87 resultados para Utilitarianism


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Dickens believed that, played out in practical terms, the pursuit of a totally rationalised society devoid of ‘Fancy’ only served to benefit those in power to the impoverishment of those in their charge. He was appalled by a selfish and self-interested philosophy that combined with laissez-faire capitalism to reduce human effort to mere numbers for the sole purpose of determining its monetary worth. His story thus provides a rebuke to the dehumanising effects of utilitarianism and the way it is used to calculate workers in the manner of machines; reducing them to little more than a resource that is no more or less important any other resource used in industrial enterprise. Their modern-day counterparts live in similar Hard Times in being in the grip of laissez-fair economics of global proportions, which visits upon them similar conceptions of their worth, as evidenced by the current precariousness of their employment and their present exposure to the vicissitudes of arbitrary power exercised by managements still wedded to utilitarian principles. As a result, the ‘light of Fancy’ that at one time would periodically burst through in earnest storms of protest, is now refracted into cynical asides directed at rational systems that continue to standardise and homogenise all that ‘counts’ in working life.


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In the last decades of the 21st century, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the most widely debated issues in business management, concerning researchers, politicians, managers and society at large. With multilateral implications in economic and social life, CSR refers, essentially, to the discussion about the boundaries of business intervention in society and the ethical limits that should regulate that intervention. It questions the impact of business practices in social well-being, the role left for corporations and for the State in attending to community needs, and which are, at last, the responsibilities that tie enterprises to society. In this research, CSR is approached from the perspective of its ethical foundations, based on the moral reasoning of the business manager, as a key organizational leader with relevant decision power. Specifically, the research aims to understand how the personal human value system and the ethical orientation of managers influence their attitude towards CSR, considering this attitude as an indicator of managerial behavior that translates into corporate performance. Theoretically, CSR concept is discussed and presented as a set of social commitments, based on a strict interpretation of its meaning. As to human values, its philosophical roots are briefly analyzed and Schwartz modern motivational theory is addressed as main reference for studying the personal value system of managers in this research. Concerning ethics, based on classical theory from moral philosophy, references are seek in John Stuart Mill¿s utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant¿s deontological absolutism, John Rawls¿s theory of justice and the ethics of virtue inspired by Aristotle¿s moral thoughts. Based on an extended literature review, research hypothesis are proposed as part of a theoretical model of analysis named Individual Attitude Towards Social Responsibility Model. In order to test the theory¿s empirical validity, it was conducted a field study with 252 Brazilian managers, mainly from the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Results show that managerial attitude aligned with CSR principles is favored by conservative personal values, protectors of stability and centered on collective will, and by an ethical orientation based on egalitarianism as postulated by distributive justice principles. However, results also show that the influence of values and personal ethics on managerial attitude towards CSR only occur in managers younger than 30 years old. Findings and their meanings are discussed, as well as summarized in the Axiological and Ethical Determinants of Managers¿ Social Commitment Model. Finally, methodological limitations are evaluated and clues for further research are suggested.


