983 resultados para Vertical pull-out failure
Tesi riguardo la fase preliminare di una campagna sperimentale su elementi rinforzati a flessione e taglio con fibra di basalto e malta e successivamente testati al fuoco. Comprende una parte relativa al comportamento dei comositi allle alte temperature e una sul problema della delaminazione alle alte temperature. Sono inoltre condotte simulazione numeriche relativamente al problema dell trasmissione del calore all'interno della sezione, con particolare attenzione alla modellazione dell'intuemescente. Sono stati eseguite prove di pull-out sui rinforzi e una serie di prove a compressione a caldo sulla malta d'incollaggio.
Nowadays offshore wind turbines represents a valid answer for energy production but with an increasing in costs mainly due to foundation technology required. Hybrid foundations composed by suction caissons over which is welded a tower supporting the nacelle and the blades allows a strong costs reduction. Here a monopod configuration is studied in a sandy soil in a 10 m water depth. Bearing capacity, sliding resistance and pull-out resistance are evaluated. In a second part the installation process occurring in four steps is analysed. considering also the effect of stress enhancement due to frictional forces opposing to penetration growing at skirt sides both inside and outside. In a three dimensional finite element model using Straus7 the soil non-linearity is considered in an approximate way through an iterative procedure using the Yokota empirical decay curves.
Il lavoro di tesi, svolto presso l’Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici (ISTEC-CNR, Faenza, RA), ha affrontato la produzione e la caratterizzazione di ceramici a base di boruro di zirconio (ZrB2) con lo scopo di valutare l’efficacia delle fibre corte di carbonio come potenziale rinforzo. Il boruro di zirconio appartiene a una famiglia di materiali noti come UHTC (Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics) caratterizzati da elevato punto di fusione e in grado di mantenere la resistenza meccanica e operare con limitata ossidazione a temperature superiori ai 2000°C. Il principale ostacolo nella produzione dei materiali a base di ZrB2 è il processo di sintesi, infatti, a causa della loro elevata temperatura di fusione, per ottenere un materiale completamente denso è necessario utilizzare processi a temperatura e pressione elevati (T > 2000°C e P > 30 MPa), condizioni che vanno ad influenzare la microstruttura della matrice e delle fibre e di conseguenza le proprietà meccaniche del materiale. L’aggiunta di additivi di sinterizzazione idonei permette di ottenere materiali perfettamente densi anche a temperature e pressioni inferiori. Tuttavia lo ZrB2 non viene ampiamente utilizzato per applicazioni strutturali a causa della sua fragilità, per far fronte alla sua bassa tenacità il materiale viene spesso rinforzato con una fase allungata (whiskers o fibre). È già oggetto di studi l’utilizzo di fibre corte e whiskers di SiC per tenacizzare lo ZrB2, tuttavia la forte interfaccia che viene a crearsi tra fibra e matrice, che non permette il pull-out delle fibre, ci porta a credere che una fibra che non tenda a reagire con la matrice, presentando un’interfaccia più debole, possa portare ad una tenacizzazione più efficace. Per questo scopo sono stati realizzati mediante pressatura a caldo due materiali rinforzati con fibre corte di carbonio: ZrB2 + 5% vol MoSi2 + 8% vol fibre di carbonio e [ZrB2 + 2 % peso C] + 8% vol fibre di carbonio, indicati rispettivamente con Z5M_Cf e Z2C_Cf. Sono stati analizzati e discussi diversi aspetti del materiale rinforzato tra cui: il comportamento di densificazione durante la pressatura a caldo, l’evoluzione della microstruttura della matrice, la distribuzione e la morfologia delle fibre, l’influenza del rinforzo sulle proprietà meccaniche di durezza e tenacità e sulla resistenza all’ossidazione. L’elaborato è strutturato come segue: inizialmente sono state introdotte le caratteristiche generali dei ceramici avanzati tra cui le proprietà, la produzione e le applicazioni; successivamente è stata approfondita la descrizione dei materiali a base di boruro di zirconio, in particolare i processi produttivi e l’influenza degli additivi di sinterizzazione sulla densificazione e sulle proprietà; ci