930 resultados para Wave optics


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A Nd:YLF/KGW Raman laser has been investigated in this work. We have demonstrated CW output powers at six different wavelengths, 1147 nm (0.70 W), 1163 nm (0.95 W), 549 nm (0.65 W), 552 nm (1.90 W), 573 nm (0.60 W) and 581 nm (1.10 W), with higher peak powers achieved under quasi-CW operation. Raman conversion of the 1053 nm fundamental emission is reported for the first time, enabling two new wavelengths in crystalline Raman lasers, 549 nm and 552 nm. The weak thermal lensing associated with Nd:YLF has enabled to achieve good beam quality, M-2 <= 2.0, and stable operation in relatively long cavities. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Matter-wave superradiance is based on the interplay between ultracold atoms coherently organized in momentum space and a backscattered wave. Here, we show that this mechanism may be triggered by Mie scattering from the atomic cloud. We show how the laser light populates the modes of the cloud and thus imprints a phase gradient on the excited atomic dipoles. The interference with the atoms in the ground state results in a grating that in turn generates coherent emission, contributing to the backward light wave onset. The atomic recoil "halos" created by the Mie-scattered light exhibit a strong anisotropy, in contrast to single-atom scattering.


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We propose a slow-wave MEMS phase shifter that can be fabricated using the CMOS back-end and an additional maskless post-process etch. The tunable phase shifter concept is formed by a conventional slow-wave transmission line. The metallic ribbons that form the patterned floating shield of this type of structure are released to allow motion when a control voltage is applied, which changes the characteristic impedance and the phase velocity. For this device a quality factor greater than 40 can be maintained, resulting in a figure of merit on the order of 0.7 dB/360 degrees and a total area smaller than 0.14 mm(2) for a 60-GHz working frequency. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis reports on the experimental realization, characterization and application of a novel microresonator design. The so-called “bottle microresonator” sustains whispering-gallery modes in which light fields are confined near the surface of the micron-sized silica structure by continuous total internal reflection. While whispering-gallery mode resonators in general exhibit outstanding properties in terms of both temporal and spatial confinement of light fields, their monolithic design makes tuning of their resonance frequency difficult. This impedes their use, e.g., in cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) experiments, which investigate the interaction of single quantum mechanical emitters of predetermined resonance frequency with a cavity mode. In contrast, the highly prolate shape of the bottle microresonators gives rise to a customizable mode structure, enabling full tunability. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter I, I give a brief overview of different types of optical microresonators. Important quantities, such as the quality factor Q and the mode volume V, which characterize the temporal and spatial confinement of the light field are introduced. In chapter II, a wave equation calculation of the modes of a bottle microresonator is presented. The intensity distribution of different bottle modes is derived and their mode volume is calculated. A brief description of light propagation in ultra-thin optical fibers, which are used to couple light into and out of bottle modes, is given as well. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the fabrication techniques of both structures. Chapter III presents experimental results on highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling of light into bottle modes as well as their spatial and spectral characterization. Ultra-high intrinsic quality factors exceeding 360 million as well as full tunability are demonstrated. In chapter IV, the bottle microresonator in add-drop configuration, i.e., with two ultra-thin fibers coupled to one bottle mode, is discussed. The highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling characteristics of each fiber combined with the resonator's high intrinsic quality factor, enable resonant power transfers between both fibers with efficiencies exceeding 90%. Moreover, the favorable ratio of absorption and the nonlinear refractive index of silica yields optical Kerr bistability at record low powers on the order of 50 µW. Combined with the add-drop configuration, this allows one to route optical signals between the outputs of both ultra-thin fibers, simply by varying the input power, thereby enabling applications in all-optical signal processing. Finally, in chapter V, I discuss the potential of the bottle microresonator for CQED experiments with single atoms. Its Q/V-ratio, which determines the ratio of the atom-cavity coupling rate to the dissipative rates of the subsystems, aligns with the values obtained for state-of-the-art CQED microresonators. In combination with its full tunability and the possibility of highly efficient light transfer to and from the bottle mode, this makes the bottle microresonator a unique tool for quantum optics applications.


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Generation of coherent short-wavelength radiation across a plasma column is dramatically improved under traveling-wave excitation (TWE). The latter is optimized when its propagation is close to the speed of light, which implies small-angle target-irradiation. Yet, short-wavelength lasing needs large irradiation angles in order to increase the optical penetration of the pump into the plasma core. Pulse-front back-tilt is considered to overcome such trade-off. In fact, the TWE speed depends on the pulse-front slope (envelope of amplitude), whereas the optical penetration depth depends on the wave-front slope (envelope of phase). Pulse-front tilt by means of compressor misalignment was found effective only if coupled with a high-magnification front-end imaging/focusing component. It is concluded that speed matching should be accomplished with minimal compressor misalignment and maximal imaging magnification.


