89 resultados para Upa
Faisalabad city is surrounded by agricultural lands, where farmers are growing vegetables, grain crops, and fodder for auto-consumption and local marketing. To study the socioeconomic impact and resource use in these urban and peri-urban agricultural production (UPA) systems, a baseline survey was conducted during 2009–2010. A total of 140 households were selected using a stratified sampling method and interviewed with a structured questionnaire. The results revealed that 96 % of the households rely on agriculture as their main occupation. Thirty percent of the households were owners of the land and the rest cultivated either rented or sharecropped land. Most of the families (70 %) were headed by a member with primary education, and only 10 % of the household head had a secondary school certificate. Irrigationwater was obtained from waste water (37 %), canals (27 %), and mixed alternative sources (36 %). A total of 35 species were cultivated in the UPA systems of which were 65% vegetables, 15% grain and fodder crops, and 5% medicinal plants. Fifty-nine percent of the households cultivated wheat, mostly for auto-consumption. The 51 % of the respondents grew cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) and gourds (Cucurbitaceae) in the winter and summer seasons, respectively. Group marketing was uncommon and most of the farmers sold their produce at the farm gate (45 %) and on local markets (43 %). Seeds and fertilizers were available from commission agents and dealers on a credit basis with the obligation to pay by harvested produce. A major problem reported by the UPA farmers of Faisalabad was the scarcity of high quality irrigation water, especially during the hot dry summer months, in addition to lacking adequate quantities of mineral fertilizers and other inputs during sowing time. Half of the respondents estimated their daily income to be less than 1.25 US$ and spent almost half of it on food. Monthly average household income and expenses were 334 and 237 US$, respectively.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) contributes to food security, serves as an opportunity for income generation, and provides recreational services to urban citizens. With a population of 21 Million people, of which 60 % live in slums, UPA activities can play a crucial role in supporting people’s livelihoods in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). This study was conducted to characterize the railway gardens, determine their role in UPA production, and assess potential risks. It comprises a baseline survey among 38 railway gardeners across MMR characterized by different demographic, socio-economic, migratory, and labour characteristics. Soil, irrigation water, and plant samples were analyzed for nutrients, heavy metals, and microbial load. All the railway gardeners practiced agriculture as a primary source of income and cultivated seasonal vegetables such as lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), red amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.), and white radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) which were irrigated with waste water. This irrigation water was loaded with 7–28 mg N l^(−1), 0.3–7 mg P l^(−1), and 8–32 mg K l^(−1), but also contained heavy metals such as lead (0.02–0.06 mg Pb l^(−1)), cadmium (0.03–0.17 mg Cd l^(−1)), mercury (0.001–0.005 mg Hg l^(−1)), and pathogens such as Escherichia coli (1,100 most probable number per 100 ml). Levels of heavy metals exceeded the critical thresholds in surface soils (Cr, Ni, and Sr) and produce (Pb, Cd, and Sr). The railway garden production systems can substantially foster employment and reduce economic deprivation of urban poor particularly slum dwellers and migrant people. However this production system may also cause possible health risks to producers and consumers.
The role urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) plays in reducing urban poverty and ensuring environmental sustainability was recognized by the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs). India is the world’s largest democratic nation with a population of 1.2 billion. The rapid urbanization and high proportion of people below the poverty line along with higher migration to urban areas make India vulnerable to food crisis and urbanization of poverty. Ensuring jobs and food security among urban poor is a major challenge in India. The role of UPA can be well explained and understood in this context. This paper focuses on the current situation of UPA production in India with special attention to wastewater irrigation. This question is being posed about the various human health risks from wastewater irrigation which are faced by farmers and labourers, and, secondly by consumers. The possible health hazards involve microbial pathogens as well as helminth (intestinal parasites). Based on primary and secondary data, this paper attempts to confirm that UPA is one of the best options to address increasing urban food demand and can serve to complement rural supply chains and reduce ecological food prints in India. “Good practice urban and peri-urban agriculture” necessitates an integrated approach with suitable risk reduction mechanisms to improve the efficiency and safety of UPA production.
En el libro se recogen seis experiencias llevadas a cabo en otros tantos IES de la regi??n de Murcia
Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas para proyectos de temática educativa, Gobierno de Aragón 2010-2011
Este proyecto que se llevara a cabo en la compañía Plusagro S.A.S. la cual busca mejorar de forma sustancial la cultura organizacional de la compañía, para que desarrolle al máximo las ventajas competitivas que encuentra en el mercado, una de estas grandes ventajas es que al tener la exclusividad de su proveedor principal Kursan. Se vuelve de suma importancia saber que existen otras marcas en el mercado de los productos agrícolas que ofrece Plusagro S.A.S. pero se ha encontrado en común acuerdo con clientes insatisfechos que la calidad de los productos turcos en cuánto a maquinaría lechera es superior a la de otras marcas que importan la maquinaria lechera desde China y Corea. Por esto es fundamental recalcar que Kursan es uno de los productores mundiales de estas máquinas desde 1984 la más fuerte en toda la región de oriente medio y su sede principal está ubicada en Estambul, Turquía. (Kursan, 2014). El negocio de Plusagro S.A.S. se encuentra en uno de los sectores más competitivos del país, pero sin duda alguna es uno de los que más importancia está cobrando, debido al boom agrícola que están viviendo en las regiones ganaderas y agricultoras del país después de las nuevas medidas de inversión que está tomando el gobierno nacional para que sean más competitivas en su desarrollo y crecimiento a nivel nacional. (MinAgricultura, 2014), uno de los ítems más importantes que podemos encontrar, es el hecho de que Colombia y Bélgica iniciaran un plan de trabajo para ampliar el comercio de productos agropecuarios, según el titular de la cartera agropecuaria, este plan de trabajo, que se implementará en enero de 2015, tendrá como prioridad los temas fitosanitarios y de buenas prácticas agrícolas (MinAgricultura, 2014). En lo cual Plusagro S.A.S puede buscar una gran ventaja competitiva que lo lleve a obtener un valor agregado al ya tener conocimiento del mercado europeo será más sencillo entrar a negociar con nuevos proveedores que vengan de este país. También de estos mercados no explorados se pueden llegar a encontrar nuevas prácticas agrícolas, diversas especies animales y nuevas tecnologías en cuanto a maquinaría. De igual forma la empresa ha presentado un crecimiento económico bastante alto, para el poco tiempo que lleva en el mercado, esto se ve evidenciado en las ventas que se realizaron el año 2013 las cuales ascienden a $730.500.000. (Plusagro S.A.S., 2013). Este crecimiento no se debe a solo suerte, este se ha trabajado con diversas estrategias desde el momento en el que se pensó la creación de la empresa, ya que esta nace de la necesidad de los ganaderos y agricultores del sector o localización en donde comenzó a comercializarse los productos, en los municipios de Cumaral, Restrepo y los caseríos como Guacabina y actualmente se ha extendido a diversos municipios del departamento del Meta, como lo son Acacias, Castilla la Nueva, Guamal, Cubarral, San Martín, Puerto López, Barranca de Upía, Puerto Gaitán, Granada y Vista Hermosa . (Plusagro S.A.S., 2014) Se espera que con la realización de este proyecto enfocado en una metodología Sure - Step (Paso Seguro) de Microsoft aplicada a las necesidades de la compañía, se pueda mejorar considerablemente la organización para así mejorar estos promedios de ventas y crecer en el aspecto económico. (Microsoft Dynamics, 2010). Es importante resaltar que ningún proyecto es perfecto y hay que estar consiente que pueden presentarse diversos obstáculos en el camino, pero la idea de implementar la Sure - Step está fundamentada en minimizar estos riesgo que pueden ocurrir en el proyecto y que si se fundamenta en unas fases especificas se pueda gestionar y finalizar con éxito, conllevando a que Plusagro S.A.S. pueda mejorar su cultura organizacional y siga con un crecimiento constante en el mercado.
