931 resultados para When disease makes history
The introduction of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) has made significant impact on the reduction of the visual loss due to neovascular age-related macular degeneration (n-AMD). There are significant inter-individual differences in response to an anti-VEGF agent, made more complex by the availability of multiple anti-VEGF agents with different molecular configurations. The response to anti-VEGF therapy have been found to be dependent on a variety of factors including patient’s age, lesion characteristics, lesion duration, baseline visual acuity (VA) and the presence of particular genotype risk alleles. Furthermore, a proportion of eyes with n-AMD show a decline in acuity or morphology, despite therapy or require very frequent re-treatment. There is currently no consensus as to how to classify optimal response, or lack of it, with these therapies. There is, in particular, confusion over terms such as ‘responder status’ after treatment for n-AMD, ‘tachyphylaxis’ and ‘recalcitrant’ n-AMD. This document aims to provide a consensus on definition/categorisation of the response of n-AMD to anti-VEGF therapies and on the time points at which response to treatment should be determined. Primary response is best determined at 1 month following the last initiation dose, while maintained treatment (secondary) response is determined any time after the 4th visit. In a particular eye, secondary responses do not mirror and cannot be predicted from that in the primary phase. Morphological and functional responses to anti-VEGF treatments, do not necessarily correlate, and may be dissociated in an individual eye. Furthermore, there is a ceiling effect that can negate the currently used functional metrics such as >5 letters improvement when the baseline VA is good (ETDRS>70 letters). It is therefore important to use a combination of both the parameters in determining the response.The following are proposed definitions: optimal (good) response is defined as when there is resolution of fluid (intraretinal fluid; IRF, subretinal fluid; SRF and retinal thickening), and/or improvement of >5 letters, subject to the ceiling effect of good starting VA. Poor response is defined as <25% reduction from the baseline in the central retinal thickness (CRT), with persistent or new IRF, SRF or minimal or change in VA (that is, change in VA of 0+4 letters). Non-response is defined as an increase in fluid (IRF, SRF and CRT), or increasing haemorrhage compared with the baseline and/or loss of >5 letters compared with the baseline or best corrected vision subsequently. Poor or non-response to anti-VEGF may be due to clinical factors including suboptimal dosing than that required by a particular patient, increased dosing intervals, treatment initiation when disease is already at an advanced or chronic stage), cellular mechanisms, lesion type, genetic variation and potential tachyphylaxis); non-clinical factors including poor access to clinics or delayed appointments may also result in poor treatment outcomes. In eyes classified as good responders, treatment should be continued with the same agent when disease activity is present or reactivation occurs following temporary dose holding. In eyes that show partial response, treatment may be continued, although re-evaluation with further imaging may be required to exclude confounding factors. Where there is persistent, unchanging accumulated fluid following three consecutive injections at monthly intervals, treatment may be withheld temporarily, but recommenced with the same or alternative anti-VEGF if the fluid subsequently increases (lesion considered active). Poor or non-response to anti-VEGF treatments requires re-evaluation of diagnosis and if necessary switch to alternative therapies including other anti-VEGF agents and/or with photodynamic therapy (PDT). Idiopathic polypoidal choroidopathy may require treatment with PDT monotherapy or combination with anti-VEGF. A committee comprised of retinal specialists with experience of managing patients with n-AMD similar to that which developed the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Guidelines to Ranibizumab was assembled. Individual aspects of the guidelines were proposed by the committee lead (WMA) based on relevant reference to published evidence base following a search of Medline and circulated to all committee members for discussion before approval or modification. Each draft was modified according to feedback from committee members until unanimous approval was obtained in the final draft. A system for categorising the range of responsiveness of n-AMD lesions to anti-VEGF therapy is proposed. The proposal is based primarily on morphological criteria but functional criteria have been included. Recommendations have been made on when to consider discontinuation of therapy either because of success or futility. These guidelines should help clinical decision-making and may prevent over and/or undertreatment with anti-VEGF therapy.
