59 resultados para Vrs
As part of the global sheep Hapmap project, 24 individuals from each of seven indigenous Swiss sheep breeds (Bundner Oberländer sheep (BOS), Engadine Red sheep (ERS), Swiss Black-Brown Mountain sheep (SBS), Swiss Mirror sheep (SMS), Swiss White Alpine (SWA) sheep, Valais Blacknose sheep (VBS) and Valais Red sheep (VRS)), were genotyped using Illumina’s Ovine SNP50 BeadChip. In total, 167 animals were subjected to a detailed analysis for genetic diversity using 45 193 informative single nucleotide polymorphisms. The results of the phylogenetic analyses supported the known proximity between populations such as VBS and VRS or SMS and SWA. Average genomic relatedness within a breed was found to be 12 percent (BOS), 5 percent (ERS), 9 percent (SBS), 10 percent (SMS), 9 percent (SWA), 12 percent (VBS) and 20 percent (VRS). Furthermore, genomic relationships between breeds were found for single individuals from SWA and SMS, VRS and VBS as well as VRS and BOS. In addition, seven out of 40 indicated parent–offspring pairs could not be confirmed. These results were further supported by results from the genome-wide population cluster analysis. This study provides a better understanding of fine-scale population structures within and between Swiss sheep breeds. This relevant information will help to increase the conservation activities of the local Swiss sheep breeds.
From its invention in the 1970s, the patch clamp technique is the gold standard in electrophysiology research and drug screening because it is the only tool enabling accurate investigation of voltage-gated ion channels, which are responsible for action potentials. Because of its key role in drug screening, innovation efforts are being made to reduce its complexity toward more automated systems. While some of these new approaches are being adopted in pharmaceutical companies, conventional patch-clamp remains unmatched in fundamental research due to its versatility. Here, we merged the patch clamp and atomic force microscope (AFM) techniques, thus equipping the patch-clamp with the sensitive AFM force control. This was possible using the FluidFM, a force-controlled nanopipette based on microchanneled AFM cantilevers. First, the compatibility of the system with patch-clamp electronics and its ability to record the activity of voltage-gated ion channels in whole-cell configuration was demonstrated with sodium (NaV1.5) channels. Second, we showed the feasibility of simultaneous recording of membrane current and force development during contraction of isolated cardiomyocytes. Force feedback allowed for a gentle and stable contact between AFM tip and cell membrane enabling serial patch clamping and injection without apparent cell damage.
New data on brachiopod assemblages recorded in the Eastern Subbetic area (Alicante, SE Spain) and attributed to the Early Bajocian (Humphriesianum Zone and/or immediately older) are provided. Eleven species have been distinguished and reported for the first time in the Subbetic domain of the Betic Cordillera. The description of the morphological evidences on each analysed taxa, especially in relation to their internal morphology, brings new implications in the systematics of the Middle Jurassic brachiopods. The analysis of faunistic affinity between the recorded assemblages and those from other palaeogeographic domains, shows that the Subbetic brachiopod fauna has a clear Mediterranean affinity, as proved by the different species belonging to the genera Striirhynchia, Septocrurella, Mondegia?, Karadagithyris, Linguithyris, Papodina?, Viallithyris?, and Zugmayeria?. It is also evidenced that the Early-Middle Jurassic transition in the Eastern Subbetic accounted, in qualitative terms, a remarkable interval of faunistic renewal in the brachiopod assemblages, strongly influenced by a complex tectonic and stratigraphic framework controlled by a period of intense extensional tectonics, globally framed in the evolution of the Atlantic Ocean.
