977 resultados para Women´s health
Se realizó un estudio cualitativo exploratorio con estudiantes de carreras de Ciencias de la Salud con el objetivo de comprender las representaciones sociales que tienen acerca de la Medicina Complementaria y Alternativa (MCA) para el cáncer. Se desarrollaron grupos focales y la información obtenida fue analizada a través del Análisis Temático e interpretada con base en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Se encontraron diversas representaciones sociales asociadas con la definición, los objetivos, los tratamientos, la eficacia, las fuentes de información y el origen de la MCA. En conclusión se evidenció una alta tendencia a la aceptación y a la manifestación de una actitud positiva, aunque ambivalente frente a la MCA, además de un desconocimiento por la diferenciación conceptual entre este tipo de Medicina y la Medicina Popular. La cultura y las creencias sociales predominan en las representaciones sociales que tienen los estudiantes de la MCA para el cáncer, pese a su formación académica.
Este proyecto de investigación se enfoca en estudiar la configuración de las feminidades en mujeres que han pasado por la experiencia del cáncer de seno. Teniendo en cuenta que cada una de ellas tiene una trayectoria social diferente que determina el desarrollo de la feminidad y de la experiencia de la enfermedad. La metodología que se utilizó dentro de la investigación fue de carácter etnográfico, ya que se pretendió dar cuentan de la experiencia de la enfermedad, la corporalidad y la subjetividad.
La diabetes mellitus es una de las patologías frecuentes durante el embarazo, existe literatura que la ha relacionado con un mayor riesgo de aparición de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto patología que de manera clara afecta la calidad de vida de las mujeres, pero a la fecha la literatura no es concluyente. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretendió evaluar la evidencia relacionada con la diabetes gestacional como causa de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto.
We investigated the effect of a daily supplement of 200 mg of magnesium (as MgO) for two menstrual cycles on the severity of premenstrual symptoms in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. A daily supplement of 200 mg of Mg (as MgO) or placebo was administered for two menstrual cycles to each volunteer, who kept a daily record of her symptoms, using a 4-point scale in a menstrual diary of 22 items. Symptoms were grouped into six categories: PMS-A (anxiety), PMS-C (craving), PMS-D (depression), PMS-H (hydration), PMS-O (other), and PMS-T (total overall symptoms). Urinary Mg output/24 hours was estimated from spot samples using the Mg/creatinine ratio. Analysis of variance for 38 women showed no effect of Mg supplementation compared with placebo in any category in the first month of supplementation. In the second month there was a greater reduction (p = 0.009) of symptoms of PMS-H (weight gain, swelling of extremities, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating) with Mg supplementation compared with placebo. Compliance to supplementation was confirmed by the greater mean estimated 24-hour urinary output of Mg (p = 0.013) during Mg supplementation (100.8 mg) compared with placebo (74.1 mg). A daily supplement of 200 mg of Mg (as MgO) reduced mild premenstrual symptoms of fluid retention in the second cycle of administration.
