994 resultados para Web Browser


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Software developers are often unsure of the exact name of the method they need to use to invoke the desired behavior in a given context. This results in a process of searching for the correct method name in documentation, which can be lengthy and distracting to the developer. We can decrease the method search time by enhancing the documentation of a class with the most frequently used methods. Usage frequency data for methods is gathered by analyzing other projects from the same ecosystem - written in the same language and sharing dependencies. We implemented a proof of concept of the approach for Pharo Smalltalk and Java. In Pharo Smalltalk, methods are commonly searched for using a code browser tool called "Nautilus", and in Java using a web browser displaying HTML based documentation - Javadoc. We developed plugins for both browsers and gathered method usage data from open source projects, in order to increase developer productivity by reducing method search time. A small initial evaluation has been conducted showing promising results in improving developer productivity.


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Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder leading to chronic upper and lower airway disease. Fundamental data on epidemiology, clinical presentation, course and treatment strategies are lacking in PCD. We have established an international PCD registry to realise an unmet need for an international platform to systematically collect data on incidence, clinical presentation, treatment and disease course.The registry was launched in January 2014. We used internet technology to ensure easy online access using a web browser under www.pcdregistry.eu. Data from 201 patients have been collected so far. The database is comprised of a basic data form including demographic and diagnostic information, and visit forms designed to monitor the disease course.To establish a definite PCD diagnosis, we used strict diagnostic criteria, which required two to three diagnostic methods in addition to classical clinical symptoms. Preliminary analysis of lung function data demonstrated a mean annual decline of percentage predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s of 0.59% (95% CI 0.98-0.22).Here, we present the development of an international PCD registry as a new promising tool to advance the understanding of this rare disorder, to recruit candidates for research studies and ultimately to improve PCD care.


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This paper describes the procedures used to create a distributed collection of topographic maps of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Spezialkarte der Öesterriechisch-ungarnischen Monarchie, Masse. 1:75,000 der natur. This set of maps was published in Vienna over a period of years from 1877 to 1914. The part of the set used in this project includes 776 sheets; all sheets from all editions number over 3,665. The paper contains detailed information on how the maps were converted to digital images, how metadata were prepared, and how Web-browser access was created using ArcIMS Metadata Server. The project, funded by a 2004 National Leadership Grant from the Institute for Museums and Library Science (IMLS), was a joint project of the Homer Babbidge Library Map and Geographic Information Center at the University of Connecticut, the New York Public Library, and the American Geographical Society’s Map Library at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.


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This is a technical description in html format of simple fortran programs for Macintosh for the morphometric analysis of tests planktonic foraminifera under reflected light, with special focus on the Neogene group of Globorotalia menardii. The second part of this report gives information and performance tests about the development of AMOR (Automated Measurement system for the mORphometry of microfossils). AMOR is Windows based and helps to orientate and collect digital images of menardiform globorotalids. The above fortran programs may be useful to extract and analyze some morphometric parameters from images collected with AMOR. After unzipping the archive file please open the Start.html file using a common web browser like firefox. In case of any questions or problems, please contact Michael W. Knappertsbusch (mailto:michael.knappertsbusch@unibas.ch).


