96 resultados para Torts


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The majority of current first year university students belong to Generation Y. Consequently, research suggests that, in order to more effectively engage them, their particular learning preferences should be acknowledged in the organisation of their learning environments and in the support provided. These preferences are reflected in the Torts Student Peer Mentor Program, which, as part of the undergraduate law degree at the Queensland University of Technology, utilises active learning, structured sessions and teamwork to supplement student understanding of the substantive law of Torts with the development of life-long skills. This article outlines the Program, and its relevance to the learning styles and experiences of Generation Y first year law students transitioning to university, in order to investigate student perceptions of its effectiveness – both generally and, more specifically, in terms of the Program’s capacity to assist students to develop academic and work-related skills.


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This article considers the scope of the application of the civil liability legislation, an issue which is still being clarified by the courts, despite the passage of some ten years since the enactment of the non-uniform civil liability legislation across Australia. The introduction of the civil liability legislation has made more important the pleading of intention, in addition to negligence, so as to maximise damages awards. This involves pleading torts traditionally referred to as intentional torts – particularly trespass to the person. Such an approach is attractive for plaintiffs because, in several jurisdictions, tort claims which plead intention have been excluded from the operation of the legislative restrictions on the quantum of damages awards, and prohibitions on exemplary and aggravated damages. This approach reflects the policy that those who intend the harmful consequences of their actions should be held fully responsible.


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Camera trapping is a scientific survey technique that involves the placement of heat-and motion-sensing automatic triggered cameras into the ecosystem to record images of animals for the purpose of studying wildlife. As technology continues to advance in sophistication, the use of camera trapping is becoming more widespread and is a crucial tool in the study of, and attempts to preserve, various species of animals, particularly those that are internationally endangered. However, whatever their value as an ecological device, camera traps also create a new risk of incidentally and accidentally capturing images of humans who venture into the area under surveillance. This article examines the current legal position in Australia in relation to such unintended invasions of privacy. It considers the current patchwork of statute and common laws that may provide a remedy in such circumstances. It also discusses the position that may prevail should the recommendations of either the Australian Law Reform Commission and/or New South Wales Law Reform Commission be adopted and a statutory cause of action protecting personal privacy be enacted.


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The concept of environmental justice is well developed in North America, but is still at the evolutionary stage in most other jurisdictions around the globe. This paper seeks to explore two jurisdictions where incidents of environmental justice are likely to be seen in the future as a result of manufacturing and mining practices. The discussion will centre upon avenues to environmental justice for both private citizens and the public at large. The first jurisdiction considered is China, where environmental liability claims brought by Chinese citizens have increased at an annual average of 25% (Yang 2011). Manufacturing is at the core of the Chinese economy and is responsible for some of the unprecedented economic growth in the region. Less discussed are the industry impacts on water and air pollution levels and the associated implications of these pollutants on local communities. China introduced the Tort Liability Law (TLL) in 2010, which may provide avenues to justice for private citizens. The other jurisdiction considered by the paper is Australia, where the mining boom has buffered the Australian economy from the global financial crisis. There is some limited case law in Australia where private citizens have made a claim in toxic torts; however the framework is underdeveloped in terms of the significant risks facing indigenous and local communities in mining areas and also by comparison to the developments of the TLL framework in China. This paper traces the regulatory responses to the affects of major industries on communities in China and Australia. From this it examines the need for environmental justice avenues that align with rule of law principles.


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Case note on King v Western Sydney Local Health Network In King v Western Sydney Local Health Network [2013] NSWCA 162 the appellant sought damages for the severe physical and intellectual disability she suffered as a result of foetal varicella syndrome (FVS) caused by her mother contracting varicella (chickenpox) in the second trimester of her pregnancy. The mother had been exposed to the virus and sought advice from a doctor at Blacktown Hospital as she had not had the virus herself and therefore did not possess immunity. In such circumstances at the time, the standard medical practice was to offer the mother varicellazoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) to boost her defence to the virus. The appellant’s mother however was not offered this treatment and contracted chickenpox resulting the appellant’s condition...


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Universities no longer equip graduates solely with the content knowledge of their discipline, but also with prospective employment skills. Professions also seek graduates who can ‘collaborate, share skills and knowledge, and communicate their ideas effectively’ (Kruck and Reif, 2001, p 37). However, as admission to university does not always guarantee that one is well equipped for the task, first year students also need guidance in the development of academic skills. This session describes two models of peer assisted learning embedded within the Torts and Legal Foundations B units at the Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology, and how they are used to supplement student understanding of substantive law with the development of academic and work-related skills. Student perceptions of the programs developed are considered, together with the challenges faced. Session participants will be asked to contribute to a discussion of these challenges and to offer ideas on their redress.


