993 resultados para Twelfth-century hagiography


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A study of the use of hybrid physical appearance both to signal and to explore the disputed paternity of Alexander the Great throughout its vernacular French tradition. The article compares the 'child of Babylon' portent and Alexander's son Alior in the twelfth-century French "Roman d'Alexandre" poem cycle, and a fifteenth-century prose adaptation of it.


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Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries AD, the Lower Vistula valley represented a permeable and shifting frontier between Pomerelia (eastern Pomerania), which had been incorporated into the Polish Christian state by the end of the tenth century, and the territories of western Prussian tribes, who had resisted attempts at Christianization. Pomeranian colonization eventually began to falter in the latter decades of the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, most likely as a result of Prussian incursions, which saw the abandonment of sites across the borderland. Subsequently, the Teutonic Order and its allies led a protracted holy war against the Prussian tribes, which resulted in the conquest of the region and its incorporation into a theocratic state by the end of the thirteenth century. This was accompanied by a second wave of colonization, which resulted in the settlement pattern that is still visible in the landscape of north-central Poland today. However, not all colonies were destroyed or abandoned in between the two phases of colonization. The recently excavated site of Biała Góra, situated on the western side of the Forest of Sztum overlooking the River Nogat, represents a unique example of a transitional settlement that included both Pomeranian and Teutonic Order phases. The aim of this paper is to situate the site within its broader landscape context which can be characterized as a militarized frontier, where, from the later twelfth century and throughout much of the thirteenth century, political and economic expansion was combined with the ideology of Christian holy war and missionary activity. This paper considers how the colonists provisioned and sustained themselves in comparison to other sites within the region, and how Biała Góra may be tentatively linked to a documented but otherwise lost outpost in this volatile borderland.


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Chapter in an edited collection on the twelfth-century papacy and its authorisation of crusades to the Near East.


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At the beginning of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, in the ninth and tenth century, the medieval eastern Roman empire, more usually known as Byzantium, was recovering from its early medieval crisis and experiencing favourable climatic conditions for the agricultural and demographic growth. Although in the Balkans and Anatolia such favourable climate conditions were prevalent during the eleventh century, parts of the imperial territories were facing significant challenges as a result of external political/military pressure. The apogee of medieval Byzantine socio-economic development, around AD 1150, coincides with a period of adverse climatic conditions for its economy, so it becomes obvious that the winter dryness and high climate variability at this time did not hinder Byzantine society and economy from achieving that level of expansion. Soon after this peak, towards the end of the twelfth century, the populations of the Byzantine world were experiencing unusual climatic conditions with marked dryness and cooler phases. The weakened Byzantine socio-political system must have contributed to the events leading to the fall of Constantinople in AD 1204 and the sack of the city. The final collapse of the Byzantine political control over western Anatolia took place half century later, thus contemporaneous with the strong cooling effect after a tropical volcanic eruption in AD 1257. We suggest that, regardless of a range of other influential factors, climate change was also an important contributing factor to the socio-economic changes that took place in Byzantium during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Crucially, therefore, while the relatively sophisticated and complex Byzantine society was certainly influenced by climatic conditions, and while it nevertheless displayed a significant degree of resilience, external pressures as well as tensions within the Byzantine society more broadly contributed to an increasing vulnerability in respect of climate impacts. Our interdisciplinary analysis is based on all available sources of information on the climate and society of Byzantium, that is textual (documentary), archaeological, environmental, climate and climate model-based evidence about the nature and extent of climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean. The key challenge was, therefore, to assess the relative influence to be ascribed to climate variability and change on the one hand, and on the other to the anthropogenic factors in the evolution of Byzantine state and society (such as invasions, changes in international or regional market demand and patterns of production and consumption, etc.). The focus of this interdisciplinary


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Lord Peter Stein, eminent historian of Roman law, described the interaction of law and theology in the writings of one twelfth-century writer as a kind of 'universal jurisprudence' , The twelfth-century figure to whom he referred was Master Vacarius (c. 1115/2O-c. 1200), well-known English Roman lawyer and Anglo-Norman canonist. While Stein drew this conclusion largely on the basis of an analysis of Vacatius' strictly 'legal' work, the Liber pauperum, I have shown elsewhere, following a systematic study ofVacarius' other works, dealing with maniage, christology and heresy, that, when seen together, they demonstrate a use of law as a universal heuristic device to resolve conflict in law and theology.


