864 resultados para Web design


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[EN]If a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out; but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. Without de ability to observe changing environmental conditions, the frog can find itself boiled alive before realizing it is in trouble. This is known as the boiling frog syndrome. In the same manner, it is impossible to be competitive without knowing and being aware of the environmental changes. From here comes the necessity for the Technological Watch and Competitive Intelligence. The main goals of this project are to evaluate the current Technological Vigilance System of the IK4-Tekniker research center and to develop services that help in improving the system. For that purpose, first of all the Technological Vigilance is going to be placed in the business field and its origins are going to be explained. Following that, the Technological Vigilance system of IK4-Tekniker is going to be analyzed for its evaluation. Finally the creation of the services previously mentioned are going to be described in detail, showing the technologies and tools used for that purpose like the Responsive Web Design.


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Esta tese tem como objetivos identificar e caraterizar os modos de Comunicação Mediada por Computador (CMC) utilizados nas Comunidades Online (CO), relevantes para a prática de criação visual, contextualizando-os na produção de Type Design (TD). E concetualizar um modelo de CO de prática, desenvolvida segundo uma metodologia participativa, avaliando as estratégias de dinamização e viabilização no contexto nacional. Atualmente, com a disseminação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação a prática de TD, uma atividade isolada e individual, está sujeita a um paradigma de mudança—tornar-se uma atividade de partilha cada vez maior. A investigação dividiu-se em três fases. Na primeira fase procura perceber os modos relevantes de CMC para a prática de TD. Para isso, observa-se as motivações e comportamentos dos utilizadores nestas plataformas, apoiado pela recolha de dados sobre o uso destas plataformas no contexto académico. Juntamente com o desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma experiência preliminar numa plataforma online existente. Na segunda fase, apresenta-se o modelo concetual de uma CO para a produção de TD apoiado na identificação e caraterização das Virtual Community of Practice de TD existentes. E o respetivo desenvolvimento e implementação de um protótipo funcional. Na terceira fase o protótipo foi avaliado recorrendo à participação dos utilizadores—uma amostra de Type Designers profissionais portugueses—no desenvolvimento das estratégias comunitárias segundo uma abordagem participativa de Community-Centered Development. A utilização de um Focus Group de dimensões reduzidas, e as limitações temporais da investigação prática não permitem generalizar os resultados encontrados. No entanto, os resultados revelam que quanto mais específica for a atividade da prática partilhada na CO, mais especializados e restritos devem ser os modos de CMC implementados para a comunicação e interação dos membros online. A integração dos modos de CMC sobre a comunicação assíncrona através de artefactos visuais tem um potencial de comunicação mais eficaz e satisfatório para estes utilizadores. E as barreiras à participação, apesar de poderem ser minimizadas através da inovação nos modos implementados, são um desafio de sociabilização que devem ser geridos, equilibrando a comunicação explícita, os usos, perceções e expectativas dos diferentes papéis dos membros da comunidade.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários  à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web


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Este trabalho de Projecto consiste numa plataforma online que possibilita ao seu utilizador gerir simultaneamente a saúde, o exercício físico e o regime alimentar. A plataforma é uma ferramenta que ajuda a promover o bem-estar do indivíduo, porque auxilia a monitorizar a toma de medicação e a agendar consultas e/ou exames. Permite ainda identificar o exercício físico e a dieta adequada para o estado de saúde do utilizador, através do teste de aptidão física e das calculadoras de IMC, TMB e NCD. Para o desenvolvimento da plataforma foram considerados os princípios da usabilidade e acessibilidade heurística de Jacob Nielsen. O desenvolvimento do projecto assenta nas linguagens de Programação de HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, Javascript (JQuery) e na plataforma de RWD do Twitter-Bootstrap.


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The first set of Usability testing on EdShare (7th June). Tests where carried out using Silverback on the Mac. This is unedited footage - Each video is around 20minutes long.


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Our website is a resource that describes equality and shows examples of bad Web accessibility. The website is hosted at: http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/wjvh1g10/index.html


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Advanced Building Energy Data Visualization is a way to detect performance problems in commercialbuildings. By placing sensors in a building that collects data from example, air temperature and electricalpower, then makes it possible to calculate the data in Data Visualization software. This softwaregenerates visual diagrams so the building manager or building operator can see if for example thepower consumption is to high.A first step (before sensors are installed in a building) to see how the energy consumption is in abuilding can be to use a Benchmarking Tool. There is a number of Benchmarking Tools that is availablefor free on the Internet. Each tool have a bit different approach, but they all show how much energyconsumption there is in a building compared to other similar buildings.In this study a new web design for the benchmarking tool CalARCH has been developed. CalARCHis developed at the Berkeley Lab in Berkeley, California, USA. CalARCH uses data collected only frombuildings in California, and is only for comparing buildings in California with other similar buildingsin the state.Five different versions of the web site were made. Then a web survey was done to determine whichversion would be the best for CalARCH. The results showed that Version 5 and Version 3 was the best.Then a new version was made, based on these two versions. This study was made at the LawrenceBerkeley Laboratory.


