973 resultados para Tourism and religiosity


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Wine Tourism within the grape-growing areas of Australia is an integral part of local and regional tourism initiatives, however, it is an area that has been under-researched resulting in few available resources to wine tourism providers. This research set out to address this deficiency by establishing whether there is a link between the wine tourism experience and wine purchasing behaviour.


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The contribution of tourism to the economic growth of Pacific Island countries (PICs) has achieved significance in the past decade. The shift in the economic policies of the PICs from the late 1980s has been decisively away from import substitution and agriculture to urban-based manufacturing and services sectors. Tourism is the main component of the services sector in the PICs. The contribution of tourism to economic growth in Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea is expected to grow. The authors use panel data for the four PICs to test the long-run relationship between real GDP and real tourism exports. They find support for panel cointegration and the results suggest that a 1% increase in tourism exports increases GDP by 0.72% in the long run and by 0.24% in the short run.


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Sugar, tourism and garment industries are three of Fiji’s major industries. These industries have been undergoing some serious problems during the past decade. This paper analyses the performance of these industries, examines the problems besieging them, and looks at the potentials these industries have for the country. The paper also offers some suggestions which policy makers in Fiji could consider in order to ensure that these industries continue to benefit Fiji.


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This thesis analyses the economic impact of international tourism on society. It is found that while tourism has the potential to add to national wellbeing through the opportunities created for trade, it has the potential to have complex distributional implications. These distributional implications call for carefull policy development by governments.


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This article critically appraises and evaluates tourism strategies and heritage management in Luang Prabang, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, a Unesco-designated ‘world heritage’ city. Luang Prabang is widely regarded as one of the most significant heritage cities in Southeast Asia. The city is renowned for its Buddhist and royal culture and also its historic vernacular Lao, French, and Lao-French architecture. The city earned world heritage status in 1995, but since that time the boom in in-bound Asian tourism has put pressures on Luang Prabang’s authenticity and, for some, called into question the validity of its world heritage status. This article examines these substantial and wide-ranging pressures and argues that the growth in tourism and the treatment of Luang Prabang’s heritage are symptoms of broader regional processes of political and economic change, including the expansion of Chinese and Korean investments and the growth of intra-regional tourism. The authors argue that it is unreasonable to expect traditional heritage management mechanisims, including the world heritage listing, to be able to cope with the pressures on sites like Luang Prabang. The very least that is required, the authors contend, is an expanded understanding of the context in which heritage places sit, and the authors make a case that the cultural landscapes approach, combined with explicit concerns for intangible heritage and poverty alleviation, must be at the core of any strategy for long-term protection of the city’s cultural values.


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Researchers in the area of subjective wellbeing are now building on a body of research that spans more than three decades and includes many thousands of articles. It is time to move from exploratory studies to those based on accumulated psychometric understanding and theory. Two aspects of the article by Abdel-Khalek (2011) warrant attention from this perspective: the choice of scale and the issue of shared variance.


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In developing countries of tourist destinations, an increase in medical tourism raises the wages in the medical tourism sector, thereby retaining skilled medical workers who otherwise leave the country. However, the expansion of medical tourism contracts the domestic healthcare services sector, causing lower labor productivity in the economy. Medical tourism can increase domestic welfare if the benefits from migration retention and tourism exports outweigh the losses in revenue and productivity declines.


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This paper examines the issue of how tourism affects poverty in the context of the effects of tourism on an economy as a whole and on particular sectors within it. A framework for analysing the channels through which tourism affects different households is developed, and a computable general equilibrium model of the Brazilian economy is used to examine the economic impact and distributional effects of tourism in Brazil. It is shown that the effects on all income groups are positive. The lowest income households benefit from tourism but by less than some higher income groups. Policies that could redistribute greater shares of the revenue to the poor are considered.


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The Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve was created in a region of rich biodiversity, located in the South of Bahia State, Brazil, to meet the revindications of artisanal fishermen in a context of increasing predatory industrial fisheries. The aim of the Marine Extractive Reserve is to improve the sustainability of fisheries stocks and the economy of artisanal fishermen's families, protecting the local biodiversity for the locals' collective use. However, at Corumbau the natives are facing social problems that have increased due to tourism growth. The present research contributes to the Management Plan in sectors that are crucial to assess the aspirations and subjective aspects related to the natives' daily life at individual, familiar and communitary levels. The Participatory Appraisal with a Gender Equity Perspective (PAGP) was applied to five communities at RESEX Corumbau, showing, by gender, the greatest problems artisanal fisheries' families are facing. Tourism is growing in the area, reflecting the residents different and contradictory interests. It can develop commerce and jobs, but also intensify some social and environmental problems in this area. © Society for Human Ecology.


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Includes bibliography


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Contiene organizacion, resumen de los debates, conclusiones y recomendaciones de la reunion de expertos del Caribe, cuyos principales objetivos fueron discutir y considerar los borradores de estudios de casos preparados en el marco del proyecto conjunto CEPAL/PNUMA sobre turismo y medio ambiente; intercambiar experiencia tecnica entre los participantes, desarrollar recomendaciones y preparar lineas de accion concretas sobre el tema para ser consideradas por los paises.


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Includes bibliography