997 resultados para Tutkijat kentällä (Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 82)


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clorofila, de cores variadas, mas nunca verdes. Caules erectos, com folhas escamiformes, geralmente carnudos, simples ou ramificados, glabros a piloso- -glandulares. Inflorescência um racemo terminal ou espiga, raramente solitaria ou pauciflora. Flores hermafroditas, zigomórticas; brácteas escamiformes, com ‘ou sem bractt!olas. Cálice tubuloso, sinsépalo 2-Slobado, as vezes fencíido anterior e .posteriormente em duas partes livres. Corola simpétala, hipogínica, pentâmera, bilabiada, de pieíloracão imbricativa. Estames geralmente 4, didinâmicos, inseridos no tubo da corola, anteras com Ibculos aos pares, dorsifixas, com deiscência longitudinal, glabras a densamente lanosas. Ovario súpero, 1-locular, 2 (3)carpelar; óvulos numerosos; estilete simples, terminal, estigma capitado ou peltado, lobado ou não. Cápsula gcraimente 2-valve, globosa ou ovoide-elipsoidal com deiscência loculicída; sementes pequenas, numerosas, com albúmen carnudo e embrião não diferenciado. Familia com c. 17 generos e aproximadamente 150 especies, amplamente distribuidas no hemisferio norte, particularmente nas regides temperadas e subtropicais do Velho Mundo.


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BACKGROUND: When and how to operate an early-onset esotropia (onset before 6 months of age) is still controversial. We conducted a retrospective study of such patients operated before the age of 24 months. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 82 patients were operated by one surgeon (GK) and followed by the same team. At 5 years post-operation, evaluation criteria included the residual angle of deviation, visual acuity (Birkhäuser Nr 505, 5 m) and binocularity (Lang stereotest I, Bagolini glasses). RESULTS: At 5 years, the residual angle was excellent (0 degrees to + 5 degrees ) in 67 % good, (>+5 degrees to +10 degrees or 0 to -5 degrees ) in 23 %, and poor (>+10 degrees or <-5 degrees ) in 10 %. During the 5 years of follow-up the rate of reoperation was 9.7 %. Isoacuity was obtained in 62 %, slight amblyopia (2 lines of interocular difference) was present in 32 %, and average amblyopia (> 3 lines of interocular difference) was noted in 6 %. Simultaneous perception was present in 53 %, whereas one eye was suppressed or results were undetermined in 47 %. No patient demonstrated stereoscopy using the Lang's stereotest I. CONCLUSION: The results from our study demonstrate that early surgery of early-onset esotropia has a favourable outcome on both visual acuity and the residual angle of strabismus. Simultaneous perception was achieved in 53 %. These figures are comparable to the results of the ELISSS multicentric study.


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Eino Tunkelo