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In recent years Australian Law Schools have implemented various forms of peer assisted learning or mentoring, including career mentoring by former students of final year students and orientation mentoring or tutoring by later year students of incoming first year students. The focus of these programs therefore is on the transition into or out of law school. There is not always as great an emphasis however, as part of this transition, on the use of law students belonging to the same unit cohort as a learning resource for each other within their degree. This is despite the claimed preference of Generation Y students for collaborative learning environments, authentic learning experiences and the development of marketable workplace skills. In the workplace, be it professional legal practice or otherwise, colleagues rely heavily on each other for information, support and guidance. In the undergraduate law degree at the Queensland University of Technology (‘QUT’) the Torts Student Peer Mentor Program aims to supplement a student’s understanding of the substantive law of torts with the development of life-long skills. As such it has the primary objective, albeit through discussion facilitated by more senior students, of encouraging first year students to develop for themselves the skills they need to be successful both as law students and as legal practitioners. Examples of such skills include those relevant to: preparation for assessment tasks; group work; problem solving, cognition and critical thinking; independent learning; and communication. Significantly, in this way, not only do the mentees benefit from involvement in the program, but the peer mentors, or program facilitators, themselves also benefit from their participation in the real world learning environment the program provides. This paper outlines the development and implementation of the above program, the pedagogy which influenced it, and its impact on student learning experiences


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In White v Johnston1 the vexed question of whether it is for a plaintiff to prove lack of consent to a trespass to person or for the defendant to establish consent as defence was considered. The court also considered the principles of assessing an award of exemplary damages...


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar que, nas hipóteses em que alguém intervém na esfera jurídica alheia e obtém benefícios econômicos sem causar danos ao titular do direito ou, causando danos, o lucro obtido pelo ofensor é superior aos danos causados, as regras da responsabilidade civil, isoladamente, não são suficientes, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, enquanto sanção eficaz pela violação de um interesse merecedor de tutela. Isto porque, como a principal função da responsabilidade civil é remover o dano, naquelas hipóteses, não fosse a utilização de um remédio alternativo, o interventor faria seu o lucro da intervenção, no primeiro caso integralmente e, no segundo, no valor equivalente ao saldo entre o lucro obtido e a indenização que tiver que pagar à vítima. A tese pretende demonstrar que o problema do lucro da intervenção não deve ser solucionado por intermédio das regras da responsabilidade civil, devendo, portanto, ser rejeitadas as propostas de solução neste campo, como a interpretação extensiva do parágrafo único, do artigo 944, do Código Civil, as indenizações punitivas e o chamado terceiro método de cálculo da indenização. Como alternativa, propõe-se o enquadramento dogmático do lucro da intervenção no enriquecimento sem causa, outorgando ao titular do direito uma pretensão de restituição do lucro obtido pelo ofensor em razão da indevida ingerência em seus bens ou direitos. Defende-se que a transferência do lucro da intervenção para o titular do direito tem por fundamento a ponderação dos interesses em jogo à luz da Constituição Federal, com especial atenção ao princípio da solidariedade, e da teoria da destinação jurídica dos bens. A tese procura demonstrar, ainda, que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não exige um efetivo empobrecimento do titular do direito para a configuração do enriquecimento sem causa e que a regra da subsidiariedade não impede a cumulação de ações, de responsabilidade civil para eliminar o dano (e no limite do dano), e de enriquecimento sem causa, para forçar a restituição do saldo positivo que permanecer no patrimônio do ofensor após o pagamento da indenização, se houver. Finalmente, a tese pretende provocar a discussão acerca da quantificação do objeto da restituição, propondo alguns critérios que deverão orientar o aplicador do direito.


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A presente tese propõe um estudo teórico dos perfis estrutural e funcional da culpa a partir do novo marco normativo introduzido no direito brasileiro pelo parágrafo único, do artigo 944 do Código Civil. Por meio de uma análise da disciplina normativa da culpa na seara da responsabilidade civil extracontratual, demonstra-se, neste trabalho que, a despeito do incremento das hipóteses de responsabilidade objetiva, a culpa ainda detém papel relevante no Direito Civil brasileiro. Além de atuar como fator de surgimento do dever de indenizar, a culpa também desempenha hoje a importante função de critério para fixação do valor da indenização. Os estudos realizados comprovam que esses diferentes papéis da culpa lhe imprimem contornos normativos distintos, não sendo mais possível hoje a adoção de uma teoria unitária para a descrição desse instituto jurídico. Ao contrário de seu perfil na esfera das regras de imputação de responsabilidade, onde é apreciada de forma abstrata e objetiva, no plano em que atua como critério de definição da extensão da indenização, a culpa assume feições concretas e pessoais. O estudo foi realizado mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, que compreendeu levantamento de doutrina, jurisprudência e legislação pertinentes.


