980 resultados para Visual C 6.0
Existem vrios trabalhos na rea de extrao de dados semi-estruturados, usando diferentes tcnicas. As solues de extrao disponibilizadas pelos trabalhos existentes so direcionadas para atenderem a dados de certos domnios, considerando-se domnio o conjunto de elementos pertencentes mesma rea de interesse. Dada a complexidade e a grande quantidade dos dados semi-estruturados, principalmente dos disponveis na World Wide Web (WWW), que existem ainda muitos domnios a serem explorados. A maior parte das informaes disponveis em sites da Web est em pginas HTML. Muitas dessas pginas contm dados de certos domnios (por exemplo, remdios). Em alguns casos, sites de organizaes diferentes apresentam dados referentes a um mesmo domnio (por exemplo, farmcias diferentes oferecem remdios). O conhecimento de um determinado domnio, expresso em um modelo conceitual, serve para definir a estrutura de um documento. Nesta pesquisa, so consideradas exclusivamente tabelas de pginas HTML. A razo de se trabalhar somente com tabelas est baseada no fato de que parte dos dados de pginas HTML encontra-se nelas, e, como conseqncia, elimina-se o processamento dos outros dados, concentrando-se os esforos para que sejam processadas automaticamente. A pesquisa aborda o tratamento exclusivo de tabelas de pginas HTML na gerao das regras de extrao, na utilizao das regras e do modelo conceitual para o reconhecimento de dados em pginas semelhantes. Para essa tcnica, foi implementado o prottipo de uma ferramenta visual denominado Gerador de Regras de Extrao e Modelo Conceitual (GREMO). GREMO foi desenvolvido em linguagem de programao visual Delphi 6.0. O processo de extrao ocorre em quatro etapas: identificao e anlise das tabelas de informaes teis em pginas HTML; identificao de conceitos para os elementos dos modelos conceituais; gerao dos modelos conceituais correspondentes pgina, ou utilizao de modelo conceitual existente no repositrio que satisfaa a pgina em questo; construo das regras de extrao, extrao dos dados da pgina, gerao de arquivo XML correspondente aos dados extrados e, finalmente, realimentao do repositrio. A pesquisa apresenta as tcnicas para gerao e extrao de dados semi-estruturados, as representaes de domnio exclusivo de tabelas de pginas HTML por meio de modelo conceitual, as formas de gerao e uso das regras de extrao e de modelo conceitual.
No presente trabalho, obtemos e analisamos diversas propriedades das solues u(, t) da equao de difuso linear (equao do calor em meios unidimensionais homogneos) ut = uxx x 2 R, t > 0 correspondentes a estados iniciais u(x, 0) = u0(x), com u0 2 Lp(R), para algum 1 p < 1; bem como da equao de Burgers ut + cuux = uxx x 2 R, t > 0 onde c, so constantes dadas, sendo c 6= 0 e > 0 e ainda assumindo u(x, 0) = u0(x) com u0 2 Lp(R) para 1 p < 1, e limitado. Estudamos tambm a equao mais geral da forma ut + f(u)x = uxx x 2 R, t > 0 discutindo vrias propriedades importantes das solues, associadas a estados iniciais u0 2 Lp(R) \ L1(R) para algum 1 p < 1. Em particular, examinamos o comportamento de ku(, t)kLr(R), p r 1, para t >> 1, e diversas propriedades relacionadas.