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Multi-user videoconferencing systems offer communication between more than two users, who are able to interact through their webcams, microphones and other components. The use of these systems has been increased recently due to, on the one hand, improvements in Internet access, networks of companies, universities and houses, whose available bandwidth has been increased whilst the delay in sending and receiving packets has decreased. On the other hand, the advent of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) means that a large part of web application logic and control has started to be implemented on the web browsers. This has allowed developers to create web applications with a level of complexity comparable to traditional desktop applications, running on top of the Operating Systems. More recently the use of Cloud Computing systems has improved application scalability and involves a reduction in the price of backend systems. This offers the possibility of implementing web services on the Internet with no need to spend a lot of money when deploying infrastructures and resources, both hardware and software. Nevertheless there are not many initiatives that aim to implement videoconferencing systems taking advantage of Cloud systems. This dissertation proposes a set of techniques, interfaces and algorithms for the implementation of videoconferencing systems in public and private Cloud Computing infrastructures. The mechanisms proposed here are based on the implementation of a basic videoconferencing system that runs on the web browser without any previous installation requirements. To this end, the development of this thesis starts from a RIA application with current technologies that allow users to access their webcams and microphones from the browser, and to send captured data through their Internet connections. Furthermore interfaces have been implemented to allow end users to participate in videoconferencing rooms that are managed in different Cloud provider servers. To do so this dissertation starts from the results obtained from the previous techniques and backend resources were implemented in the Cloud. A traditional videoconferencing service which was implemented in the department was modified to meet typical Cloud Computing infrastructure requirements. This allowed us to validate whether Cloud Computing public infrastructures are suitable for the traffic generated by this kind of system. This analysis focused on the network level and processing capacity and stability of the Cloud Computing systems. In order to improve this validation several other general considerations were taken in order to cover more cases, such as multimedia data processing in the Cloud, as research activity has increased in this area in recent years. The last stage of this dissertation is the design of a new methodology to implement these kinds of applications in hybrid clouds reducing the cost of videoconferencing systems. Finally, this dissertation opens up a discussion about the conclusions obtained throughout this study, resulting in useful information from the different stages of the implementation of videoconferencing systems in Cloud Computing systems. RESUMEN Los sistemas de videoconferencia multiusuario permiten la comunicación entre más de dos usuarios que pueden interactuar a través de cámaras de video, micrófonos y otros elementos. En los últimos años el uso de estos sistemas se ha visto incrementado gracias, por un lado, a la mejora de las redes de acceso en las conexiones a Internet en empresas, universidades y viviendas, que han visto un aumento del ancho de banda disponible en dichas conexiones y una disminución en el retardo experimentado por los datos enviados y recibidos. Por otro lado también ayudó la aparación de las Aplicaciones Ricas de Internet (RIA) con las que gran parte de la lógica y del control de las aplicaciones web comenzó a ejecutarse en los mismos navegadores. Esto permitió a los desarrolladores la creación de aplicaciones web cuya complejidad podía compararse con la de las tradicionales aplicaciones de escritorio, ejecutadas directamente por los sistemas operativos. Más recientemente el uso de sistemas de Cloud Computing ha mejorado la escalabilidad y el abaratamiento de los costes para sistemas de backend, ofreciendo la posibilidad de implementar servicios Web en Internet sin la necesidad de grandes desembolsos iniciales en las áreas de infraestructuras y recursos tanto hardware como software. Sin embargo no existen aún muchas iniciativas con el objetivo de realizar sistemas de videoconferencia que aprovechen las ventajas del Cloud. Esta tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de técnicas, interfaces y algoritmos para la implentación de sistemas de videoconferencia en infraestructuras tanto públicas como privadas de Cloud Computing. Las técnicas propuestas en la tesis se basan en la realización de un servicio básico de videoconferencia que se ejecuta directamente en el navegador sin la necesidad de instalar ningún tipo de aplicación de escritorio. Para ello el desarrollo de esta tesis parte de una aplicación RIA con tecnologías que hoy en día permiten acceder a la cámara y al micrófono directamente desde el navegador, y enviar los datos que capturan a través de la conexión de Internet. Además se han implementado interfaces que permiten a usuarios finales la participación en salas de videoconferencia que se ejecutan en servidores de proveedores de Cloud. Para ello se partió de los resultados obtenidos en las técnicas anteriores de ejecución de aplicaciones en el navegador y se implementaron los recursos de backend en la nube. Además se modificó un servicio ya existente implementado en el departamento para adaptarlo a los requisitos típicos de las infraestructuras de Cloud Computing. Alcanzado este punto se procedió a analizar si las infraestructuras propias de los proveedores públicos de Cloud Computing podrían soportar el tráfico generado por los sistemas que se habían adaptado. Este análisis se centró tanto a nivel de red como a nivel de capacidad de procesamiento y estabilidad de los sistemas. Para los pasos de análisis y validación de los sistemas Cloud se tomaron consideraciones más generales para abarcar casos como el procesamiento de datos multimedia en la nube, campo en el que comienza a haber bastante investigación en los últimos años. Como último paso se ideó una metodología de implementación de este tipo de aplicaciones para que fuera posible abaratar los costes de los sistemas de videoconferencia haciendo uso de clouds híbridos. Finalmente en la tesis se abre una discusión sobre las conclusiones obtenidas a lo largo de este amplio estudio, obteniendo resultados útiles en las distintas etapas de implementación de los sistemas de videoconferencia en la nube.


