986 resultados para Vinho tinto : Antioxidante : Radiacais livres


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This study examines the physical and chemical composition and the pharmacological effects of brown seaweed FRF 0.8 Lobophora variegata. Fractionation of the crude extract was done with the concentration of 0.8 volumes of acetone, obtaining the FRF 0.8. The physicochemical characterization showed that it was a fucana sulfated. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by paw edema model by the high rates of inhibition of the edema and the best results were in the fourth hour after induction (100 ± 1.4% at the dose of 75 mg / kg) and by the strong inhibitory activity of the enzyme myeloperoxidase (91.45% at the dose of 25 mg / kg). The hepataproteção was demonstrated by measurements of enzymatic and metabolic parameters indicative of liver damage, such as bilirubin (reduction in 68.81%, 70.68% and 68.21% for bilirubin total, direct and indirect, respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg), ALT, AST and γ-GT (decrease of 76.93%, 44.58% and 50% respectively at a dose of 75 mg / kg) by analysis of histological slides of liver tissue, confirming that hepatoprotective effect the polymers of carbohydrates, showing a reduction in tissue damage caused by CCl4 and the inhibition of the enzyme complex of cytochrome P 450 (increasing sleep time in 54.6% and reducing the latency time in 71.43%). The effectiveness of the FRF 0.8 angiogenesis was examined in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fertilized eggs, with the density of capillaries evaluated and scored, showing an effect proangigênico at all concentrations tested FRF (10 mg- 1000 mg). The FRF showed antioxidant activity on free radicals (by inhibiting Superoxide Radical in 55.62 ± 2.10%, Lipid Peroxidation in 100.15 ± 0.01%, Hydroxyl Radical in 41.84 ± 0.001% and 71.47 Peroxide in ± 2.69% at concentration of 0.62 mg / mL). The anticoagulant activity was observed with prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) at 50 mg (> 240 s), showing that its action occurs in the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade. Thus, our results indicate that these sulfated polysaccharides are an important pharmacological target


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The main aim of this study was to compare the procedure for dehydration of Gracilaria birdiae prepared handmade and laboratory, collected in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. The sample was collected in the Rio do Fogo beach in march 2009. The sample collected followed by two processing, the first the material prepared in laboratory was air-dried at 50°C for 24 hours in air-flow oven. The second the handmade sample was air-dried on the sun during three days. The extract was prepared in three different solvents: ethanol, hydroethanol and water, resulting in ethanol, hidroethanol and aqueous extracts from handmade and laboratory sample. In according with results only the ethanol extract was fractionated yielding the fractions hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions. The different process to obtain Gracilaria birdiae resulted in the samples with different shades. The soluble solids content was higher in the laboratory sample. The chemical composition the both samples were characterized by presenting a considerable amounts of carbohydrates, with amior percentage protein and ash, respectively, in the handmade and laboratory sample. In two samples showed a low content of lipids and the lipid profile showed a higher proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids, with the absence polyunsaturated handmade sample. The phytochemical screening by chemical reactions showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponins the laboratory sample, presenting a greater diversity of bioactive compounds. Through of the analysis by thin layer chromatography was possible to identify the phytosterols β-sitosterol and stigmasterol the both samples, also suggest the presence of β-carotene and chlorophyll α the laboratory sample. The levels of total phenolics and flavonoids were more significant in the ethanol extract of the laboratory sample. The in vitro lethality showed that extracts of the laboratory sample and handmade from 125 to 500 μg/ mL, respectively, were highly lethal. In the evaluation of antioxidant capacity by the system β-carotene/ácido linoleic method and by DPPH radical scavernging assay, the ethanol extract from the laboratory process showed significantly greater activity than the other extracts, being and the first and second methods, respectively, lower and equivalent to the synthetic antioxidant BHT. The handmade ethanol extract has not demonstrated skill in deactivating free radicals, but showed activity in inhibiting lipid peroxidation, although the values were significantly lower than the laboratory sample. We conclude that the dehydration process in the laboratory is the most efficient technique to maintenance of the chemical composition present in the seaweed, providing beneficial properties such as antioxidant capacity. We emphasize that this property can be explored with the objective of adding commercial value to the final product, which will promote the expansion of production of this seaweed in the community of Rio do Fogo