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O trabalho apresentado neste relatório tem por objetivo pesquisar a constituição e o desenvolvimento da confiança entre os empresários participantes do programa Cooperar para Competir, o qual compõe o conjunto de treinamentos oferecidos para o Arranjo Produtivo Local de Birigui pelo SEBRAE-SP em parceria com instituições locais como o Sindicato da Indústrias do Calçado e Vestuário de Birigui, o SESI de Birigui, entre outros. Em termos de metodologia, foi escolhido o método qualitativo para desenvolver uma pesquisa exploratória de estudo de caso (o Cooperar para Competir) e foram utilizadas duas técnicas de pesquisa – a entrevista aberta ou não-dirigida e a técnica de história oral. Para o seu desenvolvimento, foram estabelecidas três grandes áreas de investigação que, juntas, ofereceriam uma visão abrangente do tema analisado: a) a primeira grande área é responsável pelo estudo do contexto e da estrutura econômica do APL em geral, bem como de seus agentes presentes naquela região e suas particularidades. Nesta primeira parte são apresentadas discussões sobre clusters, sua importância e representatividade no Brasil e no mundo, bem como uma análise do cluster calçadista de Birigui de acordo com o Modelo Diamante proposto por Porter (1999); b) a segunda área abrange tanto a estrutura formal do Cooperar para Competir em cada uma das turmas quanto o processo dinâmico do curso, seus momentos críticos e as estratégias pedagógicas adotadas a cada momento em vista dos desafios. Esta parte contextualiza o programa, apresenta sua estrutura e reflete a construção das bases de cooperação em sala de aula por uma perspectiva axiológica; c) a terceira área, por fim, é caracterizada pela pesquisa de campo, quando foram investigadas as vivências, experiências e impactos dos e nos participantes do ponto de vista subjetivo e como eles entenderam os efeitos em suas vidas profissional e pessoal. As entrevistas abertas foram realizadas com dois grupos de participantes, o Grupo Graduado e o Grupo Novo, a fim entender o desenvolvimento de ambos os grupos, os resultados alcançados pelo primeiro e o efeito da suspensão do programa no segundo. Todo o processo seguido durante a pesquisa permitiu que se chegasse a inúmeras conclusões, como o porquê do sucesso do programa Cooperar para Competir – o sucesso, neste caso, reside no desenho pedagógico que atende a dimensão axiológica, ou seja, não apenas se falou de cooperação, mas se produziu cooperação ao integrar competências, interesses e valores. O programa serviu, então, como um espaço filosófico e laboratorial. Assim, o conteúdo e a sequência seguidos também tem sua importância relativizada frente as relações e a construção de algo que transcende o caráter utilitarista ou funcionalista das disciplinas. As entrevistas individuais e em grupo mostraram que se reconhecerem como iguais foi um fator gerador de confiança entre os participantes, a qual também é expressa quando estes se abrem para compreenderem o modo como os outros atribuem significados para a relação de desconfiança e confiança e passam a estabelecer um sistema de significação comum. Além disso, a consciência de sua realidade e o reconhecimento de sua responsabilidade junto a si mesmo, à sua empresa, ao projeto desenvolvido no Cooperar para Competir e à comunidade de Birigui marcam, também, a mudança do esquema mental de sapateiro para empresário.


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The right to artistic expression, freedom granted in the western democratic constitutionalism, is a fundamental right that cyclically, compared to other cohesive rights of expression, has been forgotten and put in an irrelevant juridical-dogmatic position. The first reason for this behaviour that disesteems artistic freedom is the valorisation of rationalism and scientificism in the modern society, subordinating academic researches to utilitarianism, relegating the purpose of feelings and spirituality on men s elocution, therefore, we investigate, guided by philosophy, the attribution of art on human formation, due to its capacity in harmonising reason and emotion. After that, we affirm the fundamental right to artistic expression s autonomy in the 1988 valid constitutional order, after a comparative explanation of freedom in the Fundamental Laws of United States, Portugal, Spain and Germany; and the construction historic-constitutional of the same right in the Brazilian Constitutions. In this desiderate, the theoric mark chosen is the Liberal Theory of the fundamental rights, guiding the exam through jusfundamental dimensions: juridical-subjective and juridical-objective. Whilst the first, classical function of resistance, delimitates the protection area of the artistic expression right from its specific content, titularity and its constitutional and subconstitutional limits, the other one establishes it as cultural good of the Social Order, defining to the State its rendering duties of protection, formation and cultural promotion. We do not admit artistic communication, granted without legal reserve, to be transposed of restrictions that belong to other fundamental rights and, when its exercise collides with another fundamental right or juridical-constitutional good, the justification to a possible state intervention that tangentiates its protection area goes, necessarily, through the perquisition of the artist s animus, the used method, the many viable interpretations and, at last, the correct application of the proportionality criteria. The cultural public politics analysis, nevertheless, observes the pluralism principle of democratic substratum, developer of the cultural dialogue and opposed to patterns determined by the mass cultural industry. All powers are attached, on the scope of its typical attributions, to materialise public politics that have the cultural artistic good as its aim, due to the constant rule contained in §1, art. 5º of the Federal Constitution. However, the access and the incentive laws to culture must be constantly supervised by the constitutional parameter of fundamental right to equality


