341 resultados para Timor


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A presente pesquisa investiga como os sujeitos envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem de Português no curso de formação de professores do Bacharelato emergencial em Ciências Naturais, ofertado em Timor-Leste pela cooperação brasileira no período entre outubro/2009 e dezembro/2010, “traduzem / interpretam” o discurso de (re)introdução da língua portuguesa nesse país. A pesquisa baseia-se em dados produzidos ou reconstituídos a partir de minha experiência como professora do curso de formação de professores em língua portuguesa, através do “Programa de Qualificação e ensino da Língua Portuguesa em Timor-Leste (PQLP)”, coordenado pela Fundação CAPES. Para proceder à discussão, tomo como ferramentas teórico-metodológicas conceitos de Maingueneau (2008), especialmente os de “interincompreensão” e “simulacro”, como também os conceitos de “estratégia” e “tática” de Michel de Certeau (2012), que compõem seu modelo polemológico das apropriações culturais. As análises apontam que a maneira como cursistas e formador se apropriam do discurso da política de (re)introdução da língua portuguesa em Timor é determinada por formações discursivas diferentes, e que a relação interdiscursiva estabelecida entre elas desencadeia o fenômeno da “interincompreensão”. Compreender como essas formações discursivas se traduzem mutuamente na sala de aula, dentro das atividades que a princípio se destinariam ao ensino e a aprendizagem do português, contribui para que se possa (re)definir as intervenções didáticas das aulas de Português na formação de professores, assim como a política de (re)introdução do português em Timor-Leste. Defendemos que o ensinoaprendizagem do português, no contexto de Timor-Leste, precisa ser compreendido não apenas do ponto de vista didático, no que diz respeito à construção e mediação de saberes entre alunos e professores, como também do ponto de vista ideológico, uma vez que nesse país as propostas de formação atuais representam um projeto que pode conflitar com valores e crenças existentes na sociedade a respeito do idioma português e da relação entre a escola e outras instituições.


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We use a multiproxy approach to monitor changes in the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow as well as monsoonal wind and precipitation patterns in the Timor Sea on glacial-interglacial, precessional, and suborbital timescales. We focus on an interval of extreme climate change and sea level variation: marine isotope (MIS) 6 to MIS 5e. Paleoproductivity fluctuations in the Timor Sea follow a precessional beat related to the intensity of the Australian (NW) monsoon. Paired Mg/Ca and d18O measurements of surface- and thermocline-dwelling planktonic foraminifers (G. ruber and P. obliquiloculata) indicate an increase of >4°C in both surface and thermocline water temperatures during Termination II. Tropical sea surface temperature changed synchronously with ice volume (benthic d18O) during deglaciation, implying a direct coupling of high- and low-latitude climate via atmospheric and/or upper ocean circulation. Substantial cooling and freshening of thermocline waters occurred toward the end of Termination II and during MIS 5e, indicating a change in the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow from surface- to thermocline-dominated flow.


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The evolution of the Australian monsoon in relation to high-latitude temperature fluctuations over the last termination remains highly enigmatic. Here we integrate high-resolution riverine runoff and dust proxy data from X-ray fluorescence scanner measurements in four well-dated sediment cores, forming a NE-SW transect across the Timor Sea. Our records reveal that the development of the Australian monsoon closely followed the deglacial warming history of Antarctica. A minimum in riverine runoff documents dry conditions throughout the region during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (15-12.9 ka). Massive intensification of the monsoon coincided with Southern Hemisphere warming and intensified greenhouse forcing over Australia during the atmospheric CO2 rise at 12.9-10 ka. We relate the earlier onset of the monsoon in the Timor Strait (13.4 ka) to regional changes in landmass exposure during deglacial sea-level rise. A return to dryer conditions occurred between 8.1 and 7.3 ka following the early Holocene runoff maximum.


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Seven manganese nodules, eight ferromanganiferous shales from the Cretaceous Wai Bua Formation of Timor, and a pelagic limestone with four ferromanganese enriched layers from the Middle Eocene of Timor have been analysed. The nodules are compared with modern deep-sea nodules, and the ferromanganiferous shales are contrasted with relatively shallow marine manganiferous shales. The conclusion is reached that these rocks from Timor were probably deposited in a bathypelagic environment. There is a total absence of any indication that volcanic material has contributed to these deposits. The chemical composition of the ferromanganiferous rocks are discussed and some indications of biogenic influences are noted. The Middle Eocene pelagic limestone is compared with a similar modern sediment described from the Easter Island Rise in the Pacific.


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Fossil Mn nodules of Cretaceous age from western Timor exhibit chemical, structural and radioisotope compositions consistent with their being of deep-sea origin. These nodules show characteristics similar to nodules now found at depths of 3,500-5,000 m in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Slight differences in the fine structure and chemistry of these nodules and modern deep-sea nodules are attributed to diagenetic alteration after uplift of enclosing sediments.


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We present sea surface and upper thermocline temperature records (60-100 yr temporal resolution) spanning Marine Isotope Stage 3 (~24-62 kyr BP) from IMAGES Core MD01-2378 (121°47.27'E and 13°04.95'S; 1783 m water depth) located in the outflow area of the Indonesian Throughflow within the Timor Sea. Stable isotopes and Mg/Ca of the near surface dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) and the upper thermocline dwelling Pulleniatina obliquiloculata reveal rapid changes in the thermal structure of the upper ocean during Heinrich Events. Thermocline warming and increased delta18Oseawater (P. obliquiloculata record) during Heinrich Events 3, 4, and 5 reflect weakening of the relatively cool and fresh thermocline flow and reduced export of less saline water from the North Pacific and Indonesian Seas to the tropical Indian Ocean. Three main factors influenced Indonesian Throughflow variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3: (1) global slow-down in thermohaline circulation during Heinrich Events triggered by northern hemisphere cooling; (2) increased freshwater export from the Java Sea into the Indonesian Throughflow controlled by rising sea level from ~60 to 47 ka and (3) insolation related changes in Australasian monsoon with associated migration of hydrological fronts between Indian Ocean and Indonesian Throughflow derived water masses at ~46-40 ka.