972 resultados para Trinity Church (Lewiston, Me.)


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Leadership is a perennially popular topic in the academic and practitioner literature on management. In particular, the past twenty years have witnessed an explosive growth of interest in what has been termed 'transformational leadership' (henceforth, TL). The theory is closely linked to the growth in what has been defined as corporate culturism - an emphasis on the importance of cohereat cultures, as a means of securing competitive advantage. This article outlines the central components of TL theory, and subjects the concept to a critical analysis. In particular, similarities are identified between the components concerned and the characteristics of leadership practice in organizations generally defined as cults. This connection has been previously unremarked in the literature. These similarities are comprehensively reviewed. Trends towards what can be defined as corporate cultism in modem management practice are also discussed. We conclude that TL models are overly concerned with the achievement of corporate cohesion to the detriment of internal dissent Such dissent is a vital ingredient of effective decision-making. It is suggested that more inclusive and participatory models of the leadership process are required.


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The church and other community organisations have a legitimate role to play in influencing public policy. However, intervention by the church and other religious bodies in recent litigation in Australia and the United Kingdom raises questions about the appropriateness of such bodies being permitted to intervene directly in the court process as amici curiae. We argue that there are dangers in such bodies insinuating their doctrine under the guise of legal argument in civil proceedings, but find it difficult to enunciate a principled distinction between doctrine and legal argument. We advise that judges should exercise caution in dealing with amicus submissions.


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Este ensaio analisa os desafios que a Igreja de Goa enfrentou nas décadas que seguiram à era colonial. O balanço é positivo, e isto foi devido em larga medida à participação mais intensa dos leigos com formação democrática e experiência profissional na India vizinha. Palavras-chave: Goa, igreja, VAticano II, participação leiga, desafios. Key-words: Goa, church, Vatican II, lay participation, challenges.


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A igreja de Goa é uma filha da expansão portuguesa. Nasceu e cresceu no âmbito do Padroado português do Oriente. Essa ligação beneficiou e prejudicou a sua missão espiritual. Desde 1961 a igreja de Goa enfrenta os desafios da democracia. Apesar da demonstração de progresso visível, há muito caminho para percorrer, particularmente no que diz respeito à administração dos bens temporais da igreja e com maior participação leiga nessa área.


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This article in Goa Herald daily seeks to respond to a round-table conference convoked by Minister Eduardo Faleiro to reflect upon the need of calling the attention of the Goa Church to lack of transparency and accountability in its administration of Church properties.


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Vilar de Frades church is integrated in the Vilar de Frades Monastery, located in the North part of Portugal (Barcelos). The monastery, founded in 566, suffered several architectural modifications and restoration works, the most relevant was in the XVI century. The church, in granite, has one nave and six bays,holding ten chapels with vaults of crossed ribbings. Nowadays, the chapels present a severe biological colonization characterised by an intense green biofilm, which becoming apparent in other locations inside the church. In the course of a general survey concerning the conservation state of the church, an accurate campaign was planned in order to assess the main biodeterioration agents, map biological colonization and determine the environmental conditions. Laboratory analyses were accomplished with optical microscopy and spectrofluorometry. This study presents the results of this campaign. Details on conservation or preservation works that need to be implemented are also presented.


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Cryptococcosis has been a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with Aids. Many reservoirs of the agent Cryptococcus neoformans have been reported, but the ecology of this yeast must be elucidated in order to establish surveillance programs and to prevent infections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of C. neoformans in Rio de Janeiro City, RJ, Brazil. Ten churches were selected for sampling and detection of the yeast collecting pigeon dropping, air samples from church towers and neighboring areas during one year. The data demonstrated that C. neoformans has been present in every church selected and was present in 37.8% of 219 pigeon dropping samples. As well as, the yeast was isolated from soil, insects, eggs, pigeon nests and feathers. Fifteen air samples (4.9%) were positive. The growth on C.G.B. medium showed that all strains belonged to C. neoformans var. neoformans, with 98.8% of the strains belonging to serotype A.


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This paper presents a methodology based on the Bayesian data fusion techniques applied to non-destructive and destructive tests for the structural assessment of historical constructions. The aim of the methodology is to reduce the uncertainties of the parameter estimation. The Young's modulus of granite stones was chosen as an example for the present paper. The methodology considers several levels of uncertainty since the parameters of interest are considered random variables with random moments. A new concept of Trust Factor was introduced to affect the uncertainty related to each test results, translated by their standard deviation, depending on the higher or lower reliability of each test to predict a certain parameter.


