982 resultados para Viral Proteins


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A RNAi based antiviral strategy holds the promise to impede hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection overcoming the problem of emergence of drug resistant variants, usually encountered in the interferon free direct-acting antiviral therapy. Targeted delivery of siRNA helps minimize adverse `off-target' effects and maximize the efficacy of therapeutic response. Herein, we report the delivery of siRNA against the conserved 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of HCV RNA using a liver-targeted dendritic nano-vector functionalized with a galactopyranoside ligand (DG). Physico-chemical characterization revealed finer details of complexation of DG with siRNA, whereas molecular dynamic simulations demonstrated sugar moieties projecting ``out'' in the complex. Preferential delivery of siRNA to the liver was achieved through a highly specific ligand-receptor interaction between dendritic galactose and the asialoglycoprotein receptor. The siRNA-DG complex exhibited perinuclear localization in liver cells and co-localization with viral proteins. The histopathological studies showed the systemic tolerance and biocompatibility of DG. Further, whole body imaging and immunohistochemistry studies confirmed the preferential delivery of the nucleic acid to mice liver. Significant decrease in HCV RNA levels (up to 75%) was achieved in HCV subgenomic replicon and full length HCV-JFH1 infectious cell culture systems. The multidisciplinary approach provides the `proof of concept' for restricted delivery of therapeutic siRNAs using a target oriented dendritic nano-vector.


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HuR is a ubiquitous, RNA binding protein that influences the stability and translation of several cellular mRNAs. Here, we report a novel role for HuR, as a regulator of proteins assembling at the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of viral RNA in the context of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. HuR relocalizes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm upon HCV infection, interacts with the viral polymerase (NS5B), and gets redistributed into compartments of viral RNA synthesis. Depletion in HuR levels leads to a significant reduction in viral RNA synthesis. We further demonstrate that the interaction of HuR with the 3' UTR of the viral RNA affects the interaction of two host proteins, La and polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB), at this site. HuR interacts with La and facilitates La binding to the 3' UTR, enhancing La-mediated circularization of the HCV genome and thus viral replication. In addition, it competes with PTB for association with the 3' UTR, which might stimulate viral replication. Results suggest that HuR influences the formation of a cellular/viral ribonucleoprotein complex, which is important for efficient initiation of viral RNA replication. Our study unravels a novel strategy of regulation of HCV replication through an interplay of host and viral proteins, orchestrated by HuR. IMPORTANCE Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highly dependent on various host factors for efficient replication of the viral RNA. Here, we have shown how a host factor (HuR) migrates from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and gets recruited in the protein complex assembling at the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of HCV RNA. At the 3' UTR, it facilitates circularization of the viral genome through interaction with another host factor, La, which is critical for replication. Also, it competes with the host protein PTB, which is a negative regulator of viral replication. Results demonstrate a unique strategy of regulation of HCV replication by a host protein through alteration of its subcellular localization and interacting partners. The study has advanced our knowledge of the molecular mechanism of HCV replication and unraveled the complex interplay between the host factors and viral RNA that could be targeted for therapeutic interventions.


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Post-transcriptional modification of viral mRNA is essential for the translation of viral proteins by cellular translation machinery. Due to the cytoplasmic replication of Paramyxoviruses, the viral-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) is thought to possess all activities required for mRNA capping and methylation. In the present work, using partially purified recombinant RNA polymerase complex of rinderpest virus expressed in insect cells, we demonstrate the in vitro methylation of capped mRNA. Further, we show that a recombinant C-terminal fragment (1717-2183 aa) of L protein is capable of methylating capped mRNA, suggesting that the various post-transcriptional activities of the L protein are located in independently folding domains.


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The roles of the folate receptor and an anion carrier in the uptake of 5- methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MeH_4folate) were studied in cultured human (KB) cells using radioactive 5-MeH_4folate. Binding of the 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by folic acid, but not by probenecid, an anion carrier inhibitor. The internalization of 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by low temperature, folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. Prolonged incubation of cells in the presence of high concentrations of probenecid appeared to inhibit endocytosis of folatereceptors as well as the anion carrier. The V_(max) and K_M values for the carrier were 8.65 ± 0.55 pmol/min/mg cell protein and 3.74 ± 0.54µM, respectively. The transport of 5-MeH4folate was competitively inhibited by folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. The carrier dissociation constants for folic acid, probenecid and methotreate were 641 µM, 2.23 mM and 13.8 µM, respectively. Kinetic analysis suggests that 5-MeH_4folate at physiological concentration is transported through an anion carrier with the characteristics of the reduced-folate carrier after 5-MeH_4folate is endocytosed by folate receptors in KB cells. Our data with KB cells suggest that folate receptors and probenecid-sensitive carriers work in tandem to transport 5-MeH_4folate to the cytoplasm of cells, based upon the assumption that 1 mM probenecid does not interfere with the acidification of the vesicle where the folate receptors are endocytosed.