The study examines the thought of Yanagita Kunio (1875–1962), an influential Japanese nationalist thinker and a founder of an academic discipline named minzokugaku. The purpose of the study is to bring into light an unredeemed potential of his intellectual and political project as a critique of the way in which modern politics and knowledge systematically suppresses global diversity. The study reads his texts against the backdrop of the modern understanding of space and time and its political and moral implications and traces the historical evolution of his thought that culminates in the establishment of minzokugaku. My reading of Yanagita’s texts draws on three interpretive hypotheses. First, his thought can be interpreted as a critical engagement with John Stuart Mill’s philosophy of history, as he turns Mill’s defense of diversity against Mill’s justification of enlightened despotism in non-Western societies. Second, to counter Mill’s individualistic notion of progressive agency, he turns to a Marxian notion of anthropological space, in which a laboring class makes history by continuously transforming nature, and rehabilitates the common people (jomin) as progressive agents. Third, in addition to the common people, Yanagita integrates wandering people as a countervailing force to the innate parochialism and conservatism of agrarian civilization. To excavate the unrecorded history of ordinary farmers and wandering people and promote the formation of national consciousness, his minzokugaku adopts travel as an alternative method for knowledge production and political education. In light of this interpretation, the aim of Yanagita’s intellectual and political project can be understood as defense and critique of the Enlightenment tradition. Intellectually, he attempts to navigate between spurious universalism and reactionary particularism by revaluing diversity as a necessary condition for universal knowledge and human progress. Politically, his minzokugaku aims at nation-building/globalization from below by tracing back the history of a migratory process cutting across the existing boundaries. His project is opposed to nation-building from above that aims to integrate the world population into international society at the expense of global diversity.
Introdução: A crescente incidência de doenças crónicas, nomeadamente a patologia renal, dificulta o desfrutar de uma vida normal, dadas as modificações ocorridas no quotidiano. Objetivos: Caracterizar a qualidade de vida percebida pelas crianças com patologia renal que frequentam campos de férias e analisar a relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. Metodologia: Estudo Ibérico descritivo-correlacional e transversal, misto: quantitativo e qualitativo. A amostra é composta por 29 crianças espanholas e 13 portuguesas, com patologia renal crónica, que frequentaram campos de férias com idades entre 7 e 17 anos. Utilizou-se a escala KINDL (Bullinger & Ravens-Sieberer, 1998a, 1998b), que contempla 7 dimensões: Bem-estar Físico, Bem-Estar Emocional, Autoestima, Família, Amigos, Escola e Situação Clínica. Agregaram-se 6 questões sociodemográficas e um bloco de notas. Resultados: Os participantes revelaram uma perceção positiva da qualidade de vida. A dimensão “Autoestima” foi a melhor percecionada e o “Bem-estar Emocional” a pior. As crianças de nacionalidade espanhola percecionaram melhor qualidade de vida. Relativamente às restantes variáveis, as diferenças não foram estatisticamente significativas. Pela análise de conteúdo efetuada aos testemunhos, emergiram sentimentos positivos, o que nos permite inferir que o campo de férias foi uma atividade que contribuiu para a socialização e melhoria da qualidade de vida das crianças. Conclusão: Estes dados revelam que seria benéfico um acompanhamento individualizado, mais direcionado às necessidades específicas de cada criança, por uma equipa multidisciplinar. Os campos de férias enquanto formativos e lúdicos são essenciais. Palavras-chave: Qualidade de vida; Doença renal; Acampamento.