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Examines the test for vicarious liability for intentional torts laid down by the House of Lords in Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd requiring a close connection between an employee's tort and his employment. Reviews subsequent case law, highlighting inconsistencies in the courts' approach as to whether a close connection existed. Asks whether the cases suggest that the courts are applying a separate test based on the fairness of holding the employer liable. [From Legal Journals Index]


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1er juillet [1861] : Promet un article sur la distribution des récompenses des Salons et des Concours où il rappellera le nom et les oeuvres de Gustave Doré dont il a "le talent en grande estime" : "Le concours de sculpture a été très fort ; le nombre de médailles est trop restreint, et les Grands Prix de Rome toujours favorisés". Evoque aussi le nom de Charles Garnier : "Le "Sujet d'Opéra" de Garnier a obtenu la première médaille d'architecture. Décision tout exceptionnelle et très flatteuse car l'oeuvre ne faisait point partie, à proprement parler, de l'Exposition d'Architecture" (NLAS-212-1). - Février 1865 : Réclame un droit de réponse à un article de Blaze de Bury paru dans le "Ménestrel". La lettre contient également la réponse de Heugel datée du 3 février 1865 dans laquelle l'éditeur lui demande d'adoucir ses propos (NLAS-212-9). - 30 juillet 1866 : Echanges et négociations au sujet de la publication de "Tobie" de Fromental Halévy. Est vexé que l'éditeur ne voie pas dans cette parution une bonne affaire et rappelle qu'il a donné au "Ménestrel" "à titre purement gratuit" un travail important sur l'oeuvre de son frère, alors que tant d'autres collègues sont très bien payés pour fournir des notices sur des compositeurs auxquelles il reproche "un esprit de dénigrement à l'égard de [s]on cher frère". Tente de rendre justice à son frère : "Je ne puis cependant m'empêcher de remarquer, quand j'entre chez vous, qu'à côté des bustes ou portraits de Meyerbeer, de Rossini, d'Auber, qui décorent vos magasins, je ne vois pas une seule image du grand maître qui fut leur égal" (NLAS-212-11). - 2 août 1866 : Le remercie pour le témoignage personnel de ses sentiments à l'égard de son "cher et regretté frère" : "cette justice que vous lui avez toujours rendue me dédommage amplement des torts que peuvent avoir envers sa mémoire plusieurs écrivains qui ont coopéré avec moi au monument que vous élevez à la gloire de nos grands maîtres français et étrangers" (NLAS-212-12). - 25 avril 1867 : au sujet des droits d'auteur de "Tobie" (NLAS-212-16). - 7 mai 1873 : Se dit heureux que son article convienne au directeur du "Ménestrel". Évoque "Carmen" de Bizet : "Ludovic [Halévy] et Meilhac sont à l'oeuvre et achèvent un poème où l'ami Bizet aura toute occasion de déployer son talent" (NLAS-212-17). - 16 juin 1875 : Le remercie pour son article consacré à "[leur] cher et infortuné Bizet" : "Impossible de rendre un hommage plus complet et en meilleurs termes à une existence si courte et si bien remplie" (NLAS-212-19). - 22 juin 1875 : Au sujet d'un opéra inachevé de Bizet, "Le Cid" : "La seule personne qui pourrait vous donner des renseignements que vous désirez sur l'opéra laissé inachevé par Bizet [...] serait sa jeune et malheureuse veuve, ma pauvre nièce Geneviève, mais elle est dans un tel état de prostration, d'accablement et d'inconsolable affliction qu'il est encore impossible de l'interroger sur un sujet si douloureux pour elle et qui raviverait de si poignants souvenirs" (NLAS-212-20). - Contient aussi 2 LAS de sa belle-soeur Léonie Halévy au sujet de sa fondation "Le Pain à bon marché" (NLAS-212-22/23)