Oligodeoxynucleotides designed to hybridize to specific mRNA sequences (antisense oligonucleotides) or double stranded DNA sequences have been used to inhibit the synthesis of a number of cellular and viral proteins (Crooke, S. T. (1993) FASEB J. 7, 533-539; Carter, G. and Lemoine, N. R. (1993) Br. J. Cacer 67, 869-876; Stein, C. A. and cohen, J. S. (1988) Cancer Res. 48, 2659-2668). However, the distribution of the delivered oligonucleotides in the cell, i.e., in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus has not been clearly defined. We studied the kinetics of oligonucleotide transport into the cell nucleus using reconstituted cell nuclei as a model system. We present evidences here that oligonucleotides can freely diffuse into reconstituted nuclei. Our results are consistent with the reports by Leonetti et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 88, pp. 2702-2706, April 1991), which were published while we were carrying this research independently. We also investigated whether a synthetic nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide of SV40 T antigen could be used for the nuclear targeting of oligonucleotides. We synthesized a nuclear localization signal peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide to see if a nuclear localization signal peptide can enhance the uptake of oligonucleotides into reconstituted nuclei of Xenopus. Uptake of the NLS peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide was comparable to the control oligonucleotide at similar concentrations, suggesting that the NLS signal peptide does not significantly enhance the nuclear accumulation of oligonucleotides. This result is probably due to the small size of the oligonucleotide.


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Two MAbs (3C7 and 3C9) against flounder Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus (PORV) were generated with hybridoma cell fusion technology and characterized by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, isotype test, Western blot and immunodot analysis and immunofluorescence assay. Isotyping tests demonstrated that both of the two MAbs belonged to IgM subclass. Western blot analysis showed the MAbs reacted with 42, 30, and 22 kDa viral proteins, which were localized within the cytoplasm of PORV-infected grass carp ovary (GCO) cells analyzed by indirect immunofluorescences tests. The MAb 3C7 was also selected at random for detecting virus antigens in the inoculated grass carp tissues by immunohistochemistry assay. Flow cytometry tests showed that at the 36 h postinfection (0.25 PFU/cell), the 23% PORV-infected GCO cells could be distinguished from the uninfected cells with the MAb 3C7. Such MAbs could be useful for diagnosis and potential treatment of viral infection. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present research, two Chinese rhesus monkeys were inoculated intravenously with 5000 TCID50 of SIVmac239. The changes in the numbers of CD4+ T lymphocyte in peripheral blood, plasma viral loads, proviral DNA and humoral antibodies against virus were periodically monitored during 121 days. At the early stage of infection, proviral DNA had been detected in PBMCs, and infectious SIVmac239 virus had been isolated from PBMCs. At the same period, the numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes were significantly decreased, and maintained at low level during the 121-day period of infection. Plasma viral loads reached the peak at week 2 post-inoculation and kept at a steady state subsequently. Moreover, antibodies against viral proteins were detected from plasma. All the results showed that the two Chinese rhesus monkeys had been infected with SIVmac239 successfully. This animal model can be applied for further AIDS researches.


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Vaccinia virus, the prototype member of the orthopoxviruses, is the largest and the most complex virus known. After replication of its genome and expression of the viral proteins, vaccinia undergoes a complicated assembly process which produces two distinct infectious forms. The first of these, the intracellular mature virus (IMV), develops from the immature virion (IV) after packaging of the genome and cleavage of the core proteins. During the transition of the IV to the IMV, a new core structure develops in the centre of the virion, concomitantly with the appearance of spike-like structures which extend between this core and the surrounding membranes of the IMV. I describe the characterization of p39 (gene A4L) which is hypothesized to be one component of these spikes. p39 is a core protein, but has strong associations with the membranes surrounding the IMV, possibly due to an interaction with p21 (A17L). Due to its location between the core and the membranes of the IMV, p39 is ideally situated to act as a matrix-like linker protein and may play a role in the formation of the core during the transition of the IV to the IMV. The IMV is subsequently wrapped by a membrane cisterna derived from the trans Golgi network, to form the intracellular enveloped virus (IEV). I show that the IEV can co-opt the actin cytoskeleton of the host cell in order to induce the formation of actin tails which extend from one side of the virion. These actin tails propel the virus particle, both intra- and intercellularly, at speeds of up to 2.8µm/min. On reaching the plasma membrane, the virus particles project out from the cell surface at the tip of virally induced microvilli. The outer membrane of the IEV is thought to fuse with the plasma membrane at the tip of these projections, thus exposing the second infectious form of vaccinia. This is thought to be the means by which the cell-associated enveloped virus is presented to neighbouring cells, thereby facilitating the direct cell-to-cell spread of virus particles.


