54 resultados para Turnip
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a tolerância e a capacidade de fitorremediação de crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis), sorgo (Sorghum bicolor), nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus), amendoim (Arachis hypogaea) e alfafa (Mendicago sativa) a solos contaminados por tebuthiuron. Para determinar a tolerância das plantas ao herbicida estas foram submetidas a 5 diferentes doses (300, 600, 1200, 2400 e 4800 gramas de ingrediente ativo por hectare gi.a. ha-1) e comparadas com uma testemunha que não recebeu aplicação do herbicida. Crotalária, Nabo forrageiro e alfafa se mostraram sensíveis ao herbicida, mesmo na menor dose de aplicação, enquanto sorgo se mostrou tolerante ao herbicida até a dose de 600 gi.a. ha-1 tendo apresentado fitointoxicação de 80% na dose de 1200 gi.a. ha-1 e amendoim foi tolerante até a dose de 4800 gi.a. ha-1 para a qual apresentou apenas 40% de fitointoxicação. Plantas de amendoim e sorgo foram submetidas a dose de contaminação de 600 gi.a. ha-1 aplicada por meio de uma solução de trabalho contendo 17,47kBq (Quilobecquerels) de 14C-tebuthiuron. As duas plantas foram capazes de remediar o solo, no entanto amendoim se mostrou mais eficiente reduzindo a contaminação em 75,8% enquanto sorgo retirou do solo 44,49% do herbicida contaminante
"Mr. Hulme's Journal, made during a tour in the western countries of America, in which tour he visited Mr. Birkbeck's settlement ...": pt. 3.
Binder's title.
The no-tillage system is the predominant model in the agricultural scenario of southern Brazil. Thus, the use of cover crops is significant due to the addition of biomass to protect the soil surface, and contribute to the cycling and/or fixing of nutrients, and in particular nitrogen (N) with liberation for the subsequent culture. Among the cool season species, it was found predominant use of oat to obtain straw to system. Though large quantities input of residue is not the preferred species to precede the corn, cereal with relevant importance in the Paraná Southwest region. It was aimed to evaluate the productivity capacity of corn in no-tillage, in the absence or presence of nitrogen fertilization, on waste of winter cover crops on soil and climatic conditions of the Paraná Southwest region. The installation of no-tillage was held in 2010 in the experimental area belonging to UTFPR, Campus Dois Vizinhos, on a Red Latosol. For the present study, we used data relating to three agricultural years (2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015). The experimental design was randomized block design with split plots with three replications. The main plots consisted of systems composed by cover crops (black oat, ryegrass, rye, turnip, vetch, white lupine, aot+vetch consortium and oat+vetch+turnip), preceding corn. In the subplots were used two doses of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 180 kg ha N) coverage in maize.The biggest coverage rates occurred in the consortium with 95% at 62 days after sowing. The residual effect of 180 kg ha cool season plants following year. The residual effect of 180 kg ha systems, reduced in 21% the C/N ratio of poaceae. The common vetch accumulated 32 kg N per ton of MS added. The oat and rye keeps more than 50% waste to the land cover, after 120 days, while the ryegrass and vetch provide low soil protection. Consortium oat+vetch+turnip, vetch and white lupine, released the largest amounts of N, between 52 and 59 kg ha brassica and consortia positively influencing the diameter and length of cobs, number of kernels per row and, total number of grains per ear of corn, in the absence of mineral N. The weight of a thousand grains was increased by 12.4% by the addition of 180 kg ha increase in productivity of grain by the addition of 180 kg ha N, was 2.1 Mg ha 5.6 Mg ha 6.4 Mg ha components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha Keywords: Cover crops. No-tillage. Grain yield. Zea mays - 1 -1 N, increased 4.8% coverage rate in the of N in corn/cover crops -1 -1 . Fabaceae, -1 N mineral. The average N, in relation to dose 0 kg ha corn kernels on fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, and poaceae the grains in succession. The consortium added amount between 4.0 the DM in the years of study. There was no effect of mineral N rate for corn yield components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha-1 N.
To achieve high yields the corn crop is dependent on nitrogen. Systems of cover crops preceding corn and form of land cultivation are essential for the best use of nitrogen by corn. This study aimed to evaluate the use or not of nitrogen fertilization in corn in succession to cover crops, planted in three cropping systems. The experimental design was randomized blocks with sub-divided portion where the main plots consisted of three cultivation systems (tillage, conventional tillage and minimum tillage), the subplots by four plant cover in monocrop (oat, hairy vetch, field peas and turnip) and sub-subplots by nitrogen fertilization (0 and 160 kg ha-1 N). Evaluations were performed, the cover crops, soil cover rate, dry matter, content and accumulation of nutrients. In corn we evaluated yield components, yield, chlorophyll and nutrient levels in leaves. Among the species coverage studied the oat showed hardiness in the experiment, covering ground faster and showing more dry matter, however vetch hairy showed higher concentrations of N, P and K and higher accumulation of N ha-1. The soil tillage system influenced the K leaf content. The interaction cultivation x coverage showed significance for the total chlorophyll of corn. In the absence of N, N content and chlorophyll were higher where the corn was sown on the pea and hairy vetch. The corn production, despite a higher average in the presence of nitrogen fertilization, did not differ significantly when used the pea and hairy vetch as a cover crop.
Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) and Pea enation mosaic virus (PEMV) are two positive (+)-strand RNA viruses that are used to investigate the regulation of translation and replication due to their small size and simple genomes. Both viruses contain cap-independent translation elements (CITEs) within their 3´ untranslated regions (UTRs) that fold into tRNA-shaped structures (TSS) according to nuclear magnetic resonance and small angle x-ray scattering analysis (TCV) and computational prediction (PEMV). Specifically, the TCV TSS can directly associate with ribosomes and participates in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) binding. The PEMV kissing-loop TSS (kl-TSS) can simultaneously bind to ribosomes and associate with the 5´ UTR of the viral genome. Mutational analysis and chemical structure probing methods provide great insight into the function and secondary structure of the two 3´ CITEs. However, lack of 3-D structural information has limited our understanding of their functional dynamics. Here, I report the folding dynamics for the TCV TSS using optical tweezers (OT), a single molecule technique. My study of the unfolding/folding pathways for the TCV TSS has provided an unexpected unfolding pathway, confirmed the presence of Ψ3 and hairpin elements, and suggested an interconnection between the hairpins and pseudoknots. In addition, this study has demonstrated the importance of the adjacent upstream adenylate-rich sequence for the formation of H4a/Ψ3 along with the contribution of magnesium to the stability of the TCV TSS. In my second project, I report on the structural analysis of the PEMV kl-TSS using NMR and SAXS. This study has re-confirmed the base-pair pattern for the PEMV kl-TSS and the proposed interaction of the PEMV kl-TSS with its interacting partner, hairpin 5H2. The molecular envelope of the kl-TSS built from SAXS analysis suggests the kl-TSS has two functional conformations, one of which has a different shape from the previously predicted tRNA-shaped form. Along with applying biophysical methods to study the structural folding dynamics of RNAs, I have also developed a technique that improves the production of large quantities of recombinant RNAs in vivo for NMR study. In this project, I report using the wild-type and mutant E.coli strains to produce cost-effective, site-specific labeled, recombinant RNAs. This technique was validated with four representative RNAs of different sizes and complexity to produce milligram amounts of RNAs. The benefit of using site-specific labeled RNAs made from E.coli was demonstrated with several NMR techniques.
Positive-sense RNA viruses are important animal, plant, insect and bacteria pathogens and constitute the largest group of RNA viruses. Due to the relatively small size of their genomes, these viruses have evolved a variety of non-canonical translation mechanisms to optimize coding capacity expanding their proteome diversity. One such strategy is codon redefinition or recoding. First described in viruses, recoding is a programmed translation event in which codon alterations are context dependent. Recoding takes place in a subset of messenger RNA (mRNAs) with some products reflecting new, and some reflecting standard, meanings. The ratio between the two is both critical and highly regulated. While a variety of recoding mechanisms have been documented, (ribosome shunting, stop-carry on, termination-reinitiation, and translational bypassing), the two most extensively employed by RNA viruses are Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting (PRF) and Programmed Ribosomal Readthrough (PRT). While both PRT and PRF subvert normal decoding for expression of C-terminal extension products, the former involves an alteration of reading frame, and the latter requires decoding of a non-sense codon. Both processes occur at a low but defined frequency, and both require Recoding Stimulatory Elements (RSE) for regulation and optimum functionality. These stimulatory signals can be embedded in the RNA in the form of sequence or secondary structure, or trans-acting factors outside the mRNA such as proteins or micro RNAs (miRNA). Despite 40+ years of study, the precise mechanisms by which viral RSE mediate ribosome recoding for the synthesis of their proteins, or how the ratio of these products is maintained, is poorly defined. This study reveals that in addition to a long distance RNA:RNA interaction, three alternate conformations and a phylogenetically conserved pseudoknot regulate PRT in the carmovirus Turnip crinkle virus (TCV).
The objective of this work was to evaluate the biological variables of Spodoptera frugiperda on species of cover crops. The experiments were conducted in laboratory and greenhouse using the following species: sunflower (Helianthus annuus), sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea), brachiaria (Urochloa decumbens e Urochloa ruziziensis), millet (Pennisetum americanum), black oat (Avena stringosa), white lupin (Lupinus albus), forage turnip (Rafanus sativus) and maize (Zea mays). In laboratory the S. frugiperda larval survival varied from 57%, on L. albus, to 93% on H. annuus and the survival of the pre-imaginal phase varied from 45% on U. decumbens to 81.6% on Z. mays. On C. juncea the larval biomass was lower and the development period of the young and larval stage was higher. The adaptation index was less on C. juncea in greenhouse and laboratory. In greenhouse the larval survival at 14 days was similar for all plants and at 21 days was the lowest on C. juncea. There was less accumulation of biomass at 14 days on C. juncea and at 21 days on C. juncea and A. stringosa. Regarding damage, C. juncea presented less susceptibility to Spodoptera frugiperda attack, which together with the other evaluated parameters, indicated this plant as the most appropriate for soil cover before cultivation of maize.
The situation in Europe concerning honeybees has in recent years become increasingly aggravated with steady decline in populations and/or catastrophic winter losses. This has largely been attributed to the occurrence of a variety of known and "unknown", emerging novel diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated that colonies often can harbour more than one pathogen, making identification of etiological agents with classical methods difficult. By employing an unbiased metagenomic approach, which allows the detection of both unexpected and previously unknown infectious agents, the detection of three viruses, Aphid Lethal Paralysis Virus (ALPV), Israel Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), and Lake Sinai Virus (LSV), in honeybees from Spain is reported in this article. The existence of a subgroup of ALPV with the ability to infect bees was only recently reported and this is the first identification of such a strain in Europe. Similarly, LSV appear to be a still unclassified group of viruses with unclear impact on colony health and these viruses have not previously been identified outside of the United States. Furthermore, our study also reveals that these bees carried a plant virus, Turnip Ringspot Virus (TuRSV), potentially serving as important vector organisms. Taken together, these results demonstrate the new possibilities opened up by high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic analysis to study emerging new diseases in domestic and wild animal populations, including honeybees.