Incluye Bibliografa
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
We present Submillimeter Array [C II] 158 m and Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array 12^CO(1-0) line emission maps for the bright, lensed, submillimeter source at z = 5.2430 behind A 773: HLSJ091828.6+514223 (HLS0918). We combine these measurements with previously reported line profiles, including multiple 12^CO rotational transitions, [C I], water, and [N II], providing some of the best constraints on the properties of the interstellar medium in a galaxy at z > 5. HLS0918 has a total far-infrared (FIR) luminosity L_FIR(81000 m) = (1.6 0.1) 10^14 L_ ^1, where the total magnification _total = 8.9 1.9, via a new lens model from the [C II] and continuum maps. Despite a HyLIRG luminosity, the FIR continuum shape resembles that of a local LIRG. We simultaneously fit all of the observed spectral line profiles, finding four components that correspond cleanly to discrete spatial structures identified in the maps. The two most redshifted spectral components occupy the nucleus of a massive galaxy, with a source-plane separation <1 kpc. The reddest dominates the continuum map (demagnified L_FIR, component = (1.1 0.2) 10^13 L_) and excites strong water emission in both nuclear components via a powerful FIR radiation field from the intense star formation. A third star-forming component is most likely a region of a merging companion (V ~ 500 km s^1) exhibiting generally similar gas properties. The bluest component originates from a spatially distinct region and photodissociation region analysis suggests that it is lower density, cooler, and forming stars less vigorously than the other components. Strikingly, it has very strong [N II] emission, which may suggest an ionized, molecular outflow. This comprehensive view of gas properties and morphology in HLS0918 previews the science possible for a large sample of high-redshift galaxies once ALMA attains full sensitivity.
Aims: To evaluate the C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) as diagnostic tools for early onset infection in preterm infants with early respiratory distress (RD). Methods: CRP and IL-6 were quantified at identification of RD and 24 h after in 186 newborns. Effects of maternal hypertension, mode of delivery, Apgar score, birth weight, gestational age, mechanical ventilation, being small for gestational age (SGA), and the presence of infection were analyzed. Results: Forty-four infants were classified as infected, 42 as possibly infected, and 100 as uninfected. Serum levels of IL-6 (0 h), CRP (0 h), and CRP (24 h), but not IL-6 (24 h) were significantly higher in infected infants compared to the remaining groups. The best test for identification of infection was the combination of IL-6 (0 h) 36 pg/dL and/or CRP (24 h) 0.6 mg/dL, which yielded 93% sensitivity and 37% specificity. The presence of infection and vaginal delivery independently increased IL-6 (0 h), CRP (0 h) and CRP (24 h) levels. Being SGA also increased the CRP (24 h) levels. IL-6 (24 h) was independently increased by mechanical ventilation. Conclusions: The combination of IL-6 (0 h) and/or CRP (24 h) is helpful for excluding early onset infection in preterm infants with RD but the poor specificity limits its potential benefit as a diagnostic tool.
RESUMO: Introduo A insuficincia de convergncia (IC) pode desencadear alteraes da ateno visual. Pretende-se investigar se existem alteraes na ateno visual em estudantes do ensino superior com IC. Metodologia Estudo quantitativo, comparativo e correlacional. Participaram 44 estudantes com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 24 anos. Formaram-se dois grupos, um com Viso Binocular Normal (VBN) e outro com IC. O grupo com IC incluiu os indivduos que apresentaram alteraes no ponto prximo de convergncia (PPC) e/ou na convergncia para perto (C). Para avaliar a ateno visual utilizou-se o teste de cancelamento de sinos. Resultados O grupo com VBN foi composto por 32 indivduos (23 do gnero feminino) e o grupo com IC por 12 indivduos (11 do gnero feminino). No teste de ateno visual verificou-se que o nmero mdio de sinos identificados foi de 34,6 para o grupo com VBN e de 34,3 no grupo com IC. O tempo mdio de realizao do teste foi de 167,9s e de 198,3s para os grupos de VBN e IC, respetivamente. Observou-se uma correlao moderada positiva entre o PPC e o tempo mdio de realizao do teste (r0,63) e uma correlao fraca positiva entre o nmero mdio de sinos identificados e a C (r0,16). Por outro lado, a correlao entre o PPC e o nmero mdio de sinos identificados (r-0,48) foi fraca negativa e entre a C e o tempo mdio (r-0,05) foi nfima negativa. Discusso/Concluses O grupo com VBN apresenta um nmero mdio de sinos identificados superior ao grupo com IC. Verifica-se ainda que o grupo com IC demorou mais tempo na realizao do teste, comparativamente com o grupo com VBN. Estes resultados apontam para uma possvel relao entre a IC e a diminuio da ateno visual.
