791 resultados para Traffic religious motivation
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Wheel traffic can lead to compaction and degradation of soil physical properties. This study, as part of a study of controlled traffic farming, assessed the impact of compaction from wheel traffic on soil that had not been trafficked for 5 years. A tractor of 40 kN rear axle weight was used to apply traffic at varying wheelslip on a clay soil with varying residue cover to simulate effects of traffic typical of grain production operations in the northern Australian grain belt. A rainfall simulator was used to determine infiltration characteristics. Wheel traffic significantly reduced time to ponding, steady infiltration rate, and total infiltration compared with non-wheeled soil, with or without residue cover. Non-wheeled soil had 4-5 times greater steady infiltration rate than wheeled soil, irrespective of residue cover. Wheelslip greater than 10% further reduced steady infiltration rate and total infiltration compared with that measured for self-propulsion wheeling (3% wheelslip) under residue-protected conditions. Where there was no compaction from wheel traffic, residue cover had a greater effect on infiltration capacity, with steady infiltration rate increasing proportionally with residue cover (R-2 = 0.98). Residue cover, however, had much less effect on infiltration when wheeling was imposed. These results demonstrated that the infiltration rate for the non-wheeled soil under a controlled traffic zero-till system was similar to that of virgin soil. However, when the soil was wheeled by a medium tractor wheel, infiltration rate was reduced to that of long-term cropped soil. These results suggest that wheel traffic, rather than tillage and cropping, might be the major factor governing infiltration. The exclusion of wheel traffic under a controlled traffic farming system, combined with conservation tillage, provides a way to enhance the sustainability of cropping this soil for improved infiltration, increased plant-available water, and reduced runoff-driven soil erosion.
Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and crop performance on a heavy clay soil were investigated over a period of 4 years. Tillage treatments and the cropping program were representative of broadacre grain production practice in northern Australia, and a split-plot design used to isolate traffic effects. Treatments subject to zero, minimum, and stubble mulch tillage each comprised pairs of 90-m 2 plots, from which runoff was recorded. A 3-m-wide controlled traffic system allowed one of each pair to be maintained as a non-wheeled plot, while the total surface area of the other received a single annual wheeling treatment from a working 100-kW tractor. Rainfall/runoff hydrographs demonstrate that wheeling produced a large and consistent increase in runoff, whereas tillage produced a smaller increase. Treatment effects were greater on dry soil, but were still maintained in large and intense rainfall events on wet soil. Mean annual runoff from wheeled plots was 63 mm (44%) greater than that from controlled traffic plots, whereas runoff from stubble mulch tillage plots was 38 mm (24%) greater than that from zero tillage plots. Traffic and tillage effects appeared to be cumulative, so the mean annual runoff from wheeled stubble mulch tilled plots, representing conventional cropping practice, was more than 100 mm greater than that from controlled traffic zero tilled plots, representing best practice. This increased infiltration was reflected in an increased yield of 16% compared with wheeled stubble mulch. Minimum tilled plots demonstrated a characteristic midway between that of zero and stubble mulch tillage. The results confirm that unnecessary energy dissipation in the soil during the traction process that normally accompanies tillage has a major negative effect on infiltration and crop productivity. Controlled traffic farming systems appear to be the only practicable solution to this problem.
The contemporary Vampire Subculture can be defined as a multi-faceted, socio-religious movement with its own distinct collective community and network of participants who share a similar belief system and customary lifestyle that reflect their concept of the vampire. The Vampire Subculture consists of individuals who profess to be 'real vampires', vampire communities of like-minded persons, 'blood-donors' who willingly allow vampires to partake of them, occult-based and mystical-orientated groups that appeal to their spirituality, the blood fetishists, and the live-action vampire role-players. In response, a Christian counter-movement of self-proclaimed 'vampire-slayers' has emerged that actively opposes the vampire subculture and its beliefs and practices. The socio-religious nature of the Vampire Subculture can be best described as a Segmented, Polycentric and Integrated Network of participants.
