570 resultados para Twist drills


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X-ray crystal structure shows that 3,5-dimethyl-1-(2-nitrophenyl)-1H-pyrazole (DNP) belongs to the rare class of helically twisted synthetic organic molecules. Hydrogenation of DNP gives 2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)phenylamine (L) which on methylation yields [2-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)phenyl]dimethylamine (L'). Two Pd(II) complexes, PdLCl2 (1) and PdL'Cl-2 (2), are synthesized and characterized by NMR. X-ray crystallography reveals that 1 and 2 are unprecedented square planar complexes which possess well discernible helical twists. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some simple variations of Buffon's well-known needle problem in probability are discussed, and an interesting observation connecting the corresponding results is then made


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This essay aims to demonstrate how Dickens’s search for ‘truth’ (and his understanding of what that abstraction consists of) entered into and emerged from one of the key philosophical discussions of the early nineteenth century: namely whether moral knowledge is the sum of one’s experiences or whether there are such things as a priori or ‘natural’ principles of ethics that transcend human practice.


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The non-twist standard map occurs frequently in many fields of science specially in modelling the dynamics of the magnetic field lines in tokamaks. Robust tori, dynamical barriers that impede the radial transport among different regions of the phase space, are introduced in the non-twist standard map in a conservative fashion. The resulting non-twist standard map with robust tori is an improved model to study transport barriers in plasmas confined in tokamaks.


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The new bulky silicon-containing ditin precursor p-(RCl2SnCH2SiMe2)2C6H4 (R = CH2SiMe3 (4)) has been synthesized and further reacted to form a unique double ladder {[p-(R(Cl)SnCH2SiMe2)2C6H4]O}4 (6). The two layers within 6 are twisted with respect to one another, resulting in a helical motif and a total absence of molecular symmetry so that there are eight chiral tin atoms within the system. The structure is compared to the double ladder {[m-(R(Cl)SnCH2CH2)2C6H4]O}4 (11), which was prepared from the less sterically demanding ditin precursor m-(RCl2SnCH2CH2)2C6H4 (10). The two layers within 11 are parallel, and the molecule contains only two kinds of tin atom.


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For many theorists and practitioners in the area of organizational theory, HRM, marketing and other domains of organization studies, organizational creativity is something to be distilled and managed as an element of organizational performance. The article argues, however, that this process of appropriation from the creative arts is subject to a number of problematic transitions. The article's starting point is the notion of creativity itself. Within the creative arts, the question of what constitutes creativity and its relationship to artistic practice is subject to considerable debate. This debate centers on the question of whether creativity represents an essentialist and inexplicable (even spiritual) component of artistic practice or whether creativity is a trait of work and cannot be attributed as a unique aspect of art. The mantra of creativity provides nothing more than a means to control individuals and provide them with a false hope that contributing to the success of business will provide a means to self fulfillment.


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The use of bacteria in the regression of tumors has long been known. Various approaches for using bacteria in cancer therapy include the use of bacteria as sensitizing agents for chemotherapy, as delivery agents for cancer drugs and as agents for gene therapy. The tumor regression stimulated by infecting microorganisms has been attributed to activation of the immune system of the host. However, recent studies indicate that when tumor-harboring mice with defective immune systems are infected with certain microorganisms, the regression of the tumor is still observed, suggesting that there are other host factors contributing to the microbial associated regression of tumors. Since the use of live or attenuated bacteria for tumor regression has associated toxic effects, studies are in progress to identify a pure microbial metabolite or any component of the microbial cell that might have anti-cancer activity. It has now been demonstrated that a redox protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a cupredoxin, can enter into human cancer cells and trigger the apoptotic cell death. In vivo, this cupredoxin can lead to the regression of tumor growth in immunodeficient mice harboring xenografted melanomas and breast cancer tumors without inducing significant toxic effects, suggesting that it has potential anti-cancer activity. This bacterial protein interacts with p53 and modulates mammalian cellular activity. Hence, it could potentially be used as an anti-cancer agent for solid tumors and has translational value in tumor-targeted or in combinational-biochemotherapy strategies for cancer treatments. Here, we focus on diverse approaches to cancer biotherapy, including bacteriolytic and bacterially-derived anti-cancer agents with an emphasis on their mechanism of action and therapeutic potential.


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Staple fibre yarns vary quite markedly in linear density (tex) along their length and the degree to which twist redistributes from thick to thin places will affect the strength, torque and extension behaviour of the yarn. Theory suggests that twist along worsted yarns should vary as 1/(tex)2 if fibres were locked in the structure, whereas themean torque of worsted yarns reported in the literature implies that twist should be proportional to 1/tex. This article examines twist distribution in ring-spun marl yarns, down to 5 mm resolution, as a function of linear density measured using a high-resolution capacitive sensor. It is found for moderate twist-level worsted yarns that twist is approximately proportional to 1/(tex)1.6. The results and theory provide a guide as to the effect the observed large variations in linear density will have on yarn properties such as tenacity and torque.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Entre as neoplasias malignas que ocorrem na boca, 95% são representadas pelo carcinoma epidermóide de boca (ceb). no brasil, as estimativas para o ano de 2014, segundo o inca, apontam mais de 15.290 novos casos. esses dados mostram que o ceb representa um problema de saúde pública em razão de a morbidade afastar, na maioria dos casos, grande número de cidadãos do mercado de trabalho, além de onerar os custos com a saúde no estado, fruto dos dias de internação e do tratamento aplicado. a patogênese do ceb está relacionada a fatores genéticos além de agentes químicos, como o consumo de tabaco e álcool, físicos e biológicos, considerados carcinogênicos. o fator de transcrição twist foi recentemente apontado como um importante regulador da tem durante a progressão tumoral e metástase e vem se tornando um importante marcador diagnóstico e prognóstico para pacientes devido ao fato de sua sobre-regulação positiva e metilação do gene estarem sendo implicados em vários tipos de câncer. apesar de muitos estudos fornecerem importantes insights sobre a compreensão da biologia dos tumores malignos bem como dos genes envolvidos na tem, os mecanismos de twist na tumorigênese e na transição epitelial-mesenquimal do carcinoma epidermóide bucal ainda precisam ser elucidados. neste estudo nós investigamos o padrão de expressão da proteína twist através da técnica de imuno-histoquímica em 59 amostras carcinoma epidermóide bucal (ceb) provenientes de pacientes usuários do sistema único de saúde do estado do pará e avaliamos a existência de associação dos resultados com características clínico-patológicas dos tumores estudados e com a sobrevida dos pacientes. os resultados mostraram uma associação estatisticamente significante entre o consumo de álcool e os sítios mais afetados pelo ceb, sugerindo que o etanol pode desempenhar um papel potencializador dos agentes do tabaco nos sítios que recebem maior exposição dessas substâncias. a expressão da proteína twist também mostrou uma diminuição na média de sobrevida dos indivíduos. apesar dessa diminuição não ter apresentado significância estatística em nossos estudos, acreditamos que ela deve ser mais amplamente estudada, visando o melhor entendimento do papel desta no carcinoma epidermóide bucal. a positividade de marcação da proteína demonstrou relação com o tabagismo, onde 87,8% dos pacientes fumantes, apresentaram marcação positiva para a proteína, corroborarando o fato de que o fumo pode modular a expressão de marcadores tem incluindo twist. em síntese, os resultados deste estudo evidenciam algumas correlações intrigantes, que no nosso entender merecem especial atenção, no intuito de serem esclarecidas. assim como a localização intracelular da proteína observada neste estudo, que possivelmente está relacionada a algum processo oncogênico ainda não descrito.