O vírus da gripe é uma das maiores causas de morbilidade e mortalidade em todo o mundo, afetando um elevado número de indivíduos em cada ano. Em Portugal a vigilância epidemiológica da gripe é assegurada pelo Programa Nacional de Vigilância da Gripe (PNVG), através da integração da informação das componentes clínica e virológica, gerando informação detalhada relativamente à atividade gripal. A componente clínica é suportada pela Rede Médicos-Sentinela e tem um papel especialmente relevante por possibilitar o cálculo de taxas de incidência permitindo descrever a intensidade e evolução da epidemia de gripe. A componente virológica tem por base o diagnóstico laboratorial do vírus da gripe e tem como objetivos a deteção e caraterização dos vírus da gripe em circulação. Para o estudo mais completo da etiologia da síndrome gripal foi efectuado o diagnóstico diferencial de outros vírus respiratórios: vírus sincicial respiratório tipo A (RSV A) e B (RSV B), o rhinovírus humano (hRV), o vírus parainfluenza humano tipo 1 (PIV1), 2 (PIV2) e 3 (PIV3), o coronavírus humano (hCoV), o adenovírus (AdV) e o metapneumovirus humano (hMPV). Desde 2009 a vigilância da gripe conta também com a Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da Gripe que atualmente é constituída por 15 hospitais onde se realiza o diagnóstico laboratorial da gripe. A informação obtida nesta Rede Laboratorial adiciona ao PNVG dados relativos a casos de doença respiratória mais severa com necessidade de internamento. Em 2011/2012, foi lançado um estudo piloto para vigiar os casos graves de gripe admitidos em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) que deu origem à atual Rede de vigilância da gripe em UCI constituída em 2015/2016 por 31 UCI (324 camas). Esta componente tem como objetivo a monitorização de novos casos de gripe confirmados laboratorialmente e admitidos em UCI, permitindo a avaliação da gravidade da doença associada à infeção pelo vírus da gripe. O Sistema da Vigilância Diária da Mortalidade constitui uma componente do PNVG que permite monitorizar a mortalidade semanal por “todas as causas” durante a época de gripe. É um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica que pretende detetar e estimar de forma rápida os impactos de eventos ambientais ou epidémicos relacionados com excessos de mortalidade. A notificação de casos de Síndrome Gripal (SG) e a colheita de amostras biológicas foi realizada em diferentes redes participantes do PNVG: Rede de Médicos-Sentinela, Rede de Serviços de Urgência/Obstetrícia, médicos do Projeto EuroEVA, Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da Gripe e Rede vigilância da gripe em UCI. Na época de vigilância da gripe de 2015/2016 foram notificados 1.273 casos de SG, 87% dos quais acompanhados de um exsudado da nasofaringe para diagnóstico laboratorial. No inverno de 2015/2016 observou-se uma atividade gripal de baixa intensidade. O período epidémico ocorreu entre a semana 53/2015 e a semana 8/2016 e o valor mais elevado da taxa de incidência semanal de SG (72,0/100000) foi observado na semana 53/2015. De acordo com os casos notificados à Rede Médicos-Sentinela, o grupo etário dos 15 aos 64 anos foi o que apresentou uma incidência cumulativa mais elevada. O vírus da gripe foi detetado em 41,0% dos exsudados da nasofaringe recebidos tendo sido detetados outros vírus respiratórios em 24% destes. O vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 foi o predominantemente detetado em 90,4% dos casos de gripe. Foram também detetados outros vírus da gripe, o vírus B - linhagem Victoria (8%), o vírus A(H3) (1,3%) e o vírus B- linhagem Yamagata (0,5%). A análise antigénica dos vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 mostrou a sua semelhança com a estirpe vacinal 2015/2016 (A/California/7/2009), a maioria dos vírus pertencem ao novo grupo genético 6B.1, que foi o predominantemente detetado em circulação na Europa. Os vírus do tipo B apesar de detetados em número bastante mais reduzido comparativamente com o subtipo A(H1)pdm09, foram na sua maioria da linhagem Victoria que antigenicamente se distinguem da estirpe vacinal de 2015/2016 (B/Phuket/3073/2013). Esta situação foi igualmente verificada nos restantes países da Europa, Estados Unidos da América e Canadá. Os vírus do subtipo A(H3) assemelham-se antigenicamente à estirpe selecionada para a vacina de 2016/2017 (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014). Geneticamente a maioria dos vírus caraterizados pertencem ao grupo 3C.2a, e são semelhantes à estirpe vacinal para a época de 2016/2017. A avaliação da resistência aos antivirais inibidores da neuraminidase, não revelou a circulação de estirpes com diminuição da suscetibilidade aos inibidores da