497 resultados para Tibial Dyschondroplasia


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PURPOSE: Reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) yields less satisfying results than anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with respect to laxity control. Accurate tibial tunnel placement is crucial for successful PCL reconstruction using arthroscopic tibial tunnel techniques. A discrepancy between anatomical studies of the tibial PCL insertion site and surgical recommendations for tibial tunnel placement remains. The objective of this study was to identify the optimal placement of the tibial tunnel in PCL reconstruction based on clinical studies. METHODS: In a systematic review of the literature, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Review, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were screened for articles about PCL reconstruction from January 1990 to September 2011. Clinical trials comparing at least two PCL reconstruction techniques were extracted and independently analysed by each author. Only studies comparing different tibial tunnel placements in the retrospinal area were included. RESULTS: This systematic review found no comparative clinical trial for tibial tunnel placement in PCL reconstruction. Several anatomical, radiological, and biomechanical studies have described the tibial insertion sites of the native PCL and have led to recommendations for placement of the tibial tunnel outlet in the retrospinal area. However, surgical recommendations and the results of morphological studies are often contradictory. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable anatomical landmarks for tunnel placement are lacking. Future randomized controlled trials could compare precisely defined tibial tunnel placements in PCL reconstruction, which would require an established mapping of the retrospinal area of the tibial plateau with defined anatomical and radiological landmarks.


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Os autores relatam um caso de abordagem mista para o tratamento endovascular de doença oclusiva da artéria tibial anterior por acesso pedioso retrógrado, no qual a abordagem tradicional anterógrada foi inadequada em vencer uma oclusão. A técnica parece oferecer uma opção para procedimentos endovasculares, que objetivam o tratamento de lesões da artéria tibial anterior em que a via anterógrada convencional mostre-se inadequada.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of ovariectomy and the hyperprolactinemia procedure in the tibial epiphyseal growth plate of female mice.METHODS: In this study, the epiphyseal growth plate of ovariectomized (OVX) and/or rendered hyperprolactinemic female mice by 50 days of treatment with 200 μg metoclopramide (M) was evaluated morphologically, morphometrically and immuno-histochemically. Forty female and adult mice were divided into four groups according to treatment: V group - animals treated with saline solution; H group - hyperprolactinemic animals; Ovx/V group - ovariectomized animals and treated with saline solution; Ovx/H group - hyperprolactinemic and ovariectomized animals. After the treatment period, the animals were sacrificed, tibia was removed and fixed in 10% buffered formalin and decalcified in 10% formic acid. The material was immersed in paraffin and subjected to histological processing in paraffin. The sections were stained with Masson's trichrome and immunohistochemistry was carried out for the pro-apoptotic protein BCL-2. The images for the morphological and morphometric study were analyzed with the imaging program AxioVision 4.8 (Carl-Zeiss(r), Germany).RESULTS: The combination of hyperprolactinemia and the ovariectomy procedure decreased the number of resting chondrocytes 1.5-fold, the number of proliferative chondrocytes 1.8-fold; the percentage of resting cartilage 2.4-fold and the percentage of trabecular bone 2.1-fold, compared with respective control animals.CONCLUSION: The procedure of ovariectomy combined with the metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemia in female mice has showed marked bone degeneration due to significant decrease of cell proliferation in the epiphyseal growth plate and bone formation.


