951 resultados para White collar workers


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Objetivos: Analizar las desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo, conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar, y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo en una muestra de la población ocupada en España en el año 2007 teniendo en cuenta la clase social y el sector de actividad. Métodos: Las desigualdades de género se analizaron mediante 25 indicadores en los 11.054 trabajadores entrevistados en la VI Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo. Se calcularon las odds ratio (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%) mediante modelos de regresión logística multivariados, estratificando por clase social ocupacional y sector de actividad. Resultados: Más mujeres que hombres trabajaban sin contrato (OR = 1,83; IC95%: 1,51-2,21), con alto esfuerzo o baja recompensa (1,14:1,05-1,25) y sufriendo acoso sexual (2,85:1,75-4,62), discriminación (1,60:1,26-2,03) y más dolores osteomusculares (1,38:1,19-1,59). Más hombres que mujeres trabajaban a turnos (0,86:0,79-0,94), con altos niveles de ruido (0,34:0,30-0,40), altas exigencias físicas (0,58:0,54-0,63) y sufriendo más lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (0,67:0,59-0,76). Las trabajadoras no manuales mostraron trabajar con un contrato temporal (1,34:1,09-1,63), expuestas a más riesgos psicosociales y sufriendo mayor discriminación (2,47:1,49-4,09) y enfermedades profesionales (1,91:1,28-2,83). En el sector de la industria las desigualdades de género fueron más marcadas. Conclusiones: En España existen importantes desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo, que se ven influenciadas por la clase social y el sector de actividad, y que sería necesario tener en consideración en las políticas públicas de salud laboral.


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Objectives: To analyse the association between self-perceived discrimination and social determinants (social class, gender, country of origin) in Spain, and further to describe contextual factors which contribute to self-perceived discrimination. Methods: Cross-sectional design using data from the Spanish National Health Survey (2006). The dependent variable was self-perceived discrimination, and independent and stratifying variables were sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. sex, social class, country of origin, educational level). Logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of self-perceived discrimination was 4.2% for men and 6.3% for women. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination was higher in people who originated from low-income countries: men, odds ratio (OR) 5.59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 4.55–6.87]; women, OR 4.06 (95% CI 3.42–4.83). Women were more likely to report self-perceived discrimination by their partner at home than men [OR 8.35 (95% CI 4.70–14.84)]. The likelihood of self-perceived discrimination when seeking work was higher among people who originated from low-income countries than their Spanish counterparts: men, OR 13.65 (95% CI 9.62–19.35); women, OR 10.64 (95% CI 8.31–13.62). In comparison with Spaniards, male white-collar workers who originated from low-income countries [OR 11.93 (95% CI 8.26–17.23)] and female blue-collar workers who originated from low-income countries (OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.08–2.39)] reported higher levels of self-perceived discrimination. Conclusions: Self-perceived discrimination is distributed unevenly in Spain and interacts with social inequalities. This particularly affects women and immigrants.


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Description based on: 1980.


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This study explores two important aspects of entrepreneurship — liquidity constraints and serial entrepreneurs, with an additional analysis of occupational choice among wage workers. In the first essay, I revisit the question of whether entrepreneurs face liquidity constraints in business formation. The principle challenge is that wealth is correlated with unobserved ability, and adequate instruments are often difficult to identify. This paper uses the son's birth order as an instrument for household wealth. I exploit the data available in the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study, and find evidence of liquidity constraints associated with self-employment in South Korea. The second essay develops and tests a model that explains entry into serial entrepreneurship and the performance of serial entrepreneurs as the result of selection on innate ability. The model supposes that agents establish businesses with imperfect information about their entrepreneurial ability and the profitability of business ideas. Agents continually observe signals with which they update their beliefs, and this process eventually determines their next business choice. Selection on ability induces a positive correlation between entrepreneurial experience (measured by previous business earnings and founding experience) and serial business formation, as well as its subsequent performance. The predictions in the model are tested using panel data from the NLSY79. The analysis permits a distinction to be made between selection on innate ability and learning by doing. Motivated by previous empirical findings that white-collar workers had higher turnover rates than blue-collar workers during firm expansion, the third essay further examines job turnover among workers with or without specific skills. I present a search-matching model, which predicts that when firm growth is driven by technological advance, workers whose skills are specific to the obsolete technology show a higher tendency to separate from their jobs. This hypothesis is tested with data from the PSID. I find supportive evidence that in the context of technological change, having an occupation requiring specific skills, such as computer specialists or engineers, increases the odds of job separation by nearly eight percent. ^


