996 resultados para Violência contra o Idoso
In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents
In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents
This thesis is consisted of a theoretical and empirical study about the treatment given by media, particularly on telejournalism, to violence against women. It aims to analyze and reflect about the role of media, particularly television, on the process of reproduction of patriarchy system of gender on the context of Brazilian society, from content and narrative news about crimes committed against Andreia Rodrigues and Eliza Samudio. In light of the critical perspective, we seek to apprehend the particularities of patriarchy as a system of domination and subjugation of women, and also reveal the involvement of traditional means of media on reproduction and maintenance of inequality between men and women. To apprehend that reality, we had as guidance a critical social theory, grounded in historical-dialectical materialism which enabled us to apprehend the phenomenon under investigation actually enrolled in a dynamic and contradictory reality. The research had qualitative approach. We appeal to the specialized literature of the area from classical and contemporary authors. We conducted a content analysis of categorized matters, and interviews with individuals involved in issues of gender and / or communication. The critical examination of the matters indicated that television journalism is permeated by the contradictions inherent in social life, means that states and restates the ideology of ruling classes, their values and worldviews, but also express conflicts and social demands. The study revealed that prevails on television playing stereotypes and gender inequalities. We could also see that violence against women gets a sensationalist overblown approach and with no insights on the social relations that determine and base it.
This work demonstrates the results obtained from research on violence against women: an analysis of the work from reference center of the Social Assistance-CREAS, held in the city of Parnamirim/RN from September 2008 extending through the february of 2009. Having as goal to investigate and examine in a longitudinal cut, which specifically covers the period from 2006 to 2007, find out extent the actions taken by the Reference Center Specialized Social Assistance- CREAS, contributed to the change of women who were there, by checking if there was any change in their positions ahead of the violence and if they began to realize how social subjects, able to control their living conditions and interfere in the orientation of social dynamics Have a particular emphasis on the presence of work and schooling or lack of them is also a factor to be allied to the barriers and rules imposed on women in contemporary society. In this study it was found through a qualitative research guided by dialectical and implemented through the use of documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and an extensive theoretical background on the subject in question that the woman victim of violence is in a complex and contradictory context where there is both the construction and deconstruction of rights, a view that there are strong influences of patriarchal culture and the consequences of social issues that specifically searched for the public, focuses on social, economic , political, social and cultural. In this sense, the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women, operated by CREASE Parnamirim, is also reflected in its early stages in the life of these women are to nurture a real chance for these victims of violence, to perceive themselves as social subjects can control their lives and interfere in their own destinies. We want this study to add more knowledge to help and most appropriate intervention in this reality, but without the intention of reaching exhaustion, but to subsidize future studies on the topic of women victims of violence
This work demonstrates the results obtained from research on violence against women: an analysis of the work from reference center of the Social Assistance-CREAS, held in the city of Parnamirim/RN from September 2008 extending through the february of 2009. Having as goal to investigate and examine in a longitudinal cut, which specifically covers the period from 2006 to 2007, find out extent the actions taken by the Reference Center Specialized Social Assistance-CREAS, contributed to the change of women who were there, by checking if there was any change in their positions ahead of the violence and if they began to realize how social subjects, able to control their living conditions and interfere in the orientation of social dynamics Have a particular emphasis on the presence of work and schooling or lack of them is also a factor to be allied to the barriers and rules imposed on women in contemporary society. In this study it was found through a qualitative research guided by dialectical and implemented through the use of documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and an extensive theoretical background on the subject in question that the woman victim of violence is in a complex and contradictory context where there is both the construction and deconstruction of rights, a view that there are strong influences of patriarchal culture and the consequences of social issues that specifically searched for the public, focuses on social, economic , political, social and cultural. In this sense, the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women, operated by CREASE Parnamirim, is also reflected in its early stages in the life of these women are to nurture a real chance for these victims of violence, to perceive themselves as social subjects can control their lives and interfere in their own destinies. We want this study to add more knowledge to help and most appropriate intervention in this reality, but without the intention of reaching exhaustion, but to subsidize future studies on the topic of women victims of violence
