900 resultados para Variables from CGTMSE
L’apprentissage par projet est une méthode pédagogique importante dans le réseau des cégeps, particulièrement depuis la Réforme scolaire collégiale de 1993 (Piché & Lapostolle, 2009). Toutefois, la quantité d’études sur les conditions d’efficacité de cette méthode pédagogique, particulièrement les études longitudinales, est limitée dans le milieu collégial. La présente étude analyse le rôle de plusieurs variables issues de la recherche en psychologie organisationnelle. D’abord, on considère le rôle de deux variables de personnalité affectées par la complexité d’une tâche : l’orientation envers les buts (Dweck & Leggett, 1988) et le style de gestion des conflits (Rubin, Pruitt, & Kim, 1994). Deux variables processuelles sont aussi étudiées : les types de conflits (Jehn 1995, 1997) et la proactivité (Griffin, Neale, & Parker, 2007). À l’aide d’analyses de médiation (Preacher & Hayes, 2008), les résultats démontrent que les orientations envers les buts et les styles de gestion des conflits utiles aux tâches complexes le sont également dans un contexte de projet au collégial, favorisant la proactivité des étudiants. Pour les types de conflits, un examen de leur évolution dans le temps permet de conclure à un effet généralement négatif en raison de la forte association entre eux. Une explication possible est la présence de mésattribution (Simons & Peterson, 2000), c’est-à-dire que les conflits reliés à la tâche sont faussement interprétés comme des conflits interpersonnels.
This research was undertaken with the primary objective of explaining differences in consumption of personal care products using personality variables. Several streams of research reported were reviewed and a conceptual model was developed. Theories on the relationship between self concept and behaviour was reviewed and the need to use individual difference variables to conceptualize and measure the salient dimensions of the self were emphasized. Theories relating to social comparison, eating disorders, role of idealized media images in shaping the self-concept, evidence on cosmetic surgery and persuasibility were reviewed in the study. These came from diverse fields like social psychology, use of cosmetics, women studies, media studies, self-concept literature in psychology and consumer research, and marketing. From the review three basic dimensions, namely self-evaluation, self-awareness and persuasibility were identified and they were posited to be related to consumption. Several personality variables from these conceptual domains were identified and factor analysis confirmed the expected structure fitting the basic theoretical dimensions. Demographic variables like gender and income were also considered.It was found that self-awareness measured by the variable public self-consciousness explain differences in consumption of personal care products. The relationship between public self-consciousness and consumption was found to be most conspicuous in cases of poor self-, evaluation measured by self-esteem. Susceptibility to advertising also was found to explain differences in consumption.From the research, it may be concluded that personality variables are useful for explaining consumption and they must be used together to explain and understand the process. There may not be obvious and conspicuous links between individual measures and behaviour in marketing. However, when used in proper combination and with the help oftheoretical models personality offers considerable explanatory power as illustrated in the seventy five percent accuracy rate of prediction obtained in binary logistic regression.
The present study helped to understand the trend in rainfall patterns at smaller spatial scales and the large regional differences in the variability of rainfall. The effect of land use and orography on the diurnal variability is also understood. But a better understanding on the long term variation in rainfall is possible by using a longer dataset,which may provide insight into the rainfall variation over country during the past century. The basic mechanism behind the interannual rainfall variability would be possible with numerical studies using coupled Ocean-Atmosphere models. The regional difference in the active-break conditions points to the significance of regional studies than considering India as a single unit. The underlying dynamics of diurnal variability need to be studied by making use of a high resolution model as the present study could not simulate the local onshore circulation. Also the land use modification in this study, selected a region, which is surrounded by crop land. This implies the high possibility for the conversion of the remaining region to agricultural land. Therefore the study is useful than considering idealized conditions, but the adverse effect of irrigated crop is more than non-irrigated crop. Therefore, such studies would help to understand the climate changes occurred in the recent period. The large accumulation of rainfall between 300-600 m height of western Ghats has been found but the reason behind this need to be studied, which is possible by utilizing datasets that would better represent the orography and landuse over the region in high resolution model. Similarly a detailed analysis is needed to clearly identify the causative relations of the predictors identified with the predictant and the physical reasons behind them. New approaches that include nonlinear relationships and dynamical variables from model simulations can be included in the existing statistical models to improve the skill of the models. Also the statistical models for the forecasts of monsoon have to be continually updated.