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The Our Lady of Conception church is located in village of Monforte (Portugal) and is not in use nowadays. The church presents structural damage and, consequently, a study was carried out. The study involved the survey of the damage, dynamic identification tests under ambient vibration and the numerical analysis. The church is constituted by the central nave, the chancel, the sacristy and the corridor to access the pulpit. The masonry walls present different thickness, namely 0.65 m in the chancel, 0.70 m in the sacristy, 0.92 in the central nave and 0.65 m in the corridor. The masonry walls present 8 buttresses with different dimensions. The total longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the church are equal to 21.10 m and 14.26 m, respectively. The survey of the damage showed that, in general, the masonry walls are in good conditions, with exception of the transversal walls of the nave, which present severe cracks. The arches of the vault presents also severe cracks along the central nave. As consequence, the infiltrations have increased the degradation of the vault and paintings. Furthermore, the foundations present settlements in the Southwest direction. The dynamic identification test were carried out under the action of ambient excitation of the wind and using 12 piezoelectric accelerometers of high sensitivity. The dynamic identification tests allowed to estimate the dynamic properties of the church, namely frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. A FEM numerical model was prepared and calibrated, based on the first four experimental modes estimated in the dynamic identification tests. The average error between the experimental and numerical frequencies of the first four modes is equal to 5%. After calibration of the numerical model, pushover analyses with a load pattern proportional to the mass, in the transversal and longitudinal direction of the church, were performed. The results of the analysis numerical allow to conclude that the most vulnerable direction of the church is in the transversal one and the maximum load factor is equal to 0.35.


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En el marco de la recuperación de la memoria en relación con los hechos de la última dictadura militar es importante determinar los motivos ideológico-teológicos y prácticos que dificultaron una oposición significativa por parte de la jerarquía de la iglesia a la violación de los derechos humanos, e individualizar los argumentos que impulsaron un discurso y una praxis de reconciliación que privilegió el olvido de las víctimas y apoyó acríticamente los «proyectos de olvido», como la ley de punto final, entre otros. Para analizar dichos discursos y praxis se recurre principalmente a Johann Metz, quien, vinculado a la Escuela de Frankfurt, propone una razón anamnética del sufrimiento ajeno. La originalidad del proyecto es doble, por su contenido y por su enfoque: la confrontación del «servicio de reconciliación» eclesial con la «memoria de las víctimas». Hipótesis de trabajo: el discurso y la praxis eclesial en relación al «servicio de reconciliación» realizado por el Episcopado argentino a partir de 1981, pone de manifiesto: primero, que siguieron vinculados a la idea de "nación católica" (Zanatta 1996, Dri 1997, Esquivel 2004), lo que dificultó, junto a otros factores, la visibilización de las víctimas; segundo, a su vez, analizados a la luz de los aportes filosófico-teológicos mencionados, muestran una notable carencia en la valoración de la memoria de las víctimas, esperable en una reconciliación. Objetivo general: realizar un análisis crítico de los discursos y prácticas institucionales oficiales de la Iglesia católica en Argentina en relación con la memoria de las víctimas de la última dictadura militar. Objetivos específicos: confrontar las experiencias eclesiales argentinas recientes, y sus conceptualizaciones y tipos de argumentación, con una tradición de pensamiento que en relación al acontecimiento del Holocausto sitúa en el centro de la reflexión temas como el de la memoria, el sufrimiento de las víctimas, y un modo peculiar de tratamiento de los hechos históricos; además, individualizar y analizar los argumentos que dificultaron la búsqueda de la justicia y la memoria de las víctimas. Metodología y etapas. 1° Etapa: analizar y sistematizar algunos aspectos de las teorías del conocimiento histórico y de la razón comunicativa en determinadas obras de Benjamin, Bloch y Habermas; posteriormente, precisar la apropiación conceptual de las categorías histórico-filosóficas de dichas corrientes llevada a cabo por Metz para elaborar su «memoria de las víctimas». 2° Etapa: revisar el discurso y la praxis eclesial a partir de 1981 a la luz del marco teórico ya estudiado. Será necesario, por una parte, detenerse en las declaraciones eclesiales oficiales referidas al retorno de la democracia, a las leyes de punto final y obediencia debida, como así también, en el reconocimiento y pedido de perdón por las culpas del pasado.


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Many churches are concerned about older and dwindling congregations. We develop a theoretical framework to explain not only the downward trend in church attendance, but also the increase in the proportion of older people in the congregations. Religiosity depends positively on the expected social and spiritual benefits attached to religious adherence, as well as the probability of entering heaven in the afterlife. While otherworldly compensation in terms of salvation and spiritual benefits motivates religiosity, the costs of formal religion in terms of time allocated to communal activities and foregone income work in the opposite direction. We show that higher life expectancy discounts expected benefits in the afterlife and is hence likely to lead to postponement of religiosity. For this reason, religious organizations should be prepared to attract older members to their congregations, while emphasizing contemporaneous religious benefits to increase overall church attendance.