926 resultados para Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.)
The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot plant which the main goal is to emulate a flow peak pressure in a separation vessel. Effect similar that is caused by the production in a slug flow in production wells equipped with the artificial lift method plunger lift. The motivation for its development was the need to test in a plant on a smaller scale, a new technique developed to estimate the gas flow in production wells equipped with plunger lift. To develop it, studies about multiphase flow effects, operation methods of artificial lift in plunger lift wells, industrial instrumentation elements, control valves, vessel sizing separators and measurement systems were done. The methodology used was the definition of process flowcharts, its parameters and how the effects needed would be generated for the success of the experiments. Therefore, control valves, the design and construction of vessels and the acquisition of other equipment used were defined. One of the vessels works as a tank of compressed air that is connected to the separation vessel and generates pulses of gas controlled by a on/off valve. With the emulator system ready, several control experiments were made, being the control of peak flow pressure generation and the flow meter the main experiments, this way, it was confirmed the efficiency of the plant usage in the problem that motivated it. It was concluded that the system is capable of generate effects of flow with peak pressure in a primary separation vessel. Studies such as the estimation of gas flow at the exit of the vessel and several academic studies can be done and tested on a smaller scale and then applied in real plants, avoiding waste of time and money.
Oil wastes were evaluated as alternative low-cost substrates for the production of rhamnolipids by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI strain. Wastes obtained from soybean, cottonseed, babassu, palm, and corn oil refinery were tested. The soybean soapstock waste was the best substrate, generating 11.7 g/L of rhamnolipids with a surface tension of 26.9 mN/m, a critical micelle concentration of 51.5 mg/L, and a production yield of 75%. The monorhamnolipid RhaC10C10 predominates when P. aeruginosa LBI was cultivated on hydrophobic substrates, whereas hydrophilic carbon sources form the dirhamnolipid Rha2C10C10 predominantly. © 2005 American Chemical Society and American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Waste management is becoming, year after year, always more important both for the costs associated with it and for the ever increasing volumes of waste generated. The discussion on the fate of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) leads everyday to new solutions. Many alternatives are proposed, ranging from incineration to composting passing through anaerobic digestion. “For Biogas” is a collaborative effort, between C.I.R.S.A. and R.E.S. cooperative, whose main goal is to generate “green” energy from both biowaste and sludge anaerobic co-digestion. Specifically, the project include a pilot plant receiving dewatered sludge from both urban and agro-industrial sewage (DS) and the organic fraction of MSW (in 2/1 ratio) which is digested in absence of oxygen to produce biogas and digestate. Biogas is piped to a co-generation system producing power and heat reused in the digestion process itself, making it independent from the national grid. Digestate undergoes a process of mechanical separation giving a liquid fraction, introduced in the treatment plant, and a solid fraction disposed in landfill (in future it will be further processed to obtain compost). This work analyzed and estimated the impacts generated by the pilot plant in its operative phase. Once the model was been characterized, on the basis of the CML2001 methodology, a comparison is made with the present scenario assumed for OFMSW and DS. Actual scenario treats separately the two fractions: the organic one is sent to a composting plant, while sludge is sent to landfill. Results show that the most significant difference between the two scenarios is in the GWP category as the project "For Biogas" is able to generate “zero emission” power and heat. It also generates a smaller volume of waste for disposal. In conclusion, the analysis evaluated the performance of two alternative methods of management of OFMSW and DS, highlighting that "For Biogas" project is to be preferred to the actual scenario.
This project was born with the aim of developing an environmentally and financially sustainable process to dispose of end-life tires. In this perspective was devised an innovative static bed batch pilot reactor where pyrolysis can be carried out on the whole tires in order to recover energy and materials and simultaneously save the energy costs of their shredding. The innovative plant is also able to guarantee a high safety of the process thanks to the presence of a hydraulic guard. The pilot plant was used to pyrolyze new and end-life tires at temperatures from 400 to 600°C with step of 50°C in presence of steam. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of the maximum process temperature on yields and chemical-physics properties of pyrolysis products. In addition, in view of a scale-up of the plant in continuous mode, the influence of the nature of several different tires as well as the effects of the aging on the final products were studied. The same pilot plant was also used to carry out pyrolysis on polymeric matrix composites in order to obtain chemical feedstocks from the resin degradation together with the recovery of the reinforcement in the form of fibers. Carbon fibers reinforced composites ad fiberglass was treated in the 450-600°C range and the products was fully characterized. A second oxidative step was performed on the pyrolysis solid residue in order to obtain the fibers in a suitable condition for a subsequent re-impregnation in order to close the composite Life Cycle in a cradle-to-cradle approach. These investigations have demonstrated that steel wires, char, carbon and glass fibers recovered in the prototypal plant as solid residues can be a viable alternative to pristine materials, making use of them to obtain new products with a commercial added value.
