermittente de substances au goût sucré à l'adolescence sur la consommation d'alcool à l'âge adulte.
Increasingly, patients with unhealthy alcohol and other drug use are being seen in primary care and other non-specialty addiction settings. Primary care providers are well positioned to screen, assess, and treat patients with alcohol and other drug use because this use, and substance use disorders, may contribute to a host of medical and mental health harms. We sought to identify and examine important recent advances in addiction medicine in the medical literature that have implications for the care of patients in primary care or other generalist settings. To accomplish this aim, we selected articles in the field of addiction medicine, critically appraised and summarized the manuscripts, and highlighted their implications for generalist practice. During an initial review, we identified articles through an electronic Medline search (limited to human studies and in English) using search terms for alcohol and other drugs of abuse published from January 2010 to January 2012. After this initial review, we searched for other literature in web-based or journal resources for potential articles of interest. From the list of articles identified in these initial reviews, each of the six authors independently selected articles for more intensive review and identified the ones they found to have a potential impact on generalist practice. The identified articles were then ranked by the number of authors who selected each article. Through a consensus process over 4 meetings, the authors reached agreement on the articles with implications for practice for generalist clinicians that warranted inclusion for discussion. The authors then grouped the articles into five categories: 1) screening and brief interventions in outpatient settings, 2) identification and management of substance use among inpatients, 3) medical complications of substance use, 4) use of pharmacotherapy for addiction treatment in primary care and its complications, and 5) integration of addiction treatment and medical care. The authors discuss each selected articles' merits, limitations, conclusions, and implication to advancing addiction screening, assessment, and treatment of addiction in generalist physician practice environments.
The objective of this research was to determine whether the level of parental monitoring is associated with substance use among adolescents in Switzerland, and to assess whether this effect remains when these adolescents have consuming peers. For this purpose, we used a nationally representative sample from the Swiss participation in the 2007 European School Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs survey, which included 7,611 adolescents in public schools (8th-10th grades). Four levels of parental control were created and four substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and ecstasy) were analyzed. All significant variables at the bivariate level were included in the multivariate analysis. Most adolescents had a high level of parental monitoring and that was associated with younger age, females, high socioeconomic status, intact family structure, and satisfactory relationships with mother, father, and peers. Overall, substance use decreased as parental monitoring increased and high parental monitoring decreased as having consuming peers increased. Results remained essentially the same when the variable "having consuming peers" was added to the analysis. Conclusion: parental monitoring is associated to positive effects on adolescent substance use with a reduction of consumption and a lower probability of having consuming peers, which seems to protect adolescents against potentially negative peer influence. Encouraging parents to monitor their adolescents' activities and friendships by establishing rules about what is allowed or not is a way to limit the negative influence of consuming peers on adolescent substance use.
Objective: To examine whether the level of parental monitoring is associated with substance use among Swiss adolescents, and to assess whether this effect remains when these adolescents have consuming peers. Methods: Nationally representative sample from the Swiss participation in the 2007 European School Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) survey, which included 7611 adolescents issued from public schools (8th-10th grades). Four levels of parental control were created and four substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and ecstasy) were analyzed. All significant variables at the bivariate level were included in the multivariate analysis. Results: Most adolescents had a high level of parental monitoring and that was associated with younger age, being female, high socioeconomic status, intact family structure and a satisfactory relationship with mother, father and peers. Globally, substance use decreased as parental monitoring increased and high parental monitoring decreased having consuming peers. Results remained essentially the same when consuming peers were added in the analysis. Conclusions: Parental monitoring has positive effects on adolescent substance use with a reduction of consumption and a lower association with consuming peers, which seems to protect adolescents against their potential negative influence. Encouraging parents to monitor their adolescents' activities and friendships by establishing rules about what is allowed or not are simple ways to limit the negative influence of consuming peers on adolescent substance use.
