1000 resultados para Três Lagoas
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
O trabalho se refere a um estudo sobre a industrialização, a dinâmica territorial e as implicações socioambientais em Três Lagoas/MS. O Parque Industrial decorre do processo de (des)concentração/(re)concentração industrial, no Brasil. Há intensa dinâmica territorial, que se dá a partir do processo industrial, que se circunscreve em três Distritos Industriais. Analisaram-se a estrutura e a dinâmica industrial, bem como os conflitos estabelecidos entre as forças produtivas. Também se avaliaram as alterações decorrentes da incorporação de tecnologia, produtividade e os reflexos no uso e ocupação das terras no campo. Ainda averiguou-se se há riscos de contaminação pelas indústrias, seja pela contaminação das águas subterrâneas e do solo, seja pela emissão de gases na atmosfera, os quais foram avaliados com vista à elaboração de um plano de redução dos riscos de eventos perigosos e contaminação ambiental. No Distrito Industrial I, há 22 empresas, sendo 11 ligadas a construção civil, de baixa periculosidade, e, perigosas destacam-se 3 metalúrgicas, uma química, uma de plástico e uma carvoaria. No Distrito Industrial II, concentram-se 27 empresas, destas apenas 3, a de alimentos, bebidas e de construção civil não são perigosas. Destacando-se dentre a perigosas, 8 indústrias têxteis, 6 metalúrgicas e 6 petroquímicas. O Distrito Industrial III situa-se fora do núcleo urbano, e se destina às megaindústrias: fábricas de papel e celulose, - consórcio Fibria/Internacional Paper - e uma de fertilizantes da Petrobras. As indústrias do Distrito Industrial II contam com aparato tecnológico mais avançado, isto é, coadunam as novas tecnologias do atual período técnico-científico e os incentivos fiscais – doação de terreno, isenções de impostos - com o aparato de objetos espaciais que o município oferece - vias intermodais, energia elétrica, e, a possibilidade da exploração da força de trabalho com baixos salários. Esses empreendimentos promoveram nova dinâmica territorial, criando novos sentidos e funções, impondo novos valores e cultura, inclusive os estilos de moradia, pois a expansão da periferia da cidade agora, não dá lugar somente aos conjuntos habitacionais populares, mas também aos luxuosos condomínios horizontais fechados; além do aumento da opção de moradias em condomínios horizontais. A paisagem urbana se metamorfoseia, pois a territorialização do capital industrial delineia novas territorialidades, a cidade ganha ares de cidade grande.
Waste stabilization ponds are the main technology in use for domestic sewage treatment in Rio Grande do Norte State (RN), northeast Brazil. The are around 80 systems, constructed mainly by municipal city halls, being series comprised by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds the most used configuration. Due to problems related with the production and destination of sludge and generation of bad odors, the designers have avoided the use of anaerobic lagoons. The majority of systems are rarely monitored to verify their efficiencies and to get new project parameters for future designing. This work has as purpose to make a diagnosis of efficiency of three series of waste stabilization pond series (WSPS) of Jardim Lola 1, Jardim Lola 2 and Beira Rio, located in the North Zone of the city of the Natal/RN, treating domestic raw sewage, on the removal of organic matter and thermotolerant coliform, comparing the operational conditions of the systems this inside of the bands foreseen in the project, through parameters BOD5, QOD, thermotolerant coliforms, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, ammoniac nitrogen, total and suspended solids. The work was carried through in the WSPS, all constituted by a primary facultative pond followed by two maturation ponds. Socioeconomic characteristics of population are predominantly low and all the plants are very near of the contributing basins. The series were monitored from of May the November of 2002, totalizing 20 collections of grab samples of raw sewage and ponds effluents between 8:00 and 9:50 h. The main aspect to be detached by the results was the great concentration of organic matter (BOD and COD) and microorganisms the raw sewage which were around two times more concentrated than those values foreseen one in project. Considering all series the highest removals of organic matter were observed in system Beira Rio (84 and 78% of BOD and COD, respectively), which presented high hydraulic detention time (TDH = 89 days). On the other hand, Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 presented a much lower values of HDT (36 days and 18 days respectively) and their removals of BOD and COD were the same (76% and 60%, respectively). The Beira Rio WSPS, was the most efficient verified in relation to solids and ammonia, proving the great influence of the operational variables such as HDT and applied surface organic loadings on the performance of pond series. Although the treatment plants have reached efficiencies of thermotolerant coliforms around 99,999%, the concentrations in the final effluent can be considered very high for launching in aquatic bodies, particularly those produced by Jardim Lola 1 and Jardim Lola 2 series