La presente investigación se presenta como una alternativa para la reducción de la contaminación por nutrientes que produce el vertido de aguas residuales provenientes de núcleos urbanos que acaban en lagos, lagunas o embalses acelerando los procesos de eutrofización de los mismos. El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar la reducción de nutrientes, fundamentalmente nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, del agua residual doméstica sometida a tratamiento a través de cultivos hidropónicos en un determinado periodo de tiempo, observando a su vez la evolución del cultivo seleccionado. El sistema se diseñó para funcionar en circuito cerrado con el agua residual circulando por entre las raíces de los vegetales estudiados. El cultivo seleccionado fue el “kenaf”, aunque después de mucho tiempo dedicado a la obtención de semillas de “kenaf “por diferentes proveedores, se decidió comenzar un primer ensayo utilizando plantas de aloe vera durante un periodo de un mes de verano. Se procedió a la colocación de plantas en un tubo conteniendo agua residual de una fosa séptica domiciliaria. La reducción de la DBO5 y la DQO fue notable aunque los resultados de la variación de nitratos y fosfatos no fueron concluyentes. Las altas temperaturas alcanzada en esas fechas por el agua circulante, finalmente imposibilitó la continuación del ensayo. Si bien esta primera puesta en marcha no resultó como se esperaba, aportó numerosa información para modificar el planteo del estudio, la forma de llevarlo a cabo y la puesta a punto de la propia instalación. El segundo ensayo se llevó a cabo en otoño con plantas de kenaf obtenidas del ensayo previo en suelo en una parcela piloto en los llanos de Villamartín, en la provincia de Cádiz. Antes de incorporar el agua al sistema hidropónico se analizaron todos los parámetros requeridos por la normativa española del agua para determinar su clasificación como agua residual doméstica. Luego se le dio seguimiento a la variación de los nutrientes, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio a lo largo de varias semanas para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento. Las plantas de kenaf continuaron su desarrollo utilizando las sustancias disueltas en el agua residual como única fuente de nutrientes disponible. This research is presented as an alternative to reduce the pollution that wastewater discharges from towns generate when they end in lakes, ponds and reservoirs, by accelerating the eutrophication processes. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the reduction of nutrients, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, of domestic wastewater treated through hydroponics crops in a given period of time, noting at the same time the evolution of the selected crop. The system was designed to operate in closed circuit with the wastewater circulating through the roots of the studied plants. The selected crop was "kenaf", although after much time spent in obtaining seeds of "kenaf"by different vendors and the impossibility of achieving its germination; it was decided to start a first test using Aloe Vera plants for a period of one month in the summer. The plants were introduced in the holes of a tube containing septic wastewater. The BOD5 and COD reduction was remarkable though the results of the variation in nitrates and phosphates were inconclusive. High temperatures achieved in those dates by circulating water, eventually precluded the continuation of the test. Although this first implementation was not running as expected, it provided information to modify the proposal of the study, the way to carry it out and the development of the installation itself. The second test was conducted in autumn with kenaf plants obtained from the previous test in a pilot plant in the flatness of Villamartín, province of Cádiz. Before adding the water to the hydroponic system all the parameters required by the Spanish water regulations were analyzed to determine their classification as domestic waste water. Then, the variation of nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was tracking over several weeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Kenaf plants continued its development using the substances dissolved in wastewater as sole source of nutrients available.
