993 resultados para Transportation cost


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One of the major concerns in an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) scenario, such as that which may be found on a long-distance train service, is the provision of efficient communication services, satisfying users' expectations, and fulfilling even highly demanding application requirements, such as safety-oriented services. In an ITS scenario, it is common to have a significant amount of onboard devices that comprise a cluster of nodes (a mobile network) that demand connectivity to the outside networks. This demand has to be satisfied without service disruption. Consequently, the mobility of the mobile network has to be managed. Due to the nature of mobile networks, efficient and lightweight protocols are desired in the ITS context to ensure adequate service performance. However, the security is also a key factor in this scenario. Since the management of the mobility is essential for providing communications, the protocol for managing this mobility has to be protected. Furthermore, there are safety-oriented services in this scenario, so user application data should also be protected. Nevertheless, providing security is expensive in terms of efficiency. Based on this considerations, we have developed a solution for managing the network mobility for ITS scenarios: the NeMHIP protocol. This approach provides a secure management of network mobility in an efficient manner. In this article, we present this protocol and the strategy developed to maintain its security and efficiency in satisfactory levels. We also present the developed analytical models to analyze quantitatively the efficiency of the protocol. More specifically, we have developed models for assessing it in terms of signaling cost, which demonstrates that NeMHIP generates up to 73.47% less signaling compared to other relevant approaches. Therefore, the results obtained demonstrate that NeMHIP is the most efficient and secure solution for providing communications in mobile network scenarios such as in an ITS context.


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Background: Increasing emphasis is being placed on the economics of health care service delivery - including home-based palliative care. Aim: This paper analyzes resource utilization and costs of a shared-care demonstration project in rural Ontario (Canada) from the public health care system's perspective. Design: To provide enhanced end-of-life care, the shared-care approach ensured exchange of expertise and knowledge and coordination of services in line with the understood goals of care. Resource utilization and costs were tracked over the 15 month study period from January 2005 to March 2006. Results: Of the 95 study participants (average age 71 years), 83 had a cancer diagnosis (87%); the non-cancer diagnoses (12 patients, 13%) included mainly advanced heart diseases and COPD. Community Care Access Centre and Enhanced Palliative Care Team-based homemaking and specialized nursing services were the most frequented offerings, followed by equipment/transportation services and palliative care consults for pain and symptom management. Total costs for all patient-related services (in 2007 CAN) were 1,625,658.07 - or 17,112.19 per patient/117.95 per patient day. Conclusion: While higher than expenditures previously reported for a cancer-only population in an urban Ontario setting, the costs were still within the parameters of the US Medicare Hospice Benefits, on a par with the per diem funding assigned for long-term care homes and lower than both average alternate level of care and hospital costs within the Province of Ontario. The study results may assist service planners in the appropriate allocation of resources and service packaging to meet the complex needs of palliative care populations. © 2012 The Author(s).


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PURPOSE: To assess determinants of patients' willingness to pay (WTP) for potential components of a multi-tiered cataract surgical package offered by a non-governmental organization (NGO) in rural China. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Demographic and clinical data were collected from 505 patients presenting for cataract screening or surgery in Yangjiang, China. Willingness to pay for potential enhancements to the current surgery package was assessed using a bidding format with random payment cards. RESULTS: Among 426 subjects (84.4%) completing interviews, the mean age was 73.9 ± 7.3 years, 67.6% were women and 73% (n = 310) would pay for at least one offering, with 33-38% WTP for each item. Among those who would pay, the mean WTP for food was US$1.68 ± 0.13, transportation US$3.24 ± 0.25, senior surgeon US$50.0 ± 3.36 and US$89.4 ± 4.19 for an imported intra-ocular lens (IOL). The estimated total recovery from these enhancements under various assumptions would be US$20-50 (compared to the current programme price of US$65). In multivariate models, WTP for the senior surgeon increased with knowledge of a person previously operated for cataract (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.42-3.18, p < 0.001). Willingness to pay for the imported IOL increased with knowledge of a previously operated person (OR = 1.85, 95% CI 1.24-2.75, p < 0.01) and decreased with age >75 years (OR = 0.61, 0.40-0.93, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Opportunities exist to increase cataract programme revenues through multi-tiered offerings in this setting, allowing greater subsidization of low-income patients. Personal familiarity with cataract surgery is important in determining WTP. © 2011 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2011 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.