neuraminidase (oseltamivir e zanamivir). A situação verificada em Portugal é semelhante à observada a nível europeu. A percentagem mais elevada de casos de gripe foi verificada nos indivíduos com idade inferior a 45 anos. A febre, as cefaleias, o mal-estar geral, as mialgias, a tosse e os calafrios mostraram apresentar uma forte associação à confirmação laboratorial de um caso de gripe. Foi nos doentes com imunodeficiência congénita ou adquirida que a proporção de casos de gripe foi mais elevada, seguidos dos doentes com diabetes e obesidade. A percentagem total de casos de gripe em mulheres grávidas foi semelhante à observada nas mulheres em idade fértil não grávidas. No entanto, o vírus da gripe do tipo A(H1)pdm09 foi detetado em maior proporção nas mulheres grávidas quando comparado as mulheres não grávidas. A vacina como a principal forma de prevenção da gripe é especialmente recomendada em indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, doentes crónicos e imunodeprimidos, grávidas e profissionais de saúde. A vacinação antigripal foi referida em 13% dos casos notificados. A deteção do vírus da gripe ocorreu em 25% dos casos vacinados e sujeitos a diagnóstico laboratorial estando essencialmente associados ao vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09, o predominante na época de 2015/2016. Esta situação foi mais frequentemente verificada em indivíduos com idade compreendida entre os 15 e 45 anos. A confirmação de gripe em indivíduos vacinados poderá estar relacionada com uma moderada efetividade da vacina antigripal na população em geral. A informação relativa à terapêutica antiviral foi indicada em 67% casos de SG notificados, proporção superior ao verificado em anos anteriores. Os antivirais foram prescritos a um número reduzido de doentes (9,0%) dos quais 45.0% referiam pelo menos a presença de uma doença crónica ou gravidez. O antiviral mais prescrito foi o oseltamivir. A pesquisa de outros vírus respiratórios nos casos de SG negativos para o vírus da gripe, veio revelar a circulação e o envolvimento de outros agentes virais respiratórios em casos de SG. Os vírus respiratórios foram detetados durante todo o período de vigilância da gripe, entre a semana 40/2015 e a semana 20/2016. O hRV, o hCoV e o RSV foram os agentes mais frequentemente detetados, para além do vírus da gripe, estando o RSV essencialmente associado a crianças com idade inferior a 4 anos de idade e o hRV e o hCoV aos adultos e população mais idosa (≥ 65 anos). A Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da Gripe, efetuou o diagnóstico da gripe em 7443 casos de infeção respiratória sendo o vírus da gripe detetado em 1458 destes casos. Em 71% dos casos de gripe foi detetado o vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09. Os vírus da gripe do tipo A(H3) foram detetados esporadicamente e em número muito reduzido (2%), e em 11% o vírus da gripe A (não subtipado). O vírus da gripe do tipo B foi detetado em 16% dos casos. A frequência de cada tipo e subtipo do vírus da gripe identificados na Rede Hospitalar assemelha-se ao observado nos cuidados de saúde primários (Rede Médicos-Sentinela e Serviços de Urgência). Foi nos indivíduos adultos, entre os 45-64 anos, que o vírus A(H1)pdm09 representou uma maior proporção dos casos de gripe incluindo igualmente a maior proporção de doentes que necessitaram de internamento hospitalar em unidades de cuidados intensivos. O vírus da gripe do tipo B esteve associado a casos de gripe confirmados nas crianças entre os 5 e 14 anos. Outros vírus respiratórios foram igualmente detetados sendo o RSV e os picornavírus (hRV, hEV e picornavírus) os mais frequentes e em co circulação com o vírus da gripe. Durante a época de vigilância da gripe, 2015/2016, não se observaram excessos de mortalidade semanais. Nas UCI verificou-se uma franca dominância do vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 (90%) e a circulação simultânea do vírus da gripe B (3%). A taxa de admissão em UCI oscilou entre 5,8% e 4,7% entre as semanas 53 e 12 tendo o valor máximo sido registado na semana 8 de 2016 (8,1%). Cerca de metade dos doentes tinha entre 45 e 64 anos. Os mais idosos (65+ anos) foram apenas 20% dos casos, o que não será de estranhar, considerando que o vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 circulou como vírus dominante. Aproximadamente 70% dos doentes tinham doença crónica subjacente, tendo a obesidade sido a mais frequente (37%). Comparativamente com a pandemia, em que circulou também o A(H1)pdm09, a obesidade, em 2015/2016, foi cerca de 4 vezes mais frequente (9,8%). Apenas 8% dos doentes tinha feito a vacina contra a gripe sazonal, apesar de mais de 70% ter doença crónica subjacente e de haver recomendações