983 resultados para Tobacco-related tumors


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the use and appropriateness of medical advice for smoking cessation provided by registrars in a General Medicine Outpatient Department to an unselected patient population in Switzerland. METHODS: A prospective observational study in which 314 consecutive outpatients were contacted by phone within 24h after their consultation. Questions and information concerning smoking asked and/or provided by the registrar to patients were collected. RESULTS: Eleven registrars (mean age 34 years (range 29-40), 54% females, mean of 5 years (range 3.5-6 years) postgraduate medical training) worked in the Basel University Hospital Medical Outpatient Department during the study period from 01.01.2006 to 31.03.2006. In total 314 participants (mean 48 years, age range 16-71 years, 50% females) completed the study. Registrars queried 81% of the patients about smoking, but inquired about smoking duration only in 44% of the patients. Twenty-eight percent of the patients received information about the risks related to smoking, whereas cessation was discussed only with 10% and offered to 9% of the patients. CONCLUSION: Though most junior physicians in the survey asked about smoking, they failed to appropriately address tobacco-related health issues and offer cessation advice in the majority of cases. Extended regular training for physicians on smoking-related issues will be necessary in order to improve counselling of smokers and meet the global tobacco challenge.


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Alcohol and tobacco related disorders are the two leading and most expensive causes of illness in central Europe. In addition to self reports and questionnaires, biomarkers are of relevance in diagnosis and therapy of alcohol use disorders.Traditional biomarkers such as gamma glutamyl transpeptidase or mean corpuscualr volume are indirect biomarkers and are subject to influence of age, gender and non alcohol related diseases, among others.Direct ethanol metabolites such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulphate (EtS) and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) are direct metabolites of ethanol, that are positive after intake of ethyl alcohol. They represent useful diagnostic tools for identifying alcohol use even more accurately than traditional biomarkers. Each of these drinking indicators remains positive in serum and urine for a characteristic time spectrum after the cessation of ethanol intake-EtG and EtS in urine up to 7 days, EtG in hair for months after ethanol has left the body. Applications include clinical routine use, emergency room settings, proof of abstinence in alcohol rehabilitation programs, driving under influence offenders, workplace testing, assessment of alcohol intake in the context of liver transplantation and fetal alcohol syndrome.


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Background: Lynch Syndrome (LS) is a familial cancer syndrome with a high prevalence of colorectal and endometrial carcinomas among affected family members. Clinical criteria, developed from information obtained from familial colorectal cancer registries, have been generated to identify individuals at elevated risk for having LS. In 2007, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) codified criteria to assist in identifying women presenting with gynecologic cancers at elevated risk for having LS. These criteria have not been validated in a population-based setting. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively identified 412, unselected endometrial cancer cases. Clinical and pathologic information were obtained from the electronic medical record, and all tumors were tested for expression of the DNA mismatch repair proteins through immunohistochemistry. Tumors exhibiting loss of MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 were designated as probable Lynch Syndrome (PLS). For tumors exhibiting immunohistochemical loss of MLH1, we used the PCR-based MLH1 methylation assay to delineate PLS tumors from sporadic tumors. Samples lacking methylation of the MLH1 promoter were also designated as PLS. The sensitivity and specificity for SGO criteria for detecting PLS tumors was calculated. We compared clinical and pathologic features of sporadic tumors and PLS tumors. A simplified cost-effectiveness analysis was also performed comparing the direct costs of utilizing SGO criteria vs. universal tumor testing. Results: In our cohort, 43/408 (10.5%) of endometrial carcinomas were designated as PLS. The sensitivity and specificity of SGO criteria to identify PLS cases were 32.7 and 77%, respectively. Multivariate analysis of clinical and pathologic parameters failed to identify statistically significant differences between sporadic and PLS tumors with the exception of tumors arising from the lower uterine segment. These tumors were more likely to occur in PLS tumors. Cost-effectiveness analysis showed clinical criteria and universal testing strategies cost $6,235.27/PLS case identified and $5,970.38/PLS case identified, respectively. Conclusions: SGO 5-10% criteria successfully identify PLS cases among women who are young or have significant family history of LS related tumors. However, a larger proportion of PLS cases occurring at older ages with less significant family history are not detected by this screening strategy. Compared to SGO clinical criteria, universal tumor testing is a cost effective strategy to identify women presenting with endometrial cancer who are at elevated risk for having LS.