Objectives: To evaluate the effects of folic acid supplementation on isolated oral cleft recurrence and fetal growth. Patients and Methods: The study included 2,508 women who were at-risk for oral cleft recurrence and randomized into two folic acid supplementation groups: 0.4 and 4 mg per day before pregnancy and throughout the first trimester. The infant outcome data were based on 234 live births. In addition to oral cleft recurrence, several secondary outcomes were compared between the two folic acid groups. Cleft recurrence rates were also compared to historic recurrence rates. Results: The oral cleft recurrence rates were 2.9% and 2.5% in the 0.4 and 4 mg groups, respectively. The recurrence rates in the two folic acid groups both separately and combined were significantly different from the 6.3% historic recurrence rate post the folic acid fortification program for this population (p = 0.0009 when combining the two folic acid groups). The rate of cleft lip with palate recurrence was 2.9% in the 0.4 mg group and 0.8% in the 4 mg group. There were no elevated fetal growth complications in the 4 mg group compared to the 0.4 mg group. Conclusions: The study is the first double-blinded randomized clinical trial (RCT) to study the effect of high dosage folic acid supplementation on isolated oral cleft recurrence. The recurrence rates were similar between the two folic acid groups. However, the results are suggestive of a decrease in oral cleft recurrence compared to the historic recurrence rate. A RCT is still needed to identify the effect of folic acid on oral cleft recurrence given these suggestive results and the supportive results from previous interventional and observational studies, and the study offers suggestions for such future studies. The results also suggest that high dosage folic acid does not compromise fetal growth. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta tese possui como tema o estudo da saúde tradicional, traz a proposta de pesquisar os saberes e práticas dos profissionais de saúde tradicional que utilizam técnicas corporais para tratar perturbações e desconfortos restabelecendo a saúde aos atendidos. Trabalho de campo foi realizado no distrito de Icoaraci na cidade de Belém e na localidade de Chipaiá, no município de Cachoeira do Arari, o qual faz parte do arquipélago do Marajó. Apresenta como objeto de estudo a construção social da prática do profissional de saúde tradicional, como elemento mágico-simbólico e social de saúde nas regiões trabalhadas. Foram selecionados oito profissionais de saúde tradicionais, quatro em cada localidade. Por meio de observações e entrevistas abertas o estudo busca aprofundar a medida curativa conhecida como “puxação”, prática pertencente ao Sistema Tradicional de Ação para a Saúde (STAS), discutindo as concepções que dizem respeito a crenças, mitos e representações simbólicas utilizadas para a construção do saber tradicional; a forma que são realizados os ritos e como tais práticas levam à construção social do profissional de saúde tradicional; as concepções de saúde e doença na concepção do STAS; e a relação das práticas de cura com o sistema social. A análise também aborda a inter-relação dos ritos: puxação da mãe-do-corpo e puxação de barriga-cheia como exemplos de práticas singulares do STAS, sua importância na atenção à saúde da mulher e reflexo gerado no Sistema Ocidental de Ação para Saúde (SOAS).
Background: Sexual violence is considered a serious violation of human rights which affects mainly young women and adolescents. There is little information about the conditions under which sexual offences occur. We evaluated characteristics of sexual violence against adolescent girls and adult women.Method: This is a quantitative, retrospective, descriptive study of sexual violence against adolescent girls and adult women. Analyses were carried out on data collected from 1118 women, 546 adolescents (10-19 years) and 572 adults (>= 20 years), with a complaint of rape treated at Hospital Perola Byington, Sao Paulo, between 1994 and 1999. The age limit of the adolescent sample met the World Health Organization's (WHO) criteria. We analyzed the type of sexual contact, degree of intimidation, perpetrator and activity of the victim during the approach.Results: Crimes without penetration were five times more frequent in adolescents and use of threats of death or intimidation was common in both groups. Mental illness was more prevalent in adult victims and the majority of adolescent victims were aged < 14 years. Uncle and stepfather perpetrators were more frequent among adolescents and partners or former intimate partners in adult women. In most cases the approach occurred in public places, although sex crimes at the perpetrator's residence were more frequent amongst adolescents.Conclusions: Although children and adolescents require the same intervention measures and legal protection, a considerable proportion of adolescent sex offenders can face conditions similar to those of adult women.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
This study had the aim of verify the perception of women and pregnant women about the HIV vertical transmission. It was approved by the Ethical Review Board. A semistructured questionnaire, pretested, was used, with open and closed questions which presented variables about socioeconomiccultural status and HIV vertical transmission. After informed consent, 114 women were enrolled in the study, 72 of them pregnant women, who looked for health care on the public health service of a Brazilian city, at São Paulo State, from October, 2009 to January, 2010. None of the interviewed women knew the meaning of HIV vertical transmission term. When asked about HIV transmission from mother to child, 86.8% answered it could happen, but half of them didn’t know how it occurred and only 34.2% knew how to prevent, but in a deficient way. As conclusion, these women did not know the HIV vertical transmission term and when they had some knowledge this was limited. These results serve as support for a preventive program for conscientization of women about HIV vertical transmission.