da DGS nesse sentido. A taxa de letalidade foi estimada em 29,3%, mais elevada do que na época anterior (23,7%). Cerca de 80% dos óbitos ocorreram em indivíduos com doença crónica subjacente que poderá ter agravado o quadro e contribuído para o óbito. Salienta-se a ausência de dados históricos publicados sobre letalidade em UCI, para comparação. Note-se que esta estimativa se refere a óbitos ocorridos apenas durante a hospitalização na UCI e que poderão ter ocorrido mais óbitos após a alta da UCI para outros serviços/enfermarias. Este sistema de vigilância da gripe sazonal em UCI poderá ser aperfeiçoado nas próximas épocas reduzindo a subnotificação e melhorando o preenchimento dos campos necessários ao estudo da doença. A época de vigilância da gripe 2015/2016 foi em muitas caraterísticas comparável ao descrito na maioria dos países europeus. A situação em Portugal destacou-se pela baixa intensidade da atividade gripal, pelo predomínio do vírus da gripe do subtipo A(H1)pdm09 acompanhada pela deteção de vírus do tipo B (linhagem Victoria) essencialmente no final da época gripal. A mortalidade por todas as causas durante a epidemia da gripe manteve-se dentro do esperado, não tendo sido observados excessos de mortalidade. Os vírus da gripe do subtipo predominante na época 2015/2016, A(H1)pdm09, revelaram-se antigénicamente semelhantes à estirpe vacinal. Os vírus da gripe do tipo B detetados distinguem-se da estirpe vacinal de 2015/2016. Este facto conduziu à atualização da composição da vacina antigripal para a época 2016/2017. A monitorização contínua da epidemia da gripe a nível nacional e mundial permite a cada inverno avaliar o impacto da gripe na saúde da população, monitorizar a evolução dos vírus da gripe e atuar de forma a prevenir e implementar medidas eficazes de tratamento da doença, especialmente quando esta se apresenta acompanhada de complicações graves.
Alzheimer's disease makes great demands on care by assistants, due to the fact that they cannot distract their attention from patients while they are at the same time managing records. For that reason, technologies to complement this process need to be adapted. In this work we present a proposal to adapt identification technologies: Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communications (NFC), focusing especially on the last one. We fuse both technologies and apply them to an Alzheimer's day center. Patients are tagged with two kinds of labels: 13.56Mhz.Mifare for NFC and UHF for RFID. With the first one we tag the context, which means patients, devices (displays, exercise books, etc) and places. With a simple interaction, which involves touching tags with mobile phones, it is possible to manage the information easily. Moreover, with RFID, we localize each patient by the simple act of their passing by an antenna placed in the doors.
Résumé : À l’aube des études humiennes, Norman Kemp Smith appelait à représenter Hume « suivant toutes ses nombreuses activités », comme s’il pressentait que l’étude de la pensée humienne pouvait s’avérer un labyrinthe dans lesquels les commentaires pouvaient s’égarer et se perdre de vue. Ce pressentiment, on peut le dire aujourd’hui, s’est avéré juste, et il porte avec lui une clé de lecture : pour dépasser la représentation parcellaire, fragmentée et ultimement incohérente d’un Hume kaléidoscopique, le mieux est peut-être de s’intéresser à ses activités. La présente thèse vise à circonscrire la pratique humienne de la philosophie, ou, pourrait-on dire, du travail épistémologique et conceptuel, dans l’espace de son magnum opus, et cela à l’aide d’une clé de lecture : celle du réductionnisme. Si le Traité est une oeuvre que l’on peut qualifier d’empiriste, on ne saurait la lire seulement par ce biais ou par celui de questions localisées, et nous montrons que le projet du Traité ne peut se comprendre qu’en voyant comment Hume tente d’y réduire la et les connaissances à des dépendances ou à des parties de sa propre théorie de la nature humaine. Pour cela, nous procédons via quatre chapitres. D’abord, nous tentons de circonscrire les caractéristiques les plus importantes du projet humien, c’est-à-dire de ce que Hume avait l’intention de développer à travers les contenus particuliers du Traité ; ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur la base dont Hume part et dont il se servira pour accomplir des réductions, base que l’on peut appeler une théorie des perceptions doublée d’une théorie de l’esprit (principes, facultés, relations) ; ces deux théories, couplées à un standard strict pour obtenir le statut de « vraie idée » ou d’idée intelligible, semblent amener de par leurs prémisses assez directement au scepticisme, et c’est pourquoi on traitera