979 resultados para Video Art


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In this multi-screen installation, iconic male characters from Hollywood films are reconfigured to create infinitely looping scenes of running; trapping the characters in a kind of Nietchzen eternal recurrence. Stemming primarily from my investigation into anxiety as a shared social experience, the carefully edited, looped, and rotoscoped characters become avatars or surrogates for myself, and for the viewer. Through this editing, they are caught in a space of relentless confusion and paranoia – they run with, and from, anxiety. They are never caught by any unseen pursuers, but are equally unable to catch up to any unseen goal. These figures act as models of masculinity, they are objects of identification and emulation. Simultaneously, as celebrities, they are also fictions of the media sphere, both real and ethereal, they are impossible to grasp. In this duality, the work also references cinema’s tangled conflation of character and celebrity identity. It examines the subjective and intersubjective engagements we can have with popular culture, and the way that these engagements can as strategies to ‘make sense’ of social experiences. The work was exhibited in the Carriageworks space of ‘You Imagine What You Desire’, the 19th Biennale of Sydney.


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In 'Zarathustra’s Cave' the iconic apartment set from 90’s sitcom 'Seinfeld' is presented devoid of actors or action of any kind. Instead the ‘apartment’ sits empty, accompanied by the ambient noise of the screen-space and the distant sound of city traffic. At irregular intervals this relative silence is punctuated by the laughter of an off-screen audience. Unprompted by any on-screen action, this spontaneous audience response ranges from raucous fits of cheering and applause to singular guffaws and giggles. The work is the product of a deep engagement with its subject matter, the result of countless hours of re-watching and editing to isolate the aural and visual spaces presented on the screen. In its resolute emptiness, the installation addresses the notion of narrative expectation. It creates a ‘nothing-space’, where a viewer can experientially oscillate between a sense of presence and absence, tension and pathos, or even between humour and existential crisis. The work was first exhibited in ‘NEW14’, at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art in Melbourne.


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Animal Spirits is multi-channel video portrait of key personalities involved in the Global Financial Crisis. The four-screen installation displays these twelve decapitated apostles of free-market economic theory in a tableau of droning pontification. Trapped in a purgatorial loop, they endlessly spout vague and obfuscating explanations and defenses of their ideologies and (in)actions. The work takes a creatively quotidian approach to understanding the language of economics and the financial services industry. Through its endless loop of sound, image, and spoken text, the installation examines some of the ideas, narratives and power dynamics that foster and reward hubris and greed.


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This work expresses the complicated and cyclical sense of economic aspiration and ambivalence so prevalent in the lived experience of contemporary capitalism. The three-channel video animation depicts a single US dollar bill falling in a dark void-space. These fragments of negotiable value, evidence of a laborious hand-drawn process, tumble in slow-motion into and out of each video frame, towards an unseen ground and uncertain future, acting as an elegiac expression of a deep sense of economic precarity.


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This work, commissioned by Campbelltown Arts Centre, was created as part of an online residency in Western Sydney. The residency took the form of an online survey of students in Western Sydney schools that queried participants on their favourite moments, characters and dialogue from film and television. Using this information as a starting point, the work used appropriated footage to weave together a 6-way cross-screen conversation. Spouting occasionally recognizable phrases that then devolve into meaningless cliché, the narrative content of this fragmented back-and-forth hovers somewhere in between familiarity and non-sense.


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‘Every face on Vanity Fair’s Hollywood covers 1995-2008’ renders an ethnographic-like study of Hollywood celebrity as a cinematic experience. Viewers are presented with constantly mutating portraits that violently twist and shear into other faces, while an immersive soundscape echoes the turbulent painterly surface. Through technical processes of scaling, looping and image morphing; the work explores a positive affectual response to the seductive power of celebrity imagery. Conceptually, given Vanity Fair magazine’s prestigious stature, the work also performs an ethnographic-mapping of the popularity of Hollywood stars over time, while at the same time creating in-between, ‘mutant’ versions of their visages. The installation explores the potential for fan-based responses to pop culture to lead to artworks that enable a more critical response to the subjective and intersubjective dynamics of celebrity portraiture. Questions are raised about how these cultural forms impact pop culture fans, and their role in the mapping of culture and social experience.