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Cette thèse étudie une approche intégrant la gestion de l’horaire et la conception de réseaux de services pour le transport ferroviaire de marchandises. Le transport par rail s’articule autour d’une structure à deux niveaux de consolidation où l’affectation des wagons aux blocs ainsi que des blocs aux services représentent des décisions qui complexifient grandement la gestion des opérations. Dans cette thèse, les deux processus de consolidation ainsi que l’horaire d’exploitation sont étudiés simultanément. La résolution de ce problème permet d’identifier un plan d’exploitation rentable comprenant les politiques de blocage, le routage et l’horaire des trains, de même que l’habillage ainsi que l’affectation du traffic. Afin de décrire les différentes activités ferroviaires au niveau tactique, nous étendons le réseau physique et construisons une structure de réseau espace-temps comprenant trois couches dans lequel la dimension liée au temps prend en considération les impacts temporels sur les opérations. De plus, les opérations relatives aux trains, blocs et wagons sont décrites par différentes couches. Sur la base de cette structure de réseau, nous modélisons ce problème de planification ferroviaire comme un problème de conception de réseaux de services. Le modèle proposé se formule comme un programme mathématique en variables mixtes. Ce dernie r s’avère très difficile à résoudre en raison de la grande taille des instances traitées et de sa complexité intrinsèque. Trois versions sont étudiées : le modèle simplifié (comprenant des services directs uniquement), le modèle complet (comprenant des services directs et multi-arrêts), ainsi qu’un modèle complet à très grande échelle. Plusieurs heuristiques sont développées afin d’obtenir de bonnes solutions en des temps de calcul raisonnables. Premièrement, un cas particulier avec services directs est analysé. En considérant une cara ctéristique spécifique du problème de conception de réseaux de services directs nous développons un nouvel algorithme de recherche avec tabous. Un voisinage par cycles est privilégié à cet effet. Celui-ci est basé sur la distribution du flot circulant sur les blocs selon les cycles issus du réseau résiduel. Un algorithme basé sur l’ajustement de pente est développé pour le modèle complet, et nous proposons une nouvelle méthode, appelée recherche ellipsoidale, permettant d’améliorer davantage la qualité de la solution. La recherche ellipsoidale combine les bonnes solutions admissibles générées par l’algorithme d’ajustement de pente, et regroupe les caractéristiques des bonnes solutions afin de créer un problème élite qui est résolu de facon exacte à l’aide d’un logiciel commercial. L’heuristique tire donc avantage de la vitesse de convergence de l’algorithme d’ajustement de pente et de la qualité de solution de la recherche ellipsoidale. Les tests numériques illustrent l’efficacité de l’heuristique proposée. En outre, l’algorithme représente une alternative intéressante afin de résoudre le problème simplifié. Enfin, nous étudions le modèle complet à très grande échelle. Une heuristique hybride est développée en intégrant les idées de l’algorithme précédemment décrit et la génération de colonnes. Nous proposons une nouvelle procédure d’ajustement de pente où, par rapport à l’ancienne, seule l’approximation des couts liés aux services est considérée. La nouvelle approche d’ajustement de pente sépare ainsi les décisions associées aux blocs et aux services afin de fournir une décomposition naturelle du problème. Les résultats numériques obtenus montrent que l’algorithme est en mesure d’identifier des solutions de qualité dans un contexte visant la résolution d’instances réelles.


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We present an optimal methodology for synchronized scheduling of production assembly with air transportation to achieve accurate delivery with minimized cost in consumer electronics supply chain (CESC). This problem was motivated by a major PC manufacturer in consumer electronics industry, where it is required to schedule the delivery requirements to meet the customer needs in different parts of South East Asia. The overall problem is decomposed into two sub-problems which consist of an air transportation allocation problem and an assembly scheduling problem. The air transportation allocation problem is formulated as a Linear Programming Problem with earliness tardiness penalties for job orders. For the assembly scheduling problem, it is basically required to sequence the job orders on the assembly stations to minimize their waiting times before they are shipped by flights to their destinations. Hence the second sub-problem is modelled as a scheduling problem with earliness penalties. The earliness penalties are assumed to be independent of the job orders.