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A uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) solution is developed for the canonical problem of the electromagnetic (EM) scattering by an electrically large circular cylinder with a uniform impedance boundary condition (IBC), when it is illuminated by an obliquely incident high frequency plane wave. A solution to this canonical problem is first constructed in terms of an exact formulation involving a radially propagating eigenfunction expansion. The latter is converted into a circumferentially propagating eigenfunction expansion suited for large cylinders, via the Watson transform, which is expressed as an integral that is subsequently evaluated asymptotically, for high frequencies, in a uniform manner. The resulting solution is then expressed in the desired UTD ray form. This solution is uniform in the sense that it has the important property that it remains continuous across the transition region on either side of the surface shadow boundary. Outside the shadow boundary transition region it recovers the purely ray optical incident and reflected ray fields on the deep lit side of the shadow boundary and to the modal surface diffracted ray fields on the deep shadow side. The scattered field is seen to have a cross-polarized component due to the coupling between the TEz and TMz waves (where z is the cylinder axis) resulting from the IBC. Such cross-polarization vanishes for normal incidence on the cylinder, and also in the deep lit region for oblique incidence where it properly reduces to the geometrical optics (GO) or ray optical solution. This UTD solution is shown to be very accurate by a numerical comparison with an exact reference solution.


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Cold atoms in optical potentials provide an ideal test bed to explore quantum nonlinear dynamics. Atoms are prepared in a magneto-optic trap or as a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate and subjected to a far detuned optical standing wave that is modulated. They exhibit a wide range of dynamics, some of which can be explained by classical theory while other aspects show the underlying quantum nature of the system. The atoms have a mixed phase space containing regions of regular motion which appear as distinct peaks in the atomic momentum distribution embedded in a sea of chaos. The action of the atoms is of the order of Planck's constant, making quantum effects significant. This tutorial presents a detailed description of experiments measuring the evolution of atoms in time-dependent optical potentials. Experimental methods are developed providing means for the observation and selective loading of regions of regular motion. The dependence of the atomic dynamics on the system parameters is explored and distinct changes in the atomic momentum distribution are observed which are explained by the applicable quantum and classical theory. The observation of a bifurcation sequence is reported and explained using classical perturbation theory. Experimental methods for the accurate control of the momentum of an ensemble of atoms are developed. They use phase space resonances and chaotic transients providing novel ensemble atomic beamsplitters. The divergence between quantum and classical nonlinear dynamics is manifest in the experimental observation of dynamical tunnelling. It involves no potential barrier. However a constant of motion other than energy still forbids classically this quantum allowed motion. Atoms coherently tunnel back and forth between their initial state of oscillatory motion and the state 180 out of phase with the initial state.


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The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and quantum entanglement are at the heart of quantum mechanics. Here we show that single-pass traveling-wave second-harmonic generation can be used to demonstrate both entanglement and the paradox with continuous variables that are analogous to the position and momentum of the original proposal.


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We propose a scheme for parametric amplification and phase conjugation of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) via stimulated dissociation of a BEC of molecular dimers consisting of bosonic atoms. This can potentially be realized via coherent Raman transitions or using a magnetic Feshbach resonance. We show that the interaction of a small incoming atomic BEC with a (stationary) molecular BEC can produce two counterpropagating atomic beams - an amplified atomic BEC and its phase-conjugate or "time-reversed" replica. The two beams can possess strong quantum correlation in the relative particle number, with squeezed number-difference fluctuations.


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We present Ehrenfest relations for the high temperature stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation description of a trapped Bose gas, including the effect of growth noise and the energy cutoff. A condition for neglecting the cutoff terms in the Ehrenfest relations is found which is more stringent than the usual validity condition of the truncated Wigner or classical field method-that all modes are highly occupied. The condition requires a small overlap of the nonlinear interaction term with the lowest energy single particle state of the noncondensate band, and gives a means to constrain dynamical artefacts arising from the energy cutoff in numerical simulations. We apply the formalism to two simple test problems: (i) simulation of the Kohn mode oscillation for a trapped Bose gas at zero temperature, and (ii) computing the equilibrium properties of a finite temperature Bose gas within the classical field method. The examples indicate ways to control the effects of the cutoff, and that there is an optimal choice of plane wave basis for a given cutoff energy. This basis gives the best reproduction of the single particle spectrum, the condensate fraction and the position and momentum densities.


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Reported are observations and measurements of the inscription of fibre Bragg gratings in two different types of microstructured polymer optical fibre: few-moded and endlessly single mode. Contrary to FBG inscription in silica microstructured fibre, where high energy laser pulses are a prerequisite, we have successfully used a low power CW laser source operating at 325nm to produce 1-cm long gratings with a reflection peak at 1570 nm. Peak reflectivities of more than 10% have been observed.


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A recently predicted resonant effect for the enhancement of two-wave mixing in photorefractive materials is investigated. The resonance occurs when the frequency of the applied ac field agrees with the eigenfrequency of the excited space-charge wave. Experimentally a clear resonance is found, as predicted by the theory, for high dc electric fields, but the resonance is smeared out for lower fields. A modified theory, taking into account the second temporal harmonic of the space-charge wave, shows good agreement with the experimental results.


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We report observations of the diffraction pattern resulting when a nematic liquid crystal is illuminated with two equal power, high intensity beams of light from an Ar+ laser. The time evolution of the pattern is followed from the initial production of higher diffraction orders to a final striking display arising as a result of the self-diffraction of the two incident beams. The experimental results are described with good approximation by a model assuming a phase distribution at the output plane of the liquid crystal in the form of the sum of a gaussian and a sinusoid.