si è poi concentrati sull’effetto di una seconda fase allungata per il rinforzo del composito. Per quanto riguarda la parte sperimentale vengono descritte le principali fasi della preparazione e caratterizzazione dei materiali: le materie prime, disperse in un solvente, sono state miscelate mediante ball-milling, successivamente è stato evaporato il solvente e la polvere ottenuta è stata formata mediante pressatura uniassiale. I campioni, dopo essere stati sinterizzati mediante pressatura uniassiale a caldo, sono stati tagliati e lucidati a specchio per poter osservare la microstruttura. Quest’ultima è stata analizzata al SEM per studiare l’effetto dell’additivo di sinterizzazione (MoSi2 e carbonio) e l’interfaccia tra matrice e fase rinforzante. Per approfondire l’effetto del rinforzo sulle proprietà meccaniche sono state misurate la durezza e la tenacità del composito; infine è stata valutata la resistenza all’ossidazione mediante prove in aria a 1200°C e 1500°C. L’addizione di MoSi2 ha favorito la densificazione a 1800°C mediante formazione di una fase liquida transiente, tuttavia il materiale è caratterizzato da una porosità residua di ~ 7% vol. L’addizione del carbonio ha favorito la densificazione completa a 1900°C grazie alla reazione dall’additivo con gli ossidi superficiali dello ZrB2. La microstruttura delle matrici è piuttosto fine, con una dimensione media dei grani di ~ 2 μm per entrambi i materiali. Nel caso del materiale con Z5M_Cf sono presenti nella matrice particelle di SiC e fasi MoB derivanti dalla reazione dell’additivo con le fibre e con la matrice; invece nel materiale Z2C_Cf sono presenti grani di carbonio allungati tra i bordi grano, residui delle reazioni di densificazione. In entrambi i materiali le fibre sono distribuite omogeneamente e la loro interfaccia con la matrice è fortemente reattiva. Nel caso del materiale Z5M_Cf si è formata una struttura core-shell con lo strato più esterno formato da SiC, formato dalla reazione tra il siliciuro e la fibra di C. Nel caso del materiale Z2C_Cf non si forma una vera e propria interfaccia, ma la fibra risulta fortemente consumata per via dell’alta temperatura di sinterizzazione. I valori di durezza Vickers dei materiali Z5M_Cf e Z2C_Cf sono rispettivamente 11 GPa e 14 GPa, valori inferiori rispetto al valore di riferimento di 23 GPa dello ZrB2, ma giustificati dalla presenza di una fase meno dura: le fibre di carbonio e, nel caso di Z5M_Cf, anche della porosità residua. I valori di tenacità dei materiali Z5M_Cf e Z2C_Cf, misurati con il metodo dell’indentazione, sono rispettivamente 3.06 MPa·m0.5 e 3.19 MPa·m0.5. L’osservazione, per entrambi i materiali, del fenomeno di pull-out della fibra, sulla superficie di frattura, e della deviazione del percorso della cricca, all’interno della fibra di carbonio, lasciano supporre che siano attivi questi meccanismi tenacizzanti a contributo positivo, unitamente al contributo negativo legato allo stress residuo. La resistenza all’ossidazione dei due materiali è confrontabile a 1200°C, mentre dopo esposizione a 1500°C il materiale Z5M_Cf risulta più resistente rispetto al materiale Z2C_Cf grazie alla formazione di uno strato di SiO2 protettivo, che inibisce la diffusione dell’ossigeno all’interno della matrice. Successivamente, sono stati considerati metodi per migliorare la densità finale del materiale e abbassare ulteriormente la temperatura di sinterizzazione in modo da minimizzare la degenerazione della fibra. Da ricerca bibliografica è stato identificato il siliciuro di tantalio (TaSi2) come potenziale candidato. Pertanto è stato prodotto un terzo materiale a base di ZrB2 + Cf contenente una maggiore quantità di siliciuro (10% vol TaSi2) che ha portato ad una densità relativa del 96% a 1750°C. Questo studio ha permesso di approcciare per la prima volta le problematiche legate all’introduzione delle fibre di carbonio nella matrice di ZrB2. Investigazioni future saranno mirate alla termodinamica delle reazioni che hanno luogo in sinterizzazione per poter analizzare in maniera più sistematica la reattività delle fibre nei confronti della matrice e degli additivi. Inoltre riuscendo ad ottenere un materiale completamente denso e con fibre di carbonio poco reagite si potrà valutare la reale efficacia delle fibre di carbonio come possibili fasi tenacizzanti.