A criação de um banco de dados sobre as demandas otorrinolaringológicas no SUS poderá fornecer informações para organizar estratégias de saúde e criar ou otimizar recursos do governo ou privados. OBJETIVOS: Determinar em pacientes até 17 anos de idade: 1) As principais doenças otorrinolaringológicas diagnosticadas; 2) Exames complementares mais solicitados; 3) Medicamentos mais prescritos; 4) Procedimentos ambulatoriais realizados e as indicações cirúrgicas; 5) Estado empregatício dos pais e o número de irmãos dependentes; 6) Comparar e analisar estatisticamente os dados nos locais estudados. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo e análise estatística das variáveis obtidas nas primeiras-consultas na Policlínica de Mariana, na sede Consórcio Intermunicipal de Saúde da Microrregião de Sete Lagoas e na Triagem da Otorrinolaringologia da UNIFESP-EPM. RESULTADOS: Há diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto às variáveis idade, média salarial dos pais empregados, número de irmãos até 17 anos, rinite, doenças otológicas, exames solicitados, prescrições e indicações de cirurgias micro-otológicas. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico mais encontrado foi respiração oral. O exame complementar e a cirurgia mais indicados foram a radiografia de cavum e a adenoamigdalectomia. O nível de desemprego, a baixa média salarial e o número de dependentes na família dificultam tratamentos que não estejam disponíveis na rede pública de saúde.
Stabilization ponds are an effective sewage treatment alternative for the climatic conditions prevailing in Brazil. In the present work, a primary facultative pond was studied, in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sedimentation dynamics in the facultative pond. The pond was divided in three section or zones along its length starting from the inlet end namely A1, A2 and A3. The research was accomplished in three phases. In the first the mapping of the sludge layer was done, sludge core samples were also collected for analysis for total, fixed and volatile solids and the depth of the sludge layer was determined using a portable echo sounder. In the second solids sedimentation rates were measured using traps placed in the inlet and outlet zones and in the third phase resuspension sludge was evaluate using a tracer. The amount accumulated sludge since the start operation was 13.583 m3. The sedimentation constant averages changed between 0.93 to 2.94 and 3.90 to 5.80 for the depths of 0.5 and 1.0 m respectively. The relationship between volatile and fixed solids (SV/SF) increased along the pond. The removal efficiencies were 52.12%, 36.09%, and 37.50% for BOD, COD and SS, respectively. The sludge accumulation model proposed had a good adjustment with 0.17 m3/hab.year rate. The results presented here demonstrated that the wind had a direct influence on the sedimentation of solids in this pond affecting the efficiency and sludge accumulation
The detention and infiltration ponds of urban drainage system has function to protect the population from undesirable effects of floods. In general these ponds are not completly used and it potential is wasted. As it are disseminated at different places at cities it can reduce costs with water transport and permit water preservation of best quality. Some it utilities includes use in green areas irrigation, industrial among than cooling towers and boiler, soil compaction, cleaning urban road, pisciculture and fire fighting system. The quality these water is influenced by anauthorized sewage in the drainage system. This study was performed in six detention and infiltration ponds at drainage system of Natal, which aim was to verify the non-portable use these ponds on urban environment. As indirect aim would to incentive the water utilization these ponds as a water source to another uses in urban environment. These ponds represents the characteristics of detention and infiltration of Natal city and consequently of Brazil. As the water quality, the ponds presents following characteristics: three has apparently good quality, other showed intermediate condition and two had water polluted. Were performed twenty sample in each ponds and the following parameters assessed: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, coliform thermotolerant, ammonia, organic nitrogen, TKN, nitrate, total phosphorus and alkalinity, bicarbonate, chloride, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, total solids, TSS, TDS, COD and SAR°. To utilization on pisciculture we recommend use in ponds which presents the best quality. Only one pond presented higher pollutants and it not being appropriated for use in cooling tower. The content of solids suspension restricted the water use in all ponds in boilers. As water use in soil compaction, cleaning urban road and fire fighting system the water from these ponds are not appropriated. However, the recommended limits from literature are to domestic sewage, due to this, the parameters are restrictive to diminish the sanitary risk that could be offered with it utilization. The infiltration velocity of water these assessed ponds restrict a moderato use, however the effects are potentiated only in soil less sandy, which not occur in Natal. It is recommend the unrestricted irrigation utilization in ponds with best quality of water, and a restricted irrigation to ponds with worst quality of water. As load of pollutants, it is recommended a complementary treatment in those ponds whit higher load to diminish sanitary risks. In only one pond was found one helminth eggs and due to the convention formula of results, it was found for all ponds less than 1 helminth/liter eggs.