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Pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) are widely distributed throughout the airway mucosa of human and animal lungs. Based on the observation that NEB cells have a candidate oxygen sensor enzyme complex (NADPH oxidase) and an oxygen-sensitive K+ current, it has been suggested that NEB may function as airway chemoreceptors. Here we report that mRNAs for both the hydrogen peroxide sensitive voltage gated potassium channel subunit (KH2O2) KV3.3a and membrane components of NADPH oxidase (gp91phox and p22phox) are coexpressed in the NEB cells of fetal rabbit and neonatal human lungs. Using a microfluorometry and dihydrorhodamine 123 as a probe to assess H2O2 generation, NEB cells exhibited oxidase activity under basal conditions. The oxidase in NEB cells was significantly stimulated by exposure to phorbol esther (0.1 μM) and inhibited by diphenyliodonium (5 μM). Studies using whole-cell voltage clamp showed that the K+ current of cultured fetal rabbit NEB cells exhibited inactivating properties similar to KV3.3a transcripts expressed in Xenopus oocyte model. Exposure of NEB cells to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, the dismuted by-product of the oxidase) under normoxia resulted in an increase of the outward K+ current indicating that H2O2 could be the transmitter modulating the O2-sensitive K+ channel. Expressed mRNAs or orresponding protein products for the NADPH oxidase membrane cytochrome b as well as mRNA encoding KV3.3a were identified in small cell lung carcinoma cell lines. The studies presented here provide strong evidence for an oxidase-O2 sensitive potassium channel molecular complex operating as an O2 sensor in NEB cells, which function as chemoreceptors in airways and in NEB related tumors. Such a complex may represent an evolutionary conserved biochemical link for a membrane bound O2-signaling mechanism proposed for other cells and life forms.


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Malignant mesotheliomas (MMs) are aggressive tumors that develop most frequently in the pleura of patients exposed to asbestos. In contrast to many other cancers, relatively few molecular alterations have been described in MMs. The most frequent numerical cytogenetic abnormality in MMs is loss of chromosome 22. The neurofibromatosis type 2 gene (NF2) is a tumor suppressor gene assigned to chromosome 22q which plays an important role in the development of familial and spontaneous tumors of neuroectodermal origin. Although MMs have a different histogenic derivation, the frequent abnormalities of chromosome 22 warranted an investigation of the NF2 gene in these tumors. Both cDNAs from 15 MM cell lines and genomic DNAs from 7 matched primary tumors were analyzed for mutations within the NF2 coding region. NF2 mutations predicting either interstitial in-frame deletions or truncation of the NF2-encoded protein (merlin) were detected in eight cell lines (53%), six of which were confirmed in primary tumor DNAs. In two samples that showed NF2 gene transcript alterations, no genomic DNA mutations were detected, suggesting that aberrant splicing may constitute an additional mechanism for merlin inactivation. These findings implicate NF2 in the oncogenesis of primary MMs and provide evidence that this gene can be involved in the development of tumors other than nervous system neoplasms characteristic of the NF2 disorder. In addition, unlike NF2-related tumors, MM derives from the mesoderm; malignancies of this origin have not previously been associated with frequent alterations of the NF2 gene.


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Although cytosolic glutathione S-transterase (GST) enzymes occupy a key position in biological detoxification processes, two of the most relevant human isoenzymes. GST1-1 and GSTM1-1, are genetically deleted (non-functional alleles GSTT1*0 and GsTM1*0) in a high percentage of the human population, with major ethnic differences. The structures of the GSTT and GSTM gene areas explain the underlying genetic processes. GSTT1-1 is highly conserved during evolution and plays a major role in phase-II biotransformation of a number of drugs and industrial chemicals. e.g. cytostatic drugs, hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons. GSTM1-1 is particularly relevant in the deactivation of carcinogenic intermediates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Several lines of evidence Suggest that hGSTT1-1 and/or hGSTM1-1 play a role in the deactivation of reactive oxygen species that are likely to be involved in cellular processes of inflammation, ageing and degenerative diseases. There is cumulating evidence that combinations of the GSTM1*0 state with other genetic traits affecting the metabolism of carcinogens (CYP1A1, GSTP1) may predispose the aero-digestivc tract and lung, especially in smokers, to a higher risk of cancer. The GSTM1*0 status appears also associated with a modest increase in the risk of bladder cancer, consistent with a GSTM1 interaction with carcinogenic tobacco smoke constituents. Both human GST deletions, although largely counterbalanced by overlapping substrate affinities within the GST superfamily, have consequences when the organism comes into contact with distinct man-made chemicals. This appears relevant in industrial toxicology and in drug metabolism.


