981 resultados para Tolerância a Pb e Zn


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The marine environment near Karachi, particularly the Baba channel, Chari Kundi channel and Manora channel have been found contaminated with industrial effluents discharged by Malir and Lyari rivers, since they carry a high concentration of toxic heavy metals viz. Pb, Zn, Cu and Mn emanating from the industrial area and are received and discharged by the Lyari river. Out of 60 seawater samples collected from the above mentioned areas, Pb was present in 55 samples and Zn in 58 samples. The concentration of Pb was between 0.04 and 59.2ppm and the concentration of Zn was between 0.05 and 1.9ppm. Similarly all the 60 sludge samples collected from Lyari outfall and its adjoining area have been found to contain Pb and Zn in alarmingly high concentratios, which for Pb was between 15.4 and 3209.9ppm while for Zn was between 87 and 111.3ppm. Cu and Mn were also found in all the above samples.


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本文研究了重金属离子Cd++、Pb++、Cu++、Zn++对高等植物(菠菜)离体叶绿体两个光系统光合电子传递功能的影响,以Cd++为代表重点研究了它对光系统II(PSII)的影响,首重讨论了Cd++在PSII的作用部位及作用方式。 Cd++、Pb++、Cu++、Zn++对高等植物叶绿体光合电子传递具有抑制作用,其中对PSII电子传递的抑制作用更为显著。PSII制剂的放氧活性比叶绿体的放氧活性对Cd++的毒害作用更加敏感。不同浓度的Cd++处理后,叶绿体全电子链的电子传递活性比放氧活性的降低速率快。这暗示着PSII氧化侧不是Cd++唯一的作用部位,在PSII电子传递链上还存在一个对Cd~(++)敏感的部位。 Cd++使叶绿体和PSII制剂的DCIP光还原活性降低;可变光受到抑制。加入PSII人工电子供体DPC仅使被抑制的DCIP光还原活性稍有恢复;而加入NH2OH对被抑制的可变荧光无影响。因此我们认为Ca++除了作用于PSII氧化侧外,还直接作用于PSII反应中心。这与Bazzaz和Govindje等提出的Cd++仅作用于PSII氧化侧的观点不同。我们认为可能是Cd++改变了叶绿体或PSII制剂类囊体膜的构型或内环境,使较多的PSII反应中心不易被光活化或使其钝化的缘故。 低温(-196℃)荧光发射光谱表明,Cd++使叶绿体的F686/F736及 F696/F736比值降低。另外,Cd++还可使叶绿体和PSII制剂的低温(-196℃)荧光激发光谱的F480/F436比值下降,使叶绿体表观吸收光谱变平。 温和的SDS-PAGE分析表明,Cd++处理后,叶绿体类囊体膜与PSII制剂类囊体膜中色素蛋白复合物LHC-II的部分寡聚体解聚成单聚体,叶绿体中LHC-II总量减少。进一步用梯度胶分析叶绿体类囊体膜的多肽组成。发现Cd++使属于LHC-II的多肽减少。表明Cd++引起了LHC-II的重新分配或它本身的解离。通过比较Cd++与Mg++对PSII活性的不同影响,我们认为Cd++使激发能不利于向PSII分配,从而破坏了两个光系统的协调合作。这或许是导致PSII电子传递活性显著降低的因素之一。