PURPOSE: To assess corneal wavefront-guided photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) to correct hyperopia after radial keratotomy (RK). SETTING: Sadalla Amin Ghanem Eye Hospital, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. DESIGN: Case series. METHODS: Excimer laser corneal wavefront-guided PRK with intraoperative mitomycin-C (MMC) 0.02% was performed. Main outcome measures were uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance visual acuities, spherical equivalent (SE), corneal aberrations, and haze. RESULTS: The mean time between RK and PRK in the 61 eyes (39 patients) was 18.8 years +/- 3.8 (SD). Before PRK, the mean SE was +4.17 +/- 1.97 diopters (D); the mean astigmatism, -1.39 +/- 1.04 D; and the mean CDVA, 0.161 +/- 0.137 logMAR. At 24 months, the mean values were 0.14 +/- 0.99 D (P<.001), -1.19 +/- 1.02 D (P=.627), and 0.072 +/- 0.094 logMAR (P<.001), respectively; the mean UDVA was 0.265 +/- 0.196 (P<.001). The UDVA was 20/25 or better in 37.7% of eyes and 20/40 or better in 68.9%. The CDVA improved by 1 or more lines in 62.3% of eyes. Two eyes (3.3%) lost 2 or more lines, 1 due to corneal ectasia. Thirty eyes (49.2%) were within +/- 0.50 D of intended SE and 45 (73.8%) were within +/- 1.00 D. From 6 to 24 months, the mean SE regression was +0.39 D (P<.05). A significant decrease in coma, trefoil, and spherical aberration occurred. Three eyes developed peripheral haze more than grade 1. CONCLUSION: Corneal wavefront-guided PRK with MMC for hyperopia after RK significantly improved UDVA, CDVA, and higher-order corneal aberrations with a low incidence of visually significant corneal haze.
This study aims to evaluate the direct effects of anthropogenic deforestation on simulated climate at two contrasting periods in the Holocene, ~6 and ~0.2 k BP in Europe. We apply We apply the Rossby Centre regional climate model RCA3, a regional climate model with 50 km spatial resolution, for both time periods, considering three alternative descriptions of the past vegetation: (i) potential natural vegetation (V) simulated by the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS, (ii) potential vegetation with anthropogenic land use (deforestation) from the HYDE3.1 (History Database of the Global Environment) scenario (V + H3.1), and (iii) potential vegetation with anthropogenic land use from the KK10 scenario (V + KK10). The climate model results show that the simulated effects of deforestation depend on both local/regional climate and vegetation characteristics. At ~6 k BP the extent of simulated deforestation in Europe is generally small, but there are areas where deforestation is large enough to produce significant differences in summer temperatures of 0.51 C. At ~0.2 k BP, extensive deforestation, particularly according to the KK10 model, leads to significant temperature differences in large parts of Europe in both winter and summer. In winter, deforestation leads to lower temperatures because of the differences in albedo between forested and unforested areas, particularly in the snow-covered regions. In summer, deforestation leads to higher temperatures in central and eastern Europe because evapotranspiration from unforested areas is lower than from forests. Summer evaporation is already limited in the southernmost parts of Europe under potential vegetation conditions and, therefore, cannot become much lower. Accordingly, the albedo effect dominates in southern Europe also in summer, which implies that deforestation causes a decrease in temperatures. Differences in summer temperature due to deforestation range from 1 C in south-western Europe to +1 C in eastern Europe. The choice of anthropogenic land-cover scenario has a significant influence on the simulated climate, but uncertainties in palaeoclimate proxy data for the two time periods do not allow for a definitive discrimination among climate model results.