Supersedes so much of TM 11-5820-401-12/NAVELEX 0967-3010, Sept. 7, 1972, including all changes that pertain to the operator's portion for radio sets AN/VRC-12, AN/VRC-43, AN/VRC-44, AN/VRC-45, AN/VRS-46, AN/VRS-47, AN/VRS-48, and AN/VRS-49 (used without intercom)
Background: Patient discomfort is one reason for poor compliance with supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). The aim of this study was to compare the levels of discomfort during SPT, using the Vector (TM) system and treatment with a conventional ultrasonic scaler. Methods: Forty-six patients with an SPT programme were debrided using both the Vector (TM) system and a conventional piezo-electric scaler (Sirona (TM)) in a split mouth design. A visual analogue scale was used to evaluate of pain scores upon completion of treatment. A verbal response scale(VRS) was used to assess discomfort, vibration and noise associated with the scaling system, as well as the volume and taste of the coolant used by these systems. Results: Patients instrumented with the Vector (TM) system experienced approximately half the amount of pain compared with the conventional ultrasonic scaling system. The VRS showed that the Vector (TM) system caused less discomfort than the conventional ultrasonic scaling system when assessed for pain, vibration, noise and volume of coolant. These findings were all statistically significant. There was, however, no statistically significant difference between the two systems when assessed for taste. Conclusion: During SPT the Vector (TM) system caused reduced discomforting sensations compared with conventional methods and may be useful in improving compliance with SPT programmes.
In this paper we develop an index and an indicator of productivity change that can be used with negative data. For that purpose the range directional model (RDM), a particular case of the directional distance function, is used for computing efficiency in the presence of negative data. We use RDM efficiency measures to arrive at a Malmquist-type index, which can reflect productivity change, and we use RDM inefficiency measures to arrive at a Luenberger productivity indicator, and relate the two. The productivity index and indicator are developed relative to a fixed meta-technology and so they are referred to as a meta-Malmquist index and meta-Luenberger indicator. We also address the fact that VRS technologies are used for computing the productivity index and indicator (a requirement under negative data), which raises issues relating to the interpretability of the index. We illustrate how the meta-Malmquist index can be used, not only for comparing the performance of a unit in two time periods, but also for comparing the performance of two different units at the same or different time periods. The proposed approach is then applied to a sample of bank branches where negative data were involved. The paper shows how the approach yields information from a variety of perspectives on performance which management can use.
In a Data Envelopment Analysis model, some of the weights used to compute the efficiency of a unit can have zero or negligible value despite of the importance of the corresponding input or output. This paper offers an approach to preventing inputs and outputs from being ignored in the DEA assessment under the multiple input and output VRS environment, building on an approach introduced in Allen and Thanassoulis (2004) for single input multiple output CRS cases. The proposed method is based on the idea of introducing unobserved DMUs created by adjusting input and output levels of certain observed relatively efficient DMUs, in a manner which reflects a combination of technical information and the decision maker's value judgements. In contrast to many alternative techniques used to constrain weights and/or improve envelopment in DEA, this approach allows one to impose local information on production trade-offs, which are in line with the general VRS technology. The suggested procedure is illustrated using real data. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since its introduction in 1978, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has become one of the preeminent nonparametric methods for measuring efficiency and productivity of decision making units (DMUs). Charnes et al. (1978) provided the original DEA constant returns to scale (CRS) model, later extended to variable returns to scale (VRS) by Banker et al. (1984). These ‘standard’ models are known by the acronyms CCR and BCC, respectively, and are now employed routinely in areas that range from assessment of public sectors, such as hospitals and health care systems, schools, and universities, to private sectors, such as banks and financial institutions (Emrouznejad et al. 2008; Emrouznejad and De Witte 2010). The main objective of this volume is to publish original studies that are beyond the two standard CCR and BCC models with both theoretical and practical applications using advanced models in DEA.