Cette thèse vise un apport conceptuel et empirique au sujet du rapport à l’alcool chez les hommes et les femmes âgés de 55 ans et plus provenant de la population générale du Canada. Les deux objectifs généraux sont de mieux comprendre l’influence du contexte social/environnemental sur la consommation d’alcool des adultes âgés et de mieux comprendre la relation entre la consommation d’alcool et la santé. La thèse est composée de deux articles empiriques associés à chacun des objectifs. Plus précisément, le premier article tente d’évaluer l’impact des changements associés à l’alcool depuis les années 1990 dans le contexte canadien sur la consommation d’alcool (effet période) en comparant des adultes âgés de 55 à 74 ans provenant de deux enquêtes populationnelles canadiennes : CADS de 1994 (Canada’s Alcohol and other Drugs Survey) et GENACIS de 2004 (GENder, Alcohol, and Culture: an International Study). Il vérifie également si le contexte a un effet significatif sur les différences observées en tenant compte de l’âge, de la perception subjective de la santé et de la composition sociodémographique des échantillons. Les résultats montrent que les taux de buveurs, de consommation excessive, de buveurs de bière et de vin sont plus élevés en 2004, dans un contexte social/environnemental plus favorable à l’alcool. De plus, les profils de consommation d’alcool ne diffèrent pas entre 1994 et 2004 (volume, fréquence, quantité, quantité maximale), signifiant probablement l’influence des changements physiques qui accompagnent le vieillissement normal sur la modulation de la consommation d’alcool avec l’âge. Le deuxième article vise à dégager une typologie de buveurs et de non-buveurs chez les adultes âgés canadiens, à évaluer comment cette typologie est associée à l’état de santé ainsi qu’à comparer le rôle de l’alcool à celui d’un ensemble d’autres déterminants de la santé dans l’association à la santé (ici santé autoperçue). Les résultats issus de l’enquête GENACIS de 2004 montrent que les buveurs se perçoivent en meilleure santé que les non-buveurs, peu importe le profil de consommation d’alcool rapporté. Il est probable que l’état de santé autoperçue dicte le statut de buveur ou de non-buveur et non pas l’inverse. Les résultats montrent aussi que les caractéristiques démographiques, psychosociales et les comportements liés à la santé des adultes âgés sont davantage associés à la perception de leur santé que leur consommation (ou non-consommation) d’alcool seule. Les résultats de ce second article indiquent notamment que les bienfaits de la consommation d’alcool se définissent probablement par la biologie, mais pas seulement par la biologie. Il est recommandé de poursuivre l’étude du rapport à l’alcool chez les adultes âgés qui peut varier d’une cohorte et d’une période à l’autre. D’un point de vue de santé publique, la conceptualisation d’un modèle de santé qui cible les adultes âgés implique une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de la consommation d’alcool et d’autres déterminants de la santé sur l’état de santé. Les contributions et implications pratiques de la thèse ainsi que les principales limites et pistes de futures recherches sont présentées dans la discussion.
The present study had as a main objective to analyze how the professionals at a CAPS ad unit in Natal-RN conceive the knowledge-practice process with regard to the Harm Reduction Policy (HRP) towards alcohol and other drugs. For the accomplishment of this proposal, it was intended: 1) Verifying the possibilities and limits of the HRP implementation at a CAPS ad unit in Natal-RN; 2) Relating the professionals knowledge at a CAPS ad unit in Natal in regard to the Harm Reduction Policy; 3) Enumerating the HRP programmatic actions at the institution. The research had exploratory, descriptive and qualitative approach aspects, guided by the concepts of biopower and self care proposed by Michel Foucault. Data collection occurred in June and July 2011, in which the focal group technique was used. After that, collect field material was analyzed through the content analysis method proposed by Minayo. The results showed some conceptual and practical approach between the harm reduction strategy and the knowledge-practice of the professionals at this CAPS ad unit. The discursive models about drug usage, especially the moral-legal model, still have a significant role in the daily lives of these professionals, being amplified by some demands of their jobs or even through the instituted discourse. The individuals recognize the need for less prohibited practices and more socializing ones, identifying them with the Harm Reduction (HR) logic, when there is a coherent and well-founded understanding about HR among the professionals. Distorted and reductionist views about HR as considering the simple instrumental function of this strategy (distribution of basic supplies) among the professionals, represent one of the main barriers for its implementation. There are few programmatic activities that are related to the RD strategy at this CAPS ad unit which makes a more effective appropriation by the working team difficult to reach. The working processes and the postures adopted by this CAP ad unit professionals have been showing that many of their practices and conceptions were modified to the detriment of new necessities emerged from the demands. Consequently, the self care notion is revealed which brings the need for the valorization of these care agents roles, that is, their collective and individual contribution.