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BACKGROUND: Immunization with recombinant carboxyl-terminal domain of the heavy chain (Hc domain) of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) stimulates protective immunity against native BoNT challenge. Most studies developing a botulism vaccine have focused on the whole Hc; however, since the principal protective epitopes are located within beta-trefoil domain (Hcbetatre), we hypothesize that immunization with the Hcbetatre domain is sufficient to confer protective immunity. In addition, enhancing its uptake subsequent to nasal delivery prompted development of an alternative vaccine strategy, and we hypothesize that the addition of targeting moiety adenovirus 2 fiber protein (Ad2F) may enhance such uptake during vaccination. RESULTS: The Hcbetatre serotype B immunogen was genetically fused to Ad2F (Hcbetatre/B-Ad2F), and its immunogenicity was tested in mice. In combination with the mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin (CT), enhanced mucosal IgA and serum IgG Ab titers were induced by nasal Hcbetatre-Ad2F relative to Hcbetatre alone; however, similar Ab titers were obtained upon intramuscular immunization. These BoNT/B-specific Abs induced by nasal immunization were generally supported in large part by Th2 cells, as opposed to Hcbetatre-immunized mice that showed more mixed Th1 and Th2 cells. Using a mouse neutralization assay, sera from animals immunized with Hcbetatre and Hcbetatre-Ad2F protected mice against 2.0 LD50. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that Hcbetatre-based immunogens are highly immunogenic, especially when genetically fused to Ad2F, and Ad2F can be exploited as a vaccine delivery platform to the mucosa.


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Measles virus Edmonston strain was purified by ultrafiltration followed by two successive sedimentations through sucrose. Purified virus retained infectivity and, when used as an immunogen, elicited high titred antibody to measles antigens by conventional serology. The measles preparations were examined by SDS-PAGE followed by staining. In addition, following PAGE, the purity of these preparations was assessed immunochemically using antisera directed to measles and host cell antigens. The results of these studies demonstrate the utility of the purification method for the preparation of milligram quantities of relatively pure measles virus.


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A virus isolated from a porpoise during the 1988 seal epizootic was shown to be a morbillivirus. In order to determine the relationship of the virus to phocine distemper virus (PDV) a battery of monoclonal antibodies raised against canine distemper virus (CDV), PDV or the porpoise isolate were assessed for their ability to bind to CDV, PDV or porpoise virus epitopes in indirect immunofluorescence assays and ELISAs. The porpoise isolate contained several unique epitopes and several epitopes present on CDV and PDV were absent on the porpoise isolate. The data presented in this study indicate that the porpoise virus is an antigenically distinct morbillivirus and as such has been tentatively named as delphinoid distemper virus (DDV).


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are crucial in the innate immune response to pathogens, in that they recognize and respond to pathogen associated molecular patterns, which leads to activation of intracellular signaling pathways and altered gene expression. Vaccinia virus (VV), the poxvirus used to vaccinate against smallpox, encodes proteins that antagonize important components of host antiviral defense. Here we show that the VV protein A52R blocks the activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) by multiple TLRs, including TLR3, a recently identified receptor for viral RNA. A52R associates with both interleukin 1 receptor-associated kinase 2 (IRAK2) and tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6), two key proteins important in TLR signal transduction. Further, A52R could disrupt signaling complexes containing these proteins. A virus deletion mutant lacking the A52R gene was attenuated compared with wild-type and revertant controls in a murine intranasal model of infection. This study reveals a novel mechanism used by VV to suppress the host immunity. We demonstrate viral disabling of TLRs, providing further evidence for an important role for this family of receptors in the antiviral response.


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Rapid and sensitive detection of viral infections associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) in live animals is recognized as key to minimizing the impact of this disease. ELISA-based testing is limited as it typically relies on the detection of a single viral antibody subtype within an individual test sample and testing is relatively slow and expensive. We have recently initiated a new project entitled AgriSense to develop a novel low-cost and label-free, integrated bimodal electronic biosensor system for BRD. The biosensor system will consist of an integrated multichannel thin-film-transistor biosensor and an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensor, interfaced with PDMS-based microfluidic sample delivery channels. By using both sensors in tandem, nonspecific binding biomolecules must have the same mass to charge ratio as the target analyte to elicit equivalent responses from both sensors. The system will target simultaneous multiplexed sensing of the four primary viral agents involved in the development of BRD: bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1), bovine parainfluenza virus-3 (BPIV-3), bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). Optimized experimental conditions derived through model antigen-antibody studies will be applied to the detection of serological markers of BRD-related infections based on IgG interaction with a panel of sensor-immobilized viral proteins. This rapid, “cowside” multiplex sensor capability presents a major step forward in disease diagnosis, helping to ensure the integrity of the agri-food supply chain by reducing the risk of disease spread during animal movement and transport.


