720 resultados para Tortosa


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En aquest treball, s¿hi replanteja l¿estatut de Tortosa a partir de la fi del segle II, tot considerant de nou CIL II2 14, 787 i CIL II2 14, 788. La possibilitat que l¿emperador efímer Pèrtinax concedís a Dertosa el privilegi colonial, com ho féu amb altres ciutats, és analitzada per tal de justificar el text de l¿última inscripció.


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Primera guia de materials lapidis hispànics explotats en època romana a la península Ibèrica. El treball recull 16 varietats, i té especial interès en la descripció de la geologia dels entorns de les explotacions. Entre els materials lapidis figuren, per exemple, marbres de la zona d’Estremoz (Portugal), broccatello (també anomanat jaspi de la Cinta, procedent de Tortosa), marbres de la zona de Macael (Andalusia) i la pedra de Buixcarró (València). També s'hi estudien amb detall els punts d’explotació (pedreres) i les diverses aplicacions donades a cada tipus de pedra. El llibre és trilingüe (anglès, català i castellà), està molt ben il·lustrat (en color) i s'ha publicat com a catàleg ampliat d'una exposició amb el mateix títol muntada en el marc de la IX Asmosia Internacional Conference (Tarragona, juny del 2009).


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The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) is an initiative lead by the Institute of Geology and Mines of Spain (IGME) for building a public repository of scientific data regarding faults having documented activity during the last 2.59 Ma (Quaternary). QAFI also addresses a need to transfer geologic knowledge to practitioners of seismic hazard and risk in Iberia by identifying and characterizing seismogenic fault-sources. QAFI is populated by the information freely provided by more than 40 Earth science researchers, storing to date a total of 262 records. In this article we describe the development and evolution of the database, as well as its internal architecture. Aditionally, a first global analysis of the data is provided with a special focus on length and slip-rate fault parameters. Finally, the database completeness and the internal consistency of the data are discussed. Even though QAFI v.2.0 is the most current resource for calculating fault-related seismic hazard in Iberia, the database is still incomplete and requires further review.


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En este estudio se ha analizado la preparación de las Cortes de Cádiz y la elección de los diputados catalanes, la actuación de los diputados eclesiásticos catalanes en las Cortes extraordinarias y en las ordinarias y finalmente la respuesta de los obispos catalanes a las medidas emprendidas por las Cortes de Cádiz a través de la publicación de la Instrucción de los ilustrísimos señores obispos de Lérida, Tortosa, Barcelona, Urgel, Teruel y Pamplona al clero y pueblo de sus diócesis, fechada el 12 de diciembre de 1812. Los principales eclesiásticos que asistieron a las sesiones de las Cortes fueron Jaume Creus i Martí, defensor de los principios tradicionalistas, por ejemplo, del mantenimiento del Santo Tribunal de la Inquisición y Josep Espiga i Gadea, paladín de los ideales liberales. Los decretos promulgados por las Cortes de Cádiz fueron contestados por los obispos catalanes en la Instrucción, dirigida a erradicar las doctrinas erróneas de los filósofos españoles, consignadas en los Diarios de las Cortes y que se basaban en el anticlericalismo, en el ultraje a los ministros de la Iglesia, en el ataque a la disciplina eclesiástica, en su inmunidad y doctrina, teniendo como finalidad la descristianización de España.


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IMPORTANCE: Cerebral amyloid-β aggregation is an early pathological event in Alzheimer disease (AD), starting decades before dementia onset. Estimates of the prevalence of amyloid pathology in persons without dementia are needed to understand the development of AD and to design prevention studies. OBJECTIVE: To use individual participant data meta-analysis to estimate the prevalence of amyloid pathology as measured with biomarkers in participants with normal cognition, subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). DATA SOURCES: Relevant biomarker studies identified by searching studies published before April 2015 using the MEDLINE and Web of Science databases and through personal communication with investigators. STUDY SELECTION: Studies were included if they provided individual participant data for participants without dementia and used an a priori defined cutoff for amyloid positivity. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Individual records were provided for 2914 participants with normal cognition, 697 with SCI, and 3972 with MCI aged 18 to 100 years from 55 studies. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Prevalence of amyloid pathology on positron emission tomography or in cerebrospinal fluid according to AD risk factors (age, apolipoprotein E [APOE] genotype, sex, and education) estimated by generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: The prevalence of amyloid pathology increased from age 50 to 90 years from 10% (95% CI, 8%-13%) to 44% (95% CI, 37%-51%) among participants with normal cognition; from 12% (95% CI, 8%-18%) to 43% (95% CI, 32%-55%) among patients with SCI; and from 27% (95% CI, 23%-32%) to 71% (95% CI, 66%-76%) among patients with MCI. APOE-ε4 carriers had 2 to 3 times higher prevalence estimates than noncarriers. The age at which 15% of the participants with normal cognition were amyloid positive was approximately 40 years for APOE ε4ε4 carriers, 50 years for ε2ε4 carriers, 55 years for ε3ε4 carriers, 65 years for ε3ε3 carriers, and 95 years for ε2ε3 carriers. Amyloid positivity was more common in highly educated participants but not associated with sex or biomarker modality. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Among persons without dementia, the prevalence of cerebral amyloid pathology as determined by positron emission tomography or cerebrospinal fluid findings was associated with age, APOE genotype, and presence of cognitive impairment. These findings suggest a 20- to 30-year interval between first development of amyloid positivity and onset of dementia.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és efectuar una aproximació al problema de la fundació de Dertosa, així com un estudi de la topografia antiga de la ciutat, tot plantejant hipòtesis sobre la mateixa i sobre el port marítim i fluvial.