Disposição de resíduos gerados em estações de tratamento de água em estações de tratamento de esgoto
O presente trabalho foi realizado em duas fases. Na primeira, foram estimados os efeitos produzidos nos decantadores primários de uma ETE, após receber resíduo da ETA-SC, que utiliza sulfato de alumínio como coagulante. Foram realizados ensaios em colunas de sedimentação, onde os parâmetros SST, SSV, cor, turbidez, DQO, coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e parasitas, pesquisados no sobrenadante, diminuíram com o aumento da quantidade de resíduo adicionado. Com relação aos sedimentos obtidos nas colunas de sedimentação, foi encontrada maior quantidade de ST e menor resistência específica nos lodos provenientes das colunas que receberam os resíduos da ETA-SC. No teste de atividade metanogênica, a concentração molar de metano foi reduzida nos sistemas que receberam resíduo da ETA-SC, influenciando negativamente no desenvolvimento dos microrganismos metanogênicas. As espécies de microrganismos do gênero Methanothrix sp foram inibidas, sendo encontradas em maior número no frasco-reator controle e em menor quantidade a medida que se aumentou a quantidade do resíduo adicionado. Nesta etapa foi constatado que o resíduo da ETA-SC poderá apresentar interferências negativas sobre a digestão anaeróbia do lodo produzido em decantadores primários de uma ETE. Na segunda fase, na estação piloto, composta de lagoa de aeração seguida de lagoa de sedimentação, que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte, que utiliza cloreto férrico como coagulante, foi verificado que tal resíduo melhorou a qualidade do efluente em termos de DQO, DBO, SST, turbidez, cor, amônio, nitrato, NTK e fosfato total. Os parâmetros ST, SDT, cloreto, nitrito, condutividade e pH não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Em relação ao exame microscópico não houve influências negativas no licor misto das lagoas de aeração. O lodo formado nas lagoas de sedimentação piloto apresentou-se em maior quantidade na lagoa que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. Neste lodo a resistência específica a filtração foi menor em comparação ao lodo da lagoa que não recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. A desidratação deste lodo por centrifugação necessitou menor quantidade de polieletrólito. Baseado neste estudo não foi verificado interferências que possa impedir o lançamento do resíduo da ETA-Fonte na ETE-Araraquara.
We establish experimentally and through simulations the economic and technical viability of dehydrating ethanol by means of azeotropic distillation, using a hydrocarbon as entrainer. The purpose of this is to manufacture a ready-to-use ethanol–hydrocarbon fuel blend. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this proposition, we have tested an azeotropic water–ethanol feed mixture, using a hydrocarbon as entrainer, in a semi pilot-plant scale distillation column. Four different hydrocarbons (hexane, cyclohexane, isooctane, and toluene) that are representative of the hydrocarbons present in ordinary gasoline have been tested. Each of these hydrocarbons was tested separately in experiments under conditions of constant feed rate and variable reboiler heat duty. The experimentally obtained results are compared with results calculated by a simulator. Finally, the proposed and traditional ethanol dehydration processes are compared to ascertain the advantages of the former over the latter.
Various hydrocarbons (n-hexane, cyclohexane, toluene, isooctane) and mixtures of them (binary, ternary or quaternary), as well as two different types of industrially produced naphtha (one obtained by direct distillation and the other from a catalytic cracking process), have been tested as candidate entrainers to dehydrate ethanol. The tests were carried out in an azeotropic distillation column on a semi pilot plant. The results show that it is possible to dehydrate bioethanol using naphtha as entrainer, obtaining as a result a fuel blend with negligible water content and ready for immediate use in motor vehicles.
Industrial flotation plant design is a complex process involving many aspects, one of which is the use of pilot-scale plants to test industrial plant flow sheets. Once test work on a pilot-scale has been performed, scale-up of these results to the full-scale plant must be performed. This paper describes scale-up test work performed on the Floatability Characterisation Test Rig (FCTR). The FCTR is a self-contained, highly instrumented mobile pilot plant designed to determine flotation model parameters and to develop and validate flotation plant modelling, scale-up and simulation methodologies.
The last few years have witnessed an unprecedented increase in the price of energy available to industry in the United Kingdom and worldwide. The steel industry, as a major consumer of energy delivered in U.K. (8% of national total and nearly 25% of industrial total) and whose energy costs currently form some 28% of the total manufacturing cost, is very much aware of the need to conserve energy. Because of the complexities of steelmaking processes it is imperative that a full understanding of each process and its interlinking role in an integrated steelworks is understood. An analysis of energy distribution shows that as much as 70% of heat input is dissipated to the environment in a variety of forms. Of these, waste gases offer the best potential for energy conservation. The study identifies areas for and discusses novel methods of energy conservation in each process. Application of these schemes in BSC works is developed and their economic incentives highlighted. A major part of this thesis describes design, development and testing of a novel ceramic rotary regenerator for heat recovery from high temperature waste gases, where no such system is available. The regenerator is a compact, efficient heat exchanger. Application of such a system to a reheating furnace provides a fuel saving of up to 40%. A mathematical model developed is verified on the pilot plant. The results obtained confirm the success of the concept and material selection and outlines the work needed to develop an industrial unit. Last, but not least, the key position of an energy manager in an energy conservation programme is identified and a new Energy Management Model for the BSC is developed.