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This research aims to reconstruct and explain the argument proposed by Peter Singer to justify the principle of equal consideration of interests (PECI). The PECI is the basic normative principle according to people should consider the interests of all sentient beings affected when somebody taking a moral decision. It is the join that Singer proposes between universalizability and the principle of equal consideration of interests that constitutes a compelling reason to justify it. The universalizability requires to disregard the numerical differences, putting yourself in other people s shoes, and to consider preferences, interests, desires and ideals of those affected. Singer joins universalizability to normative principle and molds the form and content of his theory. The first chapter introduces the discussion will be developed in this essay. The second chapter deals the historical and philosophical viewpoint from which Singer starts his studies. The third chapter is about the Singer s critiques of naturalism, intuitionism, relativism, simple subjectivism and emotivism. The fourth chapter exposes the design of universal prescriptivism proposed by R. M. Hare. The universal prescriptivism indicates, in the Singer s viewpoint, a consistent way to create the join between the universalizability and PECI. It highlights also the criticism designed by J. L. Mackie and Singer himself to universal prescriptivism. The second part of this chapter shows briefly some of the main points of the classical conception of utilitarianism and its possible relationship with the theory of Singer. The fifth chapter introduces the Singer s thesis about the origin of ethics and the universalizability as a feature necessary to the point of view of ethic, and the way which this argument is developed to form the PECI. The sixth chapter exposes the main distinctions that characterize the PECI. Finally the seventh chapter provides a discussion about the reasons highlighted by Singer for one who wants orient his life according to the standpoint of ethics. This structure allows explaining the main ideas of the author concerning the theoretical foundations of his moral philosophy


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho, resultante de pesquisa documental e de campo, subsidiada pela abordagem qualitativa, teve por objetivos identificar e analisar a proposta metodológica de formação profissional por competências realizada pelo SENAI- PA, considerando suas especificidades, ideologias, objetivos latentes, e sua dimensão política, uma vez que esta instituição apresenta a referida proposta como alternativa para elevar o nível de formação e qualificação profissional, formar cidadãos criativos e empreendedores para atender às demandas do setor industrial. A investigação iniciou a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória e revisão bibliográfica de fundamentação teórica sobre a temática, permitindo a compreensão do objeto de estudo, além de respaldar a definição do problema de pesquisa. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de informações contidas no site institucional do SENAI, de pesquisas e obras que tratam da formação profissional ofertada por esta instituição. Para a realização desta investigação foi feito primeiramente um estudo dos referenciais teóricos, sobretudo, das teorias pedagógicas que têm pautado o desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica no contexto educacional brasileiro, como também, das teorias pedagógicas e econômicas que têm fundamentado a prática pedagógica de educação profissional. À luz destes referenciais, e com base nos procedimentos da análise dos conteúdos, examinamos os dados a partir dos seguintes eixos temáticos: objetivos, avaliação conteúdos, métodos e técnicas de ensino, relação teoria e prática, forma e conteúdo. Utilizamos ainda as categorias de análise obtidas a partir dos dados coletados: aprendizagem significativa, prática pedagógica eficaz, formar para o trabalho e para cidadania. A pesquisa possibilitou identificar o utilitarismo no processo de ensino, cuja manifestação ocorre no desenrolar das práticas pedagógicas, através da relação dicotômica entre teoria e prática, caracterizando, desta forma, a proposta metodológica de ensino desta instituição. Verificamos que a atual metodologia de ensino fundamentada na pedagogia das competências, se constitui no aperfeiçoamento da antiga metodologia utilizada por esta instituição, uma vez que ambas estão alicerçadas no Condutivismo, Pragmatismo, Funcionalismo, e no Construtivismo. Este aperfeiçoamento vincula-se à investigação prévia das competências a serem adquiridas pelo trabalhador, à caracterização do perfil dos cursos pelas competências exigidas pelo mercado, à estreita relação dos elementos constitutivos da prática pedagógica - conteúdos, métodos e técnicas de ensino e a avaliação da aprendizagem - aos ditames mercadológicos. Constatamos ainda que este aperfeiçoamento promove a continuidade de uma formação orientada pelos preceitos e exigências do mercado, caracterizando uma formação profissional para o trabalho e para cidadania.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Our growing understanding of human mind and cognition and the development of neurotechnology has triggered debate around cognitive enhancement in neuroethics. The dissertation examines the normative issues of memory enhancement, and focuses on two issues: (1) the distinction between memory treatment and enhancement; and (2) how the issue of authenticity concerns memory interventions, including memory treatments and enhancements. rnThe first part consists of a conceptual analysis of the concepts required for normative considerations. First, the representational nature and the function of memory are discussed. Memory is regarded as a special form of self-representation resulting from a constructive processes. Next, the concepts of selfhood, personhood, and identity are examined and a conceptual tool—the autobiographical self-model (ASM)—is introduced. An ASM is a collection of mental representations of the system’s relations with its past and potential future states. Third, the debate between objectivist and constructivist views of health are considered. I argue for a phenomenological account of health, which is based on the primacy of illness and negative utilitarianism.rnThe second part presents a synthesis of the relevant normative issues based on the conceptual tools developed. I argue that memory enhancement can be distinguished from memory treatment using a demarcation regarding the existence of memory-related suffering. That is, memory enhancements are, under standard circumstances and without any unwilling suffering or potential suffering resulting from the alteration of memory functions, interventions that aim to manipulate memory function based on the self-interests of the individual. I then consider the issue of authenticity, namely whether memory intervention or enhancement endangers “one’s true self”. By analyzing two conceptions of authenticity—authenticity as self-discovery and authenticity as self-creation, I propose that authenticity should be understood in terms of the satisfaction of the functional constraints of an ASM—synchronic coherence, diachronic coherence, and global veridicality. This framework provides clearer criteria for considering the relevant concerns and allows us to examine the moral values of authenticity. rn