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P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a protein codified by Multi Drug Resistance (MDR1) gene, has a detoxifying function and might influence the toxicity and pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs. Sampling strategies to improve Pgp studies could be useful to optimize the sensitivity and the reproducibility of efflux assays. This study aimed to compare Pgp expression and efflux activity by measuring Rhodamine123 (Rh123) retention in lymphocytes stored under different conditions, in order to evaluate the potential utility of any of the storing conditions in Pgp functionality. Our results show no change in protein expression of Pgp by confocal studies and Western blotting, nor changes at the mRNA level (qRT-PCR). No differences in Rh123 efflux by Pgp activity assays were found between fresh and frozen lymphocytes after 24 hours of blood extraction, using either of the two Pgp specific inhibitors (VP and PSC833). Different working conditions in the 24 hours post blood extraction do not affect Rh123 efflux. These results allow standardization of Pgp activity measurement in different individuals with different timing of blood sampling and in different geographic areas. _______________


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Despite concerted efforts to improve current therapies and develop novel clinical approaches, patient survival remains poor. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies that specifically target the apoptotic pathway in order to improve treatment responses. Recently, nutlins, small-molecule antagonists of MDM2, have been developed to inhibit p53-MDM2 interaction and activate p53 signaling in cancer cells. Glioma cell lines and primary cultured glioblastoma cells were treated with nutlin-3a. Nutlin-3a induced p53-dependent G1- and G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in glioma cell lines with normal TP53 status. In addition, nutlin-arrested glioma cells show morphological features of senescence and persistent induction of p21 protein. Furthermore, senescence induced by nutlin-3a might be depending on mTOR pathway activity. In wild-type TP53 primary cultured cells, exposure to nutlin-3a resulted in variable degrees of apoptosis as well as cellular features of senescence. Nutlin-3a-induced apoptosis and senescence were firmly dependent on the presence of functional p53, as revealed by the fact that glioblastoma cells with knockdown p53 with specific siRNA, or cells with mutated or functionally impaired p53 pathway, were completely insensitive to the drug. Finally, we also found that nutlin-3a increased response of glioma cells to radiation therapy. The results provide a basis for the rational use of MDM2 antagonists as a novel treatment option for glioblastoma patients.


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Background: The DNA repair protein O6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) confers resistance to alkylating agents. Several methods have been applied to its analysis, with methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) the most commonly used for promoter methylation study, while immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become the most frequently used for the detection of MGMT protein expression. Agreement on the best and most reliable technique for evaluating MGMT status remains unsettled. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the correlation between IHC and MSP. Methods A computer-aided search of MEDLINE (1950-October 2009), EBSCO (1966-October 2009) and EMBASE (1974-October 2009) was performed for relevant publications. Studies meeting inclusion criteria were those comparing MGMT protein expression by IHC with MGMT promoter methylation by MSP in the same cohort of patients. Methodological quality was assessed by using the QUADAS and STARD instruments. Previously published guidelines were followed for meta-analysis performance. Results Of 254 studies identified as eligible for full-text review, 52 (20.5%) met the inclusion criteria. The review showed that results of MGMT protein expression by IHC are not in close agreement with those obtained with MSP. Moreover, type of tumour (primary brain tumour vs others) was an independent covariate of accuracy estimates in the meta-regression analysis beyond the cut-off value. Conclusions Protein expression assessed by IHC alone fails to reflect the promoter methylation status of MGMT. Thus, in attempts at clinical diagnosis the two methods seem to select different groups of patients and should not be used interchangeably.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive primary brain tumor in adults. Despite concerted efforts to improve current therapies and develop novel clinical approaches, patient survival remains poor. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies that specifically target the apoptotic pathway in order to improve treatment responses. Recently, nutlins, small-molecule antagonists of MDM2, have been developed to inhibit p53-MDM2 interaction and activate p53 signaling in cancer cells. Glioma cell lines and primary cultured glioblastoma cells were treated with nutlin-3a. Nutlin-3a induced p53-dependent G1- and G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in glioma cell lines with normal TP53 status. In addition, nutlin-arrested glioma cells show morphological features of senescence and persistent induction of p21 protein. Furthermore, senescence induced by nutlin-3a might be depending on mTOR pathway activity. In wild-type TP53 primary cultured cells, exposure to nutlin-3a resulted in variable degrees of apoptosis as well as cellular features of senescence. Nutlin-3a-induced apoptosis and senescence were firmly dependent on the presence of functional p53, as revealed by the fact that glioblastoma cells with knockdown p53 with specific siRNA, or cells with mutated or functionally impaired p53 pathway, were completely insensitive to the drug. Finally, we also found that nutlin-3a increased response of glioma cells to radiation therapy. The results provide a basis for the rational use of MDM2 antagonists as a novel treatment option for glioblastoma patients.