Stabilization pond is the main technology used for treatment wastewater, in northeast Brazil, due to lower cost of deployment, operation and maintenance compared to other technologies. Most systems of stabilization ponds has been in operation for some time, on average 10 years of operation, receiving high organic loads and do not have good removal efficiencies of the main parameters for which have been designed. Therefore it is necessary to work to quantify the efficiency of current systems. This study evaluated the biodegradability of organic matter in raw sewage, the removal of organic matter in reactors and determination of the kinetic constant removal of organic matter (k), both in reactors and in raw sewage, based on the analysis made in the laboratory and through mathematical methods proposed in the literature, in nine systems stabilization ponds, located in Rio Grande do Norte. In relation the degradation kinetics in stabilization ponds, it was observed that many papers published in the literature were obtained in pilot-scale systems, which often, due to the action of external factors such as wind and temperature, these can t be considered as a reference in the analysis of the kinetic constant K, so the need for more research into systems of scale. This study had three distinct phases and simultaneous, routine monitoring, study of the daily cycle and the determination of kinetic constant of degradation of organic matter (K). The monitoring showed that the removal efficiencies of organic matter on most systems were lower than suggested by the literature, the best efficiencies of around 76% (BOD) and 72% (COD) and the worst of the order of 48% (BOD) and 55% (COD). The calculation of K in raw sewage (Ke) was within the range of variation expected in the literature (0.35 to 0.60 days-1). Already for the results obtained for K in the reactors (Kr), there were well below the values recommended in the literature (0.25 to 0.40 d-1 for complete mix and from 0.13 to 0.17 d-1 for flow dispersed), in line with the overloads that organic systems are subject
This work intends to develop an approach based through scientific criteria in the operational diagnosis of ponds of stabilization, starting from analyses accomplished in loco and in laboratory of 78 systems of sewer treatment through ponds of stabilization in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The objectives of the research are: to map, to evaluate and to diagnose the operational acting of the ponds of stabilization of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, through visits in loco and analyses laboratory; to build a SIG, through the map rain, locate the points of releases of sewages of the systems of existent ponds in Rio Grande do Norte, as well as operational data and his/her respective efficiency diagnosis in the removal of BOD and Coliforms Termotolerantes; to evaluate, in real scale, three systems of ponds of stabilization of RN in the operational efficiency for the parameters BOD5, COD, pH, Temperature, OD and Coliforms Termotolerantes. Of 78 ETEs of appraised RN just, 9% or 7 had maximum concepts in what concerns the removal of BOD and Coliforms Termotolerantes and 41% or 32, they had the worst concepts in term of operational efficiency. The flowing concentrations ETEs of RN of BOD and Coliforms were of 410mg/L and 2,50x107UFC/100ml, the predominant configuration is of the type F1+M1+M2, the relationship BOD/COD revealed for the sewer tributary characteristic biodegradable high. For the study of case of 3 ETEs, the best operational efficiencies in decreasing order were: Cidade (Municipal district), it Roça (State) and São Miguel (SAAE). The removals of final BOD were 51,6mg/L; 108,27mg/L and 62,6mg/L, tends efficiency of 82%; 74% and 81%. In term of coliforms removal in the final effluentes were 1,90x103UFC/100ml; 1,50x104UFC/100ml and 3,10x104UFC/100ml, tends efficiencies of 99,99%; 99,95% and 99,90%. In what it concerns the practice of agricultural reúso of cultures consumed raw, none of 3 ETEs assisted the parameters of the Resolution CONAMA 357/05, for other reúso practices, all assisted the categories B and C of OMS. For release in body receiving ETE Cidade just, they assist the demands of the resolution of CONAMA 357/05, by study of purification solemnity of the receiving body. The maintenance lack and operation; exclusive operator in ETEs and operation knowledge was the contributory factors for the operational fall in appraised ETEs of RN
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A plasticidade adaptativa tem sido postulada como um fator importante para explicar a distribuição e abundância de espécies em habitat com diferentes níveis de variação ambiental e a heterogeneidade ambiental tem sido apontada como responsável pela manutenção, aumento ou diminuição da diversidade. Neste trabalho, determinamos o efeito da periodicidade e estrutura do habitat sobre a riqueza e composição de espécies em três diferentes habitat: córrego (P1), poças temporárias (P2) e represa permanente (P3) em um agrossistema no Cerrado do Brasil central. Nove expedições de campo foram realizadas entre outubro de 2005 e abril de 2007. Os métodos de amostragem por encontro visual e procura auditiva foram utilizados para o registro das espécies. Foram registradas 19 espécies de anuros pertencentes a quatro famílias: Bufonidae (uma espécie), Hylidae (nove espécies), Leptodactylidae (cinco espécies) e Leiuperidae (quatro espécies). Maior riqueza e a abundância foram registradas nas lagoas temporárias (P2), que diferiram significativamente do córrego (P1) e da represa permanente (P3). Dendropsophus nanus, Hypsiboas raniceps e Leptodactylus chaquensis apresentaram forte associação com o sítio P2. Os sítios P2 e P3 apresentaram maior diferenciação entre si na composição de espécies, do que quando comparados ao sítio P1. Apesar dos corpos d'água estudados estarem inseridos em área de intensa agricultura e sofrerem elevado grau de perturbação antrópica, esses ambientes apresentam elevada riqueza de espécies, constituindo-se como importantes refúgios para anurofauna da região. Entretanto, as espécies registradas são associadas a áreas antropizadas ou fitofisionomias abertas sendo favorecidas com a criação de ambientes artificiais como os observados no presente estudo.