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My dissertation investigates twin financial interventions—urban development and emergency management—in a single small town. Once a thriving city drawing blacks as blue-collar workers during the Great Migration, Benton Harbor, Michigan has suffered from waves of out-migration, debt, and alleged poor management. Benton Harbor’s emphasis on high-end economic development to attract white-collar workers and tourism, amidst the poverty, unemployment, and disenfranchisement of black residents, highlights an extreme case of American urban inequality. At the same time, many bystanders and representative observers argue that this urban redevelopment scheme and the city’s takeover by the state represent Benton Harbor residents’ only hope for a better life. I interviewed 44 key players and observers in local politics and development, attended 20 public meetings, conducted three months of observations, and collected extensive archival data. Examining Benton Harbor’s time under emergency management and its luxury golf course development as two exemplars of a larger relationship, I find that the top-down processes allegedly intended to alleviate Benton Harbor’s inequality actually reproduce and deepen the city’s problems. I propose that the beneficiaries of both plans constitute a white urban regime active in Benton Harbor. I show how the white urban regime serves its interests by operating an extraction machine in the city, which serves to reproduce local poverty and wealth by directing resources toward the white urban regime and away from the city.


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Contexte : Les effets cumulés des contraintes psychosociales du modèle déséquilibre efforts-reconnaissance (DER) sur la santé mentale sont peu connus. Aussi, peu d’études ont évalué les effets du DER sur des indicateurs objectifs de problèmes de santé mentale (PSM). Enfin, aucune étude prospective antérieure n’a évalué l’effet combiné des contraintes psychosociales du DER et du modèle demande-latitude (DL) et sur les PSM médicalement certifiés. La présente thèse vise à combler ces limites. Objectifs : 1) Mesurer l’effet de l’exposition cumulée au déséquilibre efforts-reconnaissance sur la prévalence de la détresse psychologique sur une période de cinq ans; 2) Mesurer l’effet du déséquilibre efforts-reconnaissance sur l’incidence des absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM sur une période de cinq ans; 3) Évaluer l’effet indépendant et l’effet combiné des contraintes psychosociales des modèles Demande-Latitude et Déséquilibre Efforts-Reconnaissance sur l’incidence des absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM sur une période de cinq ans. Méthodes : La cohorte était constituée de plus de 2000 hommes et femmes occupant des emplois de cols blancs. La collecte des données a été réalisée à trois reprises avec une moyenne de suivi de cinq ans. À chaque temps, les contraintes psychosociales et la détresse psychologique ont été mesurées à l’aide d’instruments validés. Les absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM ont été récoltées à partir des fichiers administratifs des employeurs. Les PSM ont été modélisés à l’aide des régressions log-binomiale et de Cox. Les analyses ont été réalisées séparément chez les hommes et les femmes, en ajustant pour les principaux facteurs de confusion. Résultats : Chez les hommes et les femmes, une exposition chronique au DER sur trois ans était associée à une prévalence plus élevée de la détresse psychologique. Les effets observés à trois ans ont persisté à cinq ans chez les hommes (Rapport de prévalence (RP)=1,91 (1,20–3,04)) et les femmes (RP=2,48 (1,97–3,11)). Ces effets étaient de plus grande amplitude que ceux observés en utilisant l’exposition initiale à l’entrée dans l’étude (de +0,30 à +0,94). Par ailleurs, les hommes et les femmes exposés au DER présentaient un risque plus élevé d’absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM (Risque relatif (RR)=1,38 (1,08–1,76)), comparés aux travailleurs non-exposés. La faible reconnaissance au travail était associée à un risque important d’absences pour PSM chez les hommes (RR=3,04 (1,46–6,33)) mais pas chez les femmes (RR=1,24 (0,90–1,72)). Chez les femmes uniquement, un effet indépendant du « job strain » (RR=1,50 (1,12–2,07)) et du DER (RR=1,34 (0,98–1,84)), ainsi qu’un effet de l’exposition combinée au « job strain » (demande psychologique élevée et faible latitude décisionnelle) et au DER (RR=1,97 (1,40–2,78)) sur le risque d’absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM ont également été observés. Conclusion : Les résultats de cette thèse supportent l’effet délétère de l’exposition au DER sur la prévalence de la détresse psychologique et sur le risque d’absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM chez les hommes et les femmes. Chez les hommes et les femmes, l’exposition cumulée au DER était associée à une prévalence élevée de la détresse psychologique à trois ans et à cinq ans. De plus, les contraintes psychosociales du DER ont été associées aux absences médicalement certifiés pour PSM. Chez les femmes particulièrement, un effet combiné du « job strain » et du DER était associé à un risque plus élevé d’absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM, que l’exposition à un seul des deux facteurs. Ces résultats suggèrent que la réduction des contraintes psychosociales au travail pourrait contribuer à réduire l’incidence des PSM, incluant les absences médicalement certifiées pour PSM.