Buddhism, the Thai state religion, teaches that use of intoxicants should be avoided. Nonetheless, many Thai people drink alcohol, and a proportion are alcohol-dependent or hazardous or harmful drinkers. This study examines the relationship between Buddhist upbringing and beliefs and alcohol use disorders in Thai men. Three groups, comprising 144 non/infrequent/light drinkers, 77 hazardous/harmful drinkers and 91 alcohol dependents were inter-viewed regarding their early religious life and current religious practices and beliefs. No protective association was shown between early religious life and later alcohol use disorders, indeed, having lived as a buy in a temple for a period was commoner in those with adult alcohol problems. Few subjects reported frequent involvement in current religious activities (9, 8 and 6% in the non/infrequent/light drinkers, hazardous/harmful drinkers, and alcohol dependents respectively). Hazardous/harmful drinkers [odds ratio (OR) = 0.4, 95% confidence interval (0) = 0.2-0.9] and alcohol dependents (OR = 0.5, 95% Cl = 0.2-0.9) were less likely to report being moderately to strongly religious, than were non/infrequent/light drinkers, Understanding the association between religious beliefs and drinking behaviour can potentially assist in the development of prevention and treatment programmes.
Activation of macrophages with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces the rapid synthesis and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNFalpha), for priming the immune response [1, 2]. TNFalpha plays a key role in inflammatory disease [3]; yet, little is known of the intracellular trafficking events leading to its secretion. In order to identify molecules involved in this secretory pathway, we asked whether any of the known trafficking proteins are regulated by LPS. We found that the levels of SNARE proteins were rapidly and significantly up- or downregulated during macrophage activation. A subset of t-SNAREs (Syntaxin 4/SNAP23/Munc18c) known to control regulated exocytosis in other cell types [4, 5] was substantially increased by LPS in a temporal pattern coinciding with peak TNFalpha secretion. Syntaxin 4 formed a complex with Munc18c at the cell surface of macrophages. Functional studies involving the introduction of Syntaxin 4 cDNA or peptides into macrophages implicate this t-SNARE in a rate-limiting step of TNFalpha secretion and in membrane ruffling during macrophage activation. We conclude that in macrophages, SNAREs are regulated in order to accommodate the rapid onset of cytokine secretion and for membrane traffic associated with the phenotypic changes of immune activation. This represents a novel regulatory role for SNAREs in regulated secretion and in macrophage-mediated host defense.
Esta tese apresenta os resultados da pesquisa que teve como objetivo analisar como os trabalhadores vivenciam os efeitos subjetivos produzidos pelo processo de trabalho de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas (CAPSad). A pesquisa foi realizada sob uma abordagem qualitativa, em um CAPSad do município de Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de cinco etapas: 1. Análise documental das políticas vigentes sobre uso de drogas; 2. Análise de prontuários; 3. Entrevista coletiva com dez trabalhadores; 4. Oitenta horas de observação do cotidiano de trabalho; 5. Entrevista em profundidade com treze trabalhadores. Para análise de dados foi utilizada a técnica da Análise Temática. Constatamos que no plano das políticas sobre o assunto,há prevalência de ideias relacionadas à repressão dos usuários, apesar da tentativa do Ministério da Saúde (MS) em abordar a redução de danos como uma estratégia que valoriza o sujeito e sua singularidade. A análise ainda apontou as dificuldades que os profissionais enfrentam neste município para atuar segundo as diretrizes do MS, uma vez que as ações municipais dão ênfase à repressão, à religiosidade e ao amedrontamento como estratégia de prevenção, com apoio da justiça e da polícia. Enfatizamos que tais ambiguidades repercutem no trabalho e para o trabalhador. Apontamos ainda outros aspectos que geram efeitos para os trabalhadores: condições de trabalho precárias (devido à estrutura do serviço, baixos salários e rede de atenção inexistente), falta de reconhecimento (devido à omissão da gerência e à ausência de normas) e sobrecarga (devido à falta de profissionais e aos conflitos nas divisões de tarefas). Essas situações levam a efeitos subjetivos como: desgaste, adoecimento, medo, incapacidade de agir, apatia, desvalorização, desmotivação e no aprisionamento do trabalhador. Notamos que estes efeitos são todos negativos e que os profissionais os vivenciam por meio do distanciamento afetivo no processo de trabalho, o que repercute negativamente na possibilidade de produção de um cuidado efetivo. Sugerimos que haja investimentos na formação de todos os trabalhadores que atuam nesse local, com foco na educação permanente, uma vez que por meio desta há o incentivo da aprendizagem e o enfrentamento criativo dos efeitos vivenciados no cotidiano.É preciso que haja diálogo, seja entre os trabalhadores e a gestão, entre os próprios trabalhadores e entre trabalhadores e usuários.