947 resultados para Three Spaces Problem
We have used the Liapunov exponent to explore the phase space of a dynamical system. Considering the planar, circular restricted three-body problem for a mass ratio mu = 10(-3) (close to the Jupiter/Sun case), we have integrated similar to 16,000 starting conditions for orbits started interior to that of the perturber and we have estimated the maximum Liapunov characteristic exponent for each starting condition. Despite the fact that the integrations, in general, are for only a few thousand orbital periods of the secondary, a comparative analysis of the Liapunov exponents for various values of the 'cut-off' gives a good overview of the structure of the phase space. It provides information about the diffusion rates of the various chaotic regions, the location of the regular regions associated with primary resonances and even details such as the location of secondary resonances that produce chaotic regions inside the regular regions of primary resonances.
In this paper, numerical simulations are made, using the three-dimensional restricted three-body problem as the mathematical model, to calculate the effects of a swing-by with the planet Saturn in the orbit of a comet. To show the results, the orbit of the comet is classified in four groups: elliptic direct, elliptic retrograde, hyperbolic direct and hyperbolic retrograde. Then, the modification in the orbit of the comet due to the close approach is shown in plots that specify from which group the comet's orbit is coming and to which group it is going. Several families of orbits are found and shown in detail. An analysis about the trends as parameters (position and velocity at the periapse) vary is performed and the influence of each of them is shown and explained. The result is a collection of maps that describe the evolution of the trajectory of the comet due to the close approach. Those maps can be used to estimate the probability of some events, like the capture or escape of a comet. An example of this technique is shown in the paper. (C) 2005 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We derive a set of relativistic three-particle scattering equations in the three-particle c.m. frame employing a relativistic three-particle propagator suggested long ago by Ahmadzadeh and Tjon in the c.m. frame of a two-particle subsystem. We make the coordinate transformation of this propagator from the c.m. frame of the two-particle subsystem to the three-particle c.m. frame. We also point out that some numerical applications of the Ahmadzadeh and Tjon propagator to the three-nucleon problem use unnecessary nonrelativistic approximations which do not simplify the computational task, but violate constraints of relativistic unitarity and/or covariance.
Analytical models for studying the dynamical behaviour of objects near interior, mean motion resonances are reviewed in the context of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem. The predicted widths of the resonances are compared with the results of numerical integrations using Poincare surfaces of section with a mass ratio of 10(-3) (similar to the Jupiter-Sun case). It is shown that for very low eccentricities the phase space between the 2:1 and 3:2 resonances is predominantly regular, contrary to simple theoretical predictions based on overlapping resonance. A numerical study of the 'evolution' of the stable equilibrium point of the 3:2 resonance as a function of the Jacobi constant shows how apocentric libration at the 2:1 resonance arises; there is evidence of a similar mechanism being responsible for the centre of the 4:3 resonance evolving towards 3:2 apocentric libration. This effect is due to perturbations from other resonances and demonstrates that resonances cannot be considered in isolation. on theoretical grounds the maximum libration width of first-order resonances should increase as the orbit of the perturbing secondary is approached. However, in reality the width decreases due to the chaotic effect of nearby resonances.
Gravitational capture is a characteristic of some dynamical systems in celestial mechanics, as in the elliptic restricted three-body problem that is considered in this paper. The basic idea is that a spacecraft (or any particle with negligible mass) can change a hyperbolic orbit with a small positive energy around a celestial body into an elliptic orbit with a small negative energy without the use of any propulsive system. The force responsible for this modification in the orbit of the spacecraft is the gravitational force of the third body involved in the dynamics. In this way, this force is used as a zero cost control, equivalent to a continuous thrust applied in the spacecraft. One of the most important applications of this property is the construction of trajectories to the Moon. The objective of the present paper is to study in some detail the effects of the eccentricity of the primaries in this maneuver.
In the present work we analyse the behaviour of a particle under the gravitational influence of two massive bodies and a particular dissipative force. The circular restricted three body problem, which describes the motion of this particle, has five equilibrium points in the frame which rotates with the same angular velocity as the massive bodies: two equilateral stable points (L-4, L-5) and three colinear unstable points (L-1, L-2, L-3). A particular solution for this problem is a stable orbital libration, called a tadpole orbit, around the equilateral points. The inclusion of a particular dissipative force can alter this configuration. We investigated the orbital behaviour of a particle initially located near L4 or L5 under the perturbation of a satellite and the Poynting-Robertson drag. This is an example of breakdown of quasi-periodic motion about an elliptic point of an area-preserving map under the action of dissipation. Our results show that the effect of this dissipative force is more pronounced when the mass of the satellite and/or the size of the particle decrease, leading to chaotic, although confined, orbits. From the maximum Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent a final value of gamma was computed after a time span of 10(6) orbital periods of the satellite. This result enables us to obtain a critical value of log y beyond which the orbit of the particle will be unstable, leaving the tadpole behaviour. For particles initially located near L4, the critical value of log gamma is -4.07 and for those particles located near L-5 the critical value of log gamma is -3.96. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The planar, circular, restricted three-body problem predicts the existence of periodic orbits around the Lagrangian equilibrium point L1. Considering the Earth-lunar-probe system, some of these orbits pass very close to the surfaces of the Earth and the Moon. These characteristics make it possible for these orbits, in spite of their instability, to be used in transfer maneuvers between Earth and lunar parking orbits. The main goal of this paper is to explore this scenario, adopting a more complex and realistic dynamical system, the four-body problem Sun-Earth-Moon-probe. We defined and investigated a set of paths, derived from the orbits around L1, which are capable of achieving transfer between low-altitude Earth (LEO) and lunar orbits, including high-inclination lunar orbits, at a low cost and with flight time between 13 and 15 days.