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Soil-mix technology is effective for the construction of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) for in situ groundwater treatment. The objective of this study was to perform initial experiments for the design of soil-mix technology PRBs according to (i) sorption isotherm, (ii) reaction kinetics and (iii) mass balance of the contaminants. The four tested reactive systems were: (i) a granular zeolite (clinoptilolite-GZ), (ii) a granular organoclay (GO), (iii) a 1:1-mixture GZ and model sandy clayey soil and (iv) a 1:1:1-mixture of GZ, GO and model soil. The laboratory experiments consisted of batch tests (volume 900mL and sorbent mass 18g) with a multimetal solution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni. For the adsorption experiment, the initial concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 0.5mM (2.5 to 30mg/L). The maximum metal retention was measured in a batch test (300mg/L for each metal, volume 900mL, sorbent mass 90-4.5g). The reactive material efficiency order was found to be GZ>GZ-soil mix>GZ-soil-GO mix>GO. Langmuir isotherms modelled the adsorption, even in presence of a mixed cations solution. Adsorption was energetically favourable and spontaneous in all cases. Metals were removed according to the second order reaction kinetics; GZ and the 1:1-mix were very similar. The maximum retention capacity was 0.1-0.2mmol/g for Pb in the presence of clinoptilolite; for Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni, it was below 0.05mmol/g for the four reactive systems. Mixing granular zeolite, organoclay and model soil increased the chemisorption. Providing that GZ is reactive enough for the specific conditions, GZ can be mixed to obtain the required sorption. Granular clinoptilolite addition to soil is recommended for PRBs for metal contaminated groundwater. The laboratory experiments consisted of batch tests with a multimetal solution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni. The four reactive materials chosen were granular zeolite, clinoptilolite and model sandy clayey soil, granular organoclay and a mix of clinoptilolite, model soil and organoclay. The reactive material efficiency order was found to be granular clinoptilolite>clinoptilolite-soil mix>clinoptilolite-soil-organoclay mix>granular organoclay. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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In this study, in order to assess the ecological health status and zoning of soft bottom of Gorgan Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of macrofauna and their relationship with environmental stress were investigated. Sediment samples were collected using a Van Veen grab at 22 sampling points, seasonally during 2012-2013. The averages (±SD) of the percentages of sand, silt, clay and TOM (Total Organic Matter) in the sediment samples were determined (44.4± 15, 53.4 ± 14, and 2.2 ±2.2 and 7.2% ± 1.6, respectively). Our results showed that mean (range) of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were 1.2 % (0.4-2.1), 4.8 (2.5- 10.3) ppm, 10.5 (4.4-16.9) ppm, 1 (0.4 – 1.6) % , 13.6 (6.2-21.5) ppm, 9.1 (4.7-12.9) ppm and 23.9 (3.1-39.4) ppm, respectively. In spring, both Al and Ni were higher than the guideline level. In the event that arsenic was exceeds the guidelines in summer. In this study, 14 species of macrofauna from 12 families were identified. Polychaeta with 3 species was the most dominant group in terms of abundance. The four most abundant taxa making up 85% of all specimens (Streblospio gynobranchiata, Tubificidae, Hediste versicolor and Abra segmentum). The western area were characterized by the higher species diversity (H', 1.94). So Gorgan Bay presents transitional macrobenthic assemblages that are spatially distributed along substrate gradients .The mean of Shannon index, BENTIX, BO2A, AMBI and M-AMBI in the bay was 1.3, 2.2, 0.4, 3.2 and 0.65 respectively. According to the results of these indices, ecological status of the western part of the bay assessed better than the other parts. According to the results of the nmMDS (non-metric Multidimensional Scaling), PCA (Principal Components Analysis), the map of distribution of heavy metals and the map of the ecological status , it seems Gorgan Bay is divided into two separate zones (the eastern and the western parts).M-AMBI finaly introduced reliable index for assessing the ecological status of the Bay.


