378 resultados para UBATUBA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Durante o período de outubro de 1985 a julho de 1987, foram coletados 722 ofíuróides pertencentes às espécies Ophioderma januarii e Ophioplocus januarii, na costa do Estado de São Paulo. Realizou-se medidas do diâmetro do disco dos exemplares e estas variaram entre 10,5 e 21,5 mm para Ophioderma januarii e entre 2,6 e 21,5 mm, para Ophioplocus januarii. Foram efetuadas observações das características morfológicas externas dos indivíduos e posteriormente, organizadas séries de crescimento, com o intuito de evidenciar possíveis alterações. Verificou-se para Ophioderma januarii, variações na forma dos escudos, no número de papilas orais e de espinhos braquiais, na coloração da superfície dorsal do disco e das placas braquiais dorsais e para Ophioplocus januarii variações nas escamas primárias, na série de escamas maiores da região interradial dorsal do disco, no número de escamas entre a centro-dorsal e a margem do disco, na forma dos escudos radiais e orais, no número de papilas orais, na coloração da superfície dorsal do disco e das placas braquiais dorsais. O resultado das análises de parâmetros ambientais dos locais de coleta, mostrou que as duas espécies ocorreram em áreas com condições ambientais distintas. Ophioderma januarii foi amostrada na região costeira até 36 m de profundidade e Ophioplocus januarii entre 30 e 100 m.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The egg number and the rate in which they are produced constitute important informations for the comprehension of the reproductive process. The egg number carried by a female crab is related to a body dimension (carapace width or length). These data are adjusted to a linear regression. The specimens of Ii. pudibundus were collected in Ubatuba region, Brazil during the period from January 1991 to July 1993. In this paper 30 females with eggs in the initial embryonic phase were used to estimate ther egg number. The mean fecundity obtained was 75,615 +/- 30,120 eggs/female/spawn. Although the H. pudibundus fecundity was not high, it can be inferred that the larval survival in nature should be large, because it is one of the most abundant crabs in the studied area.


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A taxonomic study is provided for the angiosperm family Sapotaceae based on specimens collected on the coastal plains of Picinguaba, municipality of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The samples were gathered monthly from 1988 to 1991 and are kept in the Herbarium Rioclarense (HRCB). Six species and five genera are here presented with descriptions, ilustrations and identification key.


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In populational studies, the weight/width carapace relationship analysis, can furnish indications about the individual physiological variations as a function of the environment, and it can indicate sexual dimorphism. The goal of this research is to find the mathematical expressions of weight/width carapace relationship in the crab Hepatus pudibundus. This study was accomplished by analysing the crabs that were sampled monthly with a shrimp fishing boat equipped with 2 otter-trawl nets, during the period from november/1988 to october/1989. A total of 624 specimens were obtained composed of 244 males and 380 females. In each group the sex, the weight (PE) and the carapace width (LC) were determined. The obtained values agree with the studied range, showing variations during male and female development, represented by the potential function of the equation Y = aX(b). Such variations are probably related to reproductive strategies.


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This work examines the population dynamics of Petrochirus diogenes in the Ubatuba region (São Paulo, Brazil), focusing on size frequency distribution, sex ratio, and reproductive and recruitment period. Collections were made with two double-rig nets in the years 1993-1996. The 799 individuals obtained were separated into 14 size classes based on the length of the cephalothoracic shield. The shield size varied from 5.4 to 40.0 mm in males and from 5.7 to 32.1 mm in females. The size frequency distribution was unimodal for both sexes. Only small oscillations occurred in the sex ratio until the seventh size class, followed by preponderance of males. This suggests a standard pattern for the sex ratio in P. diogenes. As males were found in the largest size classes, they present a clear sexual dimorphism. This characteristic can be considered as a selective advantage, mainly during the mating processes and in the agonistic behavior. Ovigerous females were recorded in the spring and summer, indicating seasonal reproduction.


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The fecundity of C. danae in Ubatuba (SP) region was analized. The swimming crabs were collected by trawl during two consecutive years. Only females earring early developmental stage eggs were used in this work. The ovigerous females mean size based on the carapace width, except the lateral teeth, was 21.5 +/- 90 mm. The fecundity obtained from 29 ovigerous females varied from 363,660 to 826,638 eggs.


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The determination of the diet and feeding habits is one of the principal aspects of the study on fish biology, as feeding is a basic process and its study is necessary for the understanding of the populations' dynamic and ecology. The Sciaenidae family has a significant occurrence in the bay's demersal ichthyofauna, constituting an important fishing resource. The goal of this work was to analyze how the partitioning of available food resources takes place among the ten sciaenid species which live in the Flamengo Bay. One single survey, consisting of three trawls, was carried out with a fishing boat equipped with two otter-trawl. Diet analysis showed that all species are exclusively carnivore, using several items as food, but crustaceans are the main food ingested. The use of the ''Proportional Overlap Index'' showed possible overlapping between six couples of species but in the majority of cases, morphologic differences between these species, such as the mouth position, probably determine different foraging strategies.