du scepticisme avant d’évoquer les aspects « naturalistes » du Traité au-delà des éléments de base de la théorie des perceptions et de l’esprit, soit une manoeuvre qui ne suit pas tout à fait l’ordre humien d’exposition mais nous semble suivre un certain ordre des raisons ; enfin, la quatrième partie nous permettra de passer en revue diverses réductions opérées par Hume, celles qui mènent au scepticisme pyrrhonien mises à part, ce qui nous permettra de voir quelles sont les limites et les problèmes afférents à son réductionnisme particulier. Refondateur, systématique et totalisant dans ses intentions, le Traité suit bien plus qu’un projet simplement empiriste, et on verra que dans la démarche humienne l’empirisme apparaît davantage dans les conclusions qu’au point même de départ. En le lisant comme le lieu et la conséquence d’une orientation que l’on peut dire réductionniste, on peut trouver dans le Traité un fil conducteur qui, en dépit de problèmes plus ou moins importants rencontrés en cours de route, ne se rompt pas.
The present work aims to investigate the potential use of natural substances against bacterial plant pathogens. Microdilution tests were therefore carried out in vitro to identify the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) of several EOs and Hys against selected bacterial pathogens. Commercial products based on a mixture of EOs were in addition assayed with macrodilution experiments against Erwinia amylovora (Ea-causal agent of fire blight). Subsequently, using selected EOs, Hys, and commercial products, ex vivo tests on disease incidence and Ea population dynamics were carried out; the latter experiment was followed by SEM observations. In addition, in vivo resistance induction test was carried out against bacterial leaf of tomato, caused by Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Xv). EOs and Hys showed high bactericidal activity in vitro (MBC <0.1 and <10% for the most active EOs and Hys: Origanum compactum and Thymus vulgaris EOs and Citrus aurantium var. amara Hy, respectively), but they were not effective ex vivo, while resulted very active when used in vivo as resistance inducers in the tomato-Xv pathosystem (relative protection >40%). Differently, commercial products resulted active in all tests, but not as resistance inducers against Xv. An open field trial with commercial products was carried out on strawberry plants naturally infected with Xanthomonas fragariae; the results showed discrete relative protection, concerning that provided by the conventional products based on copper; mostly, the disease severity reduction on those plants treated with EOs commercial products was significant when disease severity resulted high. The papers already published described in the present work investigate (1)the activity of Hys in comparison to EOs with respect to their active volatile content; (2) the potential use of EOs and Hys in cultural heritage; for the restoration of paintings; (3) the induction of resistance caused by plasma-activated water-based root treatments.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of traditional risk factors in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) in comparison to those with systemic lupus erythematosus-secondary APS. Methods: Transversal study of 96 APS patients (Sapporo`s criteria). Demographic and clinical data, cardiovascular risk factors and drug use were investigated. Results: Thirty-nine Primary APS and 57 secondary APS were included. The groups did not differ regarding age (38.5 +/- 9.9 vs. 39.4 +/- 10.5 years, p=0.84) and female gender (84.6 vs. 96.5%, p=0.06), respectively. Arterial events were more observed in primary than secondary APS (59 vs. 36.8%, p=0.04) patients. No difference was seen concerning venous and obstetric events. In regard to traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, both groups were comparable related to current or previous smoking, sedentarism, family history for coronary disease, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, overweight and obesity. The frequencies of altered lipid profiles were alike in the two groups, except for a higher prevalence of low HDL-c levels in primary APS group (84.6 vs. 45.5%, p=0.0001). Concerning drug use, no significant differences were observed related to chloroquine and statin use, however the secondary APS patients had a higher rate of prednisone use (10.2 vs. 57.9%, p<0.001) as well as mean dose of corticosteroid (1.5 +/- 5.7 vs. 9.2 +/- 12.5mg/ /day, p=0.0001). Conclusion: Traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease are present and comparable between patients with primary and secondary APS, except for a high frequency of low HDL-c in primary APS patients.