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UNLABELLED: Influenza A viruses counteract the cellular innate immune response at several steps, including blocking RIG I-dependent activation of interferon (IFN) transcription, interferon (IFN)-dependent upregulation of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), and the activity of various ISG products; the multifunctional NS1 protein is responsible for most of these activities. To determine the importance of other viral genes in the interplay between the virus and the host IFN response, we characterized populations and selected mutants of wild-type viruses selected by passage through non-IFN-responsive cells. We reasoned that, by allowing replication to occur in the absence of the selection pressure exerted by IFN, the virus could mutate at positions that would normally be restricted and could thus find new optimal sequence solutions. Deep sequencing of selected virus populations and individual virus mutants indicated that nonsynonymous mutations occurred at many phylogenetically conserved positions in nearly all virus genes. Most individual mutants selected for further characterization induced IFN and ISGs and were unable to counteract the effects of exogenous IFN, yet only one contained a mutation in NS1. The relevance of these mutations for the virus phenotype was verified by reverse genetics. Of note, several virus mutants expressing intact NS1 proteins exhibited alterations in the M1/M2 proteins and accumulated large amounts of deleted genomic RNAs but nonetheless replicated to high titers. This suggests that the overproduction of IFN inducers by these viruses can override NS1-mediated IFN modulation. Altogether, the results suggest that influenza viruses replicating in IFN-competent cells have tuned their complete genomes to evade the cellular innate immune system and that serial replication in non-IFN-responsive cells allows the virus to relax from these constraints and find a new genome consensus within its sequence space.

IMPORTANCE: In natural virus infections, the production of interferons leads to an antiviral state in cells that effectively limits virus replication. The interferon response places considerable selection pressure on viruses, and they have evolved a variety of ways to evade it. Although the influenza virus NS1 protein is a powerful interferon antagonist, the contributions of other viral genes to interferon evasion have not been well characterized. Here, we examined the effects of alleviating the selection pressure exerted by interferon by serially passaging influenza viruses in cells unable to respond to interferon. Viruses that grew to high titers had mutations at many normally conserved positions in nearly all genes and were not restricted to the NS1 gene. Our results demonstrate that influenza viruses have fine-tuned their entire genomes to evade the interferon response, and by removing interferon-mediated constraints, viruses can mutate at genome positions normally restricted by the interferon response.