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This work aims to analyse the composition, abundance and distribution of the Penaeidea species which occur in the Ubatuba Bay (23 degrees 26'S and 45 degrees 02'W). The samples were monthly collected from October/1992 to September/1993. Each collect was composed of two parallel radials: the first (radial ''A'') was carried out in the mid region of the bay and the second one (radial ''B'') in the bay mouth. The trawls took one hour in a boat equipped with one otter-trawl (10 mm of mesh). The registered environmental factors were depth, bottom water temperature, granulometric composition and organic content of the sediment. After the trawls, the shrimp were separated from other marine organisms and counted. Eight species of shrimp were obtained: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri; Artemesia longinaris; Penaeus (L.) schmitti; P. (F.) brasiliensis; Trachypenaeus; constrictus; Sicyonia typica; S. dorsalis and Pleoticus muelleri. The most abundant species were X. kroyeri, A. longinaris, P. muelleri and T. constrictus. It was verified a very strong seasonality among the species. The X. kroyeri species occurred in both radials along the months but its abundance decreased from a November to March. Such fact is attributed to the temperature which reached a minimum value of 20 degrees C during this period. The species A. longinaris and P. muelleri were more frequent in the radial B which was caracterized by 14 +/- 1.3 m of depth, low organic content in the sediment (2.97%) and granulometric composition of medium sand. The distribution and abundance of these shrimps in the bay, beyond the hydrological features can be related to biotic factors as food availability, migration, inter and intra specific relations (competition, predation, etc.).


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The objective of the present study was to characterize the fecundity of Callinectes ornatus from the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. To study the fecundity and its relationships to size, brood weight, and egg size, the ovigerous females were collected at 2-month intervals for two consecutive years (January, 1991 to November, 1992) in the Ubatuba region using a fishing boat equipped with an otter-trawl type of net. After collecting, the animals were screened, bagged, labeled, and stored frozen. Only data from 38 females carrying early stage eggs were considered. In the laboratory, the specimens were thawed at room temperature, the pleopod structure with the egg mass was removed and the eggs were carefully removed from the pleopods. The samples were then fixed in 10% formalin and stored in 70% ethanol, until the time for processing. Processing followed the method of Hines (1982, 1988). Following the frequency determination of carapace width and fecundity, mean egg number, mean volume and mean dry weight of brooded egg mass were determined for each class obtained. Data were analyzed by regressions of log-log transformations for allometric plots (Y = aX(b)) of reproductive variables versus carapace width. Carapace width was one of the main factors for the determination of fecundity, which ranged 171 570 +/- 94 634 eggs, with females of the same size class presenting a wide amplitude of variation. This supports the hypothesis that portunid females present staggered spawning, possibly presenting more than one period of reproduction within one year. The present species showed lower fecundity than the remaining portunids studied, but they did show a rapid and efficient embryonic development, presumably capable of assuring reproductive success.


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Arenaeus cribrarius is a mainly tropical crab that occurs in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Brazil being its type-locality. The species ranges from Vinevard Sound, Massachusetts, USA to La Paloma, Uruguay. Information about this species is scarce. The relative growth of A. cribrarius was analyzed, based on some morphometric relations, where the carapace width, excluding lateral spines (CW), was used as an independent variable. A total of 403 specimens (189 males and 214 females), was collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with otter-trawls. The animals were sexed and sorted to maturation phase (juvenile or adult). Some measurements were made: carapace (length and width excluding lateral spines), abdomen (greatest width of the fifth somite in females and the sixth in males) and major chela (greatest length, width and height, dactylus length). This study was made by the application of the power function (y=a.x(b)) which was fitted to the data and the pattern of growth established for each parameter by the ''b''-value (constant of allometry), as positive allometry (b>1), negative allometry (b<1) or isometry (b=1). The morphometric relations of the carapace showed a tendency to isometry. In females, the abdominal width grew in positive allometry, higher in juveniles (b=1.33) than in adults (b=1.18). In this case, an overlap and discontinuity was noticed between the phases over a carapace width range of 55 to 70 mm, where the puberty molt occurs. The majority of relationships showed that the major chela of the males grew in positive allometry, however, the greatest allometric difference between the phases was observed towards the propodus length with 1.09 as juvenile and 1.26 as adult ''b''values. In the males, this variable showed an inflection between the CW range of 45' to 55 mm, where the transition to the maturation phase occurs. The relative growth of this species is similar to those of previously studied species. This indicates, that the propodus length and the abdominal width are the morphometric variables most appropriate to estimate the size of the beginning of the sexual maturity for males and females of this species, respectively.


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A floristic survey for the family Orchidaceae was undertaken in a coastal forest area of ca. 8 km2 in the Picinguaba Development Center of the Serra do Mar State Park, in the municipality of Ubatuba, Brazil. The sampling used all tracks and roads of the area, up to the altitude of 50 m.s.m. and resulted in 77 species distributed in 45 genera. The spacial distribution of the species was plotted in maps of the nine physiognomical units identified for the area, based on 1:8.000 and 1:25.000 aerial photographs, and field observations. The results are shown in 1:10.000 topographic charts. Ninety percent of the species occur in at least 3 physiognomical units while 60% only occurred in a single unit, what indicates that the orchids can be used to characterize the vegetation even in large scales.