In the last decade the near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) has been increasingly used to improve the load carrying capacity of concrete members. Compared to externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), the NSM system presents considerable advantages. This technique consists in the insertion of carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminate strips into pre-cut slits opened in the concrete cover of the elements to be strengthened. CFRP reinforcement is bonded to concrete with an appropriate groove filler, typically epoxy adhesive or cement grout. Up to now, research efforts have been mainly focused on several structural aspects, such as: bond behaviour, flexural and/or shear strengthening effectiveness, and energy dissipation capacity of beam-column joints. In such research works, as well as in field applications, the most widespread adhesives that are used to bond reinforcements to concrete are epoxy resins. It is largely accepted that the performance of the whole application of NSM systems strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the epoxy resins, for which proper curing conditions must be assured. Therefore, the existence of non-destructive methods that allow monitoring the curing process of epoxy resins in the NSM CFRP system is desirable, in view of obtaining continuous information that can provide indication in regard to the effectiveness of curing and the expectable bond behaviour of CFRP/adhesive/concrete systems. The experimental research was developed at the Laboratory of the Structural Division of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho in Guimar\~aes, Portugal (LEST). The main objective was to develop and propose a new method for continuous quality control of the curing of epoxy resins applied in NSM CFRP strengthening systems. This objective is pursued through the adaptation of an existing technique, termed EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Monitoring through Ambient Response Method) that has been developed for monitoring the early stiffness evolution of cement-based materials. The experimental program was composed of two parts: (i) direct pull-out tests on concrete specimens strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips were conducted to assess the evolution of bond behaviour between CFRP and concrete since early ages; and, (ii) EMM-ARM tests were carried out for monitoring the progressive stiffness development of the structural adhesive used in CFRP applications. In order to verify the capability of the proposed method for evaluating the elastic modulus of the epoxy, static E-Modulus was determined through tension tests. The results of the two series of tests were then combined and compared to evaluate the possibility of implementation of a new method for the continuous monitoring and quality control of NSM CFRP applications.
L’aderenza tra barre fibrorinforzate e calcestruzzo è una chiave fondamentale per comprendere al meglio l’azione composita di strutture rinforzate o armate in FRP. Deve essere mobilitata una certa aderenza tra la barra e calcestruzzo per trasferire gli sforzi da un corpo all’altro. Poiché il materiale composito è anisotropo, in direzione longitudinale le proprietà meccaniche sono governate da quelle delle fibre, mentre in direzione trasversale dalla resina. La matrice presenta in genere resistenze più basse di quella a compressione del calcestruzzo, cosicché il meccanismo di aderenza risulta diverso da quello sviluppato dalle tradizionali barre in acciaio. In questa tesi viene sviluppata appunto un’indagine sperimentale sul fenomeno dell’aderenza di barre in acciaio e barre in CFRP (fibra di carbonio) nel calcestruzzo, cercando di capire come cambia il fenomeno al variare dei parametri da cui dipende principalmente l’aderenza, come ad esempio la resistenza caratteristica a compressione del calcestruzzo, il diametro e la deformazione superficiale della barra e la posizione di questa nel provino di calcestruzzo. Sono state quindi realizzate delle prove di pull-out, ovvero delle prove di estrazione di barre da provini di calcestruzzo, per determinare le tensioni tangenziali d’aderenza in funzione dello scorrimento locale della barra (local bond-slip). Infine sono stati calibrati, sui risultati delle prove sperimentali, i tre modelli analitici più noti in letteratura che descrivono il fenomeno dell’aderenza delle barre in FRP nel calcestruzzo, ovvero quello di Malvar (1994), il CMR Model (1995) e il Modified BPE Model (1996).