FUNDAMENTO: Vrios estudos sugerem que a protena-C reativa (PCR) se correlaciona com doena arterial coronariana em adultos. Entretanto, essa associao ainda pouco explorada em adolescentes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associao entre a PCR e os fatores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes obesos. MTODOS: Oitenta e quatro adolescentes (12,6 1,3 anos), ambos os sexos, foram distribudos nos grupos Eutrfico (n = 28), Sobrepeso (n = 28) e Obeso (n = 28), segundo o ndice de massa corprea (IMC). A concentrao de PCR (ELISA ultrassensvel), o perfil lipdico e o contedo de anticorpos anti-LDLox (ELISA) foram determinados aps jejum de 12h. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto a idade (p = 0,13) e sexo (p = 0,83). Colesterol total, HDL-C, CT/HDL-C e LDL-C/HDL-C apresentaram diferenas significativas entre os grupos Eutrfico e Obeso. No houve variao significativa no contedo de anticorpos anti-LDLox. Os valores de PCR foram diferentes entre os trs grupos (p < 0,01). PCR apresentou associao significativa com IMC (β = 2,533), CB (β = 2,645) e CC (β = 2,945), CT (β = 0,006), LDL-C (β = 0,006) e anticorpos anti-LDLox (β = 0,383) e negativa entre HDL-C (β = -0,017). CONCLUSO: Os resultados indicam que a PCR se associa significativamente com marcadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi de analisar morfometricamente fragmentos histolgicos do bao de animais normais e diabticos, comparando os resultados encontrados e relacionando-os ao sexo e a suplementao da vitamina C. Foram utilizados 32 ratos Wistar, os quais foram analisados nmero de vasos, o nmero de folculos germinativos (polpa branca) e o dimetro dos vasos de cada animal. As anlises histolgicas e morfometricas foram feitas em amostras de 5m de espessura demonstrando que: na quantidade de folculos germinativos, observamos resultados comparando, independente do sexo, animais controles suplementados com vitamina C e controles no suplementados (p0,05; F=0,1452); na quantidade de vasos, observamos resultados comparando, fmeas diabticas suplementadas pela vitamina C e fmeas diabticas no suplementadas (pd"0,05; F=6.8893); e no dimetro dos vasos, observamos resultados comparando fmeas, tanto no grupo controle quanto ao grupo diabtico, suplementadas pela vitamina C quando comparadas s fmeas no suplementadas pela vitamina C (p<0,05; U=121.50; Z(U)=2.1234) e (p<0,05; F=4.8134). De um modo geral, a induo de diabetess modifica o dimetro vascular nas fmeas e que a administrao de vitamina C interfere nos dados mtricos relativos ao dimetro vascular somente nas fmeas.
Background & aims. This study aimed to determine the relationship between blood lead concentrations and calcium, iron and vitamin C dietary intakes of pregnant women. Methods. Included in the study were 55 women admitted to a hospital, for delivery, from June to August 2002. A food frequency questionnaire was applied to determine calcium, iron and vitamin C intakes, and a general questionnaire to obtain data on demographic-socioeconomic condition, obstetric history, smoking habit, and alcohol intake. Blood lead and haemoglobin were determined, respectively, by atomic absorption spectrometry and by the haemoglobinometer HemoCue. Multiple linear regression models were used to determine the relationship between blood lead and calcium, iron and vitamin C intakes, and haemoglobin levels, controlling for confounders. Results. The final model of the regression analysis detected an inverse relationship between blood lead and age of the women (p=0.011), haemoglobin (p=0.001), vitamin C (p=0.012), and calcium intake (p<0.001) (R2=0.952). One hundred percent, 98.2% and 43.6% of the women were below the adequate intake (AI) for calcium, and below the recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for iron, and vitamin C, respectively. Conclusion. Despite the small sample size, the results of this study suggest that maternal age, haemoglobin, vitamin C intake, and calcium intake may interfere with blood concentrations of lead
We determined the absolute branch of the T=2 superallowed decay of (32)Ar by detecting the beta(+)-delayed protons and gamma decays of the daughter state. We obtain b(SA)(beta)=(22.71 +/- 0.16)%, which represents the first determination of a proton branch to better than 1%. Using this branch along with the previously determined (32)Ar half-life and energy release, we determined ft=(1552 +/- 12) s for the superallowed decay. This ft value, together with the corrected Ft value extracted from previously known T=1 superallowed decays, yields a measurement of the isospin symmetry breaking correction in (32)Ar decay delta(exp)(C)=(2.1 +/- 0.8)%. This can be compared to a theoretical calculation delta(C)=(2.0 +/- 0.4)%. As by-products of this work, we determined the gamma and proton branches for the decay of the lowest T=2 state of (32)Cl, made a precise determination of the total proton branch and relative intensities of proton groups that leave (31)S in its first excited state and deduced an improved value for the (32)Cl mass.