858 resultados para Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to evaluate the impact of eplerenone on collagen turnover in preserved systolic function heart failure (HFPSF).
BACKGROUND: Despite growing interest in abnormal collagen metabolism as a feature of HFPSF with diastolic dysfunction, the natural history of markers of collagen turnover and the impact of selective aldosterone antagonism on this natural history remains unknown.
METHODS: We evaluated 44 patients with HFPSF, randomly assigned to control (n = 20) or eplerenone 25 mg daily (n = 24) for 6 months, increased to 50 mg daily from 6 to 12 months. Serum markers of collagen turnover and inflammation were analyzed at baseline and at 6 and 12 months and included pro-collagen type-I and -III aminoterminal peptides, matrix metalloproteinase type-2, interleukin-6 and -8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Doppler-echocardiographic assessment of diastolic filling indexes and tissue Doppler analyses were also obtained.
RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 80 +/- 7.8 years; 46% were male; 64% were receiving an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, 34% an angiotensin-II receptor blocker, and 68% were receiving beta-blocker therapy. Pro-collagen type-III and -I aminoterminal peptides, matrix metalloproteinase type-2, interleukin-6 and -8, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha increased with time in the control group. Eplerenone treatment had no significant impact on any biomarker at 6 months but attenuated the increase in pro-collagen type-III aminoterminal peptide at 12 months (p = 0.006). Eplerenone therapy was associated with modest effects on diastolic function without any impact on clinical variables or brain natriuretic peptide.
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates progressive increases in markers of collagen turnover and inflammation in HFPSF with diastolic dysfunction. Despite high background utilization of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone modulators, eplerenone therapy prevents a progressive increase in pro-collagen type-III aminoterminal peptide and may have a role in management of this disease. (The Effect of Eplerenone and Atorvastatin on Markers of Collagen Turnover in Diastolic Heart Failure; NCT00505336).
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a significantly higher risk of coronary heart disease, despite being less likely to report symptoms of angina, and are more likely to experience unrecognised myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death than non-RA controls.1 Furthermore, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction has been described in up to 40% of patients with RA.2...
La dysfonction diastolique du ventricule gauche (DDVG) réfère à une rigidité ainsi qu’à des troubles de relaxation au niveau de ce ventricule pendant la phase de la diastole. Nos connaissances sur les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents de cette pathologie demeurent limités. Les analyses géniques sont indispensables afin de bien identifier les voies par lesquelles cette maladie progresse. Plusieurs techniques de quantification de l’expression génique sont disponibles, par contre la RT-qPCR demeure la méthode la plus populaire vu sa haute sensibilité et de ses coûts modérés. Puisque la normalisation occupe un aspect très important dans les expériences de RT-qPCR, nous avons décidé de sélectionner des gènes montrant une haute stabilité d’expression dans un modèle de DDVG de lapin. Nous avons alors exposé 18 lapins blancs soit à une diète normale (n=7) ou bien à une diète hypercholestérolémiante additionnée de vitamine D2 (n=11). La DDVG a été évaluée par des mesures échocardiographiques. L’expression de l’ARNm de dix gènes communément utilisés dans la littérature comme normalisateur (Gapdh, Hprt1, Ppia, Sdha, Rpl5, Actb, Eef1e1, Ywhaz, Pgk1, et G6pd) a été mesurée par RT-qPCR. L’évaluation de leur stabilité a été vérifiée par les algorithmes de geNorm et Normfinder. Sdha et Gapdh ont obtenu les meilleurs scores de stabilité (M<0.2) et ont été suggérés par le geNorm, comme meilleure combinaison. Par contre, l’utilisation de Normfinder mène à la sélection d’Hprt1 et Rpl5 comme meilleure combinaison de gènes de normalisation (0.042). En normalisant par ces deux combinaisons de gènes, l’expression de l’ARNm des peptides natriurétiques de type A et B (Anp et Bnp), de la protéine chimiotactique des monocytes-1 (Mcp-1) et de la sous unité Nox-2 de la NADPH oxydase ont montré des augmentations similaires chez le groupe hypercholestérolémique comparé au groupe contrôle (p<0.05). Cette augmentation d’expressions a été corrélée avec plusieurs paramètres échocardiographiques de DDVG. À notre connaissance, c’est la première étude par laquelle une sélection de gènes de référence a été réalisée dans un modèle de lapin développant une DDVG.