Background: This investigation describes experimental tests of the biomechanical features of a new resorbable bone adhesive based on methacrylate-terminated oligolactides enhanced with osteoconductive β-tricalcium phosphate. Material and Methods: 51 New Zealand white rabbits were randomised to an adhesive group (n = 29) and a control group (n = 22). An extra-articular bone cylinder was taken from the proximal tibia, two stripes of adhesive were applied and the cylinders were replanted. After 10 and 21 days, 3 and 12 months tibial specimens were harvested and the cylinder pull-out test was performed with a servo-hydraulic machine. Additionally the pull-out force was evaluated with the bone-equivalent Ebazell® after 5, 10 and 360 minutes in 14 specimens each. Results: Average pull-out forces in the adhesive group were 28 N after 10 days (control: 57 N), 155 N after 21 days (216 N), 184 N after 3 months (197 N) and 205 N after 12 months (185 N). Investigations with Ebazell® showed almost identical pull-out forces after 5 min, 15 min and 360 min. Adhesive forces were as high as 125 N/cm2 of adhesive surface and more than 1200 N/g of adhesive mass. Conclusions: The adhesive investigated here has a very good primary adhesive power, compared to the literature data, achieved after only 5 minutes. Even in moist surroundings the adhesive capacity remains sufficient. The adhesive has to prove its resorptive properties in further investigations and in first line its medium-term and long-lasting biocompatibility. Furthermore, biomechanical features will have to be compared to those of conventional fixation techniques.
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STUDY DESIGN Biomechanical cadaveric study. OBJECTIVE To determine whether augmentation positively influence screw stability or not. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA Implantation of pedicle screws is a common procedure in spine surgery to provide an anchorage of posterior internal fixation into vertebrae. Screw performance is highly correlated to bone quality. Therefore, polymeric cement is often injected through specifically designed perforated pedicle screws into osteoporotic bone to potentially enhance screw stability. METHODS Caudocephalic dynamic loading was applied as quasi-physiological alternative to classical pull-out tests on 16 screws implanted in osteoporotic lumbar vertebrae and 20 screws in nonosteoporotic specimen. Load was applied using 2 different configurations simulating standard and dynamic posterior stabilization devices. Screw performance was quantified by measurement of screwhead displacement during the loading cycles. To reduce the impact of bone quality and morphology, screw performance was compared for each vertebra and averaged afterward. RESULTS All screws (with or without cement) implanted in osteoporotic vertebrae showed lower performances than the ones implanted into nonosteoporotic specimen. Augmentation was negligible for screws implanted into nonosteoporotic specimen, whereas in osteoporotic vertebrae pedicle screw stability was significantly increased. For dynamic posterior stabilization system an increase of screwhead displacement was observed in comparison with standard fixation devices in both setups. CONCLUSION Augmentation enhances screw performance in patients with poor bone stock, whereas no difference is observed for patients without osteoporosis. Furthermore, dynamic stabilization systems have the possibility to fail when implanted in osteoporotic bone.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the cement film thickness of a zinc phosphate or a resin cement on retention of untreated and pretreated root canal posts. Prefabricated zirconia posts (CosmoPost: 1.4 mm) and two types of luting cements (a zinc phosphate cement [DeTrey Zinc] and a self-etch adhesive resin cement [Panavia F2.0]) were used. After removal of the crowns of 360 extracted premolars, canines, or incisors, the root canals were prepared with a parallel-sided drill system to three different final diameters. Half the posts did not receive any pretreatment. The other half received tribochemical silicate coating according to the manufacturer's instructions. Posts were then luted in the prepared root canals (n=30 per group). Following water storage at 37°C for seven days, retention of the posts was determined by the pull-out method. Irrespective of the luting cement, pretreatment with tribochemical silicate coating significantly increased retention of the posts. Increased cement film thickness resulted in decreased retention of untreated posts and of pretreated posts luted with zinc phosphate cement. Increased cement film thickness had no influence on retention of pretreated posts luted with resin cement. Thus, retention of the posts was influenced by the type of luting cement, by the cement film thickness, and by the post pretreatment.