985 resultados para Vertical Flow


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Exhumed faults hosting hydrothermal systems provide direct insight into relationships between faulting and fluid flow, which in turn are valuable for making hydrogeological predictions in blind settings. The Grimsel Breccia Fault (Aar massif, Central Swiss Alps) is a late Neogene, exhumed dextral strike-slip fault with a maximum displacement of 25–45 m, and is associated with both fossil and active hydrothermal circulation. We mapped the fault system and modelled it in three dimensions, using the distinctive hydrothermal mineralisation as well as active thermal fluid discharge (the highest elevation documented in the Alps) to reveal the structural controls on fluid pathway extent and morphology. With progressive uplift and cooling, brittle deformation inherited the mylonitic shear zone network at Grimsel Pass; preconditioning fault geometry into segmented brittle reactivations of ductile shear zones and brittle inter-shear zone linkages. We describe ‘pipe’-like, vertically oriented fluid pathways: (1) within brittle fault linkage zones and (2) through alongstrike- restricted segments of formerly ductile shear zones reactivated by brittle deformation. In both cases, low-permeability mylonitic shear zones that escaped brittle reactivation provide important hydraulic seals. These observations show that fluid flow along brittle fault planes is not planar, but rather highly channelised into sub-vertical flow domains, with important implications for the exploration and exploitation of geothermal energy.


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In this study, the Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis methods are combined to unravel the runoff generation process of the San Francisco River basin (73.5 km**2) situated on the Amazonian side of the Cordillera Real in the southernmost Andes of Ecuador. The montane basin is covered with cloud forest, sub-páramo, pasture and ferns. Nested sampling was applied for the collection of streamwater samples and discharge measurements in the main tributaries and outlet of the basin, and for the collection of soil and rock water samples. Weekly to biweekly water grab samples were taken at all stations in the period April 2007-November 2008. Hydrometric data, Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis allowed preliminary evaluation of the processes controlling the runoff in the San Francisco River basin. Results suggest that flow during dry conditions mainly consists of lateral flow through the C-horizon and cracks in the top weathered bedrock layer, and that all subcatchments have an important contribution of this deep water to runoff, no matter whether pristine or deforested. During normal to low precipitation intensities, when antecedent soil moisture conditions favour water infiltration, vertical flow paths to deeper soil horizons with subsequent lateral subsurface flow contribute most to streamflow. Under wet conditions in forested catchments, streamflow is controlled by near surface lateral flow through the organic horizon. Exceptionally, saturation excess overland flow occurs. By absence of the litter layer in pasture, streamflow under wet conditions originates from the A horizon, and overland flow.


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The treatment and hydraulic mechanisms in a septic tank-soil absorption system ( SAS) are highly influenced by the clogging layer or biomat zone which develops on bottom and lower sidewall surfaces within the trench. Flow rates through the biomat and sub-biomat zones are governed largely by the biomat hydraulic properties (resistance and hydraulic conductivity) and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the underlying soil. One- and 2-dimensional models were used to investigate the relative importance of sidewall and vertical flow rates and pathways in SAS. Results of 1-dimensional modelling show that several orders of magnitude variation in saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) reduce to a 1 order of magnitude variation in long-term flow rates. To increase the reliability of prediction of septic trench hydrology, HYDRUS-2D was used to model 2-dimensional flow. In the permeable soils, under high trench loading, effluent preferentially flowed in the upper region of the trench where no resistant biomat was present (the exfiltration zone). By comparison, flow was more evenly partitioned between the biomat zones and the exfiltration zones of the low permeability soil. An increase in effluent infiltration corresponded with a greater availability of exfiltration zone, rather than a lower resistance of biomat. Results of modelling simulations demonstrated the important role that a permeable A horizon may play in limiting surface surcharge of effluent under high trench hydraulic loading.


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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in groundwater and surface water samples from the Florida coastal Everglades were studied using excitation–emission matrix fluorescence modeled through parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). DOM in both surface and groundwater from the eastern Everglades S332 basin reflected a terrestrial-derived fingerprint through dominantly higher abundances of humic-like PARAFAC components. In contrast, surface water DOM from northeastern Florida Bay featured a microbial-derived DOM signature based on the higher abundance of microbial humic-like and protein-like components consistent with its marine source. Surprisingly, groundwater DOM from northeastern Florida Bay reflected a terrestrial-derived source except for samples from central Florida Bay well, which mirrored a combination of terrestrial and marine end-member origin. Furthermore, surface water and groundwater displayed effects of different degradation pathways such as photodegradation and biodegradation as exemplified by two PARAFAC components seemingly indicative of such degradation processes. Finally, Principal Component Analysis of the EEM-PARAFAC data was able to distinguish and classify most of the samples according to DOM origins and degradation processes experienced, except for a small overlap of S332 surface water and groundwater, implying rather active surface-to-ground water interaction in some sites particularly during the rainy season. This study highlights that EEM-PARAFAC could be used successfully to trace and differentiate DOM from diverse sources across both horizontal and vertical flow profiles, and as such could be a convenient and useful tool for the better understanding of hydrological interactions and carbon biogeochemical cycling.