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Contient : 1-15 Lettres originales adressées à Gaspard de Saulx-Tavannes, lieutenant général au gouvernement de Bourgogne, par ; 1 Le pape PIE IV. Rome, 4 août 1562. En latin ; 2 « FRANCESCO BELTRAMINI,... Di Roma, alli 7 d'agosto 1562 ». En italien ; 3-7 Le roi FRANÇOIS II. 1560 ; 8-15 Le roi CHARLES IX. De 1560 à 1563 ; 16 Lettre de CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes. 22 juillet 1563. Copie ; 17-18 Rôles de troupes ; 17 « Roolle des gentilhommes estans à la suite de Mr DE MAUGIRON,... Faict à Chalon, le 10 aoust 1562 ». Copie ; 18 « Roolle de la reveue faicte au lieu de Romanet des compagnies y estantz, venus en Bourgogne avec Monseigneur DE MAUGIRON, gouverneur et lieutenant general en Dauphiné, en l'absence de Monseigneur de Guyse, pour se joindre avec Monseigneur de Tavanes, lieutenant general de S. M. au gouvernement du pays de Bourgongne, par Mr de LEYSINS, en presence du Sr de Varassieu, commissaire ordinaire des guerres, et de Daragon, contrerolleur general du Dauphiné. 15 juillet 1562 ». Copie ; 19-24 Lettres originales adressées audit Sr de Tavannes par le roi CHARLES IX. 1562 et 1563 ; 25 Lettre du roi CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes. 1563. Copie ; 26-36 Lettres originales adressées audit Sr de Tavannes par le roi CHARLES IX. 1564 à 1568 ; 37 Lettre du roi CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes. Copie. 1567 ; 38-48 Lettres originales du roi CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes. 1567 et 1568 ; 49 Ordonnance imprimée du roi CHARLES IX, par laquelle « est enjoinct tres expressement à tous baillis, seneschaulx et autres juges et officiers, de faire diligente information des meurtres, pilleries, volleries et autres torts et injures » que ses « subjects estans de la religion pretendue reformée... disent leur avoir esté faicts, et proceder, le plus brefvement que faire se pourra, à la perfection des procés des delinquans, et iceulx chastier et punir, selon l'exigence des cas, si exactement que chascun y prenne exemple... Faict à Boullongne, le 26 aoust 1568 » ; 50 Lettre originale de CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes. 1er septembre 1568 ; 51-52 Lettres de FRANÇOIS II et de CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes. 1560 et 1561. Copies ; 53-59 Lettres originales de CHARLES IX audit Sr de Tavannes et à son fils aîné. 1569 à 1573 ; 60-61 Lettres originales du roi HENRI III à Guillaume de Saulx, fils aîné dudit Sr de Tavannes. 1575 et 1576 ; 62-102 Lettres originales adressées à Gaspard de Saulx-Tavannes, lieutenant général pour le roi en Bourgogne, et à son fils aîné par ; 62-94 CATHERINE DE MEDICIS. 1560 à 1574 ; 95-102 HENRI DE FRANCE, duc D'ANJOU. 1568 à 1573 ; 103 Lettre originale adressée audit Sr de Tavannes par HENRI DE FRANCE, duc D'ANJOU, au bas de laquelle sont quatre lignes du roi CHARLES IX. 1567 ; 104-111 Lettres originales adressées audit Sr de Tavannes par ; 104 HENRI DE FRANCE, duc D'ANJOU. 1567 ; 105-106 FRANÇOIS DE FRANCE, duc D'ALENÇON. 1570 ; 107-111 ANTOINE DE BOURBON, roi DE NAVARRE. 1561 et 1562


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In this paper, I present a non standard objection to moral impartialism. My idea is that moral impartialism is questionable when it is committed to a principle we have reasons to reject: the principle of self-other symmetry. According to the utilitarian version of the principle, the benefits and harms to the agent are exactly as relevant to the global evaluation of the goodness of his action as the benefits and harms to any other agent. But this view sits badly with the “Harm principle” which stresses the difference between harm to others and harm to the self. According to the deontological version, we have moral duties to ourselves which are exactly symmetrical to our duties to others. But there are reasons to believe that the idea of a duty to the self is not coherent.


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Sous l'ère moderne, où le commerce n'a plus de frontières physiques, les catastrophes causant des dommages à grande échelle se sont multipliées. Lorsque de telles catastrophes surviennent, l'utilisation de procédures de recours collectif pour juger de l'ensemble des litiges semble être la solution indiquée. Pourtant, l'expérience nous démontre qu'il n'en est rien... Bien que le même événement cause des dommages à de multiples victimes, le recours judiciaire demeure l'exercice d'un droit personnel. Le tribunal devra alors rechercher l'application de règles matérielles spécifiques à ce recours. En l'absence de règles spécifiques, les règles de conflit de lois du tribunal saisi seront applicables. Or, ces règles ne sont pas uniformes et entraînent une multiplicité de lois applicables. Conséquemment, il est opportun de s'interroger sur la pertinence de réunir des recours individuels en un seul recours. L'expérience américaine nous démontre les difficultés engendrées par la multiplicité de lois applicables à un recours collectif, bien que des solutions législatives et jurisprudentielles aient été proposées. Ces solutions demeurent imparfaites, tant au niveau de leur constitutionalité que du respect des droits fondamentaux. Devant la complexité occasionnée par le regroupement de ces litiges, les tribunaux sont réfractaires à leur autorisation, dès lors qu'une multiplicité de lois applicables est démontrée. Ainsi, la solution juridique la mieux adaptée aux recours collectifs internationaux demeure celle de saisir les tribunaux, de plusieurs recours collectifs distincts; chacun regroupé en fonction de la loi applicable à chaque recours, déterminée, au préalable, par l'analyse des règles de conflit de lois du tribunal saisi.