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Opetushallituksen toteuttama laajasta raportista käy ilmi, että opetustyö koetaan henkisesti raskaana ja koettu stressi on yleisempää kuin muilla aloilla keskimäärin. Työssä viihtymistä heikentävät muun muassa fyysisen työympäristön puutteet, työtahti sekä työhön liittyvän stressin ja emotionaalisten paineiden kasvu. (Onnismaa 2010) Yhteiskunnassa vallitsevat nykyarvot tehokkuus, mittaus ja tuottavuus heijastuvat koulujen toimintaan väistämättä. Yhteiskunnalliset ilmiöt kuten oppilasaineksen muuttuminen muun muassa maahanmuuton ja kasvavien tuloerojen myötä kuormittavat nykypäivän opettajia uudella tavalla. Näiden ilmiöiden vaikutukset näkyvät kouluissa muun muassa käytöshäiriöinä, levottomuutena ja ahdistuneisuutena. (Syrjäläinen 2002) Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millainen on turkulaisten luokan- ja erityisopettajien kokema psyykkisen työhyvinvoinnin taso. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa opettajan työn stressitekijöitä, voimavaratekijöitä, työuupumuksen ja työn imun kokemista sekä keinoja stressin hallintaan ja sen vähentämiseksi. Tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle rajattiin työhyvinvointiin liittyvät tekijät kuten työturvallisuus ja koulu työyhteisönä. Tutkimus suoritettiin monimetodisesti. Määrällisinä mittareina käytettiin Maslach Burnout Inventorya, Työn imu –mittaria, Coping strategies for white collar workers -mittaria ja opettajan työn stressitekijät- mittaria. MBI:n ja Työn imun tulokset yhdistämällä luotiin työhyvinvointiprofiileja. Määrällisten mittareiden lisäksi käytettiin avoimia kysymyksiä muun muassa opettajien asenteiden ja kehitysehdotusten selvittämiseksi. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan turkulaiset luokan- ja erityisopettajat voivat työssään suhteellisen hyvin. Aineistosta 78 % kuuluvat työssään hyvinvoivien klustereihin. Vakavasti uupuneita opettajia oli 4 % aineistosta. Eniten opettajan työssä stressaavaksi koettiin muun muassa kiire, melu, tietotekniikka, puutteelliset resurssit ja työn lisääntyneet vaatimukset. Stressiä opettajat vähentäisivät esimerkiksi lisäämällä oppilaiden tukemiseen käytettäviä resursseja sekä luokkakokoja pienentämällä. Stressinhallintaan opettajat käyttivät eniten ongelmanratkaisutyyppisiä keinoja, kuten laitan asiat tärkeysjärjestykseen ja yritän rauhoittua ja selvittää ongelmat. Voimavaroina tutkimukseen osallistuneet opettajat kokivat työyhteisön, toimivan kodin ja koulun välisen yhteistyön sekä oppilaat. Erityisesti tilanteet, joissa opettaja näki oppilaan kehittyvän ja koki auttavansa lasta kohti parempaa tulevaisuutta, antoivat voimaa.


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International audience


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BACKGROUND: Drink driving is a significant public health concern, and contributes to many road fatalities worldwide. The current study is the first to examine the prevalence and correlates of drink driving behavior in a sample of night-time entertainment precinct attendees in Australia. METHODS: Interviews were conducted with 4214 night-time entertainment precinct attendees in two metropolitan and three regional cities in Australia. Seven correlates of self-reported drink driving were examined: gender, age, occupation, blood alcohol concentration (BAC), alcohol consumed prior to attending a licensed venue, energy drink consumption, and other drug consumption. RESULTS: Fourteen percent of night-time entertainment precinct attendees reported drink driving in the past three months. Bivariate logistic regression models indicated that males were significantly more likely than females to report drink driving in the past three months. Blue-collar workers and sales/clerical/administrative workers were significantly more likely to report drink driving behavior in the past three months than white-collar workers. The likelihood of reporting drink driving during the three months prior to interview significantly increased as BAC on the current night out increased, and when patrons reported engaging in pre-drinking or other drug use. The multivariate model presented a similar pattern of results, however BAC and pre-drinking on the night of the interview were no longer independent significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS: Males, blue collar/sales/clerical/administrative workers, and illicit drug consumers were more likely to report engaging in drink driving behavior than their counterparts. Interventions should focus on addressing the considerable proportion night-time entertainment precinct attendees who report engaging in drink driving behavior.