BACKGROUND: Women with diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and current treatment guidelines consider diabetes to be equivalent to existing CVD, but few data exist about the relative importance of these risk factors for total and cause-specific mortality in older women. METHODS: We studied 9704 women aged ≥65 years enrolled in a prospective cohort study (Study of Osteoporotic Fractures) during a mean follow-up of 13 years and compared all-cause, CVD and coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality among non-diabetic women without and with a prior history of CVD at baseline and diabetic women without and with a prior history of CVD. Diabetes mellitus and prior CVD (history of angina, myocardial infarction or stroke) were defined as self-report of physician diagnoses. Cause of death was adjudicated from death certificates and medical records when available (>95% deaths confirmed). Ascertainment of vital status was 99% complete. Log-rank tests for the rates of death and multivariate Cox hazard models adjusted for age, smoking, physical activity, systolic blood pressure, waist girth and education were used to compare mortality among the four groups with non-diabetic women without CVD as the referent group. Results are reported as adjusted hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). RESULTS: At baseline mean age was 71.7±5.3 years, 7.0% reported diabetes mellitus and 14.5% reported prior CVD. 4257 women died during follow-up, 36.6% were attributed to CVD. The incidence of CVD death per 1000 person-years was 9.9 and 21.6 among non-diabetic women without and with CVD, respectively, and 23.8 and 33.3 among diabetic women without and with CVD, respectively. Compared to nondiabetic women without prior CVD, the risk of CVD mortality was elevated among both non-diabetic women with CVD (HR=1.82, CI: 1.60-2.07, P<0.001) and diabetic women without prior CVD (HR=2.24, CI: 1.87-2.69, P<0.001). CVD mortality was highest among diabetic women with CVD (HR=3.41, CI: 2.61-4.45, P<0.001). Compared to non-diabetic women with CVD, diabetic women without prior CVD had a significantly higher adjusted HR for total and CVD mortality (P<0.001 and P<0.05 respectively). CHD mortality did not differ significantly between non-diabetic women with CVD and diabetic women without prior CVD. CONCLUSION: Older diabetic women without prior CVD have a higher risk of all-cause and CVD mortality and a similar risk of CHD mortality compared to non-diabetic women with pre-existing CVD. For older women, these data support the equivalence of prior CVD and diabetes mellitus in current guidelines for the prevention of CVD.
Current treatment guidelines consider diabetes to be equivalent to existing cardiovascular disease (CVD), but few data exist about the relative importance of these risk factors for total and CVD mortality in older women.We studied 9704 women aged >= 65 years enrolled in a prospective cohort study (Study of Osteoporotic Fracture) during a mean follow-up of 13 years and compared all-cause and CVD mortality among non-diabetic women without and with history of CVD at baseline and diabetic women without and with history of CVD. Diabetes mellitus and CVD were defined as self-report of physician diagnoses. Cause of death was adjudicated from death certificates and medical records when available. Ascertainment of vital status was 99% complete. Multivariate Cox hazard models adjusted for age, smoking, physical activity, systolic blood pressure, waist girth and education were used to compare mortality among the four groups with non-diabetic women without CVD as the referent group. At baseline mean age was 71.7 } 5.3 years, 7.0% reported diabetes mellitus and 14.5% reported prior CVD. 4257 women died during follow-up, 36.6% were attributed to CVD. Compared to non-diabetic women without prior CVD, the risk of CVD mortality was elevated among both non-diabetic women with CVD (HR = 1.82, 95% CI: 1.60-2.07, P <0.001) and diabetic women without prior CVD (HR = 2.24, CI: 1.87-2.69, P <0.001). CVD mortality was highest among diabetic women with CVD (HR = 3.41, CI: 2.61-4.45, P <0.001). Compared to non-diabetic women with CVD, diabetic women without prior CVD had a significantly higher adjusted HR for total and CVD mortality (P < 0.001 and P <0.05 respectively). Older diabetic women without prior CVD have a higher risk of all-cause and CVD mortality compared to nondiabetic women with pre-existing CVD. For older women, these data support the equivalence of prior CVD and diabetes mellitus in current guidelines for the prevention of CVD in primary care.
