921 resultados para Urban interventions and territorial model system


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Durante el proceso de producción de voz, los factores anatómicos, fisiológicos o psicosociales del individuo modifican los órganos resonadores, imprimiendo en la voz características particulares. Los sistemas ASR tratan de encontrar los matices característicos de una voz y asociarlos a un individuo o grupo. La edad y sexo de un hablante son factores intrínsecos que están presentes en la voz. Este trabajo intenta diferenciar esas características, aislarlas y usarlas para detectar el género y la edad de un hablante. Para dicho fin, se ha realizado el estudio y análisis de las características basadas en el pulso glótico y el tracto vocal, evitando usar técnicas clásicas (como pitch y sus derivados) debido a las restricciones propias de dichas técnicas. Los resultados finales de nuestro estudio alcanzan casi un 100% en reconocimiento de género mientras en la tarea de reconocimiento de edad el reconocimiento se encuentra alrededor del 80%. Parece ser que la voz queda afectada por el género del hablante y las hormonas, aunque no se aprecie en la audición. ABSTRACT Particular elements of the voice are printed during the speech production process and are related to anatomical and physiological factors of the phonatory system or psychosocial factors acquired by the speaker. ASR systems attempt to find those peculiar nuances of a voice and associate them to an individual or a group. Age and gender are inherent factors to the speaker which may be represented in voice. This work attempts to differentiate those characteristics, isolate them and use them to detect speaker’s gender and age. Features based on glottal pulse and vocal tract are studied and analyzed in order to achieve good results in both tasks. Classical methodologies (such as pitch and derivates) are avoided since the requirements of those techniques may be too restrictive. The final scores achieve almost 100% in gender recognition whereas in age recognition those scores are around 80%. Factors related to the gender and hormones seem to affect the voice although they are not audible.


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T cells, B cells, and antibody are found in the white matter of the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis. The epitope center for the antibody response to human myelin basic protein (MBP) fits precisely the minimal epitope Pro85-Val-Val-His-Phe-Phe-Lys-Asn-Ile-Val-Thr-Pro96 for that reported for HLA DR2b (DRB1*1501)-restricted T cells that recognize MBP [Wucherpfenning, K.W., Sette, A., Southwood, S., Oseroff, C., Matsui, M., Strominger, J. & Hafler, D. (1994) J. Exp. Med. 179, 279-290], and overlaps with the reported DR2a-restricted epitope for T cells reactive to MBP [Martin, R., Howell, M. D., Jaraquemada, D., Furlage, M., Richert, J., Brostoff, S., Long, E. O., McFarlin, D. E. & McFarland, H. F. (1991) J. Exp. Med. 173, 19-24]. We describe a molecular model of this epitope.


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This paper develops an Internet geographical information system (GIS) and spatial model application that provides socio-economic information and exploratory spatial data analysis for local government authorities (LGAs) in Queensland, Australia. The application aims to improve the means by which large quantities of data may be analysed, manipulated and displayed in order to highlight trends and patterns as well as provide performance benchmarking that is readily understandable and easily accessible for decision-makers. Measures of attribute similarity and spatial proximity are combined in a clustering model with a spatial autocorrelation index for exploratory spatial data analysis to support the identification of spatial patterns of change. Analysis of socio-economic changes in Queensland is presented. The results demonstrate the usefulness and potential appeal of the Internet GIS applications as a tool to inform the process of regional analysis, planning and policy.


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A structurally-based quasi-chemical viscosity model has been developed for the Al2O3 CaO-'FeO'-MgO-SiO2 system. The model links the slag viscosity to the internal structure of melts through the concentrations of various anion/cation Si0.5O, Me2/nn+O and Me1/nn+Si0.25O viscous flow structural units. The concentrations of structural units are derived from the quasi-chemical thermodynamic model. The focus of the work described in the present paper is the analysis of experimental data and the viscosity models for fully liquid slags in the Al2O3-CaO-MgO, Al2O3 MgO-SiO2 and CaO-MgO-SiO2 systems.


