1000 resultados para Tratamento por plasma
In this work, plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) treatments of carbon fibers (CFs) were performed in order to induce modifications of chemical and physical properties of the CF surface aimed to improve the performance of thermoplastic composite. The samples to be treated were immersed in nitrogen or air glow discharge plasma and pulsed at −3.0 kV for 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, and 15.0 min. After PIII processing, the specimens were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). After CFs treatments, the CF/Polypropylene (PP) composites were produced by hot pressing method. Surface morphology of as-received CFs exhibited some scratches aligned along the fibers due to the fiber manufacturing process. After both treatments, these features became deeper, and also, a number of small particles nonuniformly distributed on the fiber surface can be observed. These particles are product of CF surface sputtering during the PIII treatment, which removes the epoxy layer that covers as-received samples. AFM analyses of CF samples treated with nitrogen depicted a large increase of the surface roughness (Rrms value approximately six times higher than that of the untreated sample). The increase of the roughness was also observed for samples treated by air PIII. Raman spectra of all samples presented the characteristic D- and G-bands at approximately 1355 and 1582 cm−1, respectively. Analysis of the surface chemical composition provided by the XPS showed that nitrogen and oxygen were incorporated onto the surface. The polar radicals formed on the surface lead to increasing of the CF surface energy. Both the modification of surface roughness and the surface oxidation contributed for the enhancement of CF adhesion to the polymeric matrix. These features were confirmed ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In this work, RVC samples were treated by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) for electrodes production. High-voltage pulses with amplitudes of -3.0 kV or -10.0 kV were applied to the RVC samples while the treatment time was 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Nitrogen, atmospheric air and H2:N2 mixture were employed as plasma sources. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical measurements. The SEM images present an apparent enhancement of the surface roughness after the treatment probably due to the surface sputtering during the PIII process. This observation is in agreement with the specific electrochemical surface area (SESA) of RVC electrodes. An increase was observed of the SESA values for the PIII treated samples compared to the untreated specimen. Some oxygen and nitrogen containing groups were introduced on the RVC surface after the PIII treatment. Both plasma-induced process: the surface roughening and the introduction of the polar species on the RVC surface are beneficial for the RVC electrodes application
In horses less than one year of age fractures of the third metacarpal bone (McIII) or metatarsal bone III (MtIII) are mainly attributed to trauma. Open reduction and internal fixation are the most common treatment method. A Quarter Horse filly with three months of age, which weighed 150kg presented a diaphyseal multifragmentar wedge fracture of right MtIII which was treated with transcortical pins and cast, associated with intralesional application of platelet rich plasma (PRP). After two years of surgery, the animal initiated a training program for racing, and six months later, the patient ran its first official match. The choice of therapeutic methods for treating fractures in horses should be one that provides an earlier repair and minor possibility of complications. Thus, the therapy association which was adopted was considered favorable, since allowed full reestablishment of locomotion of the patient and made possible its return to race.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A major and growing problems faced by modern society is the high production of waste and related effects they produce, such as environmental degradation and pollution of various ecosystems, with direct effects on quality of life. The thermal treatment technologies have been widely used in the treatment of these wastes and thermal plasma is gaining importance in processing blanketing. This work is focused on developing an optimized system of supervision and control applied to a processing plant and petrochemical waste effluents using thermal plasma. The system is basically composed of a inductive plasma torch reactors washing system / exhaust gases and RF power used to generate plasma. The process of supervision and control of the plant is of paramount importance in the development of the ultimate goal. For this reason, various subsidies were created in the search for greater efficiency in the process, generating events, graphics / distribution and storage of data for each subsystem of the plant, process execution, control and 3D visualization of each subsystem of the plant between others. A communication platform between the virtual 3D plant architecture and a real control structure (hardware) was created. The goal is to use the concepts of mixed reality and develop strategies for different types of controls that allow manipulating 3D plant without restrictions and schedules, optimize the actual process. Studies have shown that one of the best ways to implement the control of generation inductively coupled plasma techniques is to use intelligent control, both for their efficiency in the results is low for its implementation, without requiring a specific model. The control strategy using Fuzzy Logic (Fuzzy-PI) was developed and implemented, and the results showed satisfactory condition on response time and viability
Discs were grade II cp Ti oxynitride by plasma of Ar - N2 - O2 using different proportions of individual gases. These ratios were established from analysis of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) of plasma species. The proportions that resulted in species whose spectra showed an abrupt change of light intensity were chosen for this study. Nanohardness tests revealed that there was a correlation between the intensity of N2 + species with the hardness, because the treatments where they had a higher intensity, obtained a higher value nanohardness, although the crystalline phases have remained unchanged. With respect to topography, it was observed that in general, the surface roughness is related to the intensities of plasma species, because they may have different values depending on the behavior of the species. Images obtained by optical microscopy revealed a surface with grains of different colors to optical reflectance showed a peak of reflection in the red area. Measures the contact angle and surface tension showed hydrophilic properties and hydrophilic with little variation of polar and dispersive components of surface tension