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Résumé : Les progrès techniques de la spectrométrie de masse (MS) ont contribué au récent développement de la protéomique. Cette technique peut actuellement détecter, identifier et quantifier des milliers de protéines. Toutefois, elle n'est pas encore assez puissante pour fournir une analyse complète des modifications du protéome corrélées à des phénomènes biologiques. Notre objectif était le développement d'une nouvelle stratégie pour la détection spécifique et la quantification des variations du protéome, basée sur la mesure de la synthèse des protéines plutôt que sur celle de la quantité de protéines totale. Pour cela, nous volions associer le marquage pulsé des protéines par des isotopes stables avec une méthode d'acquisition MS basée sur le balayage des ions précurseurs (precursor ion scan, ou PIS), afin de détecter spécifiquement les protéines ayant intégré les isotopes et d'estimer leur abondance par rapport aux protéines non marquées. Une telle approche peut identifier les protéines avec les plus hauts taux de synthèse dans une période de temps donnée, y compris les protéines dont l'expression augmente spécifiquement suite à un événement précis. Nous avons tout d'abord testé différents acides aminés marqués en combinaison avec des méthodes PIS spécifiques. Ces essais ont permis la détection spécifique des protéines marquées. Cependant, en raison des limitations instrumentales du spectromètre de masse utilisé pour les méthodes PIS, la sensibilité de cette approche s'est révélée être inférieure à une analyse non ciblée réalisée sur un instrument plus récent (Chapitre 2.1). Toutefois, pour l'analyse différentielle de deux milieux de culture conditionnés par des cellules cancéreuses humaines, nous avons utilisé le marquage métabolique pour distinguer les protéines d'origine cellulaire des protéines non marquées du sérum présentes dans les milieux de culture (Chapitre 2.2). Parallèlement, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode de quantification nommée IBIS, qui utilise des paires d'isotopes stables d'acides aminés capables de produire des ions spécifiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour la quantification relative. La méthode IBIS a été appliquée à l'analyse de deux lignées cellulaires cancéreuses complètement marquées, mais de manière différenciée, par des paires d'acides aminés (Chapitre 2.3). Ensuite, conformément à l'objectif initial de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une variante pulsée de l'IBIS pour détecter des modifications du protéome dans des cellules HeLa infectée par le virus humain Herpes Simplex-1 (Chapitre 2.4). Ce virus réprime la synthèse des protéines des cellules hôtes afin d'exploiter leur mécanisme de traduction pour la production massive de virions. Comme prévu, de hauts taux de synthèse ont été mesurés pour les protéines virales détectées, attestant de leur haut niveau d'expression. Nous avons de plus identifié un certain nombre de protéines humaines dont le rapport de synthèse et de dégradation (S/D) a été modifié par l'infection virale, ce qui peut donner des indications sur les stratégies utilisées par les virus pour détourner la machinerie cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans ce travail que le marquage métabolique peut être employé de façon non conventionnelle pour étudier des dimensions peu explorées en protéomique. Summary : In recent years major technical advancements greatly supported the development of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. Currently, this technique can efficiently detect, identify and quantify thousands of proteins. However, it is not yet sufficiently powerful to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome changes correlated with biological phenomena. The aim of our project was the development of ~a new strategy for the specific detection and quantification of proteomé variations based on measurements of protein synthesis rather than total protein amounts. The rationale for this approach was that changes in protein synthesis more closely reflect dynamic cellular responses than changes in total protein concentrations. Our starting idea was to couple "pulsed" stable-isotope labeling of proteins with a specific MS acquisition method based on precursor ion scan (PIS), to specifically detect proteins that incorporated the label and to simultaneously estimate their abundance, relative to the unlabeled protein isoform. Such approach could highlight proteins with the highest synthesis rate in a given time frame, including proteins specifically up-regulated by a given biological stimulus. As a first step, we tested different isotope-labeled amino acids in combination with dedicated PIS methods and showed that this leads to specific detection of labeled proteins. Sensitivity, however, turned out to be lower than an untargeted analysis run on a more recent instrument, due to MS hardware limitations (Chapter 2.1). We next used metabolic labeling to distinguish the proteins of cellular origin from a high background of unlabeled (serum) proteins, for the differential analysis of two serum-containing culture media conditioned by labeled human cancer cells (Chapter 2.2). As a parallel project we developed a new quantification method (named ISIS), which uses pairs of stable-isotope labeled amino acids able to produce specific reporter ions, which can be used for relative quantification. The ISIS method was applied to the analysis of two fully, yet differentially labeled cancer cell lines, as described in Chapter 2.3. Next, in line with the original purpose of this thesis, we used a "pulsed" variant of ISIS to detect proteome changes in HeLa cells after the infection with human Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (Chapter 2.4). This virus is known to repress the synthesis of host cell proteins to exploit the translation machinery for the massive production of virions. As expected, high synthesis rates were measured for the detected viral proteins, confirming their up-regulation. Moreover, we identified a number of human proteins whose synthesis/degradation ratio (S/D) was affected by the viral infection and which could provide clues on the strategies used by the virus to hijack the cellular machinery. Overall, in this work, we showed that metabolic labeling can be employed in alternative ways to investigate poorly explored dimensions in proteomics.


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In eukaryotes, homologous recombination proteins such as RAD51 and RAD52 play crucial roles in DNA repair and genome stability. Human RAD52 is a member of a large single-strand annealing protein (SSAP) family [1] and stimulates Rad51-dependent recombination [2, 3]. In prokaryotes and phages, it has been difficult to establish the presence of RAD52 homologs with conserved sequences. Putative SSAPs were recently found in several phages that infect strains of Lactococcus lactis[4]. One of these SSAPs was identified as Sak and was found in the virulent L. lactis phage ul36, which belongs to the Siphoviridae family [4, 5]. In this study, we show that Sak is homologous to the N terminus of human RAD52. Purified Sak binds single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) preferentially over double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and promotes the renaturation of long complementary ssDNAs. Sak also binds RecA and stimulates homologous recombination reactions. Mutations shown to modulate RAD52 DNA binding [6] affect Sak similarly. Remarkably, electron-microscopic reconstruction of Sak reveals an undecameric (11) subunit ring, similar to the crystal structure of the N-terminal fragment of human RAD52 [7, 8]. For the first time, we propose a viral homolog of RAD52 at the amino acid, phylogenic, functional, and structural levels.