A környezetbarát megoldások elterjesztésére irányuló stratégiák különböznek aszerint, hogy mire helyezik a fő hangsúlyt. A „zöld pozicionálás” típusú megközelítés a környezettudatos fogyasztókat célozza meg, míg a „hatékonyságra fókuszáló pozicionálás” az adott termék vagy szolgáltatás által elérhető hatékonyság-javításra összpontosít, megcélozva az egész társadalmat, függetlenül a fogyasztók környezeti tudatosságától. A cikk szerint a fogyasztói politika hatóköre szélesíthető, az összes környezeti haszon pedig növelhető, ha a környezetbarát termékeket és megoldásokat eltérő módokon népszerűsítjük, nemcsak „zöldként” pozicionálva, hanem más érvekre is építve (pl. költséghatékonyság, lakások értékállóságának növelése, a beruházás megtérülése, stb.). A cikk egy modellt vázol fel, amely segíthet az üvegházhatású gázok (ÜHG-k) kibocsátásának csökkentésére irányuló fogyasztói politika hatékonyságának, eredményességének növelésében. A társadalmi és az egyéni határköltséggörbékből kiindulva a szerzők a cselekvés három különböző (zöld, sárga, és vörös) zónáját azonosítják. Az ezekbe a zónákba eső ÜHG elhárítási opciókat ezután egy ún. „profilozási” technika segítségével értékelik, különös hangsúlyt fektetve az opciók megvalósítását korlátozó, illetve azt elősegítő tényezőkre. A profilozás segíthet a kiválasztott ÜHG elhárítási opciók megvalósítási stratégiájának megalkotásában, továbbá a hatásosabb és a tömegpiac számára is elfogadhatóbb fogyasztói politika tervezésében. Az esettanulmány a magyarországi ÜHG elhárítással kapcsolatos politika három különböző pozicionálási lehetőségét értékeli 2000-től kezdve, és a legfrissebb társadalmi határköltséggörbére alapozva, valamint az államnak a lakossági szektorra vonatkozó jelenlegi energiahatékonysági politikája ismeretében gyakorlati példákkal szolgál a profilozási technika használatát illetően. A kutatás a Norvég Finanszírozási Mechanizmus támogatásával valósult meg.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Introducción: la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo (OAF) administrada por cánulas nasales, se ha instaurado como una técnica sencilla, fácil de administrar, de bajo costo, sin complicaciones graves, efectiva para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia respiratoria (IR) en infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas (IRAB). Su aplicación temprana podría mejorar la evolución de estos niños. Objetivos: comunicar la primera experiencia con OAF en niños con IRAB en un Departamento de Emergencia Pediátrica (DEP). Compararla con una cohorte histórica de niños que no la recibió. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo (1 de junio de 2013-20 de setiembre de 2013). Todos los niños tratados con OAF en DEP del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. Criterios de inclusión: <2 años con IRAB viral con IR y escore de Tal >8 o ³7 mantenido, apneas reiteradas, saturación de oxígeno <90% con O2 por máscara de flujo libre. Criterios de exclusión: pCO2 >70 mmHg, pH <7,2, depresión de conciencia, falla hemodinámica. Resultados: OAF 36 niños; mediana 4 meses; bronquiolitis 83%; VRS+ 58%. Destino pacientes en OAF: cuidados moderados 78%, UCI 22%, AVM 22%. No complicaciones ni fallecimientos. Cohorte histórica: 91 niños con IRAB no tratados con OAF. Cohorte histórica: UCI: 40 (44%) versus OAF (p=0,0005). AVM: cohorte histórica 30 (33%) versus OAF (p=0,026). Menores 6 meses: con OAF AVM 5 (19%), cohorte histórica: 25(45%) (p=0,026). Conclusiones: en un porcentaje elevado de pacientes fue posible evitar el ingreso a UCI. La necesidad de AVM en menores de 6 meses con OAF fue significativamente menor. La incorporación temprana de OAF en las IRAB graves modificó la forma de tratamiento de estos pacientes en la emergencia.
The article addresses the subject of talent by emphasizing different conceptions about talent and by proposing an approach to this theme, from the point of view of talent in boys and girls. It also provides an analysis of research conducted with first, second, and third graders in public and private schools of the Costa Rican Education System. Using questionnaires and observations of the dynamics of the classroom as measurement tools, this study contrasts teachers` expectations about their students’ talent with the reality of the class environment, pointing out the existing abyss between teachers’ beliefs and their professional practices.