860 resultados para Trypanosoma (Dutonella) vivax
A doença de Chagas é endêmica na América Latina sendo considerada uma doença negligenciada com grande impacto socioeconômico. A infecção é causada pelo protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi que é transmitido pela forma vetorial, entre outros mecanismos. O tratamento consiste basicamente no uso de dois fármacos, o benznidazol e o Nifurtimox que apresentam uma série de efeitos colaterais e atuam muito pouco nas formas amastigotas intracelulares o que faz com que o tratamento atual seja restrito e insatisfatório.Várias atividades farmacológicas foram atribuídas ao lapachol e a pterocarpanos, tais como atividade antitumoral e antiparasitária. Devido a esse potencial foi sintetizado uma molécula híbrida, a pterocarpanoquinona LQB-118, e algumas moléculas derivadas. A LQB-118 mostrou anteriormente atividade antitumoral e anti-Leishmania. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar a atividade in vitro da LQB-118 e suas moléculas derivadas sobre o Trypanosoma cruzi clone Dm28c. Para avaliação inicial do efeito anti-parasitário das moléculas, amastigotas intracelulares, tripomastigotas metacíclicos e epimastigotas foram incubados com 20 M das LQBs 118, 168, 187, 182 e 236. A LQB-118 demonstrou atividade antiparasitária nas três formas evolutivas (90% na forma amastigota, 44% na forma tripomastigota e 70% na forma epimastigota) do parasito, enquanto as moléculas derivadas não mostraram atividade significativa. Sendo assim os estudos foram continuados com a molécula LQB-118. A ação da LQB-118 sobre as amastigotas intracelulares foi dose dependente, com redução do índice de infecção em 81% e 88% nas concentrações de 20 e 30 M respectivamente. Já sobre tripomastigotas, a LQB-118 foi menos ativa reduzindo a mobilidade dessas formas em até 45% a 30 M. Sobre a forma epimastigota a ação foi dose-dependente chegando a inibir 96% o crescimento dos parasitos a 20 M, com alterações da morfologia tais como arrendondamento do corpo celular e perda do flagelo. A dose capaz de inibir 50% foi de 4,2 M para amastigota intracelular e 38,1 M para tripomastigotas. Para macrófagos, a LC50 ficou em 40 M, uma concentração quase dez vezes maior que a IC50 para amastigotas. A capacidade das formas amastigotas intracelulares se diferenciarem em tripomatigotas e lisar os macrófagos foi avaliada após o tratamento com a LQB-118 por 72h. Observou-se um atraso do ciclo intracelular do parasito de modo dose-dependente, onde na concentração de 30 M o surgimento de tripomastigota foi no 9 dia enquanto nos controles foi no 5 dia de cultura. Para delinear o mecanismo de ação, foi avaliado o efeito direto sobre o parasito como a indução da fragmentação de DNA. A análise de indução da fragmentação do DNA feita pela marcação pelo TUNEL mostrou que o tratamento com a LQB-118 induziu seletivamente a fragmentação do núcleo das amastigotas enquanto o núcleo dos macrófagos se mantiveram íntegros. Macrófagos peritoneais pré-tratados com LQB-118 por 24 horas foram capazes de reduzir o número de amastigotas após 72h de cultivo na ausência da molécula, mas sem alteração na produção de óxido nítrico. Esses resultados mostram que a LQB-118 é ativa contra o T. cruzi, principalmente sobre a forma amastigota intracelular, que é a forma presente na fase crônica da infecção. O mecanismo de ação sugere que a LQB-118 é capaz de ser seletivamente tóxica para o parasito e também ativar os mecanismos microbicidas dos macrófagos de modo independente da produção de óxido nítrico.
O Trypanosoma cruzi, agente etiológico da doença de Chagas, possui um ciclo de vida complexo, deve lidar com diversas condições do ambiente e depende dos hospedeiros para suprir suas necessidades nutricionais. Uma delas é a necessidade de captar a molécula de heme (Fe-protoporfirina IX) que será utilizada como fator de crescimento. Os mecanismos envolvendo o metabolismo de heme são cruciais para a sobrevivência do T. cruzi pois o parasito não possui várias enzimas de biossíntese dessa porfirina e o heme livre pode apresentar citotoxicidade para célula. Na tentativa de perseguir o destino final do heme no parasito, nós estudamos essa via inexplorada no T. cruzi. Nessa tese, nós demonstramos que epimastigotas cultivados com heme, produziram os compostos, α-meso hidroxiheme, verdoheme e biliverdina (identificados por HPLC acoplado á espectrofotômetria). Além disso, nós observamos através de análise dos extratos de epimastigotas no espectrômetro de massas (LQT Orbitrap), espécies iônicas de m/z 583,4 e m/z 619,3. A fragmentação subsequente desses íons originaram espécies filhas típicas das moléculas de biliverdina e verdoheme, respectivamente. Nós observamos também, espécies iônicas de m/z 1397,4 e m/z 1135,4. A fragmentação dessas espécies produziram íons, sendo um deles com a mesma massa molecular de heme (m/z 616,3). Essa espécie iônica por sua vez, gerou fragmentos iônicos idênticos a uma molécula de heme, confirmando que esses intermediários são produtos da modificação da porfirina. Baseado nesses resultados, nós propomos um modelo onde o catabolismo de heme em T. cruzi, envolveria a conjugação da bis(glutationil)spermina, um derivado da tripanotiona presente em tripanossomatídeos, à porfirina (m/z 1137,4), seguido da remoção de dois resíduos de ácidos glutâmicos (m/z 1135,4). Embora o significado bioquímico e fisiológico da adição desse resíduo tiol na molécula de heme ainda é pouco compreendido, alguns trabalhos demonstram a abilidade desses compostos em ligar na porfirina, sem contar também, que esse heme conjugado poderia resultar em uma forma efetiva de prevenção de danos à membrana e a célula ocasionados pelo acúmulo de heme livre. Em conjunto, esses resultados fornecem novas abordagens do metabolismo de heme em T. cruzi, revelando possíveis alvos de intervenção quimioterápica futuros. Nossa proposta está direcionada para uma via ativa de catabolismo de heme que inclui a adição de grupos tiol (derivado da tripanotiona) à heme e a clivagem do anel porfirínico originando a molécula de biliverdina.