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'Untitled (after Steven and John)' takes inspiration from Spielbergian tracking shots and Baldessarian collages to create ghostly apparitions that explore the affective power of the cinematic close up. By appropriating and obfuscating this common filmic convention, the work investigates the intersubjective potential of the moving image.


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‘A Stunning Experience’ pits Oprah Winfrey and David Letterman against each other in an infinite interview. Through simple editing and compositing, both parties are rendered mute, positioned at either edge of a black void. The interviewer/interviewee dynamic is playfully reconfigured into an awkward exchange comprised entirely of blinks, breaths and head-nods. Accompanied by the sound of a curious and whispering studio audience, this wordless clash between the two talk show titans becomes emblematic of their infamous sixteen-year feud. The quasi-staring contest upends the cult of personality surrounding these iconic television hosts, while also creating and proposing a space for reflection upon the experiential and even meditative potential of watching television.


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This paper discusses my video installation Running Men as an example of how an artist’s appropriative engagements with screen images of the perilous body can reflect the technological zeitgeist of the last hundred years but also create a space of meditative and mediated reflection in Slavoj Žižek’s “endlessness” of the present-future. In this artwork, iconic male characters from Hollywood films are recontextualised to create infinitely looping scenes of running; trapping the characters in a kind of Nietchzen eternal recurrence that suspends them between impending violence and uncertain futures. Stemming primarily from my investigation into anxiety as a shared social experience, one perhaps primed by the increasing intensity of visual culture in the 21st century, these digitally reconfigured bodies become avatars or surrogates for myself, and for the viewer. Through selective editing, these emblematic figures are caught in a space of relentless confusion and paranoia – they run with, and from anxiety. They are never caught by any unseen pursuers, but are equally unable to catch up to any unseen goal. These figures map an historical trajectory of violence and masculinity as it has been projected through various iterations of screen culture Simultaneously, as celebrities, they are also fictions of the media sphere, both real and ethereal, they are impossible to grasp but paradoxically are objects of identification and emulation. In this duality, the work also references cinema’s tangled conflation of character and celebrity identity. This discussion will address the two distinct but connected sites and activities of body/image engagement. Firstly, the artistic process and conceptual ramifications of this activity, and secondly in the artwork’s potential as an installation to provide an opportunity for the viewer (like the artist) to reflect on the constructed-ness and complicated power structures at play in the representation of a gendered body.


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In a world consumed by quests for happiness and personal growth, Grant Stevens’ new exhibition, Dark Mess, delves into the psychic troubles that sometimes lie below the canopy. Working predominantly with video, photography and installation, Stevens’ practice explores how the verbal and non-verbal languages of popular screen culture interface with contemporary subjectivity. This exhibition continues Stevens’ interest in the natural environment as a catalyst and proxy for introspection and self-discovery. Pushing sound and image to distortion, Dark Mess offers a disquieting journey through the undergrowth.


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Pele como tinta: o corpo entre gesto e vinco discute o gesto como meio sem finalidade, dentro da ideia de processo artístico, diante da relação envolvendo a prática artística do vídeo e da intervenção com experiências desenvolvidas durante o mestrado na linha de Processos Artísticos Contemporâneos, em trabalhos como Auto-retrato, Tarja, Peles institucionais e Onde fica o Galpão? Dentre os gestos trabalhados está o gesto desterritorializante, no qual a instituição de ensino é convocada como espaço onde suas fronteiras são tratadas como forma de se pensar o fazer artístico, assim como o conceito de instituição. Além desse, outro trabalho proposto é o que relaciona o vídeo e o frame em texturas temporais dinâmicas. O gesto de tinta registrado em vídeo é condicionado a uma volta da pintura fixa da tela. Em Peles a estrutura do vinco é requisitada para compor os afetos e as construções que norteiam a escrita do e no corpo


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Short film/video art (mini DV 2’.10’’) featuring urban landscapes and domestic housing previously displayed as part of the 2nd Athens Video Art Festival 2006.7, 8, 9 April 2006 Aggelon Vima.