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Ecological risk assessment is determination of the probability of an adverse effect occurring to an ecological system. This investigation was carried out to assess the ecological risk of sediment in coast of Bandar Abbass in 9 stations including Shilat Jetty, Hotel Amin, Poshte-Shahr, Souro, Bahonar Jetty, Powerhouse, Refinery and Rajaee Jetty from autumn 2013 to summer 2014. Results showed that Polychaete with 1177 , 1109 , 414 , 573 , ind.m2 in autumn 91 , winter 91 , spring 92 and summer 92 were the most abundant in frequency respectively. Among ecological indices, the Margalof that ranged from 4 to 7 was in a good situation while Shanoon and Berger – Parker with 1.2 (at most) and 0.32 (at least) respectively indicated an environment with probable stress. Heavy metal distribution obtained as Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn in sediment. In tissue, the distribution of heavy metals were as Crab>polychaete>Bivalve>gastropod for Pb, Gastropod>Bivalve>Polychaete>Crab for Cd, Gastropod>Crab>Polychaete>Bivalve for Cu and Gastropod>Bivalve>Crab>Polychaete for Zn. Maximum and Minimum of TOM obtained 10.16 and 1.96 percent in Posht-e-Shahr and shilat Jetty respectively and clay was the dominant grain in most area. Bioaccumulation coefficient of Zn and Cu was high in all stations. Igeo as a single index was high for Cd indicating a high risk in all stations. Potential Ecological Risk was high for Cu and Zn and goes increasingly from shilat Jetty to Rajee Jetty but goes down for Pb. Pollution index for Cu and Pb was nearly the same as Potential Ecological Risk but for Zn goes constantly. Among PAH, 5-ring and 6-ring PAhs were more concentrate comparison to other compounds in sediment. 2-ring and 3-ring, 3-ring, 4-ring and 5-ring and 5-ring PAHs were more concentrate in Gastropod, Bivalve, Crab and Polychaete respectively. HI as an index of PAH obtained 1. Ecological Risk Indices showed that the heavy metals are a serious risk for invertebrate in sediment but PAHs are not a risk for benthic community.


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The water and bottom sediments of Lake Victoria (Kenya) were analysed for A1, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Cd. The total metal concentrations were determined and their mean variations and distributions discussed. The bottom lake waters showed higher concentration levels than the surface waters. The range of values (in mg/l) in the bottom and surface lake waters were as follows: Surface Waters: A1(0.08 - 3.98), Fe(0.09 - 4.01), Mn(0.02 - 0.10). Zn(0.01 -0.07), Pb(0.001- 0.007), Cu(not detected - 0.006), Cr(not detected - 0.004). Bottom Waters: A1(0.1 0 - 6.59), Fe(0.23 - 9.64), Mn(0.04 - 0.39), Zn(0.01- 0.08), Pb(0.002 - 0.009), Cu(not detected - 0.03). Cr(not detected -0.002). River mouths and shallow areas in the lake showed higher total metal concentrations than offshore deeper areas. Apart from natural metal levels, varied urban activities and wastes greatly contribute to the lake metal pollution as shown by high Pb and Zn levels in sediments, around Kisumu and Homa Bay areas. Other comparatively high values and variations could be attributed to the varied geological characteristics of the lake and its sediments. Compared to the established W.H.O (1984) drinking water standards manganese, aluminium and iron levels were above these limits whereas zinc, lead, chromium, copper and cadmium were below.


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Portland cement has been widely used for stabilisation/solidification (S/S) treatment of contaminated soils. However, there is a dearth of literature on pH-dependent leaching of contaminants from cement-treated soils. This study investigates the leachability of Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from a mixed contaminated soil. A sandy soil was spiked with 3000 mg/kg each of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn, and 10,000 mg/kg of diesel, and treated with ordinary Portland cement (CEM I). Four different binder dosages, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% (m/m) and different water contents ranging from 13%-19% dry weight were used in order to find a safe operating envelope for the treatment process. The pH-dependent leaching behaviour of the treated soil was monitored over an 84-day period using a 3-point acid neutralisation capacity (ANC) test. The monolithic leaching test was also conducted. Geotechnical properties such as unconfined compressive strength (UCS), hydraulic conductivity and porosity were assessed over time. The treated soils recorded lower leachate concentrations of Ni and Zn compared to the untreated soil at the same pH depending on binder dosage. The binder had problems with Pb stabilisation and TPH leachability was independent of pH and binder dosage. The hydraulic conductivity of the mixes was generally of the order, 10-8 m/sec, while the porosity ranged from 26%-44%. The results of selected performance properties are compared with regulatory limits and the range of operating variables that lead to acceptable performance described. © 2012 The Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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The present study was carried out to investigate contamination of heavy metals in 19 fish species from the Banan section of Chongqing in the Three Gorges, Yangtze River. The results showed that the mean concentrations of heavy metals were higher in intestine than muscle, except zinc in upper strata. In the fish inhabiting the upper strata, there were significant differences between mean concentrations of As, Cr, Cu and Hg in muscle and intestine (P <0.05). There were also significant differences between mean concentrations of Cr and Cu in muscle and intestine in the fish inhabiting middle strata. However, significant differences between mean concentrations of As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn were measured in fish inhabiting bottom strata in both intestine and muscle tissues (P <0.05). For the fish inhabiting different strata, the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg and Ph in muscle and intestine of the fish from bottom strata (BS) were higher than those in both upper strata (US) and middle strata (MS); whereas a higher concentration of Zn was measured in muscle and intestine from fish inhabiting upper strata. Mean metal concentrations were found to be higher in age 11 than those in age I in Coreius heterodon (2- and 1-year odl fish respectively). The overall results indicated that fish muscle in the Banan section were slightly contaminated by heavy metals, but did not exceed Chinese food standards.