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária
Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte nos países desenvolvidos. Há uma necessidade urgente de métodos eficazes para a detecção precoce de doenças cardiovasculares, devido à falta de factores de risco convencionais. Os níveis elevados de homocisteína (Hcy) no sangue, homocisteinemia, são um factor de risco independente bem estabelecido para DCV. De acordo com alguns autores, a conversão metabólica de Hcy no metabolito tóxico Hcy-Tl e subsequente N-homocisteinilação de proteínas induz a agregação e a formação de amiloide, contribuindo assim para a alterações próaterogénicas no sistema cardiovascular. A enzima associada à lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), é capaz de hidrolisar o metabolito tóxico Hcy-Tl de volta a Hcy no soro humano, como observado em estudos recentes que indicam o papel de patogénese em DCV da hPON1. As paraoxonases de soro (PON1, PON2 e PON3) são hidrolases dependentes de cálcio, que pertencem a uma família de enzimas que exibem propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias. Foram identificadas três actividades catalíticas principais para PON1: (i) actividade paraoxonase, que corresponde à conversão hidrolítica de paraoxon em p-nitrofenol e a dietil fosfato, (ii) a actividade arilesterase que promove a hidrólise de ésteres aromáticos, e a (iii) actividade de lactonase, que catalisa a hidrólise de Hcy a Hcy-Tl, sendo considerada a actividade principal da PON1. Vários estudos têm relacionado estas actividades enzimáticas a diversas patologias, o que sugere a sua potencial utilidade no diagnóstico clínico. Neste trabalho pretende-se desenvolver um novo método electroquímico para a detecção fácil do substrato e produto resultantes da hidrólise enzimática de paraoxon pela hPON1. Utilizando uma célula electroquímica constituída por um eléctrodo de referência Ag /AgCl., um contra-eléctrodo de Pt e um electrodo de trabalho de carbono vítreo, o paraoxon e p-nitrofenol foram detectados simultaneamente por voltametria de onda quadrada, numa janela de potencial de [-0,3;-1,2] V. Os resultados dos ensaios com a enzima testada a pH 7,6 e 37°C, na presença de paraoxon e utilizando plasma humano como uma fonte de PON1 serão discutidos. Usando a mesma composição de célula electroquímica, Hcy e Hcy-Tl foram estudados utilizando diferentes interfaces e tipos de tratamento para testar a melhor maneira possível de detecção das duas espécies na mesma experiência electroquímica.
Tese de Doutoramento Engenharia Têxtil
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Têxtil
Três rações, com nível alto, médio e baixo de energia - tratamento T1 , T2 T3 - foram ministradas em confinamento, à vontade, a bovinos recém-desmamados, machos inteiros, castrados e fêmeas, durante dois períodos de 17 semanas. Os machos inteiros exibiram a maior habilidade de ganho de peso, e as novilhas a menor habilidade. O tratamento T1 proporcionou os melhores ganhos e conversões, e o T2 os inferiores. Verificou-se pequena superioridade no teor protéico de T3, ao que se atribuiu sua vantagem sobre T2 no 1º período, e aparente crescimento compensatório no 2º período. O teor de uréia foi superior nos machos inteiros, e semelhante nos outros animais, superior em T3 e semelhante em T1 e T2, bem como aumentou consistentemente durante o experimento. Aparentemente a uréia refletiu o fornecimento adequado de proteína e, mais ainda, de energia. O teor de proteína-iodada não mostrou diferença significativa, mas apenas tendência de se elevar com o decorrer do tempo. Não houve correlação entre os dois componentes do sangue. Concluiu-se que a eficiência de utilização alimentar foi: superior nos machos inteiros, proporcional à quantidade de energia ingerida (no caso do 1º período); favorecida pelo teor maior de proteína de T3 em relação a T2 no 19 período, e talvez por ganho compensatório no 2º período; refletida pelos níveis de uréia no plasma, mas não correlacionado com proteína- iodada.
The present study utilized thermogravimetry (TG) and optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP/OES) to determine the amount of calcium in calcium lactate tablets used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Thermogravimetry results indicated that the decomposition temperature of CaCO3 occurred at 603.9 and 609.4 ºC in the samples of calcium lactate and tablets, respectively. The calcium content obtained by TG for the tablets sample showed a similar result to that disclosed by ICP-OES, indicating a value of 8.93% for both techniques.
The authors present a case-report a 43 years old, female patient presenting with an eight-year history of hypertension caused by an adrenal adenoma. Hypokalemia and supressed plasma renina confirmed the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism. An abdominal computed tomography revealed a right adrenal mass. The patient was successfully treated laparoscopically. The histopathological diagnosis was adenoma. The patient had normal blood pressure within three months.
OBJETIVO: Definir qual a melhor potência a ser empregada de forma a atingir a profundidade necessária para ablação com o menor número de sintomas pós-procedimento. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 28 pacientes com esôfago de Barrett, após tratamento cirúrgico do refluxo ou em uso de bloqueadores de bomba de prótons, submetidos à ablação endoscópica, randomizados em dois grupos com potências diferentes - 50 ou 70W. Imediatamente após, foram realizadas biópsias endoscópicas das áreas fulguradas. A sintomatologia foi avaliada por questionário telefônico. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto a idade, a extensão do esôfago de Barrett, a porcentagem da circunferência esofagiana coagulada e a duração dos sintomas. A dor foi o sintoma predominante e a disfagia ocorreu de forma transitória. Houve correlação negativa moderada entre número de sintomas e potência (potência mais baixa com maior número de sintomas), porém sem diferença significativa. Em 40% dos casos em que se utilizou menor potência obteve-se fragmentos que atingiram apenas a porção superficial da mucosa, o que só ocorreu em 10% dos casos no grupo de 70W. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre a potência utilizada ou o acometimento da muscular da mucosa e o número de sintomas. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de potência de 70W durante a coagulação do esôfago de Barrett com plasma de argônio sugere associação com menor incidência de metaplasia colunar especializada residual abaixo do epitélio escamoso neoformado.