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone formation capability of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK (CFR-PEEK) implants coated with different titanium and hydroxyapatite plasma-sprayed layers after 2 and 12 weeks. Methods: In six sheep 108 implants were placed in the pelvis. Altogether six different surface modifications were tested. After 2 and 12 weeks, n = 3 implants per group were examined histologically and n = 6 implants per group were tested by a pull-out test. Results: Biomechanically (p = 0.001) as well as histologically (p > 0.05) surface coating of PEEK/CFR-PEEK led to an increase of osseointegration from 2 to 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, coated implants demonstrated significant (p < 0.001) higher pull-out values in comparison to uncoated implants. Overall, the double coating (titanium bond layer and hydroxyapatite top layer) showed the most favorable results after 2 and 12 weeks. Conclusions: Plasma-sprayed titanium and hydroxyapatite coatings on PEEK or CFR-PEEK demonstrated a significant improvement of osseointegration.
Los polímeros armados con fibras (FRP) se utilizan en refuerzos de estructuras de hormigón debido sobre todo a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, su resistencia a la corrosión y a su ligereza que se traduce en facilidad y ahorro en el transporte, puesta en obra y aplicación, la cual se realiza de forma muy rápida, con pocos operarios y utilizando medios auxiliares ligeros, minimizándose las interrupciones del uso de la estructura y las molestias a los usuarios. Las razones presentadas anteriormente, han despertado un gran inter´es por parte de diferentes grupos de investigación a nivel mundial y que actualmente se encuentran desarrollando nuevas técnicas de aplicación y métodos de cálculo. Sin embargo, las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha, muestran un procedimiento bien definido y aceptado en lo referente al cálculo a flexión, lo cual no ocurre con el refuerzo a cortante y aunque se ha demostrado que el refuerzo con FRP es un sistema eficaz para incrementar la capacidad ´ultima frente a esfuerzos cortantes, también se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de más estudios experimentales y teóricos para avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos involucrados para este tipo de refuerzo y establecer un procedimiento de diseño apropiado que maximice las excelentes propiedades de este material. Los modelos que explican el comportamiento del refuerzo a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado son complejos y sin transposición directa a fórmulas ingenieriles. Las normas actualmente en vigor, generalmente, establecen empíricamente la capacidad cortante como la suma de las capacidades del hormigón y el refuerzo transversal de acero. Cuando un elemento es reforzado externamente con FRP, los modelos son evidentemente aun más complejos. Las guías y recomendaciones existentes proponen calcular la capacidad del elemento añadiendo la resistencia aportada por el refuerzo externo de FRP a la ya dada por el hormigón y acero transversal. Sin embargo, la idoneidad de este acercamiento es cuestionable puesto que no tiene en cuenta una posible interacción entre refuerzos. Con base en lo anterior se da origen al tema objeto de este trabajo, el cual está orientado al estudio a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado (HA), reforzados externamente con material compuesto de tejido unidireccional de fibra de carbono y resina epoxi. Inicialmente se hace una completa revisión del estado actual del conocimiento de la resistencia a cortante en elementos de hormigón armado con y sin refuerzo externo de FRP, prestando especial atención en los mecanismos actuantes estudiados hasta la fecha. La bibliografía consultada ha sido exhaustiva y actualizada lo que ha permitido el estudio de los modelos propuestos más importantes, tanto para la descripción del fenómeno de adherencia entre hormigón-FRP como de la valoración del aporte al cortante total hecho por el FRP, a través de sendas bases de datos de ensayos de pull-out y de vigas de hormigón armado ensayadas a cortante. Con base en todo lo anterior, se expusieron los mecanismos actuantes