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Goal, Scope and Background. Heavy metal is among one of the pollutants, which cause severe threats to humans and the environment in China. The aim of the present review is to make information on the source of heavy metal pollution, distribution of heavy metals in the environment, and measures of pollution control accessible internationally, which are mostly published in Chinese. Methods. Information from scientific journals, university journals and governmental releases are compiled focusing mainly on Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Partly Al, As, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn and Ni are included also in part as well. Results and Discussion. In soil, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.097, 22.6, 26.0 and 74.2 mg/kg, respectively. In the water of. the Yangtze River Basin, the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.080, 7.91, 15.7 and 18.7 pg/L, respectively. In reference to human activities, the heavy metal pollution comes from three sources: industrial emission, wastewater and solid waste. The environment such as soil, water and air were polluted by heavy metals in some cases. The contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn even reach 3.16, 99.3, 84.1 and 147 mg/kg, respectively, in the soils of a wastewater irrigation zone. These contaminants pollute drinking water and food, and threaten human health. Some diseases resulting from pollution of geological and environmental origin, were observed with long-term and non-reversible effects. Conclusions. In China, the geological background level of heavy metal is low, but with the activity of humans, soil, water, air, and plants are polluted by heavy metals in some cases and even affect human health through the food chain. Recommendations and Outlook. To remediate and improve environmental quality is a long strategy for the polluted area to keep humans and animals healthy. Phytoremediation would be an effective technique to remediate the heavy metal pollutions.


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污水处理过程中最为棘手的问题是可以产生大量含有重金属等污染物的固态、半固态或液态的污泥。随着工业化和城市化的迅猛发展以及污水处理能力的提高,日益增多的污泥不仅困扰着污水处理厂的正常运作,若处理不当,还会危及到生态健康与人体健康,并造成资源与经济的浪费。污泥中含有丰富的氮、磷、钾等营养元素,这使污泥资源化利用成为可能;但污泥中同时含有大量的重金属元素,给污泥的资源化利用造成了许多麻烦。因此,如何有效地去除污泥中的重金属,使其达到相应的标准之内,是污泥回用前亟待解决的关键问题。本研究主要针对如何减少和降低城市污泥中重金属毒害作用,以有效的、去除和降低城市污泥中有毒有害重金属元素为目的,尤其是一些经常性超标重金属元素,对城市污泥进行重金属脱除开展实验研究。 在实验研究过程中,主要采用柠檬酸、草酸和乙酸这3种最常见的有机酸作为淋洗剂,研究了柠檬酸、草酸和乙酸对污泥中Cd、Pb、Cu和Zn等重金属的去除效果,并分析了实验前后污泥中重金属形态变化和生物有效性,以及处理前后析出液和污泥中硝态氮和铵态氮的浓度变化。 研究结果表明,随着反应时间和酸溶液浓度的增加,污泥中重金属(Cu除外)的去除率也相应增加。污泥中加入有机酸溶液反应24h后,柠檬酸可去除76.0%的Pb和92.5%的Zn,草酸和乙酸对重金属的去除率并不大。柠檬酸经过7h即可去除污泥中大部分的PbZn,分别为52.0%(Pb)和74.2%(Zn)。去除的PbZn主要为以稳定形式存在的,不稳定态的比例有所上升,其中可交换态的浓度有不同程度的增加。污泥经有机酸处理后,有大量的硝态氮和铵态氮溶解于析出液中。与污泥中加入蒸馏水的对照处理相比,有机酸可大幅度增加析出液中铵态氮的含量,减少硝态氮的含量。由于污泥处理过程中有其他形态的氮的转化,处理后污泥中仍含有较高浓度的硝态氮和铵态氮。采用0.5 mol•L-1草酸处理析出液中硝态氮和铵态氮浓度分别为2.8 mg•L-1和888.1 mg•L-1,且重金属去除率不大,析出液可作为较好的“液体肥料”进行回收利用。