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Firstly, this paper introduces the OzTug mobile robot developed to autonomously manoeuvre large loads within a manufacturing environment. The mobile robot utilizes differential drive and necessary design criteria includes low-cost, mechanical robustness, and the ability to manoeuvre loads ranging up to 2000kg. The robot is configured to follow a predefined trajectory while maintaining the forward velocity of a user-specified velocity profile. A vision-based fuzzy logic line following controller enables the robot to track the paths on the floor of the manufacturing environment. Secondly, in order to tow large loads along predefined paths three different robot-load configurations are proposed. Simulation within the Webots environment was performed in order to empirically evaluate the three different robot-load configurations. The simulation results demonstrate the cost-performance trade-off of two of the approaches.


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In this paper, we propose an algorithm for an upgrading arc median shortest path problem for a transportation network. The problem is to identify a set of nondominated paths that minimizes both upgrading cost and overall travel time of the entire network. These two objectives are realistic for transportation network problems, but of a conflicting and noncompensatory nature. In addition, unlike upgrading cost which is the sum of the arc costs on the path, overall travel time of the entire network cannot be expressed as a sum of arc travel times on the path. The proposed solution approach to the problem is based on heuristic labeling and exhaustive search techniques, in criteria space and solution space, respectively. The first approach labels each node in terms of upgrading cost, and deletes cyclic and infeasible paths in criteria space. The latter calculates the overall travel time of the entire network for each feasible path, deletes dominated paths on the basis of the objective vector and identifies a set of Pareto optimal paths in the solution space. The computational study, using two small-scale transportation networks, has demonstrated that the algorithm proposed herein is able to efficiently identify a set of nondominated median shortest paths, based on two conflicting and noncompensatory objectives.


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This paper proposes an alternative algorithm to solve the median shortest path problem (MSPP) in the planning and design of urban transportation networks. The proposed vector labeling algorithm is based on the labeling of each node in terms of a multiple and conflicting vector of objectives which deletes cyclic, infeasible and extreme-dominated paths in the criteria space imposing cyclic break (CB), path cost constraint (PCC) and access cost parameter (ACP) respectively. The output of the algorithm is a set of Pareto optimal paths (POP) with an objective vector from predetermined origin to destination nodes. Thus, this paper formulates an algorithm to identify a non-inferior solution set of POP based on a non-dominated set of objective vectors that leaves the ultimate decision to decision-makers. A numerical experiment is conducted using an artificial transportation network in order to validate and compare results. Sensitivity analysis has shown that the proposed algorithm is more efficient and advantageous over existing solutions in terms of computing execution time and memory space used.


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This paper proposes an efficient solution algorithm for realistic multi-objective median shortest path problems in the design of urban transportation networks. The proposed problem formulation and solution algorithm to median shortest path problem is based on three realistic objectives via route cost or investment cost, overall travel time of the entire network and total toll revenue. The proposed solution approach to the problem is based on the heuristic labeling and exhaustive search technique in criteria space and solution space of the algorithm respectively. The first labels each node in terms of route cost and deletes cyclic and infeasible paths in criteria space imposing cyclic break and route cost constraint respectively. The latter deletes dominated paths in terms of objectives vector in solution space in order to identify a set of Pareto optimal paths. The approach, thus, proposes a non-inferior solution set of Pareto optimal paths based on non-dominated objective vector and leaves the ultimate decision to decision-makers for purpose specific final decision during applications. A numerical experiment is conducted to test the proposed algorithm using artificial transportation network. Sensitivity analyses have shown that the proposed algorithm is advantageous and efficient over existing algorithms to find a set of Pareto optimal paths to median shortest paths problems.