en el aporte a cortante hecho por el FRP en elementos de hormigón armado y la forma como las principales guías de cálculo existentes hasta la fecha los abordan. De igual forma se define un modelo de resistencia de esfuerzos para el FRP y se proponen dos modelos para el cálculo de las tensiones o deformaciones efectivas, de los cuales uno esta basado en el modelo de adherencia propuesto por Oller (2005) y el otro en una regresión multivariante para los mecanismos expuestos. Como complemento del estudio de los trabajos encontrados en la literatura, se lleva acabo un programa experimental que, además de aportar más registros a la exigua base de datos existentes, aporte mayor luz a los puntos que se consideran están deficientemente resueltos. Dentro de este programa se realizaron 32 ensayos sobre 16 vigas de 4.5 m de longitud (dos ensayos por viga), reforzadas a cortante con tejido unidireccional de CFRP. Finalmente, estos estudios han permitido proponer modificaciones a las formulaciones existentes en los códigos y guías en vigor. Abstract Its excellent mechanical properties, as well as its corrosion resistance and light weight, which make it easy to apply and inexpensive to ship to the worksite, are the basis of the extended use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) as external strengthening for structures. FRP strengthening is a rapid operation calling for only limited labor and lightweight ancillary equipment, all of which minimizes both the interruption of facility usage and user inconvenience. These advantages have aroused considerable interest in civil engineering science and technology and have led to countless applications the world over. Research studies on the shear strength of FRP-strengthened members have been much fewer in number and more controversial than the research on flexural strengthening, for which a more or less standardized and generally accepted procedure has been established. The research conducted and a host of applications around the world have shown that FRP strengthening is an effective technique for raising ultimate shear strength, but it has also revealed a need for further experimental and theoretical research to advance in the understanding of the mechanisms involved and establish suitable design procedures that optimize the excellent properties of this material The models that explain reinforced concrete (RC) shear strength behavior are complex and cannot be directly transposed to engineering formulas. The standards presently in place generally establish shear capacity empirically as the sum of the capacities of the concrete and the passive reinforcement. When members are externally strengthened with FRP, the models are obviously even more complex. The existing guides and recommendations propose calculating capacity by adding the external strength provided by the FRP to the contributions of the concrete and passive reinforcement. The suitability of this approach is questionable, however, because it fails to consider the interaction between passive reinforcement and external strengthening. The subject of this work is based in above, which is focused on externally shear strengthening for reinforced concrete members with unidirectional carbon fiber sheets bonded with epoxy resin. v Initially a thorough literature review on shear of reinforced concrete beams with and without external FRP strengthening was performed, paying special attention to the acting mechanisms studied to date, which allowed the study of the most important models both to describe the bond phenomenon as well as calculating the FRP shear contribution, through separate databases of pull-out tests and shear tests on reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened with FRP. Based on above, they were exposed the acting mechanisms in a FRP shear strengthening on reinforced concrete beams and how guidelines deal the topic. The same way, it is defined a FRP stress strength model and two more models are proposed for calculating the effective stress, one of these is based on the Oller (2005) bond model and another one is the data best fit, taking into account most of the acting mechanisms. To complement the theoretical part we develop an experimental program that, in addition to providing more records to the meager existing database provide greater understanding to the points considered poorly resolved. The test program included 32 tests of 16 beams (2 per beam) of 4.5 m long, shear strengthened with FRP, externally. Finally, modifications to the existing codes and guidelines are proposed.