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针对鞍山大孤山排岩场由大小不一的石砾组成、无任何土壤、保水性能差、植物所需的营养成分极其贫乏、含有限制植物生长的有毒有害物质等特殊的立地条件,以营养成分丰富的城市污泥、粉煤灰等固体废弃物配制的人工土壤做为修复基质,通过室内模拟试验从人工土壤的保水性能、肥力水平和重金属含量及其活动性等方面研究粉煤灰钝化污泥用做无土排岩场植被再建的可行性,并进行了现场验证试验,结果表明: 采用当地城市生活污泥、粉煤灰以及铁矿尾砂为原料进行合理配比的人工土壤具有较好的持水保水性能;而且该人工土壤中有机质和速效氮、磷、钾的含量都极其丰富,处于高肥力水平;人工土壤的重金属含量符合国家农用标准。因此将这种养分含量较高的粉煤灰钝化污泥人工土壤用做无土排岩场生态修复的基质从理论上是可行的。 人工土壤熟化过程中对地下水的潜在影响研究表明:粉煤灰的加入有效抑制了污泥中氮素硝化作用的发生,同时也降低了钝化污泥人工土壤中SO42-、Cl-的浓度;人工土壤溶液中Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、Mn平衡浓度均显著低于水质中重金属含量的毒害临界水平。因此,将该人工土壤用于鞍山大孤山排岩场植被再建,其土壤浸提溶液不会对地下水造成潜在威胁。 现场试验研究表明,钝化污泥人工土壤用做陡坡无土排岩场的修复基质适宜于乔木刺槐的生长,具有较好的植被成活率及生长势,该修复模式用于陡坡无土排岩场植被再建是可行的。