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This paper will discuss the wedding in the historical conditions of feudalism, and mainly, summarize partially the book Heloise and Isolde and other ladies of the twelfth century, in which the author provided an historical condition significant, exploring of an original manner the documents known. Then we will see as important medievalists have studied the issues addressed by Duby as kinship, sexuality, male and female, and that were the object of our work, serving as a counterpoint to them.


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Abstract (Ita): La tesi si propone l'obiettivo di analizzare l'affermazione del monachesimo cistercense nel nord della penisola iberica a cavallo tra XII e XIII secolo con particolare attenzione alla Galizia, una regione caratterizzata da una fortissima concorrenza tra i “poteri” presenti sul territorio. Attraverso l'analisi delle fonti edite ed inedite di tre monasteri cistercensi dislocati da nord a sud su tutto il territorio galiziano (Sobrado nell'arcidiocesi di Compostela, Meira nella diocesi di Lugo e Melón nella diocesi di Tuy), con il supporto della documentazione di altre cinque abbazie galiziane dell'Ordine di Cîteaux (Monfero, Armenteira, Oseira, Montederramo e Oya) e avvalendosi della più recente storiografia internazionale, la ricerca approfondisce i rapporti tra i monaci bianchi e la monarchia castellano-leonesa, le grandi famiglie aristocratiche (specialmente i Traba), la piccola aristocrazia locale dei milites e dei proprietari fondiari, gli heredes, il mondo ecclesiastico locale (sia le relazioni con l'episcopato sia con gli altri cenobi presenti sul territorio) e il mondo urbano in grande fermento nel corso del XII secolo analogamente ad altre aree d'Europa, mostrando come i monaci bianchi furono capaci di elaborare modelli di sviluppo diversi nelle varie aree della Galizia.


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Il lavoro si divide in quattro capitoli in cui il candidato cerca di stabilire i rapporti intertestuali tra il Sindbad, un libro di matrice orientale, e la Disciplina Clericalis da una parte e il Decameron dall’altra. 1- Nel primo capitolo il candidato ha trattato l’origine e la diffusione del Il libro di Sindbad e della Disciplina Clericalis. Il libro di Sindbad è di indubbia origine orientale. Si diffonde in oriente e poi in Occidente. Giunge in Italia nel Dodicesimo secolo. L’altra opera è la Disciplina Clericalis, di Pietro Alfonsi, un-opera di origine orientale. 2- Nel secondo capitolo il candidato ha svolto una attenta ricerca sulla visione boccacciano verso il mondo orientale, arabo-islamico in particolare. 3- Nel terzo capitolo il candidato mette a confronto la struttura narrativa del Sindbad con quella del Decameron, rilevando gli elementi principali che accomunano le due strutture delle due opere sono. Nella parte finale del capitolo il candidato mette in discussione il termine con cui viene definita la struttura narrativa, cioè la cosiddetta cornice, dando una nuova terminologia alla struttura. 4- Nel quarto e ultimo capitolo il candidato cerca di rintracciare le fonti di alcune novelle decameroniane. Le fonti si dividono in due parti: scritte e orali. Nella prima parte mette a confronto alcune novelle del Decameron con racconti della Disciplina Clericalis e del Sette Savi. La seconda parte invece studia le fonti orali di altre novelle decameroniane le cui radici affondano nella tradizione orientale, arabo-islamica soprattutto. La prima novella è la (I, 5) della marchesana Monferrato. La (V, 9), la (VIII, 2), e l’ultima novella in questa parte è la (X, 3).


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L’oggetto della ricerca è stato il processo di creazione del distretto del Comune di Reggio Emilia tra il XII e l’inizio del XIII secolo, di cui sono stati analizzati diversi aspetti salienti, così come emergono in primo luogo dall’analisi del liber iurium reggiano, il Liber grossus antiquus. L’elaborato è suddiviso in due parti. Nella prima parte si è cercato di ricostruire le vicende, i legami e il patrimonio delle famiglie rurali reggiane nel corso del XII secolo in particolare e gli aspetti caratteristici del Comune cittadino nella sua fase iniziale. Nella seconda parte ci si è concentrati sull’analisi dei caratteri più rilevanti del processo di creazione del distretto comunale reggiano: il rapporto tra i signori del contado, i Comuni rurali e il Comune urbano; la difesa e l’incremento dei Communia cittadini; la fondazione di borghi franchi e nuovi. Il Comune di Reggio Emilia tentò di annettere l’intero territorio diocesano al distretto cittadino, non riuscendoci completamente e adottando una politica territoriale diversificata a seconda dei caratteri delle zone controllate.