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss von Biohöfen auf die Menschen, die in ihrem Umfeld leben. Sie bietet Einblicke in die Zusammenhänge, in denen Nachbarn, Kollegen, Freunde oder Kunden einen Biohof gezielt oder eher zufällig nutzen, um hier informell Erfahrungen zu sammeln, die zu nachhaltigen Lebennstilen und Wirtschaftsweisen beitragen können. Im Rahmen von sechs Fallstudien wurden hierfür ökologisch wirtschaftende Landwirtschaftsbetriebe in Brandenburg im Hinblick auf die informelle Vermittlung von Wissen und Erfahrungen qualitativ untersucht. Mit Hilfe der Grounded Theory wird die Entstehung von informellen Lernprozessen im sozialen Umfeld der Höfe rekonstruiert. Neben dem empirischen Ausgangsmaterial erwiesen sich die handlungstheoretischen Konstrukte Lebenswelt, Habitus, Lebensstil und Lebensführung als hilfreicher Interpretationshintergrund. Mit diesen theoretischen Ansätzen werden die soziokulturellen Einflussfaktoren für Erfahren, Lernen und Vermitteln betont. Informelles Lernen wird so als ein sozial eingebetteter Prozess verstanden. Aus dieser, weniger subjektorientierten Perspektive treten dann Faktoren wie z.B. die Atmosphäre der Beziehung zwischen einer Person und dem Biohof, die sinnliche Wahrnehmung und die Art der Kommunikation in das Blickfeld der Analyse. In der Untersuchung wird eine Vielzahl von Verhaltensänderungen, Denkanstößen und Anregungen benannt, die im Zusammenhang mit den untersuchten Biohöfen geschildert wurden und die im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung als förderlich eingeschätzt werden. Sie basieren, so der Ansatz der Arbeit, auf informellen Lernprozessen. Das zentrale Ergebnis der Fallanalysen ist eine strukturierte Zusammenstellung der im Untersuchungskontext relevanten Einflussfaktoren für erfolgreiches informelles Lernen. Als wesentliche erscheinen hierbei insbesondere zwei Variablen: zum einen hat sich das „wohlwollende Interesse“ als förderlich für das Zustandekommen und den Verlauf von informellen Lernprozessen herausgestellt. Mit diesem Begriff wird eine Einstellung dem Biohof gegenüber beschrieben, die ein Wohlgesonnensein, das Vertrauen und die Neugierde am Hof beinhaltet. Zum anderen scheint die „Erlebbarkeit“ der Angebote zur Wissensvermittlung für das informelle, habitus- und lebensstilbezogene Lernen bedeutsam zu sein. Ergänzend zu dem auf die lernenden Subjekte gerichteten Fokus wurden in der Forschungsarbeit auch Beweggründe der Betriebsleiter, für die jeweils praktizierte Wissens- und Erfahrungsvermittlung herausgearbeitet. Die Betrachtung wird durch die Zusammenstellung von Schwierigkeiten und Hindernissen abgerundet, die dem informellen Lernen vom Biohof entgegen stehen können. Ausgehend von den fallbezogenen Ergebnissen liefert die Arbeit damit eine Grundlage, um über die Bedeutung von Lernfeldern, die durch Biolandwirte, aber auch andere Akteursgruppen bereit gestellt werden, nachzudenken und um ihre gesellschaftliche Relevanz zu diskutieren.
The application of Discriminant function analysis (DFA) is not a new idea in the study of tephrochrology. In this paper, DFA is applied to compositional datasets of two different types of tephras from Mountain Ruapehu in New Zealand and Mountain Rainier in USA. The canonical variables from the analysis are further investigated with a statistical methodology of change-point problems in order to gain a better understanding of the change in compositional pattern over time. Finally, a special case of segmented regression has been proposed to model both the time of change and the change in pattern. This model can be used to estimate the age for the unknown tephras using Bayesian statistical calibration
Introducción: Se ha conocido la necesidad de la monitoria del estado hemodinámico de los pacientes quirúrgicos de forma dinámica, que permita realizar una valoración rápida, menos invasiva y confiable para un diagnóstico acertado y evaluar la respuesta a las conductas tomadas. El delta de pletismografía es una herramienta confiable, no invasiva y dinámica que logra cumplir con las características antes mencionadas y que además puede llegar a tener un papel preponderante en la terapia hídrica dirigida. Metodología: Estudio de correlación, se realizaron evaluaciones sistemáticas de la onda de pletismografía y las variables del paciente desde la inducción anestésica hasta el inicio del procedimiento quirúrgico, se determinó la correlación entre la variabilidad de la onda de pletismografía, el delta de pletismografía y el requerimiento de líquidos intraoperatorios. Se incluyeron pacientes adultos en el rango de 18 a 80 años, que cumplían los criterios de inclusión, programados para cirugía bajo anestesia general en la Fundación Cardioinfantil Instituto de Cardiología, hasta lograr la muestra calculada de 31 pacientes. Siguiendo los principios éticos de la declaración de Helsinki y la normatividad colombiana, este estudio no consideró la realización de ningún tipo de intervención en los pacientes lo que lo cataloga de bajo riesgo. Resultados: El 80.6% presentó variabilidad aumentada, con correlación entre la variabilidad de la onda del pulso, el delta POP y la cantidad de líquidos intraoperatorios (0.245 IC 95%). Disminución del delta POP en T3, sugiriendo respuesta a líquidos, correlación entre uso de vasopresores, analgesia y náuseas y vómito postoperatorio. Conclusión: Existe correlación entre la variabilidad de la onda de pletismografía, el delta de pletismografía y la reposición de líquidos endovenosos en los pacientes ventilados mecánicamente durante anestesia general. Además se encuentra asociación entre uso de vasopresores, analgesia y náuseas y vómito postoperatorio.
