138 resultados para UCPR r7


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In Altmann v Ioff of Victoria Friendly Society [2004] QDC 005 McGill DCJ considered the practical question in relation to disclosure of documents as to whether a party disclosing bundles of documents under UCPR r 217 was obliged to number or otherwise individually identify the documents


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In Pacific Century Production Pty Ltd v Netafirm Australia Pty Ltd [2004] QSC 043 the court was asked for the first time to consider the application of rule 229(1)(b) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (the UCPR)


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The Uniform Civil Procedure Rules have brought significant changes to the rules of pleading. The rules place a heavy emphasis on 'truth in pleading', and early identification of the true issues between the parties. There are now a number of pleading rules dealing with specific issues. The changes in the rules are most significant with respect to the level of particulars required for pleading damages, and the facts that must be pleaded in defences. In this article the rules of pleading are examined and contrasted with the rules applicable before the commencement of the UCPR.


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This article considers the decisions in Stephan v NRMA Insurance Limited [2001]QDC 002 and Bertha v Dragut [2001] QDC 003


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In Mineral Resources Engineering Services Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Meakin Investment Trust v Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Hay v Commonwealth Bank of Australia [2015] QSC 62 Philip McMurdo J considered challenges to amended statements of claim in two related actions. The amendments were potentially time-barred and his Honour considered in particular the date from which the amendments should take effect.


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In Lessbrook Pty Ltd (in liq) v Whap; Stephen; Bowie; Kepa & Kepa [2014] QCA 63 the Queensland Court of Appeal dealt with significant questions of general application relating to the appointment of assessors to conduct an assessment of costs under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR).


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In Radich v Kenway [2014] QDC 60 McGinness DCJ considered issues relating to the assessment of costs under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld). This recent costs assessment case from the District Court clearly illustrates the interplay between the relevant elements of the Legal Profession Act 2007 and Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999.


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Rule 478 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld)(view by court) is silent as to the manner in which a court might be expected to exercise the discretion to order an inspection or demonstration under the rule and also as to the use which may be made of any inspection or demonstration ordered. The decision in Matton Developments Pty Ltd v CGU Insurance Limited [2014] QSC 256 provides guidance on both matters. This case provides some guidance on the circumstances in which a court may exercise its discretion to order a view or demonstration


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The decision of Henry J in Ginn & Anor v Ginn; ex parte Absolute Law Lawyers & Attorneys [2015] QSC 49 provides clarification of the approach to be taken on a default costs assessment under r708 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999


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In Picamore Pty Ltd v Challen [2015] QDC 067 McGill DCJ considered the nature of a review under r742 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR) in the context of a review of a costs assessment conducted under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld). His Honour increased the amount that had been allowed by the costs assessor for a number of items. The judgment includes observations about what may appropriately be charged for particular items of legal work.


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In Kencian v Watney [2015] QCA 212 the Queensland Court of Appeal allowed an appeal against the decision in Watney v Kencian & Wooley [2014] QSC 290 and ordered, pursuant to r475(1) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) that the trial proceed as a trial by jury.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el propósito de reconocer las especies de crisomélidos en el agro ecosistema del frijol en Nicaragua, con especial énfasis en aquellas especies asociadas con la transmisión de virus al cultivo del frijol. El estudio se realizó en tres zonas: Santa Rosa del peñón (León), La Compañía (Carazo) y Santa Lucia (Boaco) durante la época de postrera del 92 y la época de primera del 93. Las observaciones fueron realizadas durante las etapas fenológicas V0 - R7 del cultivo. Un total de 9 especies de crisomélidos fueron encontradas, de las cuales dos especies: Diabrotica balteata y Cerotoma ruficornis están reportadas como vectores de virus en el cultivo del frijol. En todas las zonas y épocas de estudio se encon1ró al menos una especie de crisomélido vector. A nivel general la especie Cerotoma atrofasciata resulto ser la especie más abundantemente observada representando un 63.48 % del total de crisomélidos recolectados en las tres zonas. La especie Diabrotica capitata fue encontrada por primera vez, por lo que constituye su primer reporte en Nicaragua. En general las poblaciones de crisomélidos aparecieron en la etapa vegetativa del cultivo, presentando sus mayores poblaciones en la fase reproductiva en ambas épocas de siembra. Específicamente las especies consideradas como vectores de virus ocurrieron principalmente en la época reproductiva del cultivo.