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Actualmente existen multitud de aplicaciones creadas para la gestión de proyectos software; cada una de ellas pretende dar solución y facilitar las tareas propias de los gestores y los desarrolladores pertenecientes a los equipos de desarrollo. Los equipos de desarrollo software suelen estar integrados por gran variedad de recursos, tanto humanos como materiales. Cada uno desempeña una función concreta en el proyecto, pudiendo no tener una dedicación plena al proyecto. Por eso, es necesario que dichos recursos sean compartidos entre la cartera proyectos existentes. Para resolver este planteamiento en las aplicaciones de gestión de proyectos, ha sido requisito fundamental que se puedan gestionar varios proyectos de forma simultánea (gestión multiproyecto), pudiendo repartir la dedicación de los recursos entre los proyectos existentes en la cartera. En la actualidad, existe un gran número de metodologías de gestión de proyectos, por lo que, en parte, el éxito del proyecto radica en la elección de la más adecuada. Entre todas las metodologías existentes, este estudio se ha centrado en las cada vez más utilizadas metodologías de gestión de proyectos ágiles; se describe en qué consisten, qué beneficios aportan frente a las metodologías clásicas y cuáles son las más utilizadas por sus ya contrastados beneficios y el valor que aportan a la gestión de proyectos. Por lo descrito anteriormente, otro requisito fundamental a la hora de valorar las aplicaciones de gestión de proyectos ha sido la capacidad de soportar y aplicar metodologías ágiles de gestión de proyectos. En este estudio también se ha tenido en cuenta el tipo de aplicación atendiendo a su instalación y acceso, y se ha realizado la diferenciación entre aplicaciones web- las cuales precisan ser instaladas en un servidor web y son accesibles desde cualquier dispositivo con navegador -, y aplicaciones de escritorio - las cuales precisan estar instaladas en un equipo de forma local y sólo pueden ser accedidas a ellas desde dicho equipo. En este estudio se han evaluado varias aplicaciones, intentando analizar el cumplimiento de las características comentadas anteriormente, dando como resultado tres aplicaciones seleccionadas siendo éstas las que pueden aportar más valor a la hora de gestionar una cartera de proyectos. ABSTRACT. At present, there are many applications aimed at managing software projects. Every application intends to solve and facilitate tasks to managers and developers belonging to the development teams. Software development teams are usually made up of many different human and material resources, each of them developing a specific task in the project and sometimes without a full dedication to the project. Therefore, these resources have to be shared within the existing project portfolio. To meet this need in project management applications, the main requirement is to be able to manage several projects simultaneously (multi-project management), thus allowing resources to be shared within the existing project portfolio. At present, there are a large number of project management methodologies and the success of the project lies in choosing the most appropriate one. Among all the existing methodologies, this study has focused on the increasingly used agile project management methodologies. The study describes the way they work, their added value in comparison traditional methodologies, and which ones are more often used due to their already verified benefits and value in managing projects. Taking into account the above-mention characteristics, another key requirement when assessing the project management applications has been their capacity to support and implement project management agile methodologies. This study has also taken into account the type of application according to its installation and access. A difference is established between web applications – which require to be installed in a web server and are accessible from any device with a web browser – and desktop applications, which must be installed in the equipment to be used and are only accessible from this equipment. The study has assessed several applications by analyzing the compliance with the above-mentioned characteristics and has chosen three applications that provide the management of the project portfolio with an added value.