Pós-graduação em Ciência Odontólogica - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Aborda as temáticas da violência e das políticas públicas concebidas para a proteção à mulher. A pesquisa se prende em duas gestões no Município de Belém, concentra seu foco de análise nas políticas de Saúde, Assistência Social e Justiça. O objetivo é avaliar o desempenho dos gestores, um do Partido da Frente Liberal (tipificado do ponto de vista ideológico como Partido de Direita) e outro do Partido dos Trabalhadores (caracterizado como Partido de Esquerda) no tocante à proteção social à mulher. A abordagem da temática baseia-se em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, neste último adotando como fonte principal os relatórios anuais de atividades e as mensagens dos respectivos gestores à Câmara Municipal de Belém. A análise comparativa sobre o desempenho dos prefeitos na condução das políticas públicas destacadas, aponta para uma discreta vantagem da gestão do PT notadamente nas políticas de Saúde e de Assistência Social. Cabe, porém, ressalvar que o avanço nestas políticas coincide e está condicionado a implantação dos SUS e do sistema descentralizado e participativo da assistência social, que ocorre de forma federada sob a coordenação das instâncias do governo federal.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Neste estudo realizou-se a análise do perfil dos homens autores de violência cometida contra a mulher a partir de notícias sobre violência identificadas no jornal O Liberal, do Estado do Pará, sugerindo possíveis estratégias de enfermagem para o enfretamento do problema. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo exploratório de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa utilizando-se o método estatístico e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011). Foi desenvolvido na Fundação Cultural do Pará Tancredo Neves (CENTUR), onde se observou 2.190 exemplares do jornal O Liberal, destes analisou-se 211 notícias sobre violência conjugal no Estado do Pará, das quais, 85 foram publicadas no período de 01 de Janeiro de 2004 a 31 de Julho de 2006 (antes da Lei Maria da Penha), e 126 foram publicadas de 01 de Agosto de 2006 a 31 de Dezembro de 2008 (Após a criação da Lei Maria da Penha). Na abordagem quantitativa, verificou-se que os homens que cometem violência contra a mulher são seus companheiros com 25,88% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e 48,41% (depois da Lei Maria da Penha); têm idade entre 23 e 33 anos com 27,06% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e 23,81% (depois da Lei Maria da Penha); exercem atividades informais ou de nível pouco especializado, como agricultor 2,35% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e pedreiro com 6,35% (após a Lei Maria da Penha). Apresentam antecedentes criminais por agressão física (3,53%) correspondente aos anos anteriores à criação da Lei Maria da Penha e tráfico de drogas com um percentual de 3,97%, referente aos anos que sucedem a Lei Maria da Penha. As discussões com taxas de 24,71% (antes da Lei Maria da Penha) e 27,78% (após a Lei Maria da Penha) representam o principal fator para agressão e/ou morte da mulher. A violência física é a mais significativa com percentuais de 89,4% (antes da criação da lei Maria da Penha) e 77,78% (após a criação da Lei). Na abordagem qualitativa foram identificadas cinco categorias temáticas: A violência contra a mulher como um fenômeno complexo; A construção da identidade do homem autor da violência cometida contra a mulher; Principais fatores que levam os homens a cometerem violência contra as parceiras; Aplicabilidade da Lei nº 11.340/2006 segundo o jornal O Liberal; Formas de referenciar os autores da violência. Por conseguinte, a prevenção da violência contra a mulher não depende exclusivamente do seu empoderamento, mas deve incluir transformações por parte do autor da violência. Dessa forma, o enfermeiro tem papel fundamental no cuidado a este homem, pois ao conjugar esforços com outros profissionais encontra suporte para atuar no processo de educação em saúde junto aos autores de violência e suas famílias.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this article I write about the importance of creating alternative methodologies to work with violence against women in the field of psychology. Artistic productions like literature, theatre and storytelling, among others, make it possible to question fixed binary identities in gender regulation and may enable the reconstruction of identitary rules by means of original enunciations and gestures, which give occasion to new maps that can embrace differences and refute normalizations. I bring the possibility of thinking the insertion of the psychologist in this debate, supported by artistic devices as resistance strategies and construction of dissident subjectivities, and I illustrate this narrative bringing the story of Branca and José Pássaro Volante, characters of Lídia Jorge's work O dia dos prodígios (The day of the prodigies).
This article presents the results of a study that made use of the Theatre of the Oppressed, in its Forum Theatre form, to promote discussions and reflections on violence against women. This was achieved through a sketch about the theme shown to a group of recyclable material collectors from two towns in the interior of the State of São Paulo. In the Forum Theatre the spectators become actors/actresses and, through the activity, help to find a solution for the enacted conflict. The results of the study suggest that the Theatre of the Oppressed can be used as an important methodological procedure for research. In the field of Psychology specifically, this theatrical tool emerges as an alternative device in order to work with participative studies involving diverse themes and issues of a community, producing ruptures in hegemonic practices and discourses.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este texto tem como objetivo central evidenciar aspectos da temática violência contra a mulher como o assunto privilegiado para se trabalhar no Ensino Superior, particularmente no Curso de Direito, mediante artigos de jornal. Tal formulação é decorrente da reflexão sobre a árdua tarefa da mediação do conhecimento que impõe desafios, algumas vezes desanimadores, sobretudo quando o peso da tradição dá o tom, ou quando os responsáveis pelo ensino encontram-se refratários às mudanças didáticas no seio de alguns cursos superiores. Como postura de uma nova didática, a proposta de se trabalhar com artigos de jornal, sobretudo quando trabalhada com temáticas como a privilegiada neste artigo, revela as possibilidades de aproximação dos resultados das reflexões sobre questões do cotidiano com aspectos da dogmática, muito valorizada, sobretudo, nos Cursos de Direito.