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The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa is a twelfth-century Armenian history that survives in 43 manuscripts, held in ten libraries in eight countries. My task is to create a definitive text that is based on all of them. I will talk about the problems of medieval text editing, the ways in which Perl and phylogenetics have come to my rescue, and show a few pretty pictures of manuscripts


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El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de incorporación de diezmos e iglesias al episcopado a partir de mediados del siglo XII. Éste constituye el punto de partida de la organización de los señoríos episcopales de la Extremadura castellano-leonesa. Se demuestra que la reorganización eclesiástica promovida desde la reforma gregoriana no se produjo sin conflictos y no puede comprenderse cabalmente si no se consideran las condiciones de base sobre las que se desarrolló. Los casos de Zamora, Salamanca y Ávila permitirán establecer observaciones comparativas entre áreas de feudalización más temprana, similar a las del norte peninsular, y otras posteriores, pertenecientes a la Extremadura histórica


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En este estudio se presenta evidencia que contribuye a situar al autor del Poema de mio Cid en el ambiente eclesiástico de fines del siglo XII. A tal fin, se examinan las oraciones intercaladas en el poema, testimonio de la erudición y devoción características de un clérigo. El conocimiento de episodios bíblicos y la presencia de numerosos cultismos, especialmente en la oración de doña Jimena, apuntan hacia un origen eclesiástico del poema, probablemente compuesto en el monasterio de Cardeña donde estaba enterrado el Cid.


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El artículo replantea bajo otra luz la proximidad del Cantar de mio Cid a ciertos hechos históricos de su tiempo, tomando en consideración un concepto político central en el texto que, de alguna forma, aflora en relación con las revueltas burguesas del siglo xii: el concepto de señor natural, que aparece cinco veces a lo largo del poema. Lo que sugiere la aparición del término, en documentos a comienzos del siglo XII, es que el concepto de señor natural se desarrolló en el marco de las revueltas burguesas (con las que Molho y Catalán ligan el espacio del Cantar, aunque justamente representa una posición política contraria a la de los burgueses y caballeros pardos), como un mecanismo para defender la legitimidad del rey y desposeer las aspiraciones de los sublevados. En el Cantar, la función de la idea de señor natural apunta a la sustitución de un orden previo, dominado exclusivamente por el vasallaje, por uno nuevo en el que tal idea se nivela con la de naturaleza, y propicia una mayor justicia social. La naturaleza, vista ahora como fundamento de la organización política, permite al Cid recuperar su posición en la corte y evita que sea meramente un príncipe independiente.


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El presente trabajo se abocará al problema de la gestualidad en el CMC desde dos perspectivas complementarias: la característica fundamental de mesura que la crítica cidiana ha visto siempre en el héroe, y la descripción del uso de ciertos objetos e indumentaria. La cuestión de la gestualidad en la cultura medieval cuenta ya con largos años de investigación literaria e histórica. La combinación de indumentaria y gestualidad en el CMC está en función de la "espectacularidad", de forma tal que provoca, a través de un cierto "signo" corporal, la actitud de admiración. Por otro lado, se pueden establecer ciertos paralelismos con las prescripciones monásticas acerca del comportamiento gestual, las cuales son, según Schmitt, índice de la mentalidad de toda la sociedad a partir del siglo XII. La oposición modestia / gesticulatio, identificable en el CMC, puede ser asimilada en gran medida a la de mesura/ desmesura, con respecto a la cual se ordenan los personajes positivos y negativos en la obra.


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El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de incorporación de diezmos e iglesias al episcopado a partir de mediados del siglo XII. Éste constituye el punto de partida de la organización de los señoríos episcopales de la Extremadura castellano-leonesa. Se demuestra que la reorganización eclesiástica promovida desde la reforma gregoriana no se produjo sin conflictos y no puede comprenderse cabalmente si no se consideran las condiciones de base sobre las que se desarrolló. Los casos de Zamora, Salamanca y Ávila permitirán establecer observaciones comparativas entre áreas de feudalización más temprana, similar a las del norte peninsular, y otras posteriores, pertenecientes a la Extremadura histórica