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.--I. Introduction.--II. Literature review regarding climate change impacts on international transportation.--III. Economy of the Caribbean subregion and Monserrat.--IV. The international transportaion system in the Caribbean and in Monserrat.--V. Vulnerabilities of international transport system in Monserrat to climate change.--VI. Modelling.-- VII. Economic impact analysis of climate chage on the international transport.-- VIII. Approaches to mitigation and adaptation in the air and sea transportation sectors.-- IX. Conclusions


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The aim of this research is to analyze the transport system and its subcomponents in order to highlight which are the design tools for physical and/or organizational projects related to transport supply systems. A characteristic of the transport systems is that the change of their structures can recoil on several entities, groups of entities, which constitute the community. The construction of a new infrastructure can modify both the transport service characteristic for all the user of the entire network; for example, the construction of a transportation infrastructure can change not only the transport service characteristics for the users of the entire network in which it is part of, but also it produces economical, social, and environmental effects. Therefore, the interventions or the improvements choices must be performed using a rational decision making approach. This approach requires that these choices are taken through the quantitative evaluation of the different effects caused by the different intervention plans. This approach becomes even more necessary when the decisions are taken in behalf of the community. Then, in order to understand how to develop a planning process in Transportation I will firstly analyze the transport system and the mathematical models used to describe it: these models provide us significant indicators which can be used to evaluate the effects of possible interventions. In conclusion, I will move on the topics related to the transport planning, analyzing the planning process, and the variables that have to be considered to perform a feasibility analysis or to compare different alternatives. In conclusion I will perform a preliminary analysis of a new transit system which is planned to be developed in New York City.


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Recent changes in the cost and availability of natural gas (NG) as compared to diesel have sparked interest at all levels of the commercial shipping sector. In particular, Class 1 heavy-duty rail has been researching NG as a supplement to diesel combustion. This study investigates the relative economic and emissions advantage of making use of the energy efficiencies if combustion is circumvented altogether by use of fuel cell (FC) technologies applied to NG. FC technology for the transport sector has primarily been developed for the private automobile. However, FC use in the automobile sector faces considerable economic and logistical barriers such as cost, range, durability, and refueling infrastructure. The heavy-duty freight sector may be a more reasonable setting to introduce FC technology to the transportation market. The industry has shown interest in adopting NG as a potential fuel by already investing in NG infrastructure and locomotives. The two most promising FC technologies are proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). SOFCs are more efficient and capable of accepting any kind of fuel, which makes them particularly attractive. The rail industry can benefit from the adoption of FC technology through reduced costs and emissions, as well as limiting dependence on diesel, which accounts for a large portion of operation expenses for Class 1 railroads. This report provides an economic feasibility analysis comparing the use of PEMFCs and SOFCs in heavy freight rail transport applications. The scope is to provide insight into which technologies could be pursued by the industry and to prioritize technologies that need further development. Initial results do not show economic potential for NG and fuel cells in locomotion, but some minimal potential for reduced emissions is seen. Various technology configurations and market scenarios analyzed could provide savings if the price of LNG is decreased and the price of diesel increases. The most beneficial areas of needed research include technology development for the variable output of SOFCs, and hot start-up optimization.


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The procurement of transportation services via large-scale combinatorial auctions involves a couple of complex decisions whose outcome highly influences the performance of the tender process. This paper examines the shipper's task of selecting a subset of the submitted bids which efficiently trades off total procurement cost against expected carrier performance. To solve this bi-objective winner determination problem, we propose a Pareto-based greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP). As a post-optimizer we use a path relinking procedure which is hybridized with branch-and-bound. Several variants of this algorithm are evaluated by means of artificial test instances which comply with important real-world characteristics. The two best variants prove superior to a previously published Pareto-based evolutionary algorithm.


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Escalator and moving walkway are multibody systems with a design of more than a century. Developed methodology allows studying and improving any subsystem of both systems. In addition, new concepts can be developed and tested without the necessity and cost of a real construction. CITEF (Railway Technologies Research Centre) has been modelling escalators for more than four years. Several complex and innovative models has been developed to characterize static, kinematic and dynamic escalator behaviour. The high number of mechanical elements that are part of escalators complicate modelling task. In this way, methodologies and tools have been developed in order to automate these task and saving computational and time costs. Developed methodologies have been validated with the results of comparing real measurements and simulated outputs from a dynamic model.