468 resultados para Widow spiders
We investigated the possibility of reproductive interference between two sibling spider species, Paratrechalea azul and Paratrechalea ornata, which occur syntopically and reproduce synchronously. Males of both species offer a nuptial gift composed of prey wrapped in silk to females. Through laboratory experiments, we evaluated possible asymmetries in the outcome of heterospecific encounters between males and females, and investigated whether chemical signalling could function as a premating barrier between the two species. Males of P. azul were unable to discriminate conspecific from heterospecific female draglines, which resulted in wasted time and energy in nuptial gift construction. Males of P. ornata incurred a higher cost for discrimination mistakes because most of them were attacked by heterospecific females; 95% lost the nuptial gift upon the attack and 33% were preyed upon. This pattern is probably a consequence of differences in body size between males and females of each species. Both species showed erroneous female choice, but only P. ornata females courted heterospecific males, which are considerably larger than conspecific males and may resemble high-quality mating partners. Males of P. ornata also made discrimination mistakes, but at a much lower frequency compared to P. azul males. The selective pressure for precise recognition of conspecific female signs is probably stronger on P. ornata males because misdirected courtship may increase their chances of encountering predatory heterospecific females. This study provides the first detailed evidence of reproductive interference between two reproductively isolated spider species, showing that the costs paid by individuals of different sexes and different species are highly asymmetric. (C) 2012 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The existence of millisecond pulsars with planet-mass companions in close orbits is challenging from the stellar evolution point of view. We calculate in detail the evolution of binary systems self-consistently, including mass transfer, evaporation, and irradiation of the donor by X-ray feedback, demonstrating the existence of a new evolutionary path leading to short periods and compact donors as required by the observations of PSR J1719-1438. We also point out the alternative of an exotic nature of the companion planet-mass star.
The central point of this work is the investigation of neurogenesis in chelicerates and myriapods. By comparing decisive mechanisms in neurogenesis in the four arthropod groups (Chelicerata, Crustacea, Insecta, Myriapoda) I was able to show which of these mechanisms are conserved and which developmental modules have diverged. Thereby two processes of embryonic development of the central nervous system were brought into focus. On the one hand I studied early neurogenesis in the ventral nerve cord of the spiders Cupiennius salei and Achaearanea tepidariorum and the millipede Glomeris marginata and on the other hand the development of the brain in Cupiennius salei.rnWhile the nervous system of insects and crustaceans is formed by the progeny of single neural stem cells (neuroblasts), in chelicerates and myriapods whole groups of cells adopt the neural cell fate and give rise to the ventral nerve cord after their invagination. The detailed comparison of the positions and the number of the neural precursor groups within the neuromeres in chelicerates and myriapods showed that the pattern is almost identical which suggests that the neural precursors groups in these arthropod groups are homologous. This pattern is also very similar to the neuroblast pattern in insects. This raises the question if the mechanisms that confer regional identity to the neural precursors is conserved in arthropods although the mode of neural precursor formation is different. The analysis of the functions and expression patterns of genes which are known to be involved in this mechanism in Drosophila melanogaster showed that neural patterning is highly conserved in arthropods. But I also discovered differences in early neurogenesis which reflect modifications and adaptations in the development of the nervous systems in the different arthropod groups.rnThe embryonic development of the brain in chelicerates which was investigated for the first time in this work shows similarities but also some modifications to insects. In vertebrates and arthropods the adult brain is composed of distinct centres with different functions. Investigating how these centres, which are organised in smaller compartments, develop during embryogenesis was part of this work. By tracing the morphogenetic movements and analysing marker gene expressions I could show the formation of the visual brain centres from the single-layered precheliceral neuroectoderm. The optic ganglia, the mushroom bodies and the arcuate body (central body) are formed by large invaginations in the peripheral precheliceral neuroectoderm. This epithelium itself contains neural precursor groups which are assigned to the respective centres and thereby build the three-dimensional optical centres. The single neural precursor groups are distinguishable during this process leading to the assumption that they carry positional information which might subdivide the individual brain centres into smaller functional compartments.rn