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本文以冶炼厂和张士灌区土壤为修复对象,以镉、铅、锌、铜为目标污染物,在室内模拟实验条件下,利用自养菌-嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌和异养菌-黑曲霉淋滤技术修复重金属污染土壤。在考察自养菌和异养菌对重金属污染土壤修复效果的基础上,重点研究了溶解性有机质和耐酸性异养菌对淋滤修复的影响和机制,同时筛选确定替代蔗糖黑曲霉发酵产酸的廉价碳源。结果发现: 自养菌-氧化亚铁硫杆菌淋滤修复过程中,筛选鉴定嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌R2对甲酸、乙酸、丙酸、草酸、苹果酸和柠檬酸的耐受浓度分别为0.1、0.4、0.4、2.0、20和40 mmol/L,而高效液相色谱测定沈阳冶炼厂土壤和张士灌区土壤中低分子量有机酸浓度很低,其中草酸含量最高,分别仅为0.04mmol/L和0.149mmol/L,远低于氧化亚铁硫杆菌能耐受的有机酸浓度。同时土壤中溶解性有机质对氧化亚铁硫杆菌R2氧化Fe2+未产生抑制作用,而耐酸性异养微生物H1(红酵母菌)和H2(头孢霉)的加入对氧化亚铁硫杆菌R2淋滤去除重金属效果未产生明显促进作用,本研究中分离筛选的嗜酸性氧化亚铁硫杆菌R2可直接应用于污染土壤的生物淋滤修复。经过5d的生物淋滤,冶炼厂土壤中Cu、Zn和Cd的最高去除率分别为30.6%、58.4%和72%。 在一步黑曲霉生物淋滤过程中,当固液比5%(w/v)、接种量3%(v/v)和淋滤修复7d时,对冶炼厂土壤来说,Cu、Cd、PbZn去除率分别为75.8%,100%,30.6%和26.1%;张士灌区土壤中分别为54%,71.8%,9.5%,18.7%。在二步黑曲霉生物淋滤过程中,当固液比10%(w/v)、接种量为2%(v/v)和黑曲霉发酵时间7d,淋滤2d时,冶炼厂土壤中四种重金属去除率分别为Cu 84%,Cd 75.5%,Pb30.5%和Zn10%;张士灌区土壤中Cu、Cd、PbZn的去除率分别达到57%,94.8%,20.4%和17.5%。 异养菌-黑曲霉淋滤修复重金属污染土壤效果优于有机酸淋滤。与黑曲霉淋滤相比,在直接添加有机酸淋滤修复中,冶炼厂土壤中重金属去除率分别为Cu 46.4%,Cd 61.8%,Pb 30.2%和Zn 43.3%,张士灌区土壤中重金属去除率分别为Cu 44%,Cd 0%,Pb 0%和Zn 26.2%。 淋滤前后土壤中重金属形态分级结果表明,黑曲霉一步和二步淋滤修复能有效去除污染土壤中交换态、碳酸盐结合态部分重金属,并能显著降低氧化物结合态部分重金属,但对有机态和残余态部分重金属离子去除效果并不明显。 以树木落叶和农作物副产品作为廉价碳源实施黑曲霉淋滤实验表明:杨树叶、桃树叶、土豆皮和玉米芯产酸和去除重金属效果较好。杨树叶对冶炼厂土壤中重金属去除率分别为63.5% Cu、100% Cd、16.8% PbZn 27%;桃树叶去除效果分别为Cu61.8%、Cd100%、14.6%Pb和28.5%Zn;土豆皮去除效果分别为61%Cu、100%Cd、10.6%Pb和34%Zn。这些廉价碳源的利用可降低污染土壤生物淋滤修复成本。 研究生物淋滤修复技术为重金属污染土壤处理与处置开辟了新途径。


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重金属作为土壤污染的重要污染物,给环境和人类的健康带来严重危害,目前传统的研究方法已不适于土壤污染的快速诊断,如何建立一个新的诊断方法是人们面临的艰巨任务。水生生态毒理学在其长期的发展过程中已形成一系列标准的实验方法,而且具有快速、敏感等优点,但这些方法主要用于水体中污染物的毒性诊断,本研究的主要目的就是应用水生生态毒理学方法对重金属污染土壤的毒性进行诊断,并且确定土壤污染的警戒值,为土壤清洁标准的建立提供依据。实验选取Cd、Cu、ZnPb作为土壤污染的污染物,采用清洁土壤人工投加污染物的方法,对4种重金污染的3种土壤采用两种毒性诊断方法进行毒性诊断。首先探讨了应用发光菌法和斜生栅藻增长抑制实验对重金属污染土壤进行毒性诊断的可行性,结果表明2种方法是可行的,并且确定了最佳平衡时间为24小时,最佳浸提时间为2小时。变换不同的浸提方法表明0.1N HCL为最佳的浸提剂,剂量效应曲线表明土壤的重金属投加量与效应间存在明显的相关性。相同重金属条件下不同土壤的EC_(50)依次为粟钙土>暗棕壤>草甸棕壤;同一土壤条件下不同金属的EC_(50)依次为Pb>Cu>Zn>Cd。同一种金属不同诊断方法、不同诊断参数的敏感性依次为斜生栅藻细胞数增长率>斜生栅藻光密度增长率>发光菌相对发光度。对复合污染的研究表明,复合污染条件下,金属间存在明显的协同作用,使土壤的毒性明显增加。本研究首次将水生生态毒理学方法用于土壤污染毒性诊断,并提出了不同土壤、不同诊断方法的土壤污染的警戒值,为土壤的优先修复提供奠定了基础。


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