947 resultados para Use-wear analysis
"The material ... consists of quotations (verbatim ...) from the report of TVA for the fiscal year 1936, and our comments thereon."--p. 8.
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The discovery and interpretation of microscopic residues on stone artefacts is an expanding front within archaeological science, allowing reconstructions of the past use of specific tools. With notable exceptions, however, the field has seen little theoretical development, relying largely on a rationale in which either individual findings are widely generalized or the age of the site determines the importance of the results. Here an approach to residue interpretation is proposed that draws on notions of narrative, scale, action and agency as one means of expanding the theoretical scope and application of residue studies. It is suggested that the individual resonance of the findings of residue analyses with people in the present day can be used to provide a more nuanced understanding of past actions, which in turn allows both better integration and communication of those findings within and outside the archaeological comm unity, and begins to overcome the problems associated with the typically small sample sizes analysed in stone-tool residue studies.
In this paper we study some of the characteristics of the art painting image color semantics. We analyze the color features of differ- ent artists and art movements. The analysis includes exploration of hue, saturation and luminance. We also use quartile’s analysis to obtain the dis- tribution of the dispersion of defined groups of paintings and measure the degree of purity for these groups. A special software system “Art Paint- ing Image Color Semantics” (APICSS) for image analysis and retrieval was created. The obtained result can be used for automatic classification of art paintings in image retrieval systems, where the indexing is based on color characteristics.
The adverse health effects of long-term exposure to lead are well established, with major uptake into the human body occurring mainly through oral ingestion by young children. Lead-based paint was frequently used in homes built before 1978, particularly in inner-city areas. Minority populations experience the effects of lead poisoning disproportionately. ^ Lead-based paint abatement is costly. In the United States, residents of about 400,000 homes, occupied by 900,000 young children, lack the means to correct lead-based paint hazards. The magnitude of this problem demands research on affordable methods of hazard control. One method is encapsulation, defined as any covering or coating that acts as a permanent barrier between the lead-based paint surface and the environment. ^ Two encapsulants were tested for reliability and effective life span through an accelerated lifetime experiment that applied stresses exceeding those encountered under normal use conditions. The resulting time-to-failure data were used to extrapolate the failure time under conditions of normal use. Statistical analysis and models of the test data allow forecasting of long-term reliability relative to the 20-year encapsulation requirement. Typical housing material specimens simulating walls and doors coated with lead-based paint were overstressed before encapsulation. A second, un-aged set was also tested. Specimens were monitored after the stress test with a surface chemical testing pad to identify the presence of lead breaking through the encapsulant. ^ Graphical analysis proposed by Shapiro and Meeker and the general log-linear model developed by Cox were used to obtain results. Findings for the 80% reliability time to failure varied, with close to 21 years of life under normal use conditions for encapsulant A. The application of product A on the aged gypsum and aged wood substrates yielded slightly lower times. Encapsulant B had an 80% reliable life of 19.78 years. ^ This study reveals that encapsulation technologies can offer safe and effective control of lead-based paint hazards and may be less expensive than other options. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC are committed to eliminating childhood lead poisoning by 2010. This ambitious target is feasible, provided there is an efficient application of innovative technology, a goal to which this study aims to contribute. ^
Television (TV) reaches more people than any other medium which makes it an important source of health information. Since TV ads often offer information obliquely, this study investigated implied health messages found in food and nutrition TV ads. The goals were to determine the proportion of food and nutrition ads among all TV advertising and to use content analysis to identify their implied messages and health claims. A randomly selected sample of TV ads were collected over a 28-day period beginning May 8, 1987. The sample contained 3547 ads; 725 (20%) were food-related. All were analyzed. About 10% of food-related TV ads contained a health claim. Twenty-five representative ads of the 725 food ads were also reviewed by 10 dietitians to test the reliability of the instrument. Although the dietitians agreed upon whether a health claim existed in a televised food ad, their agreement was poor when evaluating the accuracy of the claim. The number of food-related ads dropped significantly on Saturday, but the number of alcohol ads rose sharply on Saturday and Sunday. Snack ads were shown more often on Thursday, but snack commercials were also numerous on Saturday morning and afternoon, as were cereal ads. Ads for snack foods accounted for the greatest proportion of ads (20%) while fast food accounted for only 7%. Alcohol constituted about 9% of all food and nutrition ads.
Bien que l’os soit une matière première ayant joué un rôle essentiel au sein des activités quotidiennes des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, il existe à ce jour très peu d’analyses systématiques de l’outillage en os et des débris de fabrication retrouvés en Iroquoianie. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’analyse des vestiges en os ouvragés récupérés sur le site villageois Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), occupé durant le Sylvicole supérieur tardif par une communauté iroquoienne du Saint-Laurent. Plus précisément, l’étude consiste à analyser l’industrie osseuse en portant une attention particulière aux déchets de fabrication. Cet examen attentif a pour principal objectif de documenter les modes de gestion et de sélection de la matière première ainsi que d’améliorer la compréhension des techniques préhistoriques employées pour la fabrication des objets en os. Au moyen d’analyses technologiques, zooarchéologiques et tracéologiques, il sera possible de classifier les déchets de fabrication, de documenter leur origine technologique et, ultimement, de reconstituer un certain nombre de chaines opératoires. Une étude détaillée de la distribution spatiale des artéfacts permettra également de mieux comprendre l’organisation des activités dans l’espace villageois. Ce mémoire a aussi pour objectif de fournir des balises méthodologiques et empiriques relatives à l’étude des déchets de fabrications en os, afin de démontrer la pertinence de considérer ces derniers dans la compréhension des systèmes socioéconomiques et culturels.
Bien que l’os soit une matière première ayant joué un rôle essentiel au sein des activités quotidiennes des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, il existe à ce jour très peu d’analyses systématiques de l’outillage en os et des débris de fabrication retrouvés en Iroquoianie. Afin de pallier ces lacunes, ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’analyse des vestiges en os ouvragés récupérés sur le site villageois Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), occupé durant le Sylvicole supérieur tardif par une communauté iroquoienne du Saint-Laurent. Plus précisément, l’étude consiste à analyser l’industrie osseuse en portant une attention particulière aux déchets de fabrication. Cet examen attentif a pour principal objectif de documenter les modes de gestion et de sélection de la matière première ainsi que d’améliorer la compréhension des techniques préhistoriques employées pour la fabrication des objets en os. Au moyen d’analyses technologiques, zooarchéologiques et tracéologiques, il sera possible de classifier les déchets de fabrication, de documenter leur origine technologique et, ultimement, de reconstituer un certain nombre de chaines opératoires. Une étude détaillée de la distribution spatiale des artéfacts permettra également de mieux comprendre l’organisation des activités dans l’espace villageois. Ce mémoire a aussi pour objectif de fournir des balises méthodologiques et empiriques relatives à l’étude des déchets de fabrications en os, afin de démontrer la pertinence de considérer ces derniers dans la compréhension des systèmes socioéconomiques et culturels.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física