846 resultados para Video Conference


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In this paper, a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) video surveillance system is presented for collision avoidance of moving ships to bridge piers. An image pre-processing algorithm is proposed to reduce clutter noises by multi-scale fractal analysis, in which the blanket method is used for fractal feature computation. Then, the moving ship detection algorithm is developed from image differentials of the fractal feature in the region of surveillance between regularly interval frames. Experimental results have shown that the approach is feasible and effective. It has achieved real-time and reliable alert to avoid collisions of moving ships to bridge piers


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The present work presents a new method for activity extraction and reporting from video based on the aggregation of fuzzy relations. Trajectory clustering is first employed mainly to discover the points of entry and exit of mobiles appearing in the scene. In a second step, proximity relations between resulting clusters of detected mobiles and contextual elements from the scene are modeled employing fuzzy relations. These can then be aggregated employing typical soft-computing algebra. A clustering algorithm based on the transitive closure calculation of the fuzzy relations allows building the structure of the scene and characterises the ongoing different activities of the scene. Discovered activity zones can be reported as activity maps with different granularities thanks to the analysis of the transitive closure matrix. Taking advantage of the soft relation properties, activity zones and related activities can be labeled in a more human-like language. We present results obtained on real videos corresponding to apron monitoring in the Toulouse airport in France.


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The real time hardware architecture of a deterministic video echo canceller (deghoster) system is presented. The deghoster is capable of calculating all the multipath channel distortion characteristics from terrestrial and cable television in one single pass while performing real time video in-line ghost cancellation. The results from the actual system are also presented in this paper.


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Under multipath conditions, standard Video Intermediate Frequency (VIF) detectors generate a local oscillator phase error and consequently produce a dispersed non-ideal detected video signal due to the presence of additional IF carriers. The dispersed video causes problems when attempting to identify and remove the multipath interference, or ghosts, by the use of Digital Signal Processing and digital filtering. A digital phase lock system is presented which derives the correct phase for synchronous detection in the presence of multipath by using correlation information that has already been calculated as part of the deghosting process. As a result, the video deghoster system is made simpler, faster and more economical.


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This research establishes the feasibility of using a network centric technology, Jini, to provide a grid framework on which to perform parallel video encoding. A solution was implemented using Jini and obtained real-time on demand encoding of a 480 HD video stream. Further, a projection is made concerning the encoding of 1080 HD video in real-time, as the current grid was not powerful enough to achieve this above 15fps. The research found that Jini is able to provide a number of tools and services highly applicable in a grid environment. It is also suitable in terms of performance and responds well to a varying number of grid nodes. The main performance limiter was found to be the network bandwidth allocation, which when loaded with a large number of grid nodes was unable to handle the traffic.


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The literature has identified issues around transitions among phases for all pupils (Cocklin, 1999) including pupils with special educational needs (SEN) (Morgan 1999, Maras and Aveling 2006). These issues include pupils’ uncertainties and worries about building size and spatial orientation, exposure to a range of teaching styles, relationships with peers and older pupils as well as parents’ difficulties in establishing effective communications with prospective secondary schools. Research has also identified that interventions to facilitate these educational transitions should consider managerial support, social and personal familiarisation with the new setting as well as personalised learning strategies (BECTA 2004). However, the role that digital technologies can play in supporting these strategies or facilitating the role of the professionals such as SENCos and heads of departments involved in supporting effective transitions for pupils with SEN has not been widely discussed. Uses of ICT include passing references of student-produced media presentations (Higgins 1993) and use of photographs of activities attached to a timetable to support familiarisation with the secondary curriculum for pupils with autism (Cumine et al. 1998).


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We investigate the impact of captions on deaf and hearing perception of multimedia video clips. We measure perception using a parameter called Quality of Perception (QoP), which encompasses not only a user's satisfaction with multimedia clips, but also his/her ability to perceive, synthesise and analyse the informational content of such presentations. By studying perceptual diversity, it is our aim to identify trends that will help future implementation of adaptive multimedia technologies. Results show that although hearing level has a significant affect on information assimilation, the effect of captions is not significant on the objective level of information assimilated. Deaf participants predict that captions significantly improve their level of information assimilation, although no significant objective improvement was measured. The level of enjoyment is unaffected by a participant’s level of hearing or use of captions.


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In this paper we present a novel approach to detect people meeting. The proposed approach works by translating people behaviour from trajectory information into semantic terms. Having available a semantic model of the meeting behaviour, the event detection is performed in the semantic domain. The model is learnt employing a soft-computing clustering algorithm that combines trajectory information and motion semantic terms. A stable representation can be obtained from a series of examples. Results obtained on a series of videos with different types of meeting situations show that the proposed approach can learn a generic model that can effectively be applied on the behaviour recognition of meeting situations.


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Abstract NGL 2015 Workshop Användning av OER och video i undervisning och lärande Sten Sundin Hållbus Totte Mattsson Open Educational Resources; OER, även kallat öppna lärresurser, är resurser som finns tillgängliga på Internet som kan användas fritt och i många fall också bearbetas fritt. Fördelarna med OER i allmänhet är att kunna återanvända andra personers expertkunskap och material. Många lärresurser håller en hög kvalitet och är även mycket pedagogiska. Detta förbättrar lärandet och innebär nya möjligheter i undervisningen som en lärare själv annars inte skulle kunnat åstadkomma, som t.ex. att själv göra tidskrävande videoinspelningar. Att undervisa med mer stöd av video, bilder och icketextbaserad information kan även gynna studenters olika lärstilar. Denna workshop syftar till att introducera användning av OER och video för lärare som inte är bekanta med OERbegreppet och som i större utsträckning önskar använda video i undervisningen. Under workshopen kommer deltagarna att arbeta i grupp med relevanta söktjänster för att hitta och undersöka användbara OER eller videoresurser. Länkar och anteckningar från sökningarna kommer att delas till övriga workshopdeltagare på en webbaserad samarbetsyta som kommer att vara tillgänglig även efter workshopen Plan för workshopen ● Introduktion. Fördelar med att använda OER och video i undervisning och lärande. (5 min) ● Min användning av lär och videoresurser idag (gruppdiskussion). Vad är mina tidigare erfarenheter inom området? Hur hittar jag lär och videoresurser för min undervisning? Beskriv hur din nuvarande situation ser ut (15 min) ● Presentation av OER och video i undervisning och varför detta är viktigt för lärare. Olika typer av OER, Creative Commonslicenser, samt hur man hittar OER och andra kostnadsfria lärresurser. Exempel på söktjänster, samt samlingar med OER och videoresurser som kan undersökas. Användning och redigering av YouTubevideos (10 min) ● Arbete i mindre grupper om 2-4 personer. Grupperna har tillgång till listor med passande sökverktyg för att hitta användbara OER och videoresurser. De resurser som har hittats sparas på en gemensam plats med webbverktyget Padlet (50 min) ● Sammanfattning. Alla resultat från sessionen kommer att finnas tillgängliga på en Padletyta som finns kvar efter workshopen så att deltagarna kan fortsätta att dela idéer och undersöka resurser som har hittats. (10 min) Målgrupp Lärare, bibliotekarier och andra utbildare som är intresserade av att öka sina kunskaper om frågor kring OER och video i undervisning och lärande


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