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Recently, it has been a increasing interest in the antioxidative role of natural products to aid the endogenous protective biological systems against the deleterious effects of oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) reactive species. Many antioxidant compounds, naturally occurring from plant sources. Natural antioxidants can protect and prevent the human body from oxidative stress and retard the progress of many diseases in which free radical are involved. Several plants used in the folk medicine to treat certain disorders that are accompanied by inflammation and other pharmacological properties have been proved their attributed properties, such antioxidant activity. Turnera ulmifolia Linn. var. elegans (Turneraceae), frequently employed by population as a medicinal plant, demonstrated antioxidant activity by in vitro and in vivo assays, using its leaf hydroethanolic extract (10%) he in vitro DPPH radical-scanvenging activity showed a strong antioxidant activity (86.57% ± 0.14), similar to Carduus marianus and catequine effects. For the in vivo assays, adult female Wistar rats (n=48) with carbon tetrachloride hepatic injury induced (2,5mL/kg i.p.) were used, Six groups or rats were uses (n=8) [G1 = control (1,25 mL/kg i.p. vehicle); G2 = CCl4 (2,5 mL/kg i.p.); G3 = CCl4 + extract 7 days (500 mg/kg p.o.); G4 = CCl4 + Legalon® 7 days (50 mg/kg p.o.), G5 = CCl4 + extract 21 days (500 mg/kg p.o.) e G6 = CCl4 + Legalon® 21 days (50 mg/kg p.o.)]. The hepatic oxidative injury was evaluated through biochemical parameters [alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST)] histopathological study, while thiobarbituric acid reactive products (TBAR), glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels were used to evaluate proantioxidant parameters. The plant extract tested was found effective as hepatoprotective as evidenced by a decreasing in the ALT and AST activities (p<0.001) and TBAR (plasma, p<0.001 and liver, p<0.001). Levels of GSH (blood, p<0.001 and liver, p<0.001) and antioxidant enzymes [CAT erythrocyte (p<0.05) and hepatic (p<0.01); SOD erythrocyte (p<0.001) and hepatic (p<0.001); GPx erythrocyte (p<0.001) and hepatic (p<0.001)] were also significantly increased. Histopathological changes induced by CCl4 were significantly reduced by the extract treatment. The data obtained were comparable to that of Legalon®, a reference hepatoprotective drug. The results showed that T. ulmifolia leaf extract protects against CCl4 induced oxidative damage. Therefore, this effect must be associated to its antioxidant activity, attributed to the phenolic compounds, present in these extract, which can act as free radical scavengers


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de atividade alelopática, antimicrobiana e antioxidante dos extratos orgânicos (hexano, acetato de etila e metanol) das folhas de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker Gawl.) Miers (Bignoniaceae). Para alelopatia, foi estudado o desenvolvimento de Cucumis sativus (pepino), sendo avaliados o comprimento da raiz principal, o número de raízes secundárias e o comprimento do hipocótilo. Os dois primeiros parâmetros foram afetados por todos os três extratos testados enquanto o comprimento do hipocótilo só não foi afetado pelo extrato acetato de etila. Quanto à atividade antimicrobiana, avaliada pelo ensaio de CIM, o extrato hexânico apresentou inibição moderada frente ao Staphylococcus aureus (0,9 mg mL-1) e forte ao Enterococcus hirae (0,5 mg mL-1). O extrato acetato de etila apresentou forte atividade frente Candida albicans (0,3 mg mL-1) enquanto o extrato metanólico não mostrou-se ativo para os microrganismos testados. Por outro lado, o extrato metanólico apresentou a maior capacidade de seqüestrar radicais livres (Concentração Efetiva 50%-CE50 =102,0 ± 56,9 mg mL-1, com TCE50 = 30 min) no ensaio com DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila) e o maior teor de compostos fenólicos (116,2 ± 83,0 mg ácido gálico g amostra-1), avaliado pelo ensaio de Folin-Ciocalteau.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the class of secondary metabolites responsible for the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of bark extracts of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (Leguminosae-Mimosoidae), a plant widely used in folk medicine in Brazil. Extracts of the bark were prepared with 50% ethanol, 70% ethanol, acetone:water (7:3, v/v) and chloroform. Antioxidant activity was prospected by spraying thin-layer chromatographs of the extracts with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and measuring the DPPH radical scavenging capacity by spectrophotometry. Antibacterial activity was revealed by the agar diffusion method and bioautography. TLC spots assigned to tannins in the polar extracts showed antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging and the chloroform extract showed the least scavenging activity. Antimicrobial activity was indicated by the bacterial growth inhibition haloes around polar extracts and bioautography showed activity in the TLC spots assigned to tannins. It was concluded that polar extracts of the bark of S. adstringens possessed antioxidant and antimicrobial activities which were due to secondary metabolite derived from the tannin class, which are the main constituent of these bark extracts, according to the literature.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coffee seeds have limitations regarding to its conservation because of their sensitivity to desiccation and storage behavior. The establishment of a methodology for seed storage is difficult due to its deterioration. Deterioration can enhance the production of reactive oxygen species and cause lethal oxidative damage to plant tissues. The damage caused by harmful levels of free radicals can be softened by the action of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants. Recent research shows new antioxidative protection technologies, being cathodic protection a promising technique with relevant results in other recalcitrant species and even in other living organisms. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify the antioxidant effect of cathodic water in Coffea arabica L. seeds with the purpose of investigating a new technology to improve seed quality. The study was conducted at the Central Seed Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, at the Federal University of Lavras. Coffea arabica L. seeds were used. The study was conducted in two stages, in the first a preliminary analysis of the use of cathodic water was carried out in batches with different levels of quality. In the second it was evaluated the effect of light and of the imbibition period of the seeds in cathodic water. The seeds were immersed in distilled water and in cathodic water for eight distinct soaking periods, in absence and presence of light and then evaluated by physiological tests. It can be concluded that cathodic water can positively influence the physiological performance of the coffee seeds with poor quality, especially when embedded during periods between 4.5 to 7.5 hours in the absence of light.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA