998 resultados para UV-laser writing
The amino-keto tautomer of supersonic jet-cooled cytosine undergoes intersystem crossing (ISC) from the v = 0 and low-lying vibronic levels of its S1(¹ππ*) state. We investigate these ISC rates experimentally and theoretically as a function of S1 state vibrational excess energy Eexc. The S1 vibronic levels are pumped with a ~5 ns UV laser, the S1 and triplet state ion signals are separated by prompt or delayed ionization with a second UV laser pulse. After correcting the raw ISC yields for the relative S1 and T1ionization cross sections, we obtain energy dependent ISC quantum yields Q corr ISC =1% –5%. These are combined with previously measured vibronic state-specific decay rates, giving ISC rates kISC = 0.4–1.5 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹, the corresponding S1⇝S0internal conversion (IC) rates are 30–100 times larger. Theoretical ISC rates are computed using SCS-CC2 methods, which predict rapid ISC from the S1; v = 0 state with kISC = 3 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹ to the T1(³ππ*) triplet state. The surprisingly high rate of this El Sayed-forbidden transition is caused by a substantial admixture of ¹nOπ* character into the S1(¹ππ*) wave function at its non-planar minimum geometry. The combination of experiment and theory implies that (1) below Eexc = 550 cm⁻¹ in the S1 state, S1⇝S0internal conversion dominates the nonradiative decay with kIC ≥ 2 ⋅ 10¹⁰ s⁻¹, (2) the calculated S1⇝T1 (¹ππ*⇝³ππ*) ISC rate is in good agreement with experiment, (3) being El-Sayed forbidden, the S1⇝T1 ISC is moderately fast (kISC = 3 ⋅ 10⁹ s⁻¹), and not ultrafast, as claimed by other calculations, and (4) at Eexc ~ 550 cm⁻¹ the IC rate increases by ~50 times, probably by accessing the lowest conical intersection (the C5-twist CI) and thereby effectively switching off the ISC decay channels.
In-situ Fe isotope measurements have been carried out to estimate the impact of the hydrothermal metamorphic overprint on the Fe isotopic composition of Fe-Ti-oxides and Fe-sulfides of the different lithologies of the drilled rocks from IODP Hole 1256D (eastern equatorial Pacific; 15 Ma crust formed at the East Pacific Rise). Most igneous rocks normally have a very restricted range in their 56Fe/54Fe ratio. In contrast, Fe isotope compositions of hot fluids (> 300 °C) from mid-ocean-ridge spreading centers define a narrow range that is shifted to lower delta 56Fe values by 0.2 per mil - 0.5 per mil as compared to igneous rocks. Therefore, it is expected that mineral phases that contain large amounts of Fe are especially affected by the interaction with a fluid that fractionates Fe isotopes during exsolution/precipitation of those minerals. We have used a femtosecond UV-Laser ablation system to determine mineral 56Fe/54Fe ratios of selected samples with a precision of < 0.1 per mil (2 sigma level) at micrometer-scale. We have found significant variations of the delta 56Fe (IRMM-014) values in the minerals between different samples as well as within samples and mineral grains. The overall observed scale of delta 56Fe (magnetite) in 1256D rocks ranges from - 0.12 to + 0.64 per mil, and of delta 56Fe (ilmenite) from - 0.77 to + 0.01 per mil. Pyrite in the lowermost sheeted dike section is clearly distinguishable from the other investigated lithological units, having positive delta 56Fe values between + 0.29 and + 0.56 per mil, whereas pyrite in the other samples has generally negative delta 56Fe values from - 1.10 to - 0.59 permil. One key observation is that the temperature dependent inter-mineral fractionations of Fe isotopes between magnetite and ilmenite are systematically shifted towards higher values when compared to theoretically expected values, while synthesized, well equilibrated magnetite-ilmenite pairs are compatible with the theoretical predictions. Theoretical considerations including beta-factors of different aqueous Fe-chlorides and Rayleigh-type fractionations in the presence of a hydrous, chlorine-bearing fluid can explain this observation. The disagreement between observed and theoretical equilibrium fractionation, the fact that magnetite, in contrast to ilmenite shows a slight downhole trend in the delta 56Fe values, and the observation of small scale heterogeneities within single mineral grains imply that a general re-equilibration of the magnetite-ilmenite pairs is overprinted by kinetic fractionation effects, caused by the interaction of magnetite/ilmenite with hydrothermal fluids penetrating the upper oceanic crust during cooling, or incomplete re-equilibration at low temperatures. Furthermore, the observation of significant small-scale variations in the 56Fe/54Fe ratios of single minerals in this study highlights the importance of high spatial-resolution-analyses of stable isotope ratios for further investigations.
ODP Hole 735B located on the Southwest Indian Ridge at 57°E is an in situ sampled long, continuous section of lower oceanic crust. Oxygen isotope compositions of constituent minerals of Leg 176 gabbros have been measured by UV-laser oxygen isotope microprobe. Together with existing data from Leg 118, a complete oxygen isotope profile through the lower oceanic crust has been obtained. Most clinopyroxenes and olivines have normal mantle values of ~5.5 per mil and ~5.2 per mil, respectively, while plagioclases show slight d18O enrichment relative to its mantle value of 6.1per mil. Down-hole variations of Hole 735B gabbro indicate a downward decreasing d18O profile, with a kink at a depth of about 800 m below sea floor. Above this depth, gabbros are depleted in 18O relative to unaltered basalts, while below ~800 m they show nearly unmodified d18O values. Abundant seawater penetration appears to be limited to the upper part of the lower crust at ODP site 735 (~800 m into the gabbroic layer and ~2-2.5 km into the oceanic crust from the top of pillow basalts). Mass balance calculations show that the lower crust formed under this ultra-slow-spreading ridge has an average d18O value of 5.5 per mil. The whole crust at Site 735 has an overall 18O enrichment with d18O values of 6.0 per mil to 7.8 per mil, depending on the possible variation of the d18O values of the upper pillow basalts and sheeted dykes. The apparent difference in oxygen isotope compositions of ocean crusts formed with different spreading rates has important implications on the buffering of ocean water over geological time, as well as on the oxygen recycling between crust and mantle through subduction. The difference of seawater penetration between fast- and slow-spreading ridges could be related to their particular magmatic-tectonic history during the formation and aging of the crust. However, more analyses on continuous sections through oceanic and ophiolitic crust in different tectonic settings are required to derive any predictive models.
George V Land (Antarctica) includes the boundary between Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic metamorphic terrains of the East Antarctic craton and the intrusive and metasedimentary rocks of the Early Paleozoic Ross-Delamerian Orogen. This therefore represents a key region for understanding the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the East Antarctic Craton and the Ross Orogen and for defining their structural relationship in East Antarctica, with potential implications for Gondwana reconstructions. In the East Antarctic Craton the outcrops closest to the Ross orogenic belt form the Mertz Shear Zone, a prominent ductile shear zone up to 5 km wide. Its deformation fabric includes a series of progressive, overprinting shear structures developed under different metamorphic conditions: from an early medium-P granulite-facies metamorphism, through amphibolite-facies to late greenschist-facies conditions. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on biotite in mylonitic rocks from the Mertz Shear Zone indicate that the minimum age for ductile deformation under greenschist-facies conditions is 1502 ± 9 Ma and reveal no evidence of reactivation processes linked to the Ross Orogeny. 40Ar-39Ar laserprobe data on amphibole, although plagued by excess argon, suggest the presence of a ~1.7 Ga old phase of regional-scale retrogression under amphibolite-facies conditions. Results support the correlation between the East Antarctic Craton in the Mertz Glacier area and the Sleaford Complex of the Gawler Craton in southern Australia, and suggest that the Mertz Shear Zone may be considered a correlative of the Kalinjala Shear Zone. An erratic immature metasandstone collected east of Ninnis Glacier (~180 km east of the Mertz Glacier) and petrographically similar to metasedimentary rocks enclosed as xenoliths in Cambro-Ordovician granites cropping out along the western side of Ninnis Glacier, yielded detrital white-mica 40Ar-39Ar ages from ~530 to 640 Ma and a minimum age of 518 ± 5 Ma. This pattern compares remarkably well with those previously obtained for the Kanmantoo Group from the Adelaide Rift Complex of southern Australia, thereby suggesting that the segment of the Ross Orogen exposed east of the Mertz Glacier may represent a continuation of the eastern part of the Delamerian Orogen.
Resumen En la última década la tecnología láser se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en la fabricación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos, muy especial¬mente en aquellos basados en tecnología de lámina delgada. Independiente¬mente de crisis coyunturales en el sector, la evolución en los próximos años de estas tecnologías seguirá aprovechándose de la flexibilidad y calidad de proceso de la herramienta láser para la consecución de los dos objetivos básicos que harán de la fotovoltaica una opción energética económicamente viable: la reducción de costes de fabricación y el aumento de eficiencia de los dispositivos. Dentro de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas de lámina delgada, la tecnología de dispositivos basados en silicio amorfo ha tenido un gran desarrollo en sistemas estándar en configuración de superestrato, pero su limitada efi¬ciencia hace que su supervivencia futura pase por el desarrollo de formatos en configuración de substrato sobre materiales flexibles de bajo coste. En esta aproximación, las soluciones industriales basadas en láser actualmente disponibles para la interconexión monolítica de dispositivos no son aplica¬bles, y desde hace años se viene investigando en la búsqueda de soluciones apropiadas para el desarrollo de dichos procesos de interconexión de forma que sean transferibles a la industria. En este contexto, esta Tesis propone una aproximación completamente orig¬inal, demostrando la posibilidad de ejecutar una interconexión completa de estos dispositivos irradiando por el lado de la lámina (es decir de forma com¬patible con la opción de configuración de substrato y, valga la redundancia, con el substrato del dispositivo opaco), y con fuentes láser emitiendo en UV. Este resultado, obtenido por primera vez a nivel internacional con este trabajo, aporta un conocimiento revelador del verdadero potencial de estas fuentes en el desarrollo industrial futuro de estas tecnologías. Si bien muy posiblemente la solución industrial final requiera de una solución mixta con el empleo de fuentes en UV y, posiblemente, en otras longitudes de onda, esta Tesis y su planteamiento novedoso aportan un conocimiento de gran valor a la comunidad internacional por la originalidad del planteamiento seguido, los resultados parciales encontrados en su desarrollo (un número importante de los cuales han aparecido en revistas del JCR que recogen en la actualidad un número muy significativo de citas) y porque saca además a la luz, con las consideraciones físicas pertinentes, las limitaciones intrínsecas que el desarrollo de procesos de ablación directa selectiva con láseres UV en parte de los materiales utilizados presenta en el rango temporal de in¬teracción de ns y ps. En este trabajo se han desarrollado y optimizado los tres pasos estándar de interconexión (los habitualmente denominados Pl, P2 y P3 en la industria fotovoltaica) demostrando las ventajas y limitaciones del uso de fuentes en UV tanto con ancho temporal de ns como de ps. En particular destaca, por el éxito en los resultados obtenidos, el estudio de procesos de ablación selectiva de óxidos conductores transparentes (en este trabajo utilizados tanto como contacto frontal así como posterior en los módulos) que ha generado resultados, de excelente acogida científica a nivel internacional, cuya aplicación trasciende el ámbito de las tecnologías de silicio amorfo en lámina delgada. Además en este trabajo de Tesis, en el desarrollo del objetivo citado, se han puesto a punto técnicas de análisis de los procesos láser, basadas en métodos avanzados de caracterización de materiales (como el uso combi¬nado de la espectroscopia dispersiva de rayos X y la microscopía confocal de barrido) que se presentan como auténticos avances en el desarrollo de técnicas específicas de caracterización para el estudio de los procesos con láser de ablación selectiva de materiales en lámina delgada, procesos que no solo tienen impacto en el ámbito de la fotovoltaica, sino también en la microelectrónica, la biotecnología, la microfabricación, etc. Como resultado adicional, parte de los resultados de este trabajo, han sido aplicados exi¬tosamente por el grupo de investigaci´on en la que la autora desarrolla su labor para conseguir desarrollar procesos de enorme inter´es en otras tec-nolog´ıas fotovoltaicas, como las tecnolog´ıas est´andar de silicio amorfo sobre vidrio en configuraci´on de superestrato o el procesado de capas delgadas en tecnolog´ıas convencionales de silicio cristalino. Por u´ltimo decir que este trabajo ha sido posible por una colaboraci´on muy estrecha entre el Centro L´aser de la UPM, en el que la autora de¬sarrolla su labor, y el Grupo de Silicio Depositado del Centro de Inves¬tigaciones Energ´eticas, Medioambientales y Tecnol´ogicas, CIEMAT, que, junto al Grupo de Energ´ıa Fotovoltaica de la Universidad de Barcelona, han preparado la mayor parte de las muestras utilizadas en este estudio. Dichas colaboraciones se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos de investigaci´on aplicada con subvenci´on pu´blica, tales como el proyecto singular estrat´egico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), el proyecto INNDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), ambos financiados porel Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER (UE) ”Una manera de hacer Europa y el MICINN, y los proyectos de Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-´ 02) y CLASICO (ENE2007-6772-C04-04), cuya financiaci´on ha permitido en gran parte llevar a t´ermino este trabajo Abstract In the last decade, the laser technology has turned into an indispensable tool in the production of photovoltaic devices, especially of those based on thin film technology. Regardless the current crisis in the sector, the evolution of these technologies in the upcoming years will keep taking advantage of the flexibility and process quality of the laser tool for the accomplishment of the two basic goals that will convert the photovoltaic energy into economically viable: the manufacture cost reduction and the increase in the efficiency of the devices. Amongst the thin film laser technologies, the technology of devices based on amorphous silicon has had a great development in standard systems of superstrate configuration, but its limited efficiency makes its survival de¬pendant on the development of formats in substrate configuration with low cost flexible materials. In this approach, the laser industrial solutions cur¬rently available for the monolithic interconnection are not applicable, and in the last few years the investigations have been focused on the search of appropriate solutions for the development of such interconnection processes in a way that the same are transferable to the industry. In this context, this Thesis proposes a totally original approach, proving the possibility of executing a full interconnection of these devices by means of irradiation from the film side, i.e., compatible with the substrate con¬figuration, and with UV laser sources. This result, obtained for the first time at international level in this work, provides a revealing knowledge of the true potential of these sources in the future industrial development of these technologies. Even though very probably the final industrial solution will require a combination of the use of UV sources along with other wave¬lengths, this Thesis and its novel approach contribute with a high value to the international community because of the originality of the approach, the partial results found throughout its development (out of which, a large number has appeared in JCR journals that currently accumulate a signifi¬cant number of citations) and brings to light, with the pertinent scientific considerations, the intrinsic limitations that the selective direct ablation processes with UV laser present in the temporal range of interaction of ns and ps for part of the materials used in this study. More particularly, the three standard steps of interconnection (usually de¬nominated P1, P2 and P3 in the photovoltaic industry) have been developed and optimized, showing the advantages as well as the limitations of the use of UV sources in both the ns and ps pulse-width ranges. It is highly remark¬able, because of the success in the obtained results, the study of selective ablation processes in transparent conductive oxide (in this work used as a front and back contact), that has generated results, of excellent interna¬tional scientific reception, whose applications go beyond the scope of thin film photovoltaic technologies based on amorphous silicon. Moreover, in this Thesis, with the development of the mentioned goal, differ¬ent techniques of analysis of laser processes have been fine-tuned, basing the same in advanced methods for material characterization (like the combined use of EDX Analysis and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy) that can be presented as true breakthroughs in the development of specific techniques for characterization in the study of laser processes of selective ablation of materials in thin film technologies, processes that not only have impact in the photovoltaic field, but also in those of microelectronics, biotechnology, micro-fabrication, etc. As an additional outcome, part of the results of this work has been suc¬cessfully applied, by the investigation group to which the author belongs, to the development of processes of enormous interest within other photo¬voltaic technologies, such as the standard technologies on amorphous silicon over glass in superstrate configuration or the processing of thin layers in conventional technologies using crystalline silicon. Lastly, it is important to mention that this work has been possible thanks to the close cooperation between the Centro L´aser of the UPM, in which the author develops her work, and the Grupo de Silicio Depositado of Centro de Investigaciones Energ´eticas, Medioambientales y Tecnol´ogicas, CIEMAT, which, along with the Grupo de Energ´ıa Fotovoltaica of Univer¬sidad de Barcelona, has prepared the largest part of the samples utilized in this study. Such collaborations have been carried out in the context of several projects of applied investigation with public funding, like Proyecto Singular Estrat´egico PSE-MICROSIL08 (PSE-120000-2006-6), Proyecto IN-NDISOL (IPT-420000-2010-6), both funded by the European Regional De¬velopment Fund (ERDF), ”Una manera de hacer Europa” and MICINN, and the projects of Plan Nacional AMIC (ENE2010-21384-C04-02) and ´ CLASICO (ENE2007-6772-C04-04), whose funds have enabled the devel-opment of large part of this work.
The bacteriophage T4 encodes proteins that are responsible for tightly regulating mRNA synthesis throughout phage development in Escherichia coli. The three classes of T4 promoters (early, middle, and late) are utilized sequentially by the host RNA polymerase as a result of phage-induced modifications. One such modification is the tight binding of the T4 AsiA protein to the σ70 subunit of the RNA polymerase. This interaction is pivotal for the transition between T4 early and middle transcription, since it both inhibits recognition of host and T4 early promoters and stimulates T4 middle mode synthesis. The activation of T4 middle transcription also requires the T4 MotA protein, bound specifically to its recognition sequence, the “Mot box,” which is centered at position −30 of these promoters. Accordingly, the two T4 proteins working in concert are sufficient to effectively switch the transcription specificity of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Herein, we investigate the mechanism of transcription activation and report that, while the presence of MotA and AsiA increases the initial recruitment of RNA polymerase to a T4 middle promoter, it does not alter the intrinsic stability of the discrete complexes formed. In addition, we have characterized the RNA polymerase-promoter species by UV laser footprinting and followed their evolution from open into initiating complexes. These data, combined with in vitro transcription assays, indicate that AsiA and MotA facilitate promoter escape, thereby stimulating the production of full-length transcripts.
Buried, micro-structured waveguides with an equiangular spiral geometry, which can be formed in a lithium niobate crystal by direct femtosecond laser writing, are analysed with the full-vectorial finite element method. The guiding properties of such waveguides are presented.
A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre. Coupling from the guided mode to surface plasmons was promoted following UV laser irradiation of the coated region through a phase mask, which generated a surface relief grating structure. The devices showed high spectral sensitivities and strong coupling for low refractive indices as compared to other grating-type fibre devices. The plasmonic devices were used to detect the variation in the refractive indices of alkane gases with measured wavelength and coupling sensitivity to index of 3400 nm RIU-1 and 8300 dB RIU-1, respectively. As a demonstration of the performance of these gas sensors, a minimum concentration of 2% by volume of butane in ethane was achieved.
We study numerically depressed-index cladding, buried, micro-structured optical waveguides that can be formed in a lithium niobate crystal by femtosecond laser writing. We demonstrate to which extent the waveguiding properties can be controlled by the waveguide geometry at the relatively moderate induced refractive index contrasts that are typical of the direct femtosecond inscription.
We report on inscription of microchannels of different widths in optical fiber using femtosecond (fs) laser inscription assisted chemical etching and the narrowest channel has been created with a width down to only 1.2µm. Microchannels with 5µm and 35µm widths were fabricated together with Fabry-Pérot (FP) cavities formed by UV laser written fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), creating high function and linear response refractometers. The device with a 5µm microchannel has exhibited a refractive index (RI) detection range up to 1.7, significantly higher than all fiber grating RI sensors. In addition, the microchannel FBG FP structures have been theoretically simulated showing excellent agreement with experimental measured characteristics.
A flexible method for fabricating shallow optical waveguides by using femtosecond laser writing of patterns on a metal coated glass substrate followed by ion-exchange is described. This overcomes the drawbacks of low index contrast and high induced stress in waveguides directly written using low-repetition rate ultrafast laser systems. When compared to conventional lithography, the technique is simpler and has advantages in terms of flexibility in the types of structures which can be fabricated.
A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre and post-fabrication UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask, producing a surface relief grating structure. These devices showed high spectral sensitivity in the aqueous index regime ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices were then coated with human thrombin binding aptamer. Several concentrations of thrombin in buffer solution were made, ranging from 1nM to 1µM. All the concentrations were detectable by the devices demonstrating that sub-nM concentrations may be monitored.
A set of long period grating devices have been fabricated in photosensitive single mode fibre coated with a series of copper rings (period of 380μm, 50% duty cycle and length of 4cm). The long period gratings were inscribed with a uniform UV-laser exposure across the entire length of the copper ring patterned coating. The devices ranged in copper thickness from 0.5μm to 1.5μm. In addition, a control long period grating was fabricated in the same type of fibre with the same period for comparison. The refractive index and temperature spectral sensitivity of these devices were investigated and it was found that the index and temperature sensitivity is a function of the thickness of the copper rings, as supported by theoretical modelling. Furthermore, the index sensitivity of these devices in the 1.333 index region is greater than the control long period grating. The patterned 0.5μm coated long period grating gave a sensitivity of Δλ/Δn = -74 nm leading to a resolution of 1.4×10-3 compared to the control which had a sensitivity of Δλ/Δn = -32 nm with a resolution of 3.2×10-3 in the index region of 1.320 to 1.380 (aqueous solution regime). This demonstrates a two fold increase in the sensitivity. This novel fibre long period grating device shows potential for increasing the resolution of measurements of the index of aqueous solutions.
A flexible method for fabricating shallow optical waveguides by using femtosecond laser writing of patterns on a metal coated glass substrate followed by ion-exchange is described. This overcomes the drawbacks of low index contrast and high induced stress in waveguides directly written using low-repetition rate ultrafast laser systems. When compared to conventional lithography, the technique is simpler and has advantages in terms of flexibility in the types of structures which can be fabricated.