Extracellular matrix remodeling occurs during ovarian follicular development, mediated by plasminogen activators (PAs) and PA inhibitors including protease nexin-1 (PN-1). In the present study we measured expression/activity of the PA system in bovine follicles at different stages of development by timed collection of ovaries during the first follicular wave and during the periovulatory period, and in follicles collected from an abattoir. The abundance of mRNA encoding PN-1, tissue-type PA (tPA), urokinase (uPA) and PA inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) were initially upregulated by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in bovine preovulatory follicular wall homogenates. PN-1, PAI-1 and tPA mRNA expression then decreased near the expected time of ovulation, whereas uPA mRNA levels remained high. PN-1 concentration in follicular fluid (FF) decreased and reached the lowest level at the time of ovulation, whereas plasmin activity in FF increased significantly after hCG. Follicles collected from the abattoir were classified as non-atretic, early-atretic or atretic based on FF estradiol and progesterone content: PN-1 protein levels in FF were significantly higher in non-atretic than in atretic follicles, and plasmin activity was correspondingly higher in the atretic follicles. No changes in PN-1 levels in FF were observed during the growth of pre-deviation follicles early in a follicular wave. These results indicate that PN-1 may be involved in the process of atresia in non-ovulatory dominant follicles and the prevention of precocious proteolysis in periovulatory follicles.
Sixty-five accessions of the species-rich freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were characterized through DNA sequencing of two regions: the mitochondrial cox1 gene (664 bp), which is proposed as the DNA barcode for red algae, and the UPA (universal plastid amplicon) marker (370 bp), which has been recently identified as a universally amplifying region of the plastid genome. upgma phenograms of both markers were consistent in their species-level relationships, although levels of sequence divergence were very different. Intraspecific variation of morphologically identified accessions for the cox1 gene ranged from 0 to 67 bp (divergences were highest for the two taxa with the greatest number of accessions; Batrachospermum helminthosum and Batrachospermum macrosporum); while in contrast, the more conserved universal plastid amplicon exhibited much lower intraspecific variation (generally 0-3 bp). Comparisons to previously published mitochondrial cox2-3 spacer sequences for B. helminthosum indicated that the cox1 gene and cox2-3 spacer were characterized by similar levels of sequence divergence, and phylogeographic patterns based on these two markers were consistent. The two taxa represented by the largest numbers of specimens (B. helminthosum and B. macrosporum) have cox1 intraspecific divergence values that are substantially higher than previously reported, but no morphological differences can be discerned at this time among the intraspecific groups revealed in the analyses. DNA barcode data, which are based on a short fragment of an organellar genome, need to be interpreted in conjunction with other taxonomic characters, and additional batrachospermalean taxa need to be analyzed in detail to be able to draw generalities regarding intraspecific variation in this order. Nevertheless, these analyses reveal a number of batrachospermalean taxa worthy of more detailed DNA barcode study, and it is predicted that such research will have a substantial effect on the taxonomy of species within the Batrachospermales in the future.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The University of So Paulo Gracilariaceae Germplasm Bank has 50 strains collected mostly in Brazil, but also elsewhere in the world. This bank has been used as a source of material for research developed locally and abroad. With over 200 species, some of which have high economic value, the family Gracilariaceae has been extensively studied. Nonetheless, taxonomic problems still persist by the existence of cryptic species, phenotypic plasticity, and broad geographic distribution. In the case of algae kept in culture for long periods of time, the identification is even more problematic as a consequence of considerable morphological modification. Thus, the use of molecular markers has been shown to be an efficient tool to elucidate taxonomic issues in the group. In this work, we sequenced the 5'-end of the cox1 gene for 41 strains and the universal plastid amplicon (UPA) plastid region for 45 strains, covering all 50 strains in the bank. In addition, the rbcL for representatives of the cox1/UPA clusters was sequenced for 14 strains. The original species identification based on morphology was compared with the molecular data obtained in this work, resulting in the identification of 13 different species. Our analyses indicate that cox1 and UPA are suitable markers for the delineation of species of Gracilariales in the germplasm bank. The addition of DNA barcode tags to the samples in the Gracilariaceae germplasm bank and the molecular identification of the species will make this bank even more useful for future research as the species can be easily traced and confirmed.
