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Le concept de test relationnel (test, en anglais ; Weiss et Sampson, 1986 [16]) est présenté. Ses origines dans les écrits de Freud sont brièvement retracées et son inscription dans la théorie des croyances pathogènes de Weiss présentée. Par ailleurs, les autres éléments de la théorie psychanalytique de Weiss sont présentés (buts thérapeutiques, obstacles, traumas, insight, test relationnel). Toutes ces étapes sont illustrées par des exemples tirés de la littérature. Un développement récent du concept de test relationnel est présenté et appliqué à la psychothérapie des troubles de la personnalité (Sachse, 2003 [14]). Finalement, les auteurs donnent deux brefs exemples de tests relationnels tirés de leur propre pratique de psychothérapeute et discutent des modèles en les comparant entre eux. Des conclusions concernant l'utilité du concept de test relationnel pour la pratique psychothérapeutique et la recherche en psychothérapie sont proposées. The test concept (Weiss and Sampson, 1986 [16]) is presented. Its origins in Freud's works are briefly evoked and its place within the theory of pathogenic beliefs by Weiss presented. We present also the remaining elements of Weiss' psychoanalytic theory which are objectives, obstacles, traumas and insight. Every step of the reflection is illustrated with case examples, drawn from the literature. A recent development of the test concept is presented and applied to the psychotherapy of personality disorders (Sachse, 2003 [14]). Finally, the authors give brief examples of tests having occurred in their own practice as psychotherapists and discuss the models by comparing them among each other. Conclusions are drawn concerning the usefulness of the test concept for psychotherapy practice and research.
While early intervention strategies have been developed for psychotic disorders, affective psychoses and bipolar disorders have been neglected by this movement. However, when considering that outcome of bipolar disorders is often not as favorable as previously thought and that delay between illness onset and introduction of an adequate treatment is often very long, such developments seem clearly justified. In this paper we briefly review arguments supporting early intervention in bipolar disorders, the practical and theoretical obstacles that still need to be overcome, the strategies that may already now contribute to decrease treatment delay, and we describe current state of research regarding identification of the prodromal phase of bipolar disorders.
This article reviews the literature regarding gastrointestinal disturbances in particular in runners. The lower intestinal problems of motility and blood loss are discussed. These problems are directly related to running. These symptoms, especially diarrhea are common and can impact adversely both performance and the health of the athlete. Most cases are relatively benign. The sport medicine clinician should be familiar with the management of these problems in order to optimize the treatment and facilitate return to sport.
Sleep disorders, especially insomnia, daytime sleepiness, sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome are very frequently encountered in patients with chronic renal failure whether or not they undergo renal replacement therapy. The causes of sleep disorders are multifactorial and not only linked to the renal disease itself, but also to its treatment and its associated psychosocial factors. This article discusses the prevalence and physiopathology of the most frequently encountered sleep disorders in chronic renal failure patients, and highlights the actually available therapeutic options.
Les adolescentes souffrant de troubles du comportement alimentaireatypiques sont nombreuses, mais les soins qui leur sont offertsne sont pas toujours adaptés à leur âge et à leurs difficultés. Pourrépondre aux demandes de plus en plus fréquentes, un groupe thérapeutiquea été proposé aux jeunes filles présentant ces troubles dansle cadre de l'unité multidisciplinaire de santé des adolesents(UMSA), au centre hospitalier universitaire de Lausanne. Ce groupeétait animé par un psychologue et un médecin somaticien, représentantà la fois le fonctionnement interdisciplinaire du service et le passagedu soma au psyché que ces adolescentes doivent effectuer pours'extraire de l'emprise de leur corps et accéder à leur psychisme.La création du groupe et les étapes de son évolution montrentcomment ces jeunes filles ont bénéficié de cette double animationet des interactions avec les autres participantes pour progresser versune prise de conscience, une liberté de parole plus importante etune plus grande autonomie. La dynamique du groupe et la résonancedu travail thérapeutique avec les besoins propres à l'adolescencepermettent de discuter l'utilité de la thérapie de groupe pourles jeunes filles présentant des désordres alimentaires.
About a third of obese adolescents also suffer from some kind of eating disorders which have to be recognized and included in the therapeutic frame. Besides this co-morbidity, most of these patients also require a psychological support. The group approach represents an adequate response to these problems, in providing a space for exchanges and an opportunity for mutual support. The group approach may even prove more beneficial than an individual treatment. Involving the parents too reinforces the improvement that adolescents can get from their participation in such groups.
Protozoan and helminthes are frequently associated with persistent digestive complaints, not only in returning travelers from the tropics, but also in industrialized countries. The symptoms are often more vague than those associated to bacterial or viral infections and diarrhea is not always a key feature of the clinical presentation. Three stool examinations and a full blood cells count looking for eosinophilia is the comer stone of the investigations looking for digestive parasites. This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic and management of digestive protozoans and helminthes.