For more than 60 years, Colombia has been suffering an internal conflict, full of a constant violence known today as terrorism. The actual government from President Alvaro Uribe Velez has been developing during his administration, strategies looking for better conditions for those who decide to give away the weapons over the process known as “Reinsercion” or “Reincorporacion” for all the terrorist groups in Colombia. During the investigation, specifically at the work field with the actors from the Reinsercion, through conversations during all the meetings done, where identified the internal and external variables from the surroundings that affected somehow the Reinsercion Process. 85% of the system variables are in the Zone of Conflict, where a big amount of them have some kind of influence over the others, but not all of them are in the zone of the strategic vari ables. This way, there are many front works, important decisions to be taken, awareness on the population to generate, so that all the steps that are to be done toward a solution, reach fruitful results. On the other hand, when analyzing the relation betwe en the actors, the terrorist groups have shown a strong level of convergence from the first moment on the investigation, it could be identify that through the strategic route, this actor confronts the objectives from the other actors of the system. Next, i t will be presented the 4 possible scenarios to happen in the process of Reinsercion in Colombia, and the one with more probability is describe. - Scenario 1: A new Horizon - Scenario 2: Unavoidable Renegotiations - Scenario 3: Everything keeps the same way As the group of experts expressed, this is the scenario with the mayor probability to happen, therefore, as people that have already given up the weapons, perceive the process as a strategy with a lots of difficulties because just a few of the promises that gave the government are really being accomplished. There hasn‟t been a real change in the political structure, and there may be 3 or 4 more governments more and the influence of the narcotrafic could maintain.
In the midst of health care reform, Colombia has succeeded in increasing health insurance coverage and the quality of health care. In spite of this, efficiency continues to be a matter of concern, and small-area variations in health care are one of the plausible causes of such inefficiencies. In order to understand this issue, we use individual data of all births from a Contributory-Regimen insurer in Colombia. We perform two different specifications of a multilevel logistic regression model. Our results reveal that hospitals account for 20% of variation on the probability of performing cesarean sections. Geographic area only explains 1/3 of the variance attributable to the hospital. Furthermore, some variables from both demand and supply sides are found to be also relevant on the probability of undergoing cesarean sections. This paper contributes to previous research by using a hierarchical model and by defining hospitals as cluster. Moreover, we also include clinical and supply induced demand variables.
Many common bird species have declined as a result of agricultural intensification and this could be mitigated by organic farming. We paired sites for habitat and geographical location on organic and nonorganic farms in Ontario, Canada to test a priori predictions of effects on birds overall, 9 guilds and 22 species in relation to candidate models for farming practices (13 variables), local habitat features (12 variables), or habitat features that influence susceptibility to predation. We found that: (1) Overall bird abundance, but not richness, was significantly (p < 0.05) higher on organic sites (mean 43.1 individuals per site) than nonorganic sites (35.8 individuals per site). Significantly more species of birds were observed for five guilds, including primary grassland birds, on organic vs. nonorganic sites. No guild had higher richness or abundance on nonorganic farms; (2) Farming practice models were the best (ΔAIC < 4) for abundance of birds overall, primary grassland bird richness, sallier aerial insectivore richness and abundance, and abundance of ground nesters; (3) Habitat models were the best for overall richness, Neotropical migrant abundance, richness and abundance of Ontario-USA-Mexico (short-distance) migrants and resident richness; (4) Predation models were the best for richness of secondary grassland birds and ground feeders; (5) A combination of variables from the model types were best for richness or abundance overall, 13 of 18 guilds (richness and abundance) and 16 of 22 species analyzed. Five of 10 farming practice variables (including herbicide use, organic farm type) and 9 of 13 habitat variables (including hedgerow length, proportion of hay) were significant in best models. Risk modeling indicated that herbicide use could decrease primary grassland birds by one species (35% decline from 3.4 to 2.3 species) per site. Organic farming could benefit species of conservation concern by 49% (an increase from 7.6 to 11.4 grassland birds). An addition of 63 m of hedgerow could increase abundance and richness of short distance migrants by 50% (3.0 to 4.8 and 1.3 to 2.0, respectively). Increasing the proportion of hay on nonorganic farms to 50% could increase abundance of primary grassland bird by 40% (6.7 to 9.4). Our results provide support for alternative farmland designs and agricultural management systems that could enhance select bird species in farmland.