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The compound eye of Drosophila melanogaster begins to differentiate during the late third larval instar in the eye-antennal imaginal disc. A wave of morphogenesis crosses the disc from posterior to anterior, leaving behind precisely patterned clusters of photoreceptor cells and accessory cells that will constitute the adult ommatidia of the retina. By the analysis of genetically mosaic eyes, it appears that any cell in the eye disc can adopt the characteristics of any one of the different cell types found in the mature eye, including photoreceptor cells and non-neuronal accessory cells such as cone cells. Therefore, cells within the prospective retinal epithelium assume different fates presumably via information present in the environment. The sevenless^+ (sev^+) gene appears to play a role in the expression of one of the possible fates, since the mutant phenotype is the lack of one of the pattern elements, namely, photoreceptor cell R7. The sev^+ gene product had been shown to be required during development of the eye, and had also been shown in genetic mosaics to be autonomous to presumptive R7. As a means of better understanding the pathway instructing the differentiation R7, the gene and its protein product were characterized.

The sev+ gene was cloned by P-element transposon tagging, and was found to encode an 8.2 kb transcript expressed in developing eye discs and adult heads. By raising monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against a sev^+- β-galactosidase fusion protein, the expression of the protein in the eye disc was localized by immuno-electronmicroscopy. The protein localizes to the apical cell membranes and microvilli of cells in the eye disc epithelium. It appears during development at a time coincident with the initial formation of clusters, and in all the developing photoreceptors and accessory cone cells at a time prior to the overt differentiation of R7. This result is consistent with the pluripotency of cells in the eye disc. Its localization in the membranes suggests that it may receive information directing the development of R7. Its localization in the apical membranes and microvilli is away from the bulk of the cell contacts, which have been cited as a likely regions for information presentation and processing. Biochemical characterization of the sev^+ protein will be necessary to describe further its role in development.

Other mutations in Drosophila have eye phenotypes. These were analyzed to find which ones affected the initial patterning of cells in the eye disc, in order to identify other genes, like sev, whose gene products may be involved in generating the pattern. The adult eye phenotypes ranged from severe reduction of the eye, to variable numbers of photoreceptor cells per ommatidium, to sub de defects in the organization of the supporting cells. Developing eye discs from the different strains were screened using a panel of MAbs, which highlight various developmental stages. Two identified matrix elements in and anterior to the furrow, while others identified the developing ommatidia themselves, like the anti-sev MAb. Mutation phenotypes were shown to appear at many stages of development. Some mutations seem to affect the precursor cells, others, the setting up of the pattern, and still others, the maintenance of the pattern. Thus, additional genes have now been identified that may function to support the development of a complex pattern.


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A radioterapia é frequentemente utilizada no tratamento de tumores da próstata, porém durante esse procedimento a bexiga sadia usualmente sofre efeitos colaterais. Através do uso de um modelo animal para irradiação pélvica, avaliamos se a suplementação nutricional com L-glutamina poderia prevenir possíveis danos na parede da bexiga, especialmente em suas camadas mais superficiais. Ratos Wistar adultos machos com idade entre 3 e 4 meses foram separados em grupos de 8 animais: grupo controle que não recebeu a irradiação; grupos somente irradiados que foram mortos 7 (R7) e 15 dias (R15) após a irradiação (dose única de 10 Gy na região pélvico-abdominal); grupos irradiados e suplementados com L-glutamina (0,65g/kg de peso por dia), que foram mortos 7 (RG7) ou 15 após a irradiação. Células e vasos sanguíneos da lâmina própria, bem como o urotélio, foram avaliados com métodos histológicos. No urotélio foram feitas análises da altura e densidade nuclear e na lâmina própria densidade celular, densidade vascular e o número de mastócitos. Os resultados mostraram que em R7, a altura e densidade nuclear do urotélio e a densidade celular da lâmina própria não foram alterados significativamente. Entretanto a densidade dos vasos sanguíneos foi reduzida em 48% (p<0,05) e essa alteração foi evitada pela glutamina (p <0,02). No grupo R15, a densidade celular do epitélio aumentou em 35% (p<0,02). A densidade celular da lâmina própria não apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos. Os mastócitos na lâmina própria foram reduzidos em R7 e R15. Apesar de ainda reduzidos em RG7 em RG15 houve aumento no número desse tipo celular o que sugere uma ação positiva da glutamina. Células α-actina positivas na lâmina própria formam uma camada suburotelial e foram identificadas como miofibroblastos. A espessura dessa camada aumentou em R7, mas foi semelhante ao controle em RG7, enquanto alterações em R15 e RG15 foram menos evidentes. Esses resultados mostraram que a utilização da L-glutamina antes e após a radioterapia deve ser considerada para uso humano na proteção da bexiga contra os efeitos da radiação.