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O modo como os corpos das mulheres são afectados pela desigualdade de género é um problema social que tem vindo a ganhar visibilidade crescente nas sociedades ocidentais desde os movimentos feministas da Segunda Vaga. Nesse sentido, o lema feminista dos anos 1970 «os nossos corpos, nós mesmas» reflecte a tomada de consciência das mulheres de que os corpos são o produto da acção de valores e práticas sociais, bem como da necessidade de reclamarem o controlo sobre os seus corpos para poderem formar livremente as suas identidades, autodeterminando-­‐se e criando-­‐se a si mesmas como Sujeitos. Quatro décadas volvidas, este mote continua a ser recorrente, mantendo um lugar de destaque na videoarte de mulheres. Tendo por pano de fundo uma linha orientadora que cruza três vectores – a arte, o género, e os movimentos sociais feministas –, e os seus pensadores e académicos principais em diversos ramos da Sociologia e das Artes Visuais, bem como das Humanidades, construímos o objecto de estudo, focado sobre as relações entre a videoarte de mulheres centrada no corpo na identidade e na autodeterminação, a dimensão de género e os movimentos sociais feministas, no período compreendido de 1965 a 2007, num contexto ocidental. A metodologia usada teve como objectivo fundamental efectuar a ponte entre o nível microssociológico das expressões, condutas e gestos corporais presentes nos vídeos e o plano macrossociológico das forças sociais mais amplas, institucionalizadas e origem de desigualdades, como as forças de género e as de «raça». Nesse sentido, socorremo-­‐nos da análise de conteúdo de um conjunto de vídeos por meio da contabilização de categorias análise de conteúdo relativas às principais temáticas relevantes para o objecto de estudo, como o corpo, a sexualidade, a violência, o olhar, as incorporações de masculinidades e de feminilidades, o Sujeito e o Não-­‐sujeito. Concluiu-­‐se, deste estudo, que existe, seguramente desde os anos 1960, um trajecto que continua a ser percorrido nos nossos dias, conduzindo da dessubjectivação das mulheres à sua subjectivação. Na realidade, verifica-­‐se a denúncia das circunstâncias em que vivem submetidas as mulheres Não-­‐ sujeito, designadamente: no casamento enquanto mercantilização do trabalho doméstico feminino, físico, emocional e afectivo, não remunerado; na incorporação das normas patriarcais de feminilidade; na intersecção das desigualdades de género com as de «raça», e as de idade; na comercialização e objectificação dos seus corpos na publicidade e na pornografia; na violência de diversos tipos, como a sociocultural, a sexual e a psicológica, exercida contra as mulheres. Nota-­‐se, simultaneamente, um movimento progressivo em direcção às mulheres Sujeito, ilustrado, por exemplo: na capacidade de apresentação de uma narrativa da representação de si mesmas auto-­‐ reflexiva e coerente; no controlo sobre a função reprodutora do seu corpo; na promoção de uma sexualidade plástica ligada à relação pura e ao amor confluente assente no mutualismo, não subjugada à heterossexualidade, ao casamento e à família nuclear; no recombinar dos pólos dicotómicos e hierarquizados em que se baseou toda a modernidade como os da vida pública e os da vida privada. Tendo, neste momento, como oponente aguerrido o neoliberalismo que procura dividir, desigualar e hierarquizar as sociedades, as mulheres Sujeito são, aliás, as actrizes centrais de todo o movimento feminista, sobretudo preocupado até aos anos 1980 com reivindicações pela paridade no seio do que se poderá denominar de política da emancipação, tendo depois disso passado a um trabalho em prol de uma política da vida e das sexualidades impulsionado pelo pensamento Queer e feminismos da Terceira Vaga