The ultrastructure of the bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma pseudobagri from its natural host, yellow catfish (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco), a freshwater fish, is described in the present work. The pellicle, consisting of a unit membrane with a superimposed surface coat, the structure and attachment of the flagellum and the subpellicular microtubules show the usual structural and organizational features. Cell organelles and cytoplasmic inclusions such as kinetoplast, mitochondria, nucleus and vacuoles, which occur in trypanosomidae, are observed and described in detail. The ultrastructure of T. pseudobagri has been compared with that of bloodstream forms of other species and culture forms of fish trypanosomes, and similarities and divergences are discussed. The Golgi-complex and endoplasmic reticulum could not be observed and need further investigation.
Blood smears and purified trypanosome from freshwater fishes yellow catfish (Pseudobagras fulvidraco) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) captured from Niushan Lake, Hubei Province were examined to determine whether all of their trypanosomes were Trypanosoma pseudobagri, a species of supposed host specificity and widespread existence across China. Trypanosomes occurred in 16/16 blood smears, and morphometric character analysis of trypanosomes from these smears showed that there were three morphospecies, Trypanosoma sp Carpio, T. sp Pseudobagri, and T. sp. 18S rDNA sequences of trypanosomes from 16 samples revealed three genetic groups among these fish trypanosomes. Group 1 was from C. carpio containing T. sp Carpio; groups 2 and 3 were from P. fulvidraco containing T. sp Pseudobagri and T. sp, respectively. The high similarity of morphometric characters and 18S rDNA sequences showed that T. sp Carpio and T. siniperca probably were the same species. T. sp Pseudobagri was the first occurrence in China. Sequence comparison showed that T. sp Pseudobagri sequence was most similar to that of clone Marv, whereas T. sp sequence differ from those of T. sp Carpio and T. sp Pseudobagri by 5.4 and 5.8%, respectively, and tentatively identified as T. pseudobagri. It was concluded that three species of trypanosomes, at least three genotypes occur in Niushan Lake fishes, and P. fulvidraco in this region appear to contain both types, although the identification of T. pseudobagri remains a problem.
During the parasite fauna investigation within 2005, the freshwater fish trypanosome Trypanosoma siniperca Chang 1964 was isolated from the blood of Mandarin carp (Siniperca chuatsi) from Niushan Lake, Hubei Province, central China. Blood trypomastigotes were observed only, and the density of infection was low. Light microscopy examinations of this material made it possible to study in detail the morphology of this parasite and redescribe it according to current standards. T. siniperca is characterized also on the molecular level using the sequences of SSU rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses based on these sequences allowed clearer phylogenetic relationships to be established with other fish trypanosomes sequenced to date.
During the parasite fauna investigation within 2004 and 2005, the freshwater fish trypanosomes were isolated from the blood of dark sleeper (Odontobutis obscura Temminck and Schlegel) and snakehead fish (Ophiocephalus argus Cantor) from Niushan Lake, Hubei Province, China. Blood trypomastigotes were used for light microscopy investigations. The detailed descriptions of three morphological groups of the genus Trypanosoma: Trypanosoma sp. I and Trypanosoma sp. II found in blood of O. obscura, and Trypanosoma sp. III found in blood of O. argus were provided. Morphological features and host species show Trypanosoma sp. III belong to Trypanosoma ophiocephali Chen 1964, an incompletely described species. Infection with trypanosomes of O. obscura was recorded for the first time. According to the size and appearance, the trypanosomes in O. obscura were also tentatively identified as T. ophiocephali Chen 1964.