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La capacidad de gestión del personal se ha convertido en un imperativo para las organizaciones modernas. Por tanto se vienen introduciendo temas como la administración en valores y el engagement de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, la relación entre estos dos aún no ha sido estudiada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto que tiene el grado de articulación y reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales y personales y organizacionales sobre los niveles de engagement de los empleados. Para esta investigación se utilizó una muestra constituida por 54 trabajadores de una organización del sector salud de la ciudad de Bogotá a quienes les fueron aplicadas dos escalas: el Inventario para Medir la Articulación entre la Persona y la Organización (Inventario APO) y Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES). Como principal resultado se obtuvo que de las tres dimensiones consideradas predictoras del engagement, solamente el reconocimiento de los valores organizacionales tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo.


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Drawing on psychological contract literature, the present study examines the emerging contingent employment relationships, which involve the contracted workers, the employment agency and the client organization on whose premises these employees work. This sample includes eighty-eight white-collar employees working for four Portuguese agencies. The results suggest that the perceived fulfilment of client?s obligations relates positively to the perceived fulfilment of agency?s obligations and that these constructs are independent of one another. Furthermore, as expected, we have found that the perception of job insecurity relates negatively to the fulfilment of agency?s obligations. No relationship was found between employability and the perceived fulfilment of client?s obligations. The results have implications for practitioners and future research.


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The authors investigated how individual factors (age, gender, gender role, past experiences of sexual harassment) and organizational factors (gender ratio, sexual harassment policies, the role of employers) related to workers' attitudes toward and perceptions of sexual harassment. In Study 1, participants were 176 workers from a large, white-collar organization. In Study 2, participants were 75 workers from a smaller, blue-collar organization. Individuals from Study 2 experienced more sexual harassment, were more tolerant of sexual harassment, and perceived less behavior as sexual harassment than did individuals from Study 1. For both samples, organizational and individual factors predicted workers' attitudes toward and experiences of sexual harassment. Individual factors—such as age, gender, gender role, past experiences of sexual harassment, and perceptions of management's tolerance of sexual harassment—predicted attitudes toward sexual harassment. Workers' attitudes, the behavioral context, and the gender of the victim and perpetrator predicted perceptions of sexual harassment. The authors discussed the broader implications of these findings and suggested recommendations for future research.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the transitional employment aspirations and training and development needs of older and younger workers at risk of early retirement due to limited education and/or employment in blue collar occupations. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: A computer based methodology was used to evaluate the demographic effects of gender, education level and occupation group on aspirations pertaining to transitional employment and training and development in a sample of over 1000 Local Government employees. Findings: Older blue collar, secondary school educated and younger workers were less interested in transitional employment than older workers with higher levels of education or from white collar backgrounds. The early retirement risk factors of blue collar work and secondary school education had a more limited effect on perceived training and development needs for older workers. However for younger workers, these risk factors provided the impetus to undertake training to move into less physically demanding or more challenging roles as their careers progressed. Practical Implications: Via the identification of education level and occupation types groups’ transitional employment aspirations and perceptions of preparatory training and development within younger and older cohorts, long term strategies to develop and retain staff may be formulated. Originality/ Value: Past studies of transitional employment have rarely included younger workers or older workers at risk of early retirement. Preparatory training and development for transitional employment roles has not been considered in the literature.


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The purpose of the current article was to explore perceptions of transitional employment and training and development amongst blue collar workers employed in technical, trade, operations or physical and labour-intensive occupations within the local government system.


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Purpose - Critical scholarship on work-life balance (WLB) and its associated practices maintains that workplace flexibility is more than a quasi-functionalist response to contemporary problems faced by individuals, families or organisations. Beginning with Fleetwood’s contention that WLB discourses have become "detached" from their associated practices, this paper explores how workplace practices support or challenge dominant WLB discourses evident in socio-cultural, political and organisational sources. Design/methodology/approach - We analyse individual and group interview transcripts derived from 122 white-collar employees in two different organisational contexts (one public, one private) in the construction industry in Australia. Findings - Four major themes were identified in the data which illustrate discourse practice gaps. First, the demands facing this particular industry/ sector were framed as heightened and unique. Second, productivity was prioritised, dominating employees’ care-giving and lifestyle concerns. Third, employees’ caring responsibilities were communicated as personal and individual choices. Fourth, commitment and efficiency were judged on the basis of presence in the workplace. Research limitations/implications - Even in industries that have embraced WLB, workplace practices legitimate and reinforce the status quo, and maintain a gap between the promises of WLB and its potential to ameliorate conflict and assist workers to span the boundaries of paid work and other life domains. Originality/value - While the practices demonstrated in the research are focused on one industry, the study provides a critical analysis of how the contextually-influenced meaning of WLB is constructed, created and contested in these workplaces and the effects it produces.