999 resultados para White Mountains


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Paleogene sedimentary rocks of the Arkose Ridge Formation (Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska) preserve a record of a fluvial-lacustrine depositional environment and its forested ecosystem in an active basin among the convergent margin tectonic processes that shaped southern Alaska. An -800 m measured succession at Box Canyon indicates braid-plain deposition with predominantly gravelly deposits low in the exposure to sandy and muddy facies associations below an overlying lava flow sequence. U-Pb geochronology on zircons from a tuff and a sandstone within the measured section, as well as an Ar/Ar date from the overlying lava constrain the age of the sedimentary succession to between similar to 59 Ma and 48 Ma Fossil plant remains occur throughout the Arkose Ridge Formation as poorly-preserved coalified woody debris and fragmentary leaf impressions. At Box Canyon, however, a thin la-custrine depositional lens of rhythmically laminated mudrocks yielded fish fossils and a well-preserved floral assemblage including foliage and reproductive organs representing conifers, sphenopsids, monocots, and dicots. Leaf physiognomic methods to estimate paleoclimate were applied to the dicot leaf collection and indicate warm temperate paleotemperatures (-11-15 +/- -4 degrees C MAT) and elevated paleoprecipitation (-120 cm/yr MAP) estimates as compared to modem conditions; results that are parallel with previously published estimates from the partly coeval Chickaloon Formation deposited in more distal depositional environments in the same basin. The low abundance of leaf herbivory in the Box Canyon dicot assemblage (-9% of leaves damaged) is also similar to the results from assemblages in the meander-plain depositional systems of the Chickaloon. This new suite of data informs models of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of southern Alaska and the developing understanding of terrestrial paleoecology and paleoclimate at high latitudes during the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene greenhouse climate phase. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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First edition, 1838.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Spectral albedo was measured along a 6 km transect near the Allan Hills in East Antarctica. The transect traversed the sequence from new snow through old snow, firn, and white ice, to blue ice, showing a systematic progression of decreasing albedo at all wavelengths, as well as decreasing specific surface area (SSA) and increasing density. Broadband albedos under clear-sky range from 0.80 for snow to 0.57 for blue ice, and from 0.87 to 0.65 under cloud. Both air bubbles and cracks scatter sunlight; their contributions to SSA were determined by microcomputed tomography on core samples of the ice. Although albedo is governed primarily by the SSA (and secondarily by the shape) of bubbles or snow grains, albedo also correlates highly with porosity, which, as a proxy variable, would be easier for ice sheet models to predict than bubble sizes. Albedo parameterizations are therefore developed as a function of density for three broad wavelength bands commonly used in general circulation models: visible, near-infrared, and total solar. Relevance to Snowball Earth events derives from the likelihood that sublimation of equatorward-flowing sea glaciers during those events progressively exposed the same sequence of surface materials that we measured at Allan Hills, with our short 6 km transect representing a transect across many degrees of latitude on the Snowball ocean. At the equator of Snowball Earth, climate models predict thick ice, or thin ice, or open water, depending largely on their albedo parameterizations; our measured albedos appear to be within the range that favors ice hundreds of meters thick. Citation:


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This paper represents my attempt to turn the gaze and demonstrate how Indigenous Studies is controlled in some Australian universities in ways that witness Indigenous peoples being further marginalised, denigrated and exploited. I have endeavoured to do this through sharing an experience as a case study. I have opted to write about it as a way of exposing the problematic nature of racism, systemic marginalisation, white race privilege and radicalised subjectivity played out within an Australian higher education institution and because I am dissatisfied with the on-going status quo. In bringing forth analysis to this case study, I reveal the relationships between oppression, white race privilege and institutional privilege and the epistemology that maintains them. In moving from the position of being silent on this experience to speaking about it, I am able to move from the position of object to subject and to gain a form of liberated voice (hooks 1989:9). Furthermore, I am hopeful that it will encourage others to examine their own practices within universities and to challenge the domination that continues to subjugate Indigenous peoples.


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Objects have consequences, seemingly. They move, atomic, formlessly – when static they are seen. That they vibrate constantly, that they are NOW present, is something we will have to trust the physicists on. They only seem here. Now is their moment of form, but later, who knows? Things SEEM when we recognise our own transience and temporary-ness. We call upon a bevy of senses that forever frustrate us with their limitation, despite our little understanding of what we actually have – is this here? So some forms seem to be telling us to trust our senses – that this world IS as it seems. Their form constantly refines and is refined and refined until in its essentialness it cannot be doubted – it absolutely IS. Is this our eyes? Can we only see it? But light is also a particle, if I remember correctly, so there is some weight to seeing. So to SEEM is also to FEEL,as this light imposes its visual weight upon our skins – we see with every pore of our body.