Le Millisecond Pulsar (MSP) sono stelle di neutroni magnetizzate e rapidamente rotanti, prodotte da fenomeni di accrescimento di massa e momento angolare da parte di una stella compagna. Secondo lo scenario canonico di formazione, è atteso che la stella compagna sia una nana bianca di He, privata del suo inviluppo esterno. Tuttavia, in un numero crescente di casi, la compagna della MSP è stata identificata in una stella di piccola massa, non degenere, ancora soggetta a fenomeni di perdita di massa. Queste MSP vengono comunemente chiamate ''Black-Widow'' (BW) e sono l'oggetto di studio di questa tesi. In particolare, l'obiettivo di questo lavoro è l'identificazione della controparte ottica della PSR J1953+1846A nell'ammasso globulare M71. Essa è classificata come BW, data la piccola massa della compagna (~0.032 Msun) e il segnale radio eclissato per circa il 20% dell'orbita. Tramite l'uso di osservazioni ad alta risoluzione con il telescopio spaziale Hubble, abbiamo identificato, in una posizione compatibile con la MSP, un debole oggetto, la cui variabilità mostra una periodicità coerente con quella del sistema binario, noto dalla banda radio. La struttura della curva di luce è indicativa della presenza di fenomeni di irraggiamento della superficie stellare esposta all'emissione della MSP e dalla sua analisi abbiamo stimato alcuni parametri fisici della compagna, come la temperatura superficiale ed il fattore di riempimento del lobo di Roche. Dal confronto tra le curve di luce X ed ottica, abbiamo inoltre trovato evidenze a favore della presenza di shocks nelle regioni intrabinarie. Abbiamo quindi evidenziato l'estrema similarità di questo sistema con l'unica compagna di BW attualmente nota in un ammasso globulare: PSR J1518+0204C. Infine, abbiamo effettuato uno studio preliminare delle controparti ottiche delle sorgenti X dell'ammasso. Abbiamo così identificato due AGN che, insieme ad altre due galassie, hanno permesso la determinazione del moto proprio assoluto delle stelle dell'ammasso.
Defensins are a major family of antimicrobial peptides found throughout the phylogenetic tree. From the spider species: Cupiennius salei, Phoneutria reidyi, Polybetes pythagoricus, Tegenaria atrica, and Meta menardi, defensins belonging to the 'ancestral' class of invertebrate defensins were cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences contain the characteristic six cysteines of this class of defensins and reveal precursors of 60 or 61 amino acid residues. The mature peptides consist of 37 amino acid residues, showing up to 70% identities with tick and scorpion defensins. In C. salei, defensin mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in hemocytes, ovaries, subesophageal nerve mass, hepatopancreas, and muscle tissue. This is the first report presenting and comparing antimicrobial peptides belonging to the family of defensins from spiders.
This review on all spider venom components known by the end of 2010 bases on 1618 records for venom compounds from 174 spider species (= 0.41% of all known species) belonging to 32 families (= 29% of all existing spider families). Spiders investigated for venom research are either big (many mygalomorph species, Nephilidae, Ctenidae and Sparassidae) or medically important for humans (e.g. Loxosceles or Latrodectus species). Venom research widely ignored so far the two most species-rich families (Salticidae and Linyphiidae) and strongly neglected several other very abundant families (Araneidae, Lycosidae, Theridiidae, Thomisidae and Gnaphosidae). We grouped the known 1618 records for venom compounds into six categories: low molecular mass compounds (16 % of all compounds), acylpolyamines (11 %), linear peptides (6 %), cysteine-knotted mini-proteins (60 %), neurotoxic proteins (1 %) and enzymes (6 %). Low molecular mass compounds are known from many spider families and contain organic acids, nucleosides, nucleotides, amino acids, amines, polyamines, and some further substances, many of them acting as neurotransmitters. Acylpolyamines contain amino acids (Araneidae and Nephilidae) or not (several other families) and show a very high diversity within one species. Linear peptides, also called cytolytic, membranolytic or antimicrobial, exert a highly specific structure and are so far only known from Ctenidae, Lycosidae, Oxyopidae and Zodariidae. Cysteine-knotted mini-proteins represent the majority of venom compounds because research so far focused on them. They probably occur in most but not all spider families. Neurotoxic proteins so far are only known from theridiid spiders. Enzymes had been neglected for some time but meanwhile it becomes obvious that they play an important role in spider venoms. Sixteen enzymes either cleave polymers in the extracellular matrix or target phospholipids and related compounds in membranes. The overall structure of these compounds is given and the function, as far as it is known, is described. Since several of these component groups are presented in one average spider venom, we discuss the known interactions and synergisms and give reasons for such a functional redundancy. We also discuss main evolutionary pathways for spider venom compounds such as high variability among components of one group, synergistic interactions between cysteine-knotted mini-proteins and other components (low molecular mass compounds and linear peptides), change of function from ion-channel acting mini-proteins to cytolytic effects and replacement of mini-proteins by linear peptides, acylpolyamines, large proteins or enzymes. We also add first phylogenetic considerations.