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Quattro sistemi pilota, cilindrici, rappresentanti SFS a flusso verticale sono stati adoperati in parallelo per attività di ricerca. Il refluo trattato, defluente dalla sede di Ingegneria di via Terracini e classificabile come urbano, è stato immesso negli SFSV a valle di una sedimentazione primaria. Segue una breve descrizione dei sistemi. 1. VFF - Vertical Flow Filter - Reattore assimilabile ad un filtro a sabbia; 2. VFCWW - Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland with worms - Reattore dotato sia di piante (tipologia Phragmites Australis) sia di vermi (lombrichi); 3. VFCW - Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland - Reattore dotato di piante (tipologia Phragmites Australis); 4. VFFW - Vertical Flow Filter with worms - Reattore assimilabile ad un filtro a sabbia dotato di vermi (lombrichi). Il rendimento offerto da ciascun sistema è stato calcolato sulla base dei risultati forniti dalle analisi eseguite in laboratorio su campioni prelevati in input ed output da ciascun reattore. L'obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di valutare l'efficienza dei sistemi in relazione ai parametri misurati (azoto e fosforo totale, solidi sospesi, COD, ione ammoniacale, ortofosfato).


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The effect of thermal radiation on a steady two-dimensional natural convection laminar flow of viscous incompressible optically thick fluid along a vertical flat plate with streamwise sinusoidal surface temperature has been investigated in this study. Using the appropriate variables; the basic governing equations are transformed to convenient form and then solved numerically employing two efficient methods, namely, Implicit finite difference method (IFD) together with Keller box scheme and Straight forward finite difference (SFFD) method. Effects of the variation of the physical parameters, for example, conduction-radiation parameter (Planck number), surface temperature parameter, and the amplitude of the surface temperature, are shown on the skin friction and heat transfer rate quantitatively are shown numerically. Velocity and temperature profiles as well as streamlines and isotherms are also presented and discussed for the variation of conduction-radiation parameter. It is found that both skin-friction and rate of heat transfer are enhanced considerably by increasing the values of conduction radiation parameter, Rd.


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To fumigate grain stored in a silo, phosphine gas is distributed by a combination of diffusion and fan-forced advection. This initial study of the problem mainly focuses on the advection, numerically modelled as fluid flow in a porous medium. We find satisfactory agreement between the flow predictions of two Computational Fluid Dynamics packages, Comsol and Fluent. The flow predictions demonstrate that the highest velocity (>0.1 m/s) occurs less than 0.2m from the inlet and reduces drastically over one metre of silo height, with the flow elsewhere less than 0.002 m/s or 1% of the velocity injection. The flow predictions are examined to identify silo regions where phosphine dosage levels are likely to be too low for effective grain fumigation.


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In this study, natural convection boundary layer flow of thermally radiating fluid along a heated vertical wavy surface is analyzed. Here, the radiative component of heat flux emulates the surface temperature. Governing equations are reduced to dimensionless form, subject to the appropriate transformation. Resulting dimensionless equations are transformed to a set of parabolic partial differential equations by using primitive variable formulation, which are then integrated numerically via iterative finite difference scheme. Emphasis has been given to low Prandtl number fluid. The numerical results obtained for the physical parameters, such as, surface radiation parameter, R, and radiative length parameter, ξ, are discussed in terms of local skin friction and Nusselt number coefficients. Comprehensive interpretation of velocity distribution is also given in the form of streamlines.


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We consider a model for thin film flow down the outside and inside of a vertical cylinder. Our focus is to study the effect that the curvature of the cylinder has on the gravity-driven instability of the advancing contact line and to simulate the resulting fingering patterns that form due to this instability. The governing partial differential equation is fourth order with a nonlinear degenerate diffusion term that represents the stabilising effect of surface tension. We present numerical solutions obtained by implementing an efficient alternating direction implicit scheme. When compared to the problem of flow down a vertical plane, we find that increasing substrate curvature tends to increase the fingering instability for flow down the outside of the cylinder, whereas flow down the inside of the cylinder substrate curvature has the opposite effect. Further, we demonstrate the existence of nontrivial travelling wave solutions which describe fingering patterns that propagate down the inside of a cylinder at constant speed without changing form. These solutions are perfectly analogous to those found previously for thin film flow down an inclined plane.