Background: Celiac disease is a lifelong, gluten-sensitive, autoimmune-mediated chronic enteropathy, tightly associated with risk alleles at the HLA class II genes. Aims: This study was carried out as a part of the population-based Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Project. The first aim was to study the natural history of celiac disease-associated antibodies before the diagnosis of celiac disease was made. The second aim was to describe when and in which order celiac disease-associated and type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies appeared in children with genetic risk for both diseases. Subjects and Methods: Antibodies against tissue transglutaminase (TGA) and other celiac disease-associated antibodies were measured in serum samples collected at 3- to 12-month intervals of children at genetic risk for celiac disease who participated in the DIPP project. Celiac disease was confirmed by duodenal biopsy. Type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies were measured in all samples that had been collected. Overt disease was diagnosed according to World Health Organization criteria. Follow-up continued until a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes or until the end of a defined follow-up period. Results: TGA appeared in children at genetic risk for celiac disease only after the first year of life, but anti-gliadin antibodies often emerged significantly earlier, at age 6 months. The data show that spontaneous disappearance of celiac disease-associated antibodies, transient or persisting, is a common phenomenon, at least in prepubertal children. In children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, celiac disease-associated antibodies usually develop earlier than the type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies. Conclusions: The transient nature of celiac disease-associated antibodies emphasizes the significance of establishing seropositivity repeatedly in screening detected celiac disease before gastroscopy and duodenal biopsy are considered and emphasized the importance of duodenal biopsy for diagnosing celiac disease.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose To test the association between night work and work ability, and verify whether the type of contractual employment has any inXuence over this association. Methods Permanent workers (N = 642) and workers with precarious jobs (temporary contract or outsourced; N = 552) were interviewed and Wlled out questionnaires concerning work hours and work ability index. They were classiWed into: never worked at night, ex-night workers, currently working up to Wve nights, and currently working at least six nights/2-week span. Results After adjusting for socio-demography and work variables, current night work was signiWcantly associated with inadequate WAI (vs. day work with no experience in night work) only for precarious workers (OR 2.00, CI 1.01- 3.95 and OR 1.85, CI 1.09-3.13 for those working up to Wve nights and those working at least six nights in 2 weeks, respectively). Conclusions Unequal opportunities at work and little experience in night work among precarious workers may explain their higher susceptibility to night work
Objective To test the hypothesis that 12-lead ECG QRS scoring quantifies myocardial scar and correlates with disease severity in Chagas' heart disease. Design Patients underwent 12-lead ECG for QRS scoring and cardiac magnetic resonance with late gadolinium enhancement (CMR-LGE) to assess myocardial scar. Setting University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patients 44 Seropositive patients with Chagas' disease without a history of myocardial infarction and at low risk for coronary artery disease. Main outcome measures Correlation between QRS score, CMR-LGE scar size and left ventricular ejection fraction. Relation between QRS score, heart failure (HF) class and history of ventricular tachycardia (VT). Results QRS score correlated directly with CMR-LGE scar size (R=0.69, p<0.0001) and inversely with left ventricular ejection fraction (R=-0.54, p=0.0002), which remained significant in the subgroup with conduction defects. Patients with class II or III HF had significantly higher QRS scores than those with class I HF (5.1 +/- 3.4 vs 2.1 +/- 3.1 QRS points (p=0.002)) and patients with a history of VT had significantly higher QRS scores than those without a history of VT (5.3 +/- 3.2% vs 2.6 +/- 3.4 QRS points (p=0.02)). A QRS score >= 2 points had particularly good sensitivity and specificity (95% and 83%, respectively) for prediction of large CMR-LGE, and a QRS score >= 7 points had particularly high specificity (92% and 89%, respectively) for predicting significant left ventricular dysfunction and history of VT. Conclusions The wide availability of 12-lead ECG makes it an attractive screening tool and may enhance clinical risk stratification of patients at risk for more severe, symptomatic Chagas' heart disease.