The contamination of water sources of public drinking by waste originated by anthropogenic activities has brought various risks to human health. Among the consequences of such activities can highlight the bloom of microalgae and cyanobacteria, which have the potential to produce toxins dangerous to humans, and the presence of humic substances that are generated by the decomposition of natural organic matter (NOM), such as vegetation. When found in water sources for public supply, present negative aspects conferring high color, odor and taste. The double filtration technology has good efficiency in water with the presence of cyanobacteria and different quality variations. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the behavior of the technique of double filtration with pre-oxidation for water purifiers the lagoon of Extremoz-RN, which currently has high concentrations of cyanobacteria. The research is summarized in four phases: the first phase turned to static tests in jarteste equipment in the laboratory and subsequent phases were tested in the Pilot Plant of Double Filtration. For the second and third stage filtration rates were tested filtration rates of 120 and 180 m3 / m2 .day for ascending boulders filters and 160 and 240 m3 / m2 .day in the filters in quick sand descendants. The last phase aimed to evaluate the double filtration with pre-oxidation. The results demonstrated that the system could produce double filtration in all trials of good quality water according to the Decree nº. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health. The use of preoxidation favored the removal of microcystin and color at the end of the tests, reaching a percentage of color removal around 60%. The analysis of variance in the data, enabled prove that the filtration rates of 180 m3 / m2.d the gravel filter and 240 m3 /m2 .d in rapid filters, were the most significant for the removal of turbidity. The ascending filter of boulder 4 with particle size finer filter layer showed the best performance and the best means of turbidity and apparent color. The rapid filter downward 1 was more efficient in removing turbidity reaching removal about 100%
SRI has examined the organosolv (organic solvation) pulping of Australian bagasse using technology supplied by Ecopulp. In the process, bagasse is reacted with aqueous ethanol in a digester at elevated temperatures (between 150ºC and 200ºC). The products from the digester are separated using proprietary technology before further processing into a range of saleable products. Test trials were undertaken using two batch digesters; the first capable of pulping about 25 g of wet depithed bagasse and the second, larger samples of about 1.5 kg of wet depithed bagasse. From this study, the unbleached pulp produced from fresh bagasse did not have very good strength properties for the production of corrugated medium for cartons and bleached pulp. In particular, the lignin contents as indicated by the Kappa number for the unbleached pulps are high for making bleached pulp. However, in spite of the high lignin content, it is possible to bleach the pulp to acceptable levels of brightness up to 86.6% ISO. The economics were assessed for three tier pricing (namely low, medium and high price). The economic return for a plant that produces 100 air dry t/d of brownstock pulp is satisfactory for both high and medium pricing levels of pricing. The outcomes from the project justify that work should continue through to either pilot plant or upgraded laboratory facility.
A membrane filtration plant using suitable micro or ultra-filtration membranes has the potential to significantly increase pan stage capacity and improve sugar quality. Previous investigations by SRI and others have shown that membranes will remove polysaccharides, turbidity and colloidal impurities and result in lower viscosity syrups and molasses. However, the conclusion from those investigations was that membrane filtration was not economically viable. A comprehensive assessment of current generation membrane technology was undertaken by SRI. With the aid of two pilot plants provided by Applexion and Koch Membrane Systems, extensive trials were conducted at an Australian factory using clarified juice at 80–98°C as feed to each pilot plant. Conditions were varied during the trials to examine the effect of a range of operating parameters on the filtering characteristics of each of the membranes. These parameters included feed temperature and pressure, flow velocity, soluble solids and impurity concentrations. The data were then combined to develop models to predict the filtration rate (or flux) that could be expected for nominated operating conditions. The models demonstrated very good agreement with the data collected during the trials. The trials also identified those membranes that provided the highest flux levels per unit area of membrane surface for a nominated set of conditions. Cleaning procedures were developed that ensured the water flux level was recovered following a clean-in-place process. Bulk samples of clarified juice and membrane filtered juice from each pilot were evaporated to syrup to quantify the gain in pan stage productivity that results from the removal of high molecular weight impurities by membrane filtration. The results are in general agreement with those published by other research groups.