O uso abusivo de álcool por adolescentes é uma questão que preocupa os envolvidos com a educação, uma vez que as consequências desse fato podem gerar sérios prejuízos ao processo ensino-aprendizagem e ao adolescente que abusa. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o debate na busca de uma intervenção efetiva que possa ser utilizada, sobretudo nas escolas, procuramos detectar a possível relação entre uso abusivo de álcool e raciocínio moral. Para tanto, participaram alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública, selecionados por meio da aplicação do AUDIT (The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test), que posteriormente foram entrevistados, conforme a Moral Judgement Interview (MJI) proposta por Kohlberg. Os resultados obtidos revelam níveis e estágios morais aquém dos esperados. Concluímos que a prevenção pode ser pensada por meio da Educação Moral como uma proposta de intervenção efetiva contra o uso abusivo de álcool e outras drogas.
National surveys indicate that 6.8 % of the brazilian population is dependent on alcohol and 1 % dependent on illicit drugs, representing a significant portion of the population affected by this issue . Primary Care becomes instrumental in expanding the coverage of this demand and in reducing unnecessary referrals for specialized care. This study aimed to investigate the responsiveness and institutional support of Primary Care Teams in relation to the demands of alcohol and drugs users. The research was conducted in a Family Health Unit in West Sanitary District of Natal City. With quantitative and qualitative nature, our study consisted of two stages. At first, we performed a mapping of alcohol and other drugs abusive use in a sample of the population assisted by Family Heath Teams, using sociodemographic questionnaire and ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test). 406 questionnaires were completed. Of these questionnaires, 27.8% are men and 72.2% women, of which 56% are between 20 and 39 years-old, they are housewives, have a stable relationship and are consumers of tobacco (37.6%), marijuana (13%) and especially alcohol (57%). In second stage, two Conversation Circles with Family Health Teams and the referential Family Health Support Center were formed to discuss the data of the mapping realized in the previous phase. The circles, which had participation of 20 of the 37 professional teams from Family Health and 2 from Family Health Support Center, showed a lack of professional training in the subject; inability of the healthcare network in the user embracement; belief of professionals that nothing can be done when matter is alcohol and drugs; and referencing as the only care action performed by teams. Thus we point out the need to support an approach on issues of alcohol and drugs which consider gender issues, investing in Harm Reduction Policy as a possibility of working in this context for recognizing each user in their uniqueness and strategizing with them to promote health in a broad and contextualized way
The treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs suffered significant modifications until arriving to the psychosocial model that is used by Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN (Psychosocial Support Center). That model appears starting from Brazilian sanitary and psychiatric reforms which are expressed in the principles and propositions of Sistema Único de Saúde SUS (Unique System of Health). The Psychiatric Reform meant a rupture with the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern which was destined to the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs. The new proposal offers the universalization, democratization, regionalization and completeness of the actions in the field of mental health. It gathers a strictly interdisciplinary health staff. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment for abusive users of alcohol and other drugs offered by CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The evaluation used, as priority, the qualitative social research through an evaluating study starting from the non-experimental model. The methodological process used different instruments of data collection: bibliographical and documental researches, systematic observations at CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN and, mainly, the semistructured interviews (21) that were accomplished with the professionals, users and relatives of CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN. The investigation showed the effectiveness of the service and, therefore, CAPSad II Eastern Natal/RN constitute itself as the main confronting strategy to the mental hospital and hospital centered treatment pattern of caring the abusive users of alcohol and other drugs