A mortalidade dos pacientes diabéticos, quando iniciam tratamento hemodialítico, ainda é muito elevada, significativamente maior do que a dos pacientes não diabéticos. As doenças cardíacas são a principal causa de morte nestes pacientes. O diabetes, por si só, está associado a uma alta prevalência de hipertensão, doença cardiovascular e insuficiência cardíaca, resultando em morbi-mortalidade significativas. Tradicionalmente, a mortalidade tem sido associada à cardiopatia isquêmica. A mortalidade cardiovascular, entretanto, não está relacionada apenas à isquemia, mas também à insuficiência cardíaca e à morte súbita. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel da doença cardiovascular como fator prognóstico para a morte de pacientes diabéticos e não diabéticos, que iniciam hemodiálise, levando em consideração outros fatores. Este foi um estudo prospectivo de uma coorte de 40 pacientes diabéticos e 28 não diabéticos, que iniciaram programa de hemodiálise, de agosto de 1996 a junho de 1999, em 5 hospitais de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O tempo total de acompanhamento foi de 4,25 anos. A avaliação inicial, realizada entre o 20 e o 30 mês de hemodiálise, incluiu: um questionário com características demográficas, história do diabetes e suas complicações, história de hipertensão e acidente vascular cerebral; o exame físico incluindo avaliação nutricional e exame oftalmológico; e avaliação laboratorial com medidas de parâmetros nutricionais, bioquímicos, hormonais, perfil lipídico, e controle metabólico do diabetes, além da avaliação da adequação da diálise. Para a avaliação cardiovascular foram utilizados: questionário Rose, ECG em repouso, cintilografia em repouso e sob dipiridamol, e ecocardiograma bi-dimensional e com Doppler. A mortalidade foi analisada ao final dos 51 meses, e as causas de morte, definidas pelos registros médicos, atestados de óbito ou informações do médico assistente ou familiar. Na análise estatística, foram empregados o teste t de Student, o qui-quadrado (χ2) ou teste exato de Fisher. Para a análise da sobrevida, o método de Kaplan-Meier foi utilizado, e, para identificar os principais fatores associados à mortalidade, construiu-se um modelo de regressão múltipla de Cox. O nÍvel de significância adotado foi de 5%. Ao final do estudo, os pacientes diabéticos tiveram um índice de mortalidade significativamente mais elevado do que os pacientes sem diabetes (47,5% vs. 7,1%; P=0,0013, log rank test). Na análise de Cox, o padrão pseudonormal ou restritivo de disfunção diastólica esteve associado a um risco de 3,2 (IC 95%:1,2-8,8; P=0,02), e a presença de diabetes, a um risco de 4,7 (IC 95%:1,03-21,4; P=0,04) para a morte. Concluiu-se que a disfunção diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo foi o principal preditor de mortalidade nesta coorte de pacientes que estão iniciando tratamento hemodialítico.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
OBJECTIVE - Type 2 diabetes is associated with reduced exercise capacity, but the cause of this association is unclear. We sought the associations of impaired exercise capacity in type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Subclinical left ventricular (LV) dysfunction was sought from myocardial strain rate and the basal segmental diastolic velocity (Em) of each wall in 170 patients with type 2 diabetes (aged 56 +/- 10 years, 91 men), good quality echocardiographic images, and negative exercise echocardiograms. The same measurements were made in 56 control subjects (aged 53 +/- 10 years, 29 men). Exercise capacity was calculated in metabolic equivalents, and heart rate recovery (HRR) was measured as the heart rate difference between peak and 1 min after exercise. In subjects with type 2 diabetes, exercise capacity was correlated with clinical, therapeutic, biochemical, and echocardiographic variables, and significant independent associations were sought using a multiple linear regression model. RESULTS - Exercise capacity, strain rate, Em, and HRR were significantly reduced in type 2 diabetes. Exercise capacity was associated with age (r- = -0.37, P < 0.001), male sex (r = 0.26, P = 0.001), BMI (r = -0.19, P = 0.012), HbA(1c) (AlC; r = -0.22, P = 0.009), Em (r = 0.43, P < 0.001), HRR (r = 0.42, P < 0.001), diabetes duration (r = -0.18, P = 0.021), and hypertension history (r = -0.28, P < 0.001). Age (P < 0.001), male sex (P = 0.007), BMI (P = 0.001), Em (P = 0.032), HRR (P = 0.013), and AlC (P = 0.0007) were independent predictors of exercise capacity. CONCLUSIONS - Reduced exercise capacity in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with diabetes control, subclinical LV dysfunction, and impaired HRR.