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Traditional measures of termite food preference assess consequences of foraging behavior such as wood consumption, aggregation and/or termite survivorship. Although studies have been done to investigate the specifics of foraging behavior this is not generally integrated into choice assay experiments. Here choice assays were conducted with small isolated (orphaned) groups of workers and compared with choice assays involving foragers from whole nests (non-orphaned) in the laboratory. Aggregation to two different wood types was used as a measure of preference. Specific worker caste and instars participating in initial exploration were compared between assay methods, with samples of termites taken from nest carton material and sites where termites were feeding. Aggregation results differ between choice assay techniques. Castes and instars responsible for initial exploration, as determined in whole nest trials, were not commonly found exploring in isolated group trials, nor were they numerous in termites taken from active feeding sites. Consequently the use of small groups of M. turneri worker termites extracted from active feeding sites may not be appropriate for use in choice assays.


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It has been recognised for some time that a full code of amino acid-based recognition of DNA sequences would be useful. Several approaches, which utilise small DNA binding motifs called zinc fingers, are presently employed. None of the current approaches successfully combine a combinatorial approach to the elucidation of a code with a single stage high throughput screening assay. The work outlined here describes the development of a model system for the study of DNA protein interactions and the development of a high throughput assay for detection of such interactions. A zinc finger protein was designed which will bind with high affinity and specificity to a known DNA sequence. For future work it is possible to mutate the region of the zinc finger responsible for the specificity of binding, in order to observe the effect on the DNA / protein interactions. The zinc finger protein was initially synthesised as a His tagged product. It was not possible however to develop a high throughput assay using the His tagged zinc finger protein. The gene encoding the zinc finger protein was altered and the protein synthesised as a Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) fusion product. A successful assay was developed using the GST protein and Scintillation Proximity Assay technology (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). The scintillation proximity assay is a dynamic assay that allows the DNA protein interactions to be studied in "real time". This assay not only provides a high throughput method of screening zinc finger proteins for potential ligands but also allows the effect of addition of reagents or competitor ligands to be monitored.


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A prominent theme emerging in Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) is the development of management systems. A range of interventions, according to a prescribed route detailed by one of the management systems, can be introduced into an organisation with some expectation of improved OSH performance. This thesis attempts to identify the key influencing factors that may impact upon the process of introducing interventions, (according to B88800: 1996, Guide to Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) into an organisation. To help identify these influencing factors a review of possible models from the sphere of Total Quality Management (TQM) was undertaken and the most suitable TQM model selected for development and use in aSH. By anchoring the aSH model's development in the reviewed literature a range ofeare, medium and low level influencing factors were identified. This model was developed in conjunction with the research data generated within the case study organisation (rubber manufacturer) and applied to the organisation. The key finding was that the implementation of an OSH intervention was dependant upon three broad vectors of influence. These are the Incentive to introduce change within an organisation which refers to the drivers or motivators for OSH. Secondly the Ability within the management team to actually implement the changes refers to aspects, amongst others, such as leadership, commitment and perceptions of OSH. Ability is in turn itself influenced by the environment within which change is being introduced. TItis aspect of Receptivity refers to the history of the plant and characteristics of the workforce. Aspects within Receptivity include workforce profile and organisational policies amongst others. It was found that the TQM model selected and developed for an OSH management system intervention did explain the core influencing factors and their impact upon OSH performance. It was found that within the organisation the results that may have been expected from implementation of BS8800:1996 were not realised. The OSH model highlighted that given the organisation's starting point, a poor appreciation of the human factors of OSH, gave little reward for implementation of an OSH management system. In addition it was found that general organisational culture can effectively suffocate any attempts to generate a proactive safety culture.


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System compositional approach to model construction and research of informational processes, which take place in biological hierarchical neural networks, is being discussed. A computer toolbox has been successfully developed for solution of tasks from this scientific sphere. A series of computational experiments investigating the work of this toolbox on olfactory bulb model has been carried out. The well-known psychophysical phenomena have been reproduced in experiments.