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We report an experimental study of a new type of turbulent flow that is driven purely by buoyancy. The flow is due to an unstable density difference, created using brine and water, across the ends of a long (length/diameter = 9) vertical pipe. The Schmidt number Sc is 670, and the Rayleigh number (Ra) based on the density gradient and diameter is about 10(8). Under these conditions the convection is turbulent, and the time-averaged velocity at any point is `zero'. The Reynolds number based on the Taylor microscale, Re-lambda, is about 65. The pipe is long enough for there to be an axially homogeneous region, with a linear density gradient, about 6-7 diameters long in the midlength of the pipe. In the absence of a mean flow and, therefore, mean shear, turbulence is sustained just by buoyancy. The flow can be thus considered to be an axially homogeneous turbulent natural convection driven by a constant (unstable) density gradient. We characterize the flow using flow visualization and particle image velocimetry (PIV). Measurements show that the mean velocities and the Reynolds shear stresses are zero across the cross-section; the root mean squared (r.m.s.) of the vertical velocity is larger than those of the lateral velocities (by about one and half times at the pipe axis). We identify some features of the turbulent flow using velocity correlation maps and the probability density functions of velocities and velocity differences. The flow away from the wall, affected mainly by buoyancy, consists of vertically moving fluid masses continually colliding and interacting, while the flow near the wall appears similar to that in wall-bound shear-free turbulence. The turbulence is anisotropic, with the anisotropy increasing to large values as the wall is approached. A mixing length model with the diameter of the pipe as the length scale predicts well the scalings for velocity fluctuations and the flux. This model implies that the Nusselt number would scale as (RaSc1/2)-Sc-1/2, and the Reynolds number would scale as (RaSc-1/2)-Sc-1/2. The velocity and the flux measurements appear to be consistent with the Ra-1/2 scaling, although it must be pointed out that the Rayleigh number range was less than 10. The Schmidt number was not varied to check the Sc scaling. The fluxes and the Reynolds numbers obtained in the present configuration are Much higher compared to what would be obtained in Rayleigh-Benard (R-B) convection for similar density differences.


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The unsteady mixed convection flow of an incompressible laminar electrically conducting fluid over an impulsively stretched permeable vertical surface in an unbounded quiescent fluid in the presence of a transverse magnetic field has been investigated. At the same time, the surface temperature is suddenly increased from the surrounding fluid temperature or a constant heat flux is suddenly imposed on the surface. The problem is formulated in such a way that for small time it is governed by Rayleigh type of equation and for large time by Crane type of equation. The non-linear coupled parabolic partial differential equations governing the unsteady mixed convection flow under boundary layer approximations have been solved analytically by using the homotopy analysis method as well as numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme. The local skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number are found to decrease rapidly with time in a small time interval and they tend to steady-state values for t* >= 5. They also increase with the buoyancy force and suction, but decrease with injection rate. The local skin friction coefficient increases with the magnetic field, but the local Nusselt number decreases. There is a smooth transition from the unsteady state to the steady state. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An analysis is performed to study the unsteady combined forced and free convection flow (mixed convection flow) of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in the vicinity of an axisymmetric stagnation point adjacent to a heated vertical surface. The unsteadiness in the flow and temperature fields is due to the free stream velocity, which varies arbitrarily with time. Both constant wall temperature and constant heat flux conditions are considered in this analysis. By using suitable transformations, the Navier-Stokes and energy equations with four independent variables (x, y, z, t) are reduced to a system of partial differential equations with two independent variables (eta, tau). These transformations also uncouple the momentum and energy equations resulting in a primary axisymmetric flow, in an energy equation dependent on the primary flow and in a buoyancy-induced secondary flow dependent on both primary flow and energy. The resulting system of partial differential equations has been solved numerically by using both implicit finite-difference scheme and differential-difference method. An interesting result is that for a decelerating free stream velocity, flow reversal occurs in the primary flow after certain instant of time and the magnetic field delays or prevents the flow reversal. The surface heat transfer and the surface shear stress in the primary flow increase with the magnetic field, but the surface shear stress in the buoyancy-induced secondary flow decreases. Further the heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number, but the surface shear stress in the secondary flow decreases.


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The unsteady laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow of a thermomicropolar fluid over a long thin vertical cylinder has been studied when the free stream velocity varies with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The results show that the buoyancy, curvature and suction parameters, in general, enhance the skin friction, heat transfer and gradient of microrotation, but the effect of injection is just opposite. The skin friction and heat transfer for the micropolar fluid are considerably less than those for the Newtonian fluids. The effect of microrotation parameter is appreciable only on the microrotation gradient. The effect of the Prandtl number is appreciable on the skin friction, heat transfer and gradient of microtation.