This paper is part of an extensive study on the biodiversity of the macroalgal flora of So Paulo state, SE Brazil. Previous assessments were based only on morphological descriptions. Here, we tested the effectiveness of DNA barcoding, in comparison with morphological observations for the recognition and cataloging of species. The focus of this study is the genus Porphyra, which is a conspicuous component of the upper intertidal on rocky shores of this region. With five currently accepted species, we have sequenced three short markers: cox1, cox2-3 spacer and UPA to establish the first DNA barcode database for the Porphyra species from the Brazilian coast. The three markers, although with different evolution rates, recovered a cryptic species (Porphyra sp. 77), grouped two different species (Porphyra drewiana and Porphyra spiralis) that are being synonymized, and finally indicated that varieties within P. acanthophora and P. spiralis are merely morphological, with no sequence divergence in the studied molecular markers.
Alcune patologie dell’occhio come la retinopatia diabetica, il pucker maculare, il distacco della retina possono essere curate con un intervento di vitrectomia. I rischi associati all’intervento potrebbero essere superati ricorrendo alla vitrectomia enzimatica con plasmina in associazione o in sostituzione della vitrectomia convenzionale. Inoltre, l’uso di plasmina autologa eviterebbe problemi di rigetto. La plasmina si ottiene attivando il plasminogeno con enzimi quali l’attivatore tissutale (tPA) e l’urochinasi ( uPA ) . La purificazione del plasminogeno dal sangue avviene normalmente attraverso cromatografia di affinità con resina. Tuttavia, le membrane di affinità costituiscono un supporto ideale per questa applicazione poiché possono essere facilmente impaccate prima dell’intervento, permettendo la realizzazione di un dispositivo monouso che fornisce un processo rapido ed economico. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è la preparazione di membrane di affinità per la purificazione del plasminogeno utilizzando L-lisina come ligando di affinità. Per questo scopo sono state usate membrane in cellulosa rigenerata ad attivazione epossidica, modificate con due diversi protocolli per l’immobilizzazione di L-lisina. La densità ligando è stata misurata mediante un saggio colorimetrico che usa l’acido arancio 7 come indicatore. La resa di immobilizzazione è stata studiata in funzione del tempo di reazione e della concentrazione di L-lisina. Le membrane ottimizzate sono state caratterizzate con esperimenti dinamici usando siero bovino e umano, i risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti in esperimenti paralleli condotti con una resina commerciale di affinità con L-lisina. Durante gli esperimenti con siero, le frazioni provenienti da ogni fase cromatografica sono state raccolte e analizzate con HPLC ed elettroforesi SDS-PAGE. In particolare, l’elettroforesi dei campioni eluiti presenta una banda del plasminogeno ben definita indicando che le membrane di affinità con L-lisina sono adatte alla purificazione del plasminogeno. Inoltre, è emerso che le membrane hanno maggiore produttività della resina commerciale di riferimento.
Intra-alveolar fibrin is formed following lung injury and inflammation and may contribute to the development of pulmonary fibrosis. Fibrin turnover is altered in patients with pulmonary fibrosis, resulting in intra-alveolar fibrin accumulation, mainly due to decreased fibrinolysis. Alveolar type II epithelial cells (AEC) repair the injured alveolar epithelium by migrating over the provisional fibrin matrix. We hypothesized that repairing alveolar epithelial cells modulate the underlying fibrin matrix by release of fibrinolytic activity, and that the degree of fibrinolysis modulates alveolar epithelial repair on fibrin. To test this hypothesis we studied alveolar epithelial wound repair in vitro using a modified epithelial wound repair model with human A549 alveolar epithelial cells cultured on a fibrin matrix. In presence of the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1beta, wounds increase by 800% in 24 hours mainly due to detachment of the cells, whereas in serum-free medium wound areas decreases by 22.4 +/- 5.2% (p < 0.01). Increased levels of D-dimer, FDP and uPA in the cell supernatant of IL-1beta-stimulated A549 epithelial cells indicate activation of fibrinolysis by activation of the plasmin system. In presence of low concentrations of fibrinolysis inhibitors, including specific blocking anti-uPA antibodies, alveolar epithelial repair in vitro was improved, whereas in presence of high concentrations of fibrinolysis inhibitors, a decrease was observed mainly due to decreased spreading and migration of cells. These findings suggest the existence of a fibrinolytic optimum at which alveolar epithelial repair in vitro is most efficient. In conclusion, uPA released by AEC alters alveolar epithelial repair in vitro by modulating the underlying fibrin matrix.