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A closed fracture was performed on the left tibia of 3-month-old Wistar rats weighing 250 to 350 g that were either healthy (N = 24) or made diabetic with alloxan (N = 24) to investigate the effect of alloxan-induced diabetes on the course of bone fracture healing. Histomorphometric analysis of the fracture site was performed at 7, 14, 25, and 35 days. After 7 days, diabetic rats had significantly less cartilage (P = 0.045) and greater fibrous connective (P = 0.006) tissue formation at the fracture site compared to controls. In contrast, marked callus formation was seen in diabetic rats with significant osteogenesis (P = 0.011, P = 0.010, P = 0.010, respectively, for 14, 25, and 35 days) and chondrogenesis (P = 0.028, P = 0.033, P = 0.019) compared to controls. Radiographic analysis revealed a displaced fracture with poor bone fragment alignment and delayed consolidation at these times in the diabetic group. The levels of alkaline phosphatase were significantly higher in diabetic rats at 25 days (P = 0.009). These results suggest that the initial excessive formation of fibrous connective tissue associated with delay in chondrogenesis and osteogenesis may not provide suitable stability of the fractured site, contributing to the inappropriate alignment of fragments and an increase in the volume of callus in later stages of repair. The resulting displaced fracture in diabetic rats requires long periods for remodeling and complete bone consolidation.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the adequate cortical regions based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) recording. This investigation was carried out using magnitude-squared coherence (MSC), a frequency domain objective response detection technique. Electroencephalographic signals were collected (International 10-20 System) from 38 volunteers, without history of neurological pathology, during somatosensory stimulation. Stimuli were applied to the right posterior tibial nerve at the rate of 5 Hz and intensity slightly above the motor threshold. Response detection was based on rejecting the null hypothesis of response absence (significance level α= 0.05 and M = 500 epochs). The best detection rates (maximum percentage of volunteers for whom the response was detected for the frequencies between 4.8 and 72 Hz) were obtained for the parietal and central leads mid-sagittal and ipsilateral to the stimulated leg: C4 (87%), P4 (82%), Cz (89%), and Pz (89%). The P37-N45 time-components of the SEP can also be observed in these leads. The other leads, including the central and parietal contralateral and the frontal and fronto-polar leads, presented low detection capacity. If only contralateral leads were considered, the centro-parietal region (C3 and P3) was among the best regions for response detection, presenting a correspondent well-defined N37; however, this was not observed in some volunteers. The results of the present study showed that the central and parietal regions, especially sagittal and ipsilateral to the stimuli, presented the best SNR in the gamma range. Furthermore, these findings suggest that the MSC can be a useful tool for monitoring purposes.


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Split-hand/foot malformation (SHFM) associated with aplasia of long bones, SHFLD syndrome or Tibial hemimelia-ectrodactyly syndrome is a rare condition with autosomal dominant inheritance, reduced penetrance and an incidence estimated to be about 1 in 1,000,000 liveborns. To date, three chromosomal regions have been reported as strong candidates for harboring SHFLD syndrome genes: 1q42.2-q43, 6q14.1 and 2q14.2. We characterized the phenotype of nine affected individuals from a large family with the aim of mapping the causative gene. Among the nine affected patients, four had only SHFM of the hands and no tibial defects, three had both defects and two had only unilateral tibial hemimelia. In keeping with previous publications of this and other families, there was clear evidence of both variable expression and incomplete penetrance, the latter bearing hallmarks of anticipation. Segregation analysis and multipoint Lod scores calculations (maximum Lod score of 5.03 using the LINKMAP software) using all potentially informative family members, both affected and unaffected, identified the chromosomal region 17p13.1-17p13.3 as the best and only candidate for harboring a novel mutated gene responsible for the syndrome in this family. The candidate gene CRK located within this region was sequenced but no pathogenic mutation was detected.