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El trabajo de fin de grado que se va a definir detalladamente en esta memoria, trata de poner de manifiesto muchos de los conocimientos que he adquirido a lo largo de la carrera, aplicándolos en un proyecto real. Se ha desarrollado una plataforma capaz de albergar ideas, escritas por personas de todo el mundo que buscan compartirlas con los demás, para que estas sean comentadas, valoradas y entre todos poder mejorarlas. Estas ideas pueden ser de cualquier ámbito, por tanto, se da la posibilidad de clasificarlas en las categorías que mejor encajen con la idea. La aplicación ofrece una API RESTful muy descriptiva, en la que se ha identificado y estructurado cada recurso, para que a través de los “verbos http” se puedan gestionar todos los elementos de una forma fácil y sencilla, independientemente del cliente que la utilice. La arquitectura está montada siguiendo el patrón de diseño modelo vista-controlador, utilizando las últimas tecnologías del mercado como Spring, Liferay, SmartGWT y MongoDB (entre muchas otras) con el objetivo de crear una aplicación segura, escalable y modulada, por lo que se ha tenido que integrar todos estos frameworks. Los datos de la aplicación se hacen persistentes en dos tipos de bases de datos, una relacional (MySQL) y otra no relacional (MongoDB), aprovechando al máximo las características que ofrecen cada una de ellas. El cliente propuesto es accesible mediante un navegador web, se basa en el portal de Liferay. Se han desarrollado varios “Portlets o Widgets”, que componen la estructura de contenido que ve el usuario final. A través de ellos se puede acceder al contenido de la aplicación, ideas, comentarios y demás contenidos sociales, de una forma agradable para el usuario, ya que estos “Portlets” se comunican entre sí y hacen peticiones asíncronas a la API RESTful sin necesidad de recargar toda la estructura de la página. Además, los usuarios pueden registrarse en el sistema para aportar más contenidos u obtener roles que les dan permisos para realizar acciones de administración. Se ha seguido una metodología “Scrum” para la realización del proyecto, con el objetivo de dividir el proyecto en tareas pequeñas y desarrollarlas de una forma ágil. Herramientas como “Jenkins” me han ayudado a una integración continua y asegurando mediante la ejecución de los test de prueba, que todos los componentes funcionan. La calidad ha sido un aspecto principal en el proyecto, se han seguido metodologías software y patrones de diseño para garantizar un diseño de calidad, reutilizable, óptimo y modulado. El uso de la herramienta “Sonar” ha ayudado a este cometido. Además, se ha implementado un sistema de pruebas muy completo de todos los componentes de la aplicación. En definitiva, se ha diseñado una aplicación innovadora de código abierto, que establece unas bases muy definidas para que si algún día se pone en producción, sirva a las personas para compartir pensamientos o ideas ayudando a mejorar el mundo en el que vivimos. ---ABSTRACT---The Final Degree Project, described in detail in this report, attempts to cover a lot of the knowledge I have acquired during my studies, applying it to a real project. The objective of the project has been to develop a platform capable of hosting ideas from people all over the world, where users can share their ideas, comment on and rate the ideas of others and together help improving them. Since these ideas can be of any kind, it is possible to classify them into suitable categories. The application offers a very descriptive API RESTful, where each resource has been identified and organized in a way that makes it possible to easily manage all the elements using the HTTP verbs, regardless of the client using it. The architecture has been built following the design pattern model-view-controller, using the latest market technologies such as Spring, Liferay, Smart GWT and MongoDB (among others) with the purpose of creating a safe, scalable and adjustable application. The data of the application are persistent in two different kinds of databases, one relational (MySQL) and the other non-relational (MongoDB), taking advantage of all the different features each one of them provides. The suggested client is accessible through a web browser and it is based in Liferay. Various “Portlets" or "Widgets” make up the final content of the page. Thanks to these Portlets, the user can access the application content (ideas, comments and categories) in a pleasant way as the Portlets communicate with each other making asynchronous requests to the API RESTful without the necessity to refresh the whole page. Furthermore, users can log on to the system to contribute with more contents or to obtain administrator privileges. The Project has been developed following a “Scrum” methodology, with the main objective being that of dividing the Project into smaller tasks making it possible to develop each task in a more agile and ultimately faster way. Tools like “Jenkins” have been used to guarantee a continuous integration and to ensure that all the components work correctly thanks to the execution of test runs. Quality has been one of the main aspects in this project, why design patterns and software methodologies have been used to guarantee a high quality, reusable, modular and optimized design. The “Sonar” technology has helped in the achievement of this goal. Furthermore, a comprehensive proofing system of all the application's components has been implemented. In conclusion, this Project has consisted in developing an innovative, free source application that establishes a clearly defined basis so that, if it someday will be put in production, it will allow people to share thoughts and ideas, and by doing so, help them to improve the World we live in.


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Shading reduces the power output of a photovoltaic (PV) system. The design engineering of PV systems requires modeling and evaluating shading losses. Some PV systems are affected by complex shading scenes whose resulting PV energy losses are very difficult to evaluate with current modeling tools. Several specialized PV design and simulation software include the possibility to evaluate shading losses. They generally possess a Graphical User Interface (GUI) through which the user can draw a 3D shading scene, and then evaluate its corresponding PV energy losses. The complexity of the objects that these tools can handle is relatively limited. We have created a software solution, 3DPV, which allows evaluating the energy losses induced by complex 3D scenes on PV generators. The 3D objects can be imported from specialized 3D modeling software or from a 3D object library. The shadows cast by this 3D scene on the PV generator are then directly evaluated from the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Thanks to the recent development of GPUs for the video game industry, the shadows can be evaluated with a very high spatial resolution that reaches well beyond the PV cell level, in very short calculation times. A PV simulation model then translates the geometrical shading into PV energy output losses. 3DPV has been implemented using WebGL, which allows it to run directly from a Web browser, without requiring any local installation from the user. This also allows taken full benefits from the information already available from Internet, such as the 3D object libraries. This contribution describes, step by step, the method that allows 3DPV to evaluate the PV energy losses caused by complex shading. We then illustrate the results of this methodology to several application cases that are encountered in the world of PV systems design. Keywords: 3D, modeling, simulation, GPU, shading, losses, shadow mapping, solar, photovoltaic, PV, WebGL