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Berichtet wird über die Evaluation eines schulischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogramms, wobei es spezifisch um Wechselwirkungen zwischen Programmeffekten und schulklimatischen Bedingungskonstellationen (Klassenklima/Lehrerrückhalt) auf Wissen über, Erwartungen an und Konsum von Zigaretten geht. An der Untersuchung waren 388 Schüler und Schülerinnen achter und neunter Klassen beteiligt. Im Rahmen eines quasi-experimentellen Untersuchungsdesigns wurde in der Hälfte der Schulklassen ein 28stündiges Unterrichtsprogramm zur Gesundheitsförderung durchgeführt, während die andere Hälfte als Kontrollgruppe ohne Treatment diente. In der Interventionsgruppe zeigten sich Wissenszuwächse sowie positive Veränderungen in den Ergebniserwartungen, zum Teil in Abhängigkeit von den Klassenklimavariablen. Positive Veränderungen im Konsumverhalten als Folge der Intervention ergaben sich bei jüngeren Raucher/innen, und es zeigten sich Zusammenhänge zwischen Veränderungen in den Erwartungen an den Zigarettenkonsum und solchen im Konsumverhalten. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Most epidemiological studies concerning differentiated thyroid cancers (DTC) indicate an increasing incidence over the last two decades. This increase might be partially explained by the better access to health services worldwide, but clinicopathological analyses do not fully support this hypothesis, indicating that there are carcinogenetic factors behind this noticeable increasing incidence. Although we have undoubtedly understood the biology and molecular pathways underlying thyroid carcinogenesis in a better way, we have made very little progresses in identifying a risk profile for DTC, and our knowledge of risk factors is very similar to what we knew 30-40 years ago. In addition to ionizing radiation exposure, the most documented and established risk factor for DTC, we also investigated the role of other factors, including eating habits, tobacco smoking, living in a volcanic area, xenobiotics, and viruses, which could be involved in thyroid carcinogenesis, thus, contributing to the increase in DTC incidence rates observed.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine health care costs and economic burden of epidemiological changes in diseases related to tobacco consumption. METHODS: A time-series analysis in Mexico (1994-2005) was carried out on seven health interventions: chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lung cancer with and without surgical intervention, asthma in smokers and non-smokers, full treatment course with nicotine gum, and full treatment course with nicotine patch. According with Box-Jenkins methodology, probabilistic models were developed to forecast the expected changes in the epidemiologic profile and the expected changes in health care services required for selected interventions. Health care costs were estimated following the instrumentation methods and validated with consensus technique. RESULTS: A comparison of the economic impact in 2006 vs. 2008 showed 20-90% increase in expected cases depending on the disease (p<0.05), and 25-93% increase in financial requirements (p<0.01). The study data suggest that changes in the demand for health services for patients with respiratory diseases related to tobacco consumption will continue showing an increasing trend. CONCLUSIONS: In economic terms, the growing number of cases expected during the study period indicates a process of internal competition and adds an element of intrinsic competition in the management of preventive and curative interventions. The study results support the assumption that if preventive programs remain unchanged, the increasing demands for curative health care may cause great financial and management challenges to the health care system of middle-income countries like Mexico.


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BACKGROUND: Smoking is thought to produce an appetite-suppressing effect by many smokers. Thus, the fear of body weight gain often outweighs the perception of health benefits associated with smoking cessation, particularly in adolescents. We examined whether the tobacco industry played a role in appetite and body weight control related to smoking and smoking cessation. METHODS: We performed a systematic search within the archives of six major US and UK tobacco companies (American Tobacco, Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, Lorillard, Brown & Williamson and British American Tobacco) that were Defendants in tobacco litigation settled in 1998. Findings are dated from 1949 to 1999. RESULTS: The documents revealed the strategies planned and used by the industry to enhance effects of smoking on weight and appetite, mostly by chemical modifications of cigarettes contents. Appetite-suppressant molecules, such as tartaric acid and 2-acetylpyridine were added to some cigarettes. CONCLUSION: These tobacco companies played an active and not disclaimed role in the anti-appetite effects of smoking, at least in the past, by adding appetite-suppressant molecules into their cigarettes.