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur l’animation des images fixes dans le film Me and You and Everyone we Know réalisé en 2005 par Miranda July, et tout particulièrement sur les pratiques artistiques de la protagoniste Christine Jeperson, qui est artiste vidéaste. L’objet de cette étude se fonde sur les matériaux utilisés par l’artiste-protagoniste elle-même, et vise en premier la photographie, puisqu’elle travaille toujours à partir de photos amateur, de clichés, d’images banales, qu’elle tente d’animer par le biais de la vidéo et de leur mise en récit. Ces deux dispositifs d’animation, qui à leur façon redonnent du temps et du mouvement aux images, réalisent un déplacement de valeur en en faisant de l’art et déploient du même coup un espace propre à une certaine expérience esthétique du spectateur, car c’est dans son imaginaire que peut véritablement se produire l’animation de ces images. Ainsi, dans ce mémoire, je tenterai tout à la fois de me concentrer sur ce détail du film que sont les œuvres de Christine, mais en cherchant à les mettre en relation avec d’autres moments du film, avec ce qui semble être les motifs privilégiés de la pratique de Miranda July, de même qu’avec d’autres moments de l’histoire de l’art, afin d’en historiciser la démarche. Ce travail servira donc à éclairer une pratique d’images contemporaine singulière, à la croisée entre photographie, vidéo et film.


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La musique aujourd’hui est régulièrement accompagnée d’environnements visuels. Depuis les propositions en provenance du vidéoclip jusqu’aux œuvres installatives en passant par l’art web ou le cinéma, l’audiovisuel occupe une place considérable dans notre monde médiatisé et constitue un foyer important du développement des pratiques musicales. L’alliage entre son et image est souvent rattachée à l’histoire du cinéma mais les prémisses entourant l’audiovisuel remontent en réalité à l’Antiquité. Les correspondances entre sons et couleurs ont pris racine en premier chez les Pythagoriciens et cet intérêt se poursuit encore aujourd’hui. L’avènement de différentes technologies est venu reformuler au fil des siècles cette recherche qui retourne du décloisonnement artistique. L’arrivée de l’électricité permet au XIXe siècle le développement d’une lutherie expérimentale avec entre autres l’orgue à couleur d’Alexander Rimington. Ces instruments audiovisuels donnent naissance plus tard au Lumia, un art de la couleur et du mouvement se voulant proche de la musique et qui ne donne pourtant rien à entendre. Parallèlement à ces nouvelles propositions artistiques, il se développe dès les tout début du XXe siècle au sein des avant-gardes cinématographiques un corpus d’œuvres qui sera ensuite appelé musique visuelle. Les possibilités offertes par le support filmique vient offrir de nouvelles possibilités quant à l’organisation de la couleur et du mouvement. La pratique de cet art hybride est ensuite reformulée par les artistes associés à l’art vidéo avant de connaitre une vaste phase de démocratisation avec l’avènement des ordinateurs domestiques depuis les années 1990. Je retrace le parcours historique de ces pratiques audiovisuelles qui s’inscrivent résolument sur le terrain du musical. Un parcours appuyé essentiellement sur des œuvres et des ouvrages théoriques tout en étant parsemé de réflexions personnelles. Je traite des enjeux théoriques associés à ces propositions artistiques en les différenciant d’un autre format audiovisuel majeur soit le cinéma. Cet exposé permet de préparer le terrain afin de présenter et contextualiser mon travail de création. Je traite de deux œuvres, Trombe (2011) et Lungta (2012), des propositions qui héritent à la fois des musiques visuelles, de l’art interactif et de l’art cinétique.