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Tras los distintos análisis diseñados por Jorge Beltrán Luna en el proyecto "Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocio a la Gestión Educativa" [Beltrán2014] sobre el comportamiento de los alumnos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en las asignaturas cursadas por estos durante el curso 2013-2014, se llegó a la conclusión que se debía desarrollar una aplicación web mediante la cual pudiesen configurarse estos análisis con distintos parámetros para adecuarlos a los requerimientos del usuario. Este proyecto ha cumplido con el objetivo anteriormente mencionado. Se ha desarrollado una aplicación web capaz de mostrar por medio de un navegador web, las gráficas y tablas generadas por el programa de minería de datos. Mediante esta aplicación el usuario puede realizar diversas funciones. Una de ellas es la de solicitar mediante el formulario recibido en la interfaz principal de la aplicación, la visualización de los resultados generados por el sistema de acuerdo con los parámetros seleccionados por el diseñador de los análisis. El usuario conseguirá observar los resultados que obtendría si ejecutase directamente los análisis desarrollados en el proyecto de Jorge Beltrán Luna [Beltrán2014] en la herramienta Rapidminer. Otra de las funciones que podría realizar el usuario sería la de realizar estos mismos análisis pero modificando sus parámetros de configuración para adecuar dichos análisis a los resultados que se quiere obtener. El resultado será el que se habría conseguido en la aplicación Rapidminer si se cambiasen los mismos parámetros que los modificados en la página web de este prototipo. Por último, se ha diseñado un botón con el cual el usuario podrá recuperar el último análisis realizado, con el fin de que no sea necesario esperar el tiempo que tarde en realizarse el análisis para visualizar los resultados. También se ha realizado una explicación detallada de la aplicación de la inteligencia de negocio en el ámbito educacional. ABSTRACT. After different analysis designed by Jorge Beltran Luna in the "Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocio a la Gestión Educativa" [Beltrán2014] project on the behaviour of the students at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid during the course 2013-14, the tutor of this project concluded that it should be interesting to develop a web application through which teachers could view and configure these analysis with different parameters. This project has fulfilled the aforementioned objective. A web application has been develop to show through a web browser, the graphs and charts generated by the data mining tool. Using this application, the user can perform various features. One of this features is to request, employing the formulary received in the main interface, to display an analysis according to the chosen parameters. The user will see the results that would be observed in case that the analysis had been directly executed using the project designed by Jorge Beltrán Luna [Beltrán2014] in the RapidMiner tool. Another feature that the user could perform would be to make these analysis modifying its settings Similar result would be obtained in the RapidMiner tool in the case that identical modifications were carried out in the configuration parameters. Finally, a button to allow with recall the last analysis has been implemented. It is not necessary to wait for the execution of this analysis to see newly the results. A detailed explanation on the usage of business intelligence in the educational field has also been performed.


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The Conserved Key Amino Acid Positions DataBase (CKAAPs DB) provides access to an analysis of structurally similar proteins with dissimilar sequences where key residues within a common fold are identified. The derivation and significance of CKAAPs starting from pairwise structure alignments is described fully in Reddy et al. [Reddy,B.V.B., Li,W.W., Shindyalov,I.N. and Bourne,P.E. (2000) Proteins, in press]. The CKAAPs identified from this theoretical analysis are provided to experimentalists and theoreticians for potential use in protein engineering and modeling. It has been suggested that CKAAPs may be crucial features for protein folding, structural stability and function. Over 170 substructures, as defined by the Combinatorial Extension (CE) database, which are found in approximately 3000 representative polypeptide chains have been analyzed and are available in the CKAAPs DB. CKAAPs DB also provides CKAAPs of the representative set of proteins derived from the CE and FSSP databases. Thus the database contains over 5000 representative poly­peptide chains, covering all known structures in the PDB. A web interface to a relational database permits fast retrieval of structure-sequence alignments, CKAAPs and associated statistics. Users may query by PDB ID, protein name, function and Enzyme Classification number. Users may also submit protein alignments of their own to obtain CKAAPs. An interface to display CKAAPs on each structure from a web browser is also being implemented. CKAAPs DB is maintained by the San Diego Supercomputer Center and accessible at the URL http://ckaaps.sdsc.edu.