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A substituição total de uma articulação de joelho é uma técnica amplamente usada para corrigir os danos irreversíveis na juntas originais, causadas por patologias como osteoartrite e artrite reumatóide. Com o aumento número de pacientes jovens e mais ativos, a evolução na técnica da substituição da articulação total de joelho visando desempenho de longo prazo passa a ser uma demanda crítica. Portanto, na tentativa de evitar as falhas prematuras e prolongar a vida em serviço como um todo, as modificações na bandeja tibial podem produzir erros fundamentais. O design da bandeja tibial é um importante fator, porque a sua fratura pode ocorrer em função de elementos geométricos da mesma, como raios de concordância e cantos vivos. A escolha do material e do processo de fabricação também são importantes. No tocante a rota de fabricação, pode ser visto que as ligas forjadas tem o maior limite de fadiga, se comparado com as obtidas pelo processo de fundição. Entretanto, a combinação das técnicas de desenho assistido por computador (CAD), engenharia assistida por computador (CAE) e manufatura assistida por computador (CAM) podem ser uma solução rápida e barata para alcançar melhores características das bandejas tibiais. Contudo, testes pré-clínicos devem ser executados para garantir que as bandejas tibiais não falharão prematuramente devido à fadiga. As técnicas de metalografia, microdureza e espectrometria foram empregadas neste trabalho com o objetivo de caracterizar metalurgicamente a liga de aço inoxidável atualmente empregada. A rugosidade superficial foi avaliada, assim como o número de ciclos para a iniciação das trincas. Com a utilização do método de elementos finitos, verificou-se o ponto de maior tensão e, aliado ao estudo de fractografia, foi determinado o modo de falha Os resultados indicaram que o material atualmente empregado não está em conformidade com todos os requisitos das normas vigentes, de forma que um material alternativo é sugerido. Com o objetivo de melhorar a resistência à fadiga sem apresentar problemas de ordem clínica, cinco geometrias foram propostas e os resultados da análise de tensões pelo método de elementos finitos indicaram um grande potencial de aumento da vida em fadiga.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high fat diet and different frequencies of swimming programs in the tibial anterior muscle in male Wistar rats. In conclussion, the aerobic training during two days/week and five days/week caused injuries in muscle fibers and the high fat diet did not cause statically significant results compared to normal diet.


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Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is known for its positive results but studies on the biological and biomodulator characteristics of the effects produced in the skeletal muscle are Still lacking. In this Study the effects of two laser dosages, 5 or 10 J/cm(2), on the lesioned tibial muscle were compared. Gerbils previously lesioned by 100 g load impact were divided into three groups: GI (n = 5) controls, lesion non-irradiated; GII (n = 5), lesion irradiated with 5 J/Cm(2) and GIII (n = 5), lesion irradiated with 10 J/cm(2), and treated for 7 consecutive days with a laser He-Ne (lambda = 633 rim). After intracardiac perfusion, the muscles were dissected and reduced to small fragments, post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in increasing alcohol concentrations, treated with propylene oxide and embedded in Spurr resin at 60 degrees C. Ultrafine Cuts examined on a transmission electron microscope (Jeol 1010) revealed in the control GI group a large number of altered Muscle fibers with degenerating mitochondria, intercellular substance containing degenerating cell fragments and budding blood capillaries with Underdeveloped endothelial cells. However, groups GII and GIII showed muscle fibers with few altered myofibrils, regularly contoured mitochondria, ample intermembrane spaces and dilated mitochondrial crests. The clean intercellular Substance showed numerous collagen fibers and capillaries with multiple abluminal processes, intraluminal protrusions and several pinocytic vesicles in endothelial cells. it was concluded that laser dosages of 5 or 10 J/cm(2) delivered by laser He-Ne (lambda = 633 rim) during 7 consecutive days increase mitochondrial activity in muscular fibers, activate fibroblasts and macrophages and stimulate angiogenesis, thus suggesting effectivity of laser therapy tinder these experimental conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to clinically and radiographically evaluate acute bone shortening followed by gradual lengthening in the treatment of large segmental tibia defects induced in seven clinically normal dogs. A circular external fixator was assembled with one proximal 5/8-circle ring, one middle ring and one distal ring connected with three rods. Thirty per cent of the tibia and fibula were removed in the middle and distal parts of the diaphyses, between the middle and distal rings. Acute bone shortening with compression of proximal and distal segments was performed. A subperiosteal osteotomy was performed between the half-ring and middle ring. Bone distraction started 7 days after surgery; after lengthening, the apparatus was left in place for 14 weeks for consolidation of regenerated bone. The frame was removed at the end of this period, and the dogs observed for four more weeks. Functional results were considered excellent in two, good in three and fair in the other two dogs. Bone regeneration within the distraction gap was obtained 14 weeks after neutral fixation period. We concluded that acute bone shortening followed by gradual lengthening by Ilizarov method can be used to treat extensive tibial defects in dogs, although it presents limb temporary abnormal limb shape and unequal length as early disadvantages.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)