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Our employer, Gaddad, is a tattoo and piercing community that was created in 2006 with the basic idea to make it easier for people to get in touch with the tattoo artists and piercers from all over Sweden. With the homepage’s popularity at 2009 they decided to expand with the news page Inkzine. 2011 they contacted us with a plan to expand the homepage to Europe and then merge their two sites under the name Inkzine.The goal of this project was to create design suggestions for Gaddad / Inkzine that both the administration and the current users liked and would consider implementing on the website. In order to evaluate the current design and our suggestions we decided to use two questionnaires . The first questionnaire evaluated the currentdesign to provide us with information for the redesign. The second questionnaire evaluated our new suggestions.With these questionnaire we also carried out an analysis to see the differences in opinions among the users and also between the administration and the users.We also investigated other community homepages, company homepages that had been internationalized, and other tattoo homepages. To see what others had done to adapt to the international market and to investigate the design of tattoo homepages.We also did literary studies in redesign and internationalization, in order to obtain a theoretical foundation for our work.The results of the investigation of other homepages showed that in order to perform an internationalization of a web site no major changes to the looks were necessary, only linguistic changes. The results of our questionnairesshowed that users had in most cases put the majority of their votes on


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Today’s e-services are complex phenomenon consisting of several different e-services linked together. The e-services are provided by IT systems and presented to customers through user interfaces. Within web design research criteria are laid out for the design of good user interfaces, but one problem is that these analyses are performed without a service focus. This lack of service focus can result in the designed user interfaces providing indistinct service concepts, especially where several e-services are intertwined with each other.In order to design IT system interfaces, we have to be clear about which e-services are provided by the IT system and how these e-services are related to each other. This paper presents a framework for the analysis of user interfaces in terms of focused e-service, service environment and two types of intertwined e-services; related e-services and interrelating e-services. The analyses are exemplified by an Internet based e-marketplace. The paper discusses how the framework can be combined with ordinary web design criteria and how it can be used for e-service development.


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Användargränssnittsdesign är en stor del av en webbsidas intryck och förändras snabbt i takt med teknologins utveckling och trender. Men det gäller även att locka rätt användare. Hur lockar en webbsida till sig rätt målgrupp? Målet med rapporten var att analysera målgruppen gamers utifrån hur de upplever det grafiska användargränssnittet på en spelrelaterad webbsida. Rapporten behandlar även översiktitligt om aktuella trender för webbdesign tilltalar gamers. Undersökningen utfördes i två delar. I den första delen undersöktes 20 av de största spelrelaterade webbsidornas användargränssnitt. Under del två genomfördes en enkät och intervjuer med målgruppen gamers. I både enkäten och intervjuerna fick respondenterna ta ställning till olika mockups av en fiktiv webbsida. Det var stor skillnad på vad gamers ansåg vara tilltalande jämfört med hur de analyserade webbsidorna såg ut. Exempelvis var endast 25 % av de analyserade webbsidorna mörka medan 71,9 % av respondenterna föredrog en mörk layout.


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This project aims to explore the many methods used for the development of recommendation systems to user ’ s items and apply the content - based recommendation method on a prototype system whose purpose is to recommend books to users. This paper exposes the most popular methods for creating systems capable of providing items (products) according to user preferences, such as collaborat ive filtering and content - based. It also point different techniques that can be applied to calculate the similarity between two entities, for items or users, as the Pearson ’s method, calculating the cosine of vectors and more recently, a proposal to use a Bayesian system under a Dirichlet distribution. In addition, this work has the purpose to go through various points on the design of an online application, or a website, dealing not only oriented algorithms issues, but also the definition of development to ols and techniques to improve the user’s experience. The tools used for the development of the page are listed, and a topic about web design is also discussed in order to emphasize the importance of the layout of the application. At the end, some examples of recommender systems are presented for curiosity , learning and research purposes


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L’app in questione si pone l’obbiettivo di rispondere alla domanda: “Dove ti trovi?”. Grazie all'alta frequenza di utilizzo dei dispositivi mobili che si ha oggigiorno, è stato possibile pensare, progettare e creare un software in grado di tracciare periodicamente gli utenti in modo da far visualizzare ai loro amici in rete la propria posizione. Il servizio sfrutta le conoscenze acquisite in Mobile Web Design e basi di dati.


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Tesi in Mobile Web Design: Mobile Business Application