955 resultados para Workforce development
The agency continually strives to improve processes and align the organization in such a way to provide effective, demand driven products and services. Iowa Workforce Development‟s administrative, labor services, workers‟ compensation, labor market information, and the unemployment insurance service staff are located in Des Moines. Additionally, the agency maintains a statewide delivery system of 55 field offices in conjunction with our workforce partners. Through a comprehensive Web site, Iowa Workforce Development provides customers access to major services such as posting résumés; access to a statewide job bank; labor services information, unemployment claim information and filing options; and labor market information, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Report on a review of certain Unemployment Insurance payments made by Iowa Workforce Development during the period January 1, 2006 through March 15, 2011
Iowa ended its third year of a moderate economic recovery as fiscal year 2012 came to a close. Though many of the fundamentals in the state’s economy reflected strength during the year, employment had not returned to its pre-recession level, and job growth remained tepid. Furthermore, there was a distinct dichotomy in where hiring occurred. Most of the state’s job growth was concentrated in the goods-producing industries of construction and manufacturing, while the service-providing industries showed little momentum except for healthcare. Within the manufacturing sector, machinery products was one of the state’s fastest-growing subsectors in 2011, accounting for the creation of several thousand higher-paying jobs. The state’s nonfarm employment advanced by 12,200 in FY 2012 led primarily by growth in manufacturing and construction, which were up 9,900 and 3,800, respectively. Healthcare was the strongest of the service-providing industries with an annual gain of 2,600 jobs, while government continued to be the biggest drag on the statewide economy. Although all three levels of government employment dropped from one year ago, state government lost the most jobs at 1,900.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Department of Workforce Development (IWD) MyIowaUI and Unemployment Insurance Benefit systems for the period April 16, 2012 through May 4, 2012
Report on the Iowa Department of Workforce Development for the year ended June 30, 2012
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Plan, Iowa Workforce Development