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The Internet has created new opportunities for librarians to present literature search results to clinicians. In order to take full advantage of these opportunities, libraries need to create locally maintained bibliographic databases. A simple method of creating a local bibliographic database and publishing it on the Web is described. The method uses off-the-shelf software and requires minimal programming. A hedge search strategy for outcome studies of clinical process interventions is created, and Ovid is used to search MEDLINE. The search results are saved and imported into EndNote libraries. The citations are modified, exported to a Microsoft Access database, and published on the Web. Clinicians can use a Web browser to search the database. The bibliographic database contains 13,803 MEDLINE citations of outcome studies. Most searches take between four and ten seconds and retrieve between ten and 100 citations. The entire cost of the software is under $900. Locally maintained bibliographic databases can be created easily and inexpensively. They significantly extend the evidence-based health care services that libraries can offer to clinicians.


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One of the obstacles to improved security of the Internet is ad hoc development of technologies with different design goals and different security goals. This paper proposes reconceptualizing the Internet as a secure distributed system, focusing specifically on the application layer. The notion is to redesign specific functionality, based on principles discovered in research on distributed systems in the decades since the initial development of the Internet. Because of the problems in retrofitting new technology across millions of clients and servers, any options with prospects of success must support backward compatibility. This paper outlines a possible new architecture for internet-based mail which would replace existing protocols by a more secure framework. To maintain backward compatibility, initial implementation could offer a web browser-based front end but the longer-term approach would be to implement the system using appropriate models of replication. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Corpus Linguistics is a young discipline. The earliest work was done in the 1960s, but corpora only began to be widely used by lexicographers and linguists in the late 1980s, by language teachers in the late 1990s, and by language students only very recently. This course in corpus linguistics was held at the Departamento de Linguistica Aplicada, E.T.S.I. de Minas, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid from June 15-19 1998. About 45 teachers registered for the course. 30% had PhDs in linguistics, 20% in literature, and the rest were doctorandi or qualified English teachers. The course was designed to introduce the use of corpora and other computational resources in teaching and research, with special reference to scientific and technological discourse in English. Each participant had a computer networked with the lecturer’s machine, whose display could be projected onto a large screen. Application programs were loaded onto the central server, and telnet and a web browser were available. COBUILD gave us permission to access the 323 million word Bank of English corpus, Mike Scott allowed us to use his Wordsmith Tools software, and Tim Johns gave us a copy of his MicroConcord program.


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Our paper presents the work of the Cuneiform Digital Forensic Project (CDFP), an interdisciplinary project at The University of Birmingham, concerned with the development of a multimedia database to support scholarly research into cuneiform, wedge-shaped writing imprinted onto clay tablets and indeed the earliest real form of writing. We describe the evolutionary design process and dynamic research and developmental cycles associated with the database. Unlike traditional publications, the electronic publication of resources offers the possibility of almost continuous revisions with the integration and support of new media and interfaces. However, if on-line resources are to win the favor and confidence of their respective communities there must be a clear distinction between published and maintainable resources, and, developmental content. Published material should, ideally, be supported via standard web-browser interfaces with fully integrated tools so that users receive a reliable, homogenous and intuitive flow of information and media relevant to their needs. We discuss the inherent dynamics of the design and publication of our on-line resource, starting with the basic design and maintenance aspects of the electronic database, which includes photographic instances of cuneiform signs, and shows how the continuous review process identifies areas for further research and development, for example, the “sign processor” graphical search tool and three-dimensional content, the results of which then feedback into the maintained resource.


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This paper describes an approach to a computer-based learning of educational material. We define a model for the class of subjects of our interest - teaching of investigation and prevention of computer crimes, (those including both theoretical and practical issues). From this model, specific content outlines can be derived as subclasses and then instanced into actual domains. The last step consists in generating interactive documents, which use the instanced domain. Students can explore these documents through a web browser. Thus, an interactive learning scenario is created. This approach allows reusing and adapting the contents to a variety of situations, students and teaching purposes.