114 resultados para Vegetals


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Les auteurs font des commentaires sur les formations herbacées hygrophiles de l'alliance Calthion connues des Pyrénées catalanes. On y distingue quatre associations: Cirsietum rivularis, Epilobio-Juncetum effusi, Chaerophyllo-Valérianeturn pyrenaicae et Dacthylorhizo-Caricetum paniculatae. Les deux dernières sont proposées comme des associations nouvelles, et on décrit aussi la sous-association chaerophylletosum hirsuti du Cirsietum rivularis.


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The alliance Agropyro-Rumicion in the eastern half of the IberianPyrenees. This alliance, related to eurosiberian landscapes, is represented in the studied area by three associations, all them inhabiting wet and ruderalized soils: Mentho-Juncetum (very frequent and chiefly formed by Juncus inflexus and Mentha longifolia), Festuco-Caricetum (more sporadic and grassland-shaped) and Rorippo-Agrostietum (only recorded from the upper part of the river Ter, dominated by the rare Rorippa sylvestris and more or less related to the alliance Bidention in some way).


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161 . Arenarietum viridis. Los inventarios fueron efectuados en la Cova deis Angels, del valle de la Fou (término de la Sénia), en los Ports de Tortosa, a unos 550 m. de altitud.


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La clasificación y el estudio de las comunidades arvenses presentan en ocasiones problemas metodológicos y conceptuales compartidos, en gran manera. con la vegetación ruderal. Una parte de estos problemas tiene su origen eh los cambios profundos que han sufrido los sistemas de cultivo durante los últimos decenios, después de siglos de tratamientos agricolas relativamente homogéneos. También en la introducción continuada y creciente de plantas alóctonas, muchas de las cuales hallan acomodo en los cultivos. Todo ello confluye causando transformaciones diversas en la vegetación arvense.


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Asplenio (onopteridis)-quercetum ilicis


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irregular. With reference to the 10 km UTM network, the number of relevés per cell ranges between 0 and 527, with a mean of 36, the most exhaustively prospected areas lying in the Pyrenean range. On the other hand, 44 cells spread ± regularly over the Catalan territory have not available relevés yet, the larger spot lying in the Lluçanés area (C Catalonia). As a general rule. communities seem to be rather adequately prospected and no great discordances between syntaxa have been observed. However. further studies may be required for several alliances such as Berberidion, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Taeniathero-Aegilopion, Alkanno-Malcolmion, Thero-Suaedion, Posidonion or Rupion maritimae. Key words: Phytocoenology, Relevés Database, Geographical prospection, Syntaxonomical prospection, Catalonia.


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This work offers an approach to the vegetation of the Pyrenean area mentioned above according to three successive and related levels -vascularflora, plant communities and plant landscape. The study area stretches over 147.5 square km (projected surface), nearly 70% belonging to Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. Altitudes rise from 720 m a.s.l. (Southern part) and 1100 m a.s.l. (Northern part) to 2536 m a.s.l. at the top ofla Tosa d'Alp. Limestone, the most common substrate, constitutes the highest mountain ranges in the area and also the roughest relief. Slate, carbonated slate, marl, sandstone and different kinds of conglomerate are also present. The bioclimate of lower parts is axeromeric sub-mediterranean type in the Gaussen scale, with a marked continental factor in the Northern sector (Cerdanya district). High parts have high mountain climates -cold axeric, subalpine and alpine types.


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The first part of a general survey of the vegetation of Catalonia andAndorra, this paper reports all the phytocoenological associations and subassociations recorded in this area. For each community, we provide the correct name and usual synonyms, its typification (where appropriate), all the references including relevés, and the most outstanding features of its structure, species composition, ecology, distribution and diversity. Moreover, associations and subassociations are ordered appropriately in a syntaxonomic scheme. Syntaxonomic ranks are considered in a fairly broad, conservative sense. This classification established 101 associations, which correspond to the classes Lemnetea, Zosteretea, Potametea, Littorelletea, Montio-Cardaminetea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.


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Artemisio annuae-Conietum maculati ass. nova is described from the lower valley of Llobregat and Besòs rivers. Communities of this association, which is included into the Silybo-Urticion Sissingh 1950 alliance, are hygronitrophilous meadows up to 3 m high and more than 80% of vegetation cover. They are commonly restricted to the river bed and are made up almost exclussively by therophytes and hemicryptophytes. However, the mostcharacteristic trend of these herbaceous communities is the abundance of neophytes, which stand for 20% of the species but close to 50% of vegetation cover. Several widespread neophytes such as Aster squamatus, Conyza spp., Xanthium spp. are commonly found in these communities, and other rare aliens such as Artemisia annua, Rumex cristatus and R. palustris have recently been recorded. Ecological implications of the neophyte abundance in these communities are discussed in relation to the role of human disturbance and population biology of alien species in general.


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Tropical irradiations into Mediterranean nitrophilous vegetation. Irradiations of pantropical Ruderali-Manihotetea reach Mediterranean countries. Hygronitrophilous Ecliption prostratae, trodden and disturbed ground-colonizing Eleitsinion indicae and suburban Lycio-Ipomoeion curtain communities are specially examined.


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Se estudian cuatro comunidades ruderales de los alrededores de Barcelona (Chenopodietum muralis, Silybo-Urticetum, Carduo-Hordeetum eInulo-Oryzopsietum) desde una perspectiva fitosociológica (inventarios florísticos, espectros de familias, distribución fitogeografica y formas vitales) y edafológica (analisis de parametros físico-químicos del suelo, con especial énfasis en las formas minerales de nitrogeno). Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la variabilidad de hábitats y composición florística de estas comunidades. Por otra parte, las bajas acumulaciones de diferentes formas de N mineral no parecen confirmar su pretendida nitrofilia.


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Background Plant hormones play a pivotal role in several physiological processes during a plant's life cycle, from germination to senescence, and the determination of endogenous concentrations of hormones is essential to elucidate the role of a particular hormone in any physiological process. Availability of a sensitive and rapid method to quantify multiple classes of hormones simultaneously will greatly facilitate the investigation of signaling networks in controlling specific developmental pathways and physiological responses. Due to the presence of hormones at very low concentrations in plant tissues (10-9 M to 10-6 M) and their different chemistries, the development of a high-throughput and comprehensive method for the determination of hormones is challenging. Results The present work reports a rapid, specific and sensitive method using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-MS/MS) to analyze quantitatively the major hormones found in plant tissues within six minutes, including auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxyic acid (the ethylene precursor), jasmonic acid and salicylic acid. Sample preparation, extraction procedures and UPLC-MS/MS conditions were optimized for the determination of all plant hormones and are summarized in a schematic extraction diagram for the analysis of small amounts of plant material without time-consuming additional steps such as purification, sample drying or re-suspension. Conclusions This new method is applicable to the analysis of dynamic changes in endogenous concentrations of hormones to study plant developmental processes or plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses in complex tissues. An example is shown in which a hormone profiling is obtained from leaves of plants exposed to salt stress in the aromatic plant, Rosmarinus officinalis.


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Brèves observations sur les diverses communautés herbacées calcicoles de l'étage montagnard et de la zone de transition au subalpin dans la Vall de Ribes et les contrées prochaines (Pyrénées orientales). Ces notes représentent le complément de celles publiées précédemment sur les pelouses subalpines calcicoles de Prépyrénées orientales (Pirineos 105, 1972).