En el presente trabajo se presenta un modelo del continuo para un fieltro denso. Igualando la densidad de potencia de un elemento del continuo a la densidad de potencia mecánica que actúa sobre el conjunto de las fibras se obtiene una expresión del tensor de tensiones en la configuración de referencia. El modelo se completa mediante la inclusión de un modelo de daño para modelar fenomenológicamente los mecanismos de extracción (pull-out) y rotura de las fibras. Se ha implementado el modelo como una subrutina de material de usuario para un código de elementos finitos (ABAQUSExplicit), formulado en grandes deformaciones. Los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con experimentos realizados sobre un fieltro comercial (geotextil) de fibras de polipropileno y muestran que el modelo es capaz de reproducir el comportamiento del material hasta la localización del daño y pérdida de capacidad portante del mismo.
The objective of this project is to show that the permissible explosive called 20 SR is able to pull out the coal in the normal conditions of blasting in a satisfactory way and to set up the equivalence between the 20 SR and gelatin dynamite (Goma 2 ECO). To achieve this goal some blasting were done, changing the conditions of the blasting and the powder factor for the 20 SR. To analyze the fragmentation base on the analysis of the images of the rock blasted, a commercial software was used. The results from this analysis were compared with the results from the theoretical model for fragmentation created by Kuz – Ram. After all, it was showed that the 20 SR explosive is able to pull out the coal for different coal rock compositions. As the result of this project we can conclude that the 20 SR seems to be able to pull out the coal in normal blasting conditions, using the powder factor as a proportion of the “ballistic mortar” between the two explosives.
El presente proyecto pretende demostrar que el explosivo de seguridad 20 SR es capaz de arrancar el carbón de forma satisfactoria en las condiciones de disparo habituales y establecer la equivalencia práctica de dicho explosivo con una dinamita gelatinosa (Goma 2ECO). Para conseguir este objetivo se realizaron una serie de voladuras, variando las condiciones de disparo y los consumos específicos de la dinamita de seguridad. Se utilizó un software de análisis fotográfico para el estudio de la fragmentación en la pila y también se compararon los resultados obtenidos con el modelo teórico de fragmentación de Kuz – Ram. Los resultados demostraron la capacidad de arranque de la dinamita de seguridad, para diferentes composiciones de carbón. Del estudio parece deducirse que la dinamita de seguridad 20 SR es capaz de arrancar el carbón en condiciones de disparo habituales utilizando un consumo específico proporcional a la relación de la potencia del péndulo balístico de ambos explosivos. ABSTRACT The objective of this project is to show that the permissible explosive called 20 SR is able to pull out the coal in the normal conditions of blasting in a satisfactory way and to set up the equivalence between the 20 SR and gelatin dynamite (Goma 2 ECO). To achieve this goal some blasting were done, changing the conditions of the blasting and the powder factor for the 20 SR. To analyze the fragmentation base on the analysis of the images of the rock blasted, a commercial software was used. The results from this analysis were compared with the results from the theoretical model for fragmentation created by Kuz – Ram. After all, it was showed that the 20 SR explosive is able to pull out the coal for different coal rock compositions. As the result of this project we can conclude that the 20 SR seems to be able to pull out the coal in normal blasting conditions, using the powder factor as a proportion of the “ballistic mortar” between the two explosives.
A constitutive model is presented for the in-plane mechanical behavior of nonwoven fabrics. The model is developed within the context of the finite element method and provides the constitutive response for a mesodomain of the fabric corresponding to the area associated to a finite element. The model is built upon the ensemble of three blocks, namely fabric, fibers and damage. The continuum tensorial formulation of the fabric response rigorously takes into account the effect of fiber rotation for large strains and includes the nonlinear fiber behavior. In addition, the various damage mechanisms experimentally observed (bond and fiber fracture, interfiber friction and fiber pull-out) are included in a phenomenological way and the random nature of these materials is also taken into account by means of a Monte Carlo lottery to determine the damage thresholds. The model results are validated with recent experimental results on the tensile response of smooth and notched specimens of a polypropylene nonwoven fabric.