The distribution and variability of water vapor and its links with radiative cooling and latent heating via precipitation are crucial to understanding feedbacks and processes operating within the climate system. Column-integrated water vapor (CWV) and additional variables from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-year reanalysis (ERA40) are utilized to quantify the spatial and temporal variability in tropical water vapor over the period 1979–2001. The moisture variability is partitioned between dynamical and thermodynamic influences and compared with variations in precipitation provided by the Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) and the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP). The spatial distribution of CWV is strongly determined by thermodynamic constraints. Spatial variability in CWV is dominated by changes in the large-scale dynamics, in particular associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Trends in CWV are also dominated by dynamics rather than thermodynamics over the period considered. However, increases in CWV associated with changes in temperature are significant over the equatorial east Pacific when analyzing interannual variability and over the north and northwest Pacific when analyzing trends. Significant positive trends in CWV tend to predominate over the oceans while negative trends in CWV are found over equatorial Africa and Brazil. Links between changes in CWV and vertical motion fields are identified over these regions and also the equatorial Atlantic. However, trends in precipitation are generally incoherent and show little association with the CWV trends. This may in part reflect the inadequacies of the precipitation data sets and reanalysis products when analyzing decadal variability. Though the dynamic component of CWV is a major factor in determining precipitation variability in the tropics, in some regions/seasons the thermodynamic component cancels its effect on precipitation variability.
The rheological properties of dough and gluten are important for end-use quality of flour but there is a lack of knowledge of the relationships between fundamental and empirical tests and how they relate to flour composition and gluten quality. Dough and gluten from six breadmaking wheat qualities were subjected to a range of rheological tests. Fundamental (small-deformation) rheological characterizations (dynamic oscillatory shear and creep recovery) were performed on gluten to avoid the nonlinear influence of the starch component, whereas large deformation tests were conducted on both dough and gluten. A number of variables from the various curves were considered and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA) to get an overview of relationships between the various variables. The first component represented variability in protein quality, associated with elasticity and tenacity in large deformation (large positive loadings for resistance to extension and initial slope of dough and gluten extension curves recorded by the SMS/Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and the tenacity and strain hardening index of dough measured by the Dobraszczyk/Roberts dough inflation system), the elastic character of the hydrated gluten proteins (large positive loading for elastic modulus [G'], large negative loadings for tan delta and steady state compliance [J(e)(0)]), the presence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 5+10 vs. 2+12, and a size distribution of glutenin polymers shifted toward the high-end range. The second principal component was associated with flour protein content. Certain rheological data were influenced by protein content in addition to protein quality (area under dough extension curves and dough inflation curves [W]). The approach made it possible to bridge the gap between fundamental rheological properties, empirical measurements of physical properties, protein composition, and size distribution. The interpretation of this study gave indications of the molecular basis for differences in breadmaking performance.
Aim We provide a new quantitative analysis of lizard reproductive ecology. Comparative studies of lizard reproduction to date have usually considered life-history components separately. Instead, we examine the rate of production (productivity hereafter) calculated as the total mass of offspring produced in a year. We test whether productivity is influenced by proxies of adult mortality rates such as insularity and fossorial habits, by measures of temperature such as environmental and body temperatures, mode of reproduction and activity times, and by environmental productivity and diet. We further examine whether low productivity is linked to high extinction risk. Location World-wide. Methods We assembled a database containing 551 lizard species, their phylogenetic relationships and multiple life history and ecological variables from the literature. We use phylogenetically informed statistical models to estimate the factors related to lizard productivity. Results Some, but not all, predictions of metabolic and life-history theories are supported. When analysed separately, clutch size, relative clutch mass and brood frequency are poorly correlated with body mass, but their product – productivity – is well correlated with mass. The allometry of productivity scales similarly to metabolic rate, suggesting that a constant fraction of assimilated energy is allocated to production irrespective of body size. Island species were less productive than continental species. Mass-specific productivity was positively correlated with environmental temperature, but not with body temperature. Viviparous lizards were less productive than egg-laying species. Diet and primary productivity were not associated with productivity in any model. Other effects, including lower productivity of fossorial, nocturnal and active foraging species were confounded with phylogeny. Productivity was not lower in species at risk of extinction. Main conclusions Our analyses show the value of focusing on the rate of annual biomass production (productivity), and generally supported associations between productivity and environmental temperature, factors that affect mortality and the number of broods a lizard can produce in a year, but not with measures of body temperature, environmental productivity or diet.