The family Chironomidae is one of the most important groups within the macroinvertebrate communities, both in density and in richness, and because of its high adaptive value, has a wide distribution on the planet. These and other more specific features of each genus allow the use of this group of biomonitoring studies in the aquatic ecosystem, however, primarily, it is necessary to inventory the aquatic fauna. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the taxonomic composition of Chironomidae associated with Eichhornia azurea in six lateral lagoons of Paranapanema River, where only five of them have very little information about the aquatic fauna associated with floating macrophytes. Furthermore, we analyzed the influence of environmental conditions on the richness and density of this community. Samples (biotic and abiotic) were held in March and August 2009 on the Ivo, Carmo, Sete Ilhas, Barbosa, Poço da Pedra and Coqueiral lagoons, which are upstream of the Jurumirim Reservoir. Samples with an area of 0.1976 m2 were collected at three banks of E. azurea of each lagoon. Then, they were washed in formaldehyde and water and fixed in 70% alcohol. The identification of morphospecies recorded 38 taxa (32 in March and 37 in August), where the Ivo lagoon is the richest (27 taxa). The density of each group varied according to each pond and is generally Asheum sp., Chironomus sp., Beardius sp., Parachironomus sp., Labrundinia sp., Tanytarsus sp., Ablabesmyia sp. and Polypedilum sp. the most representative. Limnophyes sp., Denopelopia sp., Paratanytarsus sp. and Parametriocnemus sp. were genders in lower density. The Dominance index ranged between 0.1490 (Barbosa Lagoon in March) and 0.4114 (Poço da Pedra Lagoon in March), and the Diversity Index ranged from 2.08 (Coqueiral Lagoon in March) and 3.58 (Barbosa Lagoon in August). The concentration of dissolved oxygen and pH were the environmental variables most correlated with the groups ...
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Ichthyofaunistic studies aims to broad the knowledge of composition, abundance and distribution of species in certain areas, and when possible, to infer patterns of distribution, as well as extrinsic factors that affect these patterns in space and time. The Paranapanema River suffers the impact of the construction of hydroelectric power plants in cascade system along its main channel, changing the characteristics of lotic to lentic and semi-lentic. These changes affect the entire biocenosis and the surroundings of the reservoir and, in particular, the fish fauna. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the fish assemblage in two lakes and stretches of the main channel, located near the outfall of the Paranapanema River, Jurumirim reservoir area, comparing them to their composition and structure, using ecological indices as tools. Fish were caught every three months from April 2011 to January 2013, using gill nets of various mesh openings in four stretches: Environment 1 - Calha Sete Ilhas, Environment 2 - Calha Poço da Pedra, Environment 3 - Lagoa Sete Ilhas and Environment 4 - Lagoa Poço de Pedra. After the capture, the specimens were identified and biometric analysis was performed (total and standard length weight). We captured 4,006 individuals belonging to four orders and 34 species, 31 native species and three non-native species. In abundance (n) and number of species (S), there was a predominance of Characiformes (57 %) followed by Siluriformes (31%). Overall, most of the species was constant concerning the frequency of capture. The five most representative species in abundance were Schizodon intermedius, Cyphocarax modestus, Pimelodus maculatus, Hoplosternum littorale and Serrasalmus maculatus, contributing with 60% of total individuals captured. Regarding the stretches, these species present diversity (H'), evenness (E), dominance (D) and richness (d) of similar species, since the abundance was higher in ...