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This article focuses on the studies and discourses of mostly British scholars of the early colonial period belonging to two schools of thought. It shows how the studies of both schools – European orientalism and utilitarianism – were intricately connected to the political development of the emerging British paramountcy over the South Asian sub-continent, as both were looking for means of establishing and/or strengthening colonial rule. Nevertheless, the debate was not just a continuation of discussions in Europe. Whereas the ideas of the European Enlightenment had some influence, the transformation of the Mughal Empire and especially the idea of a decline of Muslim rule offered ample opportunities for understanding the early history of India either as some sort of “Golden Age,” as the orientalists and their indigenous supporters did, or as something static and degenerate, as the utilitarians did, and from which the population of sub-continent had to be saved by colonial rule and colonial values. Fearing the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution, the first group of British scholars sought to persuade the native elites of South Asia to take the lessons of their past for the future development of their homeland. Just as the classicists back in Europe, these scholars were convinced that large-scale explanations of the past could also teach political and moral lessons for the present although it was important to deal with the distant past in an empirical manner. The utilitarians on the other hand believed that India had to be saved from its own depravity through the English language and Western values, which amounted to nothing less than the modern transformation of the true Classical Age.


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En estas páginas intentamos llevar adelante una revisión de las principales teorías éticas contemporáneas –las éticas comunicativas, las neocontractualistas, las comunitaristas y las que se originan en el utilitarismo– con el propósito de dilucidar los aportes que ellas ofrecen para orientar decisiones que comprometen a las personas en diferentes dimensiones de sus vidas: en el ámbito de lo cotidiano, en la dimensión pública dada por la condición de ciudadano y/o miembro de una comunidad, y más específicamente, en el campo de la actividad profesional. Tras el ejercicio de la sospecha que puso en tela de juicio a la razón como fundamento último del conocer y el obrar, y tras la crisis de la normatividad que condicionó la reflexión ética durante buena parte del siglo XX, nos preguntamos ¿cuáles son las problemáticas que asumen las teoría éticas contemporáneas? ¿cuál es el sustento teórico de sus reflexiones? ¿qué respuestas ofrecen a los desafíos sociales y políticos contemporáneos? ¿pueden esas respuestas satisfacer requerimientos surgidos de nuestra propia situación socio-histórica?


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The analysis addresses the issue of transport equity and explores three different approaches to equity in transport: utilitarianism, sufficientarianism and prioritarianism. Each approach calls for a different treatment of the benefits reaped by different population groups in the assessment of transport investments or policies. In utilitarianism, which underlies much of the current practice of transport project appraisal, all benefits receive the same weight, irrespective of the recipient of the benefits. In both sufficientarianism and prioritarianism, benefits are weighed in distinct ways, depending on the characteristics of the recipients. The three approaches are illustrated using a fictive case study, in which three different transport investment are assessed and compared to each other. Finally, the assessment of transport investments will be explored using the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). The CEA assesses the distributional effects of transport investments for utilitarism, sufficientarism and prioritarism approaches and addresses distinct needs associated with different population groups in respect to their transport