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Background and purpose: The TP53 induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR) functions to lower fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (Fru-2,6-P2) levels in cells, consequently decreasing glycolysis and leading to the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which correlate with a higher resistance to cell death. The decrease in intracellular ROS levels in response to TIGAR may also play a role in the ability of p53 to protect from the accumulation of genomic lesions. Given these good prospects of TIGAR for metabolic regulation and p53-response modulation, we analyzed the effects of TIGAR knockdown in U87MG and T98G glioblastoma-derived cell lines. Methods/results: After TIGAR-knockdown in glioblastoma cell lines, different metabolic parameters were assayed, showing an increase in Fru-2,6-P2, lactate and ROS levels, with a concomitant decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) levels. In addition, cell growth was inhibited without evidence of apoptotic or autophagic cell death. In contrast, a clear senescent phenotype was observed. We also found that TIGAR protein levels were increased shortly after irradiation. In addition, avoiding radiotherapy-triggered TIGAR induction by gene silencing resulted in the loss of capacity of glioblastoma cells to form colonies in culture and the delay of DNA repair mechanisms, based in c-H2AX foci, leading cells to undergo morphological changes compatible with a senescent phenotype. Thus, the results obtained raised the possibility to consider TIGAR as a therapeutic target to increase radiotherapy effects. Conclusion: TIGAR abrogation provides a novel adjunctive therapeutic strategy against glial tumors by increasing radiation-induced cell impairment, thus allowing the use of lower radiotherapeutic doses.


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Introducción. La codeleción 1p19q (LOH1p19q) confiere a los tumores oligodendrogliales quimiosensibilidad y un mejor pronóstico en relación con otros gliomas. La investigación dirigida a identificar características radiológicas asociadas a LOH1p19q ha despertado gran interés en los últimos años. Objetivos. Confirmar la existencia de heterogeneidad regional de los parámetros moleculares en los gliomas oligodendrogliales, valorar la asociación entre el perfil genético y determinadas características radiológicas y clínicas, y analizar el valor pronóstico de éstas. Pacientes y métodos. Se incluyeron 54 pacientes tratados según un protocolo preestablecido común. Se valoraron las secuencias T1, con/sin gadolinio, y T2 de la resonancia magnética preoperatoria a ciegas de la información molecular y clínica. El análisis de LOH se efectuó sobre muestras pareadas de ADN tumoral y genómico. Resultados. La presencia de LOH1p se halló fuertemente asociada a LOH19q (p < 0,0001). LOH1p19q resultó más frecuente en los tumores situados en el lóbulo frontal (odds ratio, OR = 5,38; intervalo de confianza del 95%, IC 95% = 1,51-19,13; p = 0,007) y sin necrosis radiológica (OR = 0,17; IC 95% = 0,03-0,80; p = 0,02). La localización frontal (riesgo relativo, RR = 4,499; IC 95% = 1,027-193,708; p = 0,046), la necrosis radiológica (RR = 0,213; IC 95% = 0,065-0,700; p = 0,011) y el grado de resección (RR = 9,231; IC 95% = 1,737-49,050; p = 0,009) resultaron factores pronósticos independientes de supervivencia global. Conclusiones. En los tumores oligodendrogliales, además del análisis histológico y el estudio genético-molecular, la valoración de determinadas características radiológicas puede resultar de gran utilidad para definir subgrupos de pacientes con pronóstico y respuesta al tratamiento similares. Los esfuerzos deben dirigirse, por tanto, hacia la utilización combinada de todos los recursos disponibles en cada centro.


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En este trabajo se presenta un conjunto dereflexiones y conclusiones alrededor del proceso de formación del profesorado y personal no docente en el uso de un LMS (Learning Management System)en un centro educativo, y el proceso de implantación de dicho sistema. En el entorno presencial de aprendizaje del Centre d'Estudis Politècnics, en adelante CEP, es necesario facilitar la comunicación y el acceso a los recursos entre los miembros de la comunidad, no sólo por parte de los estudiantes para localizar recursos docentes y facilitar la comunicación con sus profesores, sino también para facilitar la reusabilidad e intercambio de los materiales, la comunicación entre docentes y el resto del personal del centro educativo, secretaria,administración, departamento de calidad y bolsa detrabajo, así como la interacción entre profesores y estudiantes y de éstos entre sí.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és millorar la situació actual del servei tècnic de reparació i manteniment d'equipament mèdic de l'Hospital Verge de la Cinta i dels centres d'atenció primària de Tortosa i crear unes interfícies clares, ordenades, fàcils i intuïtives per als usuaris, ja siguin els clients o els propis empleats, i que serviran de pont de comunicació amb el servidor central de l'organització on estarà tota la seva informació. Per crear les interfícies s'utilitzarà la metodologia del disseny centrat en l'usuari (DCU) i, a través d'un prototip, s'avaluaran les tasques que han de realitzar els usuaris (clients i empleats).