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Résumé (français)ContexteLe tabagisme est connu pour produire un effet coupe-faim chez la plupart des fumeurs. La crainte de la prise de poids à l'arrêt de la cigarette l'emporte souvent sur la perception des bénéfices sur la santé associés à l'abandon du tabac, particulièrement chez les adolescents. Nous avons examiné quel a été le rôle de l'industrie du tabac dans cet effet de la fumée sur l'appétit et sur le contrôle du poids.MéthodesNous avons réalisé une recherche systématique dans les archives de six grandes compagnies de tabac américaines et du Royaume-Uni (American Tobacco, Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, Lorillard, Brown & Williamson et British American Tobacco) qui avaient été mises en cause dans les procès du tabac en 1998 aux Etats-Unis. Les résultats concernent les années 1949 à 1999.RésultatsLes archives de ces industries montrent qu'elles ont mis au point et ont utilisé diverses stratégies pour améliorer les effets du tabagisme sur le poids et l'appétit, la plupart du temps en réalisant des modifications chimiques des cigarettes. Des substances coupe-faim, telles que l'acide tartrique et le 2-acétylpyridine ont notamment été ajoutées aux cigarettes.ConclusionEn tout cas par le passé, ces compagnies de tabac ont activement modifié leurs cigarettes afin d'en augmenter l'effet de diminution de l'appétit, notamment en y ajoutant des substances coupe-faim.


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To date, no effective method exists that predicts the response to preoperative chemoradiation (CRT) in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). Nevertheless, identification of patients who have a higher likelihood of responding to preoperative CRT could be crucial in decreasing treatment morbidity and avoiding expensive and time-consuming treatments. The aim of this study was to identify signatures or molecular markers related to response to pre-operative CRT in LARC. We analyzed the gene expression profiles of 26 pre-treatment biopsies of LARC (10 responders and 16 non-responders) without metastasis using Human WG CodeLink microarray platform. Two hundred and fifty seven genes were differentially over-expressed in the responder patient subgroup. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed a significant ratio of differentially expressed genes related to cancer, cellular growth and proliferation pathways, and c-Myc network. We demonstrated that high Gng4, c-Myc, Pola1, and Rrm1 mRNA expression levels was a significant prognostic factor for response to treatment in LARC patients (p<0.05). Using this gene set, we were able to establish a new model for predicting the response to CRT in rectal cancer with a sensitivity of 60% and 100% specificity. Our results reflect the value of gene expression profiling to gain insight about the molecular pathways involved in the response to treatment of LARC patients. These findings could be clinically relevant and support the use of mRNA levels when aiming to identify patients who respond to CRT therapy.


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The present study constitutes an investigation of tobacco consumption, related attitudes and individual differences in smoking or non-smoking behaviors in a sample of adolescents of different ages in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. We investigated three school-age groups (7th-grade, 9th-grade, and the second-year of high school) for differences in attitude and social and cognitive dimensions. We present both descriptive and inferential statistics. On an inferential level, we present a binary logistic regression-based model predicting risk of smoking. The resulting model most importantly suggests a strong relationship between smoking and alcohol consumption (both regular and sporadic). We interpret this result in terms of both the impact of the actual campaigns and the cognitive processes associated with adolescence.


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Cavernomas after radiotherapy, developing in irradiated children treated for malignant brain tumors, are capillary malformations that are frquently asymptomatic and benign in their evolution. However, in some children this can lead to haemorrhage, which can cause symptoms and need a surgical intervention. Although there is increasing evidence of cavernoma as a possible long term sequelae after radiotherapy, there is still information needed concerning very long follow-up. Different groups studied this problem focusing on incidence and the lag time radiotherapy and the appearance of cavernomas. Results showed that the period can last a long time and the cumulative incidence increases over the years, but the numbers vary between the different publications. More recently researchers tried to compare several predictive factors with the incidence of cavernomas, such as age at radiotherapy, gender, kind of cancer and chemotherapy. No relation has been recorded except a growing incidence when the radiotherapy was started before the age of ten. Reason of the study : The observations reported until now comprised a very heterogenous cohort of patients. No study has ever been made with patients affected only by malignant brain tumors which are typical in a children. As for the studied predictive factors, no publication described the technical aspect of radiotherapy. Objectives: To study a population of pediatric patients children with only malignant brain tumors in order tp calculate the incidence of cavernomas after radiotherapy and their evolution over a longer period compared to so far published researches. To analyse known predictive factors such as age of children at the moment of the radiotherapy, gender, and kind of cancer. To study extensively the role technical aspects of radiotherapy in the occurrence of cavernomas. Methodology: Retrospective study of a group of 62 children irradiated at the CHUV (Lausanne, Switzerland) between 1975 and 2010 due to the following malignant brain cancers: medulloblastoma, ependymoma, PNET. The images of IRM post radiotherapy will be analysed by a neuroradiologist and a radiotherapist will interpret the radiotherapy data. Expected results: We expect to find relations between the incidence of cavernomas post radiotherapy and the predictive factors including different techniques of radiotherapy and consequently to define the best long-term follow up of the children at risk.