Excessive salt intake is linked to cardiovascular disease and several other health problems around the world. The UK Food Standards Agency initiated a campaign at the end of 2004 to reduce salt intake in the population. There is disagreement over whether the campaign was effective in curbing salt intake or not. We provide fresh evidence on the impact of the campaign, by using data on spot urinary sodium readings and socio-demographic variables from the Health Survey for England over 2003–2007 and combining it with food price information from the Expenditure and Food Survey. Aggregating the data into a pseudo-panel, we estimate fixed effects models to examine the trend in salt intake over the period and to deduce the heterogeneous effects of the policy on the intake of socio-demographic groups. Our results are consistent with a previous hypothesis that the campaign reduced salt intakes by approximately 10%. The impact is shown to be stronger among women than among men. Older cohorts of men show a larger response to the salt campaign compared to younger cohorts, while among women, younger cohorts respond more strongly than older cohorts.
The evidence provided by modelled assessments of future climate impact on flooding is fundamental to water resources and flood risk decision making. Impact models usually rely on climate projections from global and regional climate models (GCM/RCMs). However, challenges in representing precipitation events at catchment-scale resolution mean that decisions must be made on how to appropriately pre-process the meteorological variables from GCM/RCMs. Here the impacts on projected high flows of differing ensemble approaches and application of Model Output Statistics to RCM precipitation are evaluated while assessing climate change impact on flood hazard in the Upper Severn catchment in the UK. Various ensemble projections are used together with the HBV hydrological model with direct forcing and also compared to a response surface technique. We consider an ensemble of single-model RCM projections from the current UK Climate Projections (UKCP09); multi-model ensemble RCM projections from the European Union's FP6 ‘ENSEMBLES’ project; and a joint probability distribution of precipitation and temperature from a GCM-based perturbed physics ensemble. The ensemble distribution of results show that flood hazard in the Upper Severn is likely to increase compared to present conditions, but the study highlights the differences between the results from different ensemble methods and the strong assumptions made in using Model Output Statistics to produce the estimates of future river discharge. The results underline the challenges in using the current generation of RCMs for local climate impact studies on flooding. Copyright © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society
O trabalho buscou identificar e avaliar a escolha do Imip à luz da teoria neoinstitucional, mediante os mecanismos isomórficos que caracterizam o campo das organizações de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, tendo o Imip como objeto de análise, voltado especificamente para dois modelos de informatização da operação e da gestão, a fim de verificar qual o mais adequado para as especificidades da instituição, incluindo o aspecto financeiro, custo/benefício. O primeiro modelo se refere a um sistema próprio de informatização; o segundo a um modelo de sistema de gestão já existente, comercializado por empresa especializada nesta tecnologia. A metodologia abrangeu pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais e de campo. O referencial teórico foi a teoria neoinstitucional e o trabalho de campo constou de uma pesquisa incluindo observação simples, visando compor variáveis dos dois modelos avaliados, e coleta de dados realizada por meio da aplicação de dois questionários: um questionário aberto, com os dirigentes do Imip, e um questionário misto, com cem colaboradores, utilizadores do sistema, escolhidos aleatoriamente, por sorteio. Entre os achados se identificou claras referências ao isomorfismo, principalmente o mimético, nas percepções dos indivíduos respondentes. Ao final da pesquisa, foi possível concluir que a contratação de um sistema de gestão hospitalar, já existente no mercado, concebido e comercializado por empresa de tecnologia especializada no segmento da saúde, justificou-se como a melhor escolha para a organização, pois, as semelhanças existentes entre os processos do Instituto e aqueles contidos no sistema eram muito mais relevantes que suas particularidades. Outro fator relevante levou em consideração os elevados custos para uma única instituição desenvolver e manter sozinha um sistema atualizado segundo as exigências normativas e técnicas necessárias às organizações de saúde e os padrões de qualidade da informação estabelecidos pelo SUS.