Aims/hypothesis: Subclinical left ventricular (LV) dysfunction has been shown by tissue Doppler and strain imaging in diabetic patients in the absence of coronary disease or LV hypertrophy, but the prevalence and aetiology of this finding remain unclear. This study sought to identify the prevalence and the determinants of subclinical diabetic heart disease. Methods: A group of 219 unselected patients with type 2 diabetes without known cardiac disease underwent resting and stress echocardiography. After exclusion of coronary artery disease or LV hypertrophy, the remaining 120 patients ( age 57 +/- 10 years, 73 male) were studied with tissue Doppler imaging. Peak systolic strain of each wall and systolic (Sm) and diastolic ( Em) velocity of each basal segment were measured from the three apical views and averaged for each patient. Significant subclinical LV dysfunction was identified according to Sm and Em normal ranges adjusted by age and sex. Strain and Em were correlated with clinical, therapeutic, echocardiographic and biochemical variables, and significant independent associations were sought using a multiple linear regressionmodel. Results: Significant subclinical LV dysfunction was present in 27% diabetic patients. Myocardial systolic dysfunction by peak strain was independently associated with glycosylated haemoglobin level ( p< 0.001) and lack of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor treatment ( p= 0.003). Myocardial diastolic function ( Em) was independently predicted by age ( p= 0.013), hypertension ( p= 0.001), insulin ( p= 0.008) and metformin ( p= 0.01) treatment. Conclusions/ interpretation: In patients with diabetes mellitus, subclinical LV dysfunction is common and associated with poor diabetic control, advancing age, hypertension and metformin treatment; ACE inhibitor and insulin therapies appear to be protective.
In hypertension, left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy develops as an adaptive mechanism to compensate for increased afterload and thus preserve systolic function. Associated structural changes such as microvascular disease might potentially interfere with this mechanism, producing pathological hypertrophy. A poorer outcome is expected to occur when LV function is put in jeopardy by impaired coronary reserve. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of coronary reserve in the long-term outcome of patients with hypertensive dilated cardiomyopathy. Between 1996 and 2000, 45 patients, 30 of them male, with 52 +/- 11 years and LV fractional shortening <30% were enrolled and followed until 2006. Coronary flow velocity reserve was assessed by transesophageal Doppler of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Sixteen patients showed >= 10% improvement in LV fractional shortening after 17 +/- 6 months. Coronary reserve was the only variable independently related to this improvement. Total mortality was 38% in 10 years. The Cox model identified coronary reserve (hazard ratio = 0.814; 95% CI = 0.72-0.92), LV mass, low diastolic blood pressure, and male gender as independent predictors of mortality. In hypertensive dilated cardiomyopathy, coronary reserve impairment adversely affects survival, possibly by interfering with the improvement of LV dysfunction. J Am Soc Hypertens 2010;4(1):14-21. (C) 2010 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
The aim this study was to evaluate systolic and diastolic function in volume overload induced myocardial hypertrophy in rats.Volume overload myocardial hypertrophy was induced in thirteen male Wistar rats by creating infrarenal arteriovenous fistula (AVF). The results were compared with a SHAM operated group (n = 11). Eight weeks after surgery, tail-cuff blood pressure was recorded, then rats were sacrificed for isolated heart studies using Langendorffs preparation.AVF rats presented increased left and right ventricular weights, compared to controls. The increased normalized ventricular volume (V0/LVW, 0.141 +/- 0.035 mL/g vs. 0.267 +/- 0.071 mL/g, P < 0.001) in the AVF group indicated chamber dilation. Myocardial hydroxyproline concentration remained unchanged. There was a significant decrease in +dP/dt (3318 +/- 352 mm Hg s(-1) vs. 2769 +/- 399 mm Hg s(-1); P=0,002), end-systolic pressure-volume relation (246 +/- 56 mm Hg mL(-1) vs. 114 +/- 63 mm Hg mL(-1);, P < 0,001), and -dP/dt (1746 +/- 240 min Hg s(-1) vs. 1361 +/- 217 mm Hg s(-1), P < 0.001) in the AVF group, which presented increased ventricular compliance (Delta V-25: SHAM=0.172 +/- 0.05 mL vs. AVF=0.321 +/- 0.072 mL, P < 0.001) with preserved myocardial passive stiffness (Strain(25): SHAM=13.5 +/- 3.0% vs. AVF=12.3 +/- 1.9%, P > 0.05).We conclude that volume-overload induced hypertrophy causes myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction with increased ventricular compliance. These haemodynamic features help to explain the long-term compensatory phase of chronic volume overload before transition to overt congestive heart failure. (c) 2006 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cardiac structures, function, and myocardial contractility are affected by food restriction (FR). There are few experiments associating undernutrition with hypertension. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of FR on the cardiac response to hypertension in a genetic model of hypertension, the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). Five-month-old SHR were fed a control or a calorie-restricted diet for 90 days. Global left ventricle (LV) systolic function was evaluated in vivo by transthoracic echocardiogram and myocardial contractility and diastolic function were assessed in vitro in an isovolumetrically beating isolated heart (Langendorff preparation). FR reduced LV systolic function (control (mean ± SD): 58.9 ± 8.2; FR: 50.8 ± 4.8%, N = 14, P < 0.05). Myocardial contractility was preserved when assessed by the +dP/dt (control: 3493 ± 379; FR: 3555 ± 211 mmHg/s, P > 0.05), and developed pressure (in vitro) at diastolic pressure of zero (control: 152 ± 16; FR: 149 ± 15 mmHg, N = 9, P > 0.05) and 25 mmHg (control: 155 ± 9; FR: 150 ± 10 mmHg, N = 9, P > 0.05). FR also induced eccentric ventricular remodeling, and reduced myocardial elasticity (control: 10.9 ± 1.6; FR: 9.2 ± 0.9%, N = 9, P < 0.05) and LV compliance (control: 82.6 ± 16.5; FR: 68.2 ± 9.1%, N = 9, P < 0.05). We conclude that FR causes systolic ventricular dysfunction without in vitro change in myocardial contractility and diastolic dysfunction probably due to a reduction in myocardial elasticity.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.
Background - Specific treatments targeting the pathophysiology of hypertensive heart disease are lacking. As aldosterone has been implicated in the genesis of myocardial fibrosis, hypertrophy, and dysfunction, we sought to determine the effects of aldosterone antagonism on myocardial function in hypertensive patients with suspected diastolic heart failure by using sensitive quantitative echocardiographic techniques in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Methods and Results - Thirty medically treated ambulatory hypertensive patients (19 women, age 62 +/- 6 years) with exertional dyspnea, ejection fraction >50%, and diastolic dysfunction (E/A 250m/sec) and without ischemia were randomized to spironolactone 25 mg/d or placebo for 6 months. Patients were overweight (31 +/- 5 kg/m(2)) with reduced treadmill exercise capacity (6.7 +/- 2.1 METS). Long-axis strain rate (SR), peak systolic strain, and cyclic variation of integrated backscatter (CVIB) were averaged from 6 walls in 3 standard apical views. Mean 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure at baseline (133 +/- 17/80 +/- 7mm Hg) did not change in either group. Values for SR, peak systolic strain, and CVIB were similar between groups at baseline and remained unchanged with placebo. Spironolactone therapy was associated with increases in SR (baseline: -1.57 +/- 0.46 s(-1) versus 6-months: -1.91 +/- 0.36 s(-1), P < 0.01), peak systolic strain (-20.3 &PLUSMN; 5.0% versus -26.9 &PLUSMN; 4.3%, P < 0.001), and CVIB (7.4 +/- 1.7dB versus 8.6 +/- 1.7 dB, P = 0.08). Each parameter was significantly greater in the spironolactone group compared with placebo at 6 months (P = 0.05, P = 0.02, and P = 0.02, respectively), and the increases remained significant after adjusting for baseline differences. The increase in strain was independent of changes in blood pressure with intervention. The spironolactone group also exhibited reduction in posterior wall thickness (P = 0.04) and a trend to reduced left atrial area (P = 0.09). Conclusions - Aldosterone antagonism improves myocardial function in hypertensive heart disease.
Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Recently, the term diabetic cardiomyopathy has been proposed to describe the changes in the heart that occur in response to chronic hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. Ventricular remodelling in diabetic cardiomyopathy includes left ventricular hypertrophy, increased interstitial fibrosis, apoptosis and diastolic dysfunction. Mechanisms behind these changes are increased oxidative stress and renin-angiotensin system activation. The diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat is a non-obese model of type 2 diabetes that exhibits defective insulin signalling. Recently two interconnected stress response pathways have been discovered that link insulin signalling, longevity, apoptosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. The insulin-receptor PI3K/Ak pathway inhibits proapoptotic FOXO3a in response to insulin signalling and the nuclear Sirt1 deacetylase inhibits proapoptotic p53 and modulates FOXO3a in favour of survival and growth. --- Levosimendan is a calcium sensitizing agent used for the management of acute decompensated heart failure. Levosimendan acts as a positive inotrope by sensitizing cardiac troponin C to calcium and exerts vasodilation by opening mitochondrial and sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive potassium channels. Levosimendan has been described to have beneficial effects in ventricular remodelling after myocardial infarction. The aims of the study were to characterize whether diabetic cardiomyopathy associates with cardiac dysfunction, cardiomyocyte apoptosis, hypertrophy and fibrosis in spontaneously diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, which were used to model type 2 diabetes. Protein expression and activation of the Akt FOXO3a and Sirt1 p53 pathways were examined in the development of ventricular remodelling in GK rats with and without myocardial infarction (MI). The third and fourth studies examined the effects of levosimendan on ventricular remodelling and gene expression in post-MI GK rats. The results demonstrated that diabetic GK rats develop both modest hypertension and features similar to diabetic cardiomyopathy including cardiac dysfunction, LV hypertrophy and fibrosis and increased apoptotic signalling. MI induced a sustained increase in cardiomyocyte apoptosis in GK rats together with aggravated LV hypertrophy and fibrosis. The GK rat myocardium exhibited decreased Akt- FOXO3a phosphorylation and increased nuclear translocation of FOXO3a and overproduction of the Sirt1 protein. Treatment with levosimendan decreased cardiomyocyte apoptosis, senescence and LV hypertrophy and altered the gene expression profile in GK rat myocardium. The findings indicate that impaired cardioprotection via Akt FOXO3a and p38 MAPK is associated with increased apoptosis, whereas Sirt1 functions in counteracting apoptosis and the development of LV hypertrophy in the GK rat myocardium. Overall, levosimendan treatment protects against post-MI ventricular remodelling and alters the gene expression profile in the GK rat myocardium.
BACKGROUND: Genetic manipulation to reverse molecular abnormalities associated with dysfunctional myocardium may provide novel treatment. This study aimed to determine the feasibility and functional consequences of in vivo beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK1) inhibition in a model of chronic left ventricular (LV) dysfunction after myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS AND RESULTS: Rabbits underwent ligation of the left circumflex (LCx) marginal artery and implantation of sonomicrometric crystals. Baseline cardiac physiology was studied 3 weeks after MI; 5x10(11) viral particles of adenovirus was percutaneously delivered through the LCx. Animals received transgenes encoding a peptide inhibitor of betaARK1 (Adeno-betaARKct) or an empty virus (EV) as control. One week after gene delivery, global LV and regional systolic function were measured again to assess gene treatment. Adeno-betaARKct delivery to the failing heart through the LCx resulted in chamber-specific expression of the betaARKct. Baseline in vivo LV systolic performance was improved in Adeno-betaARKct-treated animals compared with their individual pre-gene delivery values and compared with EV-treated rabbits. Total beta-AR density and betaARK1 levels were unchanged between treatment groups; however, beta-AR-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in the LV was significantly higher in Adeno-betaARKct-treated rabbits compared with EV-treated animals. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo delivery of Adeno-betaARKct is feasible in the infarcted/failing heart by coronary catheterization; expression of betaARKct results in marked reversal of ventricular dysfunction. Thus, inhibition of betaARK1 provides a novel treatment strategy for improving the cardiac performance of the post-MI heart.