During the past century, several epidemics of human African trypanosomiasis, a deadly disease caused by the protist Trypanosoma brucei, have afflicted sub-Saharan Africa. Over 10 000 new victims are reported each year, with hundreds of thousands more at risk. As current drug treatments are either highly toxic or ineffective, novel trypanocides are urgently needed. The T. brucei galactose synthesis pathway is one potential therapeutic target. Although galactose is essential for T. brucei survival, the parasite lacks the transporters required to intake galactose from the environment. UDP-galactose 4'-epimerase (TbGalE) is responsible for the epimerization of UDP-glucose to UDP-galactose and is therefore of great interest to medicinal chemists. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the atomistic motions of TbGalE in both the apo and holo states. The sampled conformations and protein dynamics depend not only on the presence of a UDP-sugar ligand, but also on the chirality of the UDP-sugar C4 atom. This dependence provides important insights into TbGalE function and may help guide future computer-aided drug discovery efforts targeting this protein.
The expression of the Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein AnTat 1.1 proceeds by a mechanism that transfers a duplicated gene copy into a new genomic environment, the so-called expression site, where it will be expressed. We have isolated a genomic fragment containing the region spanning the expression site-transposon junction, and the 5' half of the coding sequence. Comparing this DNA segment with its template copy (basic copy) allowed us to identify the exact breaking point and indicated a base sequence which could be involved in initiating the transposition event. Sequencing data also indicated that the co-transposed segment 5' to the coding sequence is 430 bp in length. The extreme 5' end of the mRNA is derived from a region in the expression site not immediately adjacent to the transposed DNA segment. This particular sequence exists in multiple copies in the genome and is common to the mRNA of all variant surface glycoproteins so far analysed.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias Esp. Parasitólogia) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Acentuación en Entomología Médica) UANL, 2012.
A completely effective vaccine for malaria (one of the major infectious diseases worldwide) is not yet available; different membrane proteins involved in parasite-host interactions have been proposed as candidates for designing it. It has been found that proteins encoded by the merozoite surface protein (msp)-7 multigene family are antibody targets in natural infection; the nucleotide diversity of three Pvmsp-7 genes was thus analyzed in a Colombian parasite population. By contrast with P. falciparum msp-7 loci and ancestral P. vivax msp-7 genes, specie-specific duplicates of the latter specie display high genetic variability, generated by single nucleotide polymorphisms, repeat regions, and recombination. At least three major allele types are present in Pvmsp-7C, Pvmsp-7H and Pvmsp-7I and positive selection seems to be operating on the central region of these msp-7 genes. Although this region has high genetic polymorphism, the C-terminus (Pfam domain ID: PF12948) is conserved and could be an important candidate when designing a subunit-based antimalarial vaccine.
Background Plasmodium vivax is one of the five species causing malaria in human beings, affecting around 391 million people annually. The development of an anti-malarial vaccine has been proposed as an alternative for controlling this disease. However, its development has been hampered by allele-specific responses produced by the high genetic diversity shown by some parasite antigens. Evaluating these antigens’ genetic diversity is thus essential when designing a completely effective vaccine. Methods The gene sequences of Plasmodium vivax p12 (pv12) and p38 (pv38), obtained from field isolates in Colombia, were used for evaluating haplotype polymorphism and distribution by population genetics analysis. The evolutionary forces generating the variation pattern so observed were also determined. Results Both pv12 and pv38 were shown to have low genetic diversity. The neutral model for pv12 could not be discarded, whilst polymorphism in pv38 was maintained by balanced selection restricted to the gene’s 5′ region. Both encoded proteins seemed to have functional/structural constraints due to the presence of s48/45 domains, which were seen to be highly conserved.
Background: The tight junction (TJ) is one of the most important structures established during merozoite invasion of host cells and a large amount of proteins stored in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium parasites’ apical organelles are involved in forming the TJ. Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) and rhoptry neck proteins (RONs) are the two main TJ components. It has been shown that RON4 plays an essential role during merozoite and sporozoite invasion to target cells. This study has focused on characterizing a novel Plasmodium vivax rhoptry protein, RON4, which is homologous to PfRON4 and PkRON4. Methods: The ron4 gene was re-annotated in the P. vivax genome using various bioinformatics tools and taking PfRON4 and PkRON4 amino acid sequences as templates. Gene synteny, as well as identity and similarity values between open reading frames (ORFs) belonging to the three species were assessed. The gene transcription of pvron4, and the expression and localization of the encoded protein were also determined in the VCG-1 strain by molecular and immunological studies. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences obtained for pvron4 in VCG-1 were compared to those from strains coming from different geographical areas. Results: PvRON4 is a 733 amino acid long protein, which is encoded by three exons, having similar transcription and translation patterns to those reported for its homologue, PfRON4. Sequencing PvRON4 from the VCG-1 strain and comparing it to P. vivax strains from different geographical locations has shown two conserved regions separated by a low complexity variable region, possibly acting as a “smokescreen”. PvRON4 contains a predicted signal sequence, a coiled-coil α-helical motif, two tandem repeats and six conserved cysteines towards the carboxyterminus and is a soluble protein lacking predicted transmembranal domains or a GPI anchor. Indirect immunofluorescence assays have shown that PvRON4 is expressed at the apical end of schizonts and co-localizes at the rhoptry neck with PvRON2.