The irregular satellites of Jupiter are believed to be captured asteroids or planetesimals. In the present work is studied the direction of capture of these objects as a function of their orbital inclination. We performed numerical simulations of the restricted three-body problem, Sun-Jupiter-particle, taking into account the growth of Jupiter. The integration was made backward in time. Initially, the particles have orbits as satellites of Jupiter, which has its present mass. Then, the system evolved with Jupiter losing mass and the satellites escaping from the planet. The reverse of the escape direction corresponds to the capture direction. The results show that the Lagrangian points L1 and L2 mainly guide the direction of capture. Prograde satellites are captured through these two gates with very narrow amplitude angles. In the case of retrograde satellites, these two gates are wider. The capture region increases as the orbital inclination increases. In the case of planar retrograde satellites the directions of capture cover the whole 360 degrees around Jupiter. We also verified that prograde satellites are captured earlier in actual time than retrograde ones.
The motion of a test particle in the vicinity of exterior resonances is examined in the context of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem. The existence of asymmetric periodic orbits associated with the 1 : n resonances (where n = 2, 3, 4, 5) is confirmed; there is also evidence of asymmetric resonances associated with larger values of n. A detailed examination of the evolution of the family of orbits associated with the 1:2 resonance shows the sequence that leads to asymmetric libration. on the basis of numerical studies of the phase space it is concluded that the existence of asymmetric libration means that the region exterior to the perturbing mass is more chaotic than the interior region. The apparent absence of 'particles' in 1 : n resonances in the solar system may reflect this inherent bias.
In the present work, we expanded the study done by Solorzanol(1) including the eccentricity of the perturbing body. The assumptions used to develop the single-averaged analytical model are the same ones of the restricted elliptic three-body problem. The disturbing function was expanded in Legendre polynomials up to fourth-order. After that, the equations of motion are obtained from the planetary equations and we performed a set of numerical simulations. Different initial eccentricities for the perturbing and perturbed body are considered. The results obtained perform an analysis of the stability of a near-circular orbits and investigate under which conditions this orbit remain near-circular.
Strategies for plane change of Earth orbits using lunar gravity and derived trajectories of family G
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The motion of a test particle in the vicinity of exterior resonances is examined in the context of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem. The existence of asymmetric periodic orbits associated with the 1 : n resonances (where n = 2, 3, 4, 5) is confirmed; there is also evidence of asymmetric resonances associated with larger values of n. A detailed examination of the evolution of the family of orbits associated with the 1:2 resonance shows the sequence that leads to asymmetric libration. On the basis of numerical studies of the phase space it is concluded that the existence of asymmetric libration means that the region exterior to the perturbing mass is more chaotic than the interior region. The apparent absence of 'particles' in 1 : n resonances in the solar system may reflect this inherent bias.
The present work deals with a family of simply periodic orbits around the Moon in the rotating Earth Moon-particle system. Taking the framework of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem, we follow the evolution of this family of periodic orbits using the numerical technique of Poincaré surface of section. The maximum amplitude of oscillation about the periodic orbits are determined and can be used as a parameter to measure the degree of stability in the phase space for such orbits. Despite the fact that the whole family of periodic orbits remain stable, there is a dichotomy in the quasi-periodic ones at the Jacobi constant Cj = 2.85. The quasi-periodic orbits with Cj < 2.85 oscillate around the periodic orbits in a different way from those with Cj > 2.85. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gravitational capture is a characteristic of some dynamical systems in celestial mechanics, as in the elliptic restricted three-body problem that is considered in this paper. The basic idea is that a spacecraft (or any particle with negligible mass) can change a hyperbolic orbit with a small positive energy around a celestial body into an elliptic orbit with a small negative energy without the use of any propulsive system. The force responsible for this modification in the orbit of the spacecraft is the gravitational force of the third body involved in the dynamics. In this way, this force is used as a zero cost control, equivalent to a continuous thrust applied in the spacecraft. One of the most important applications of this property is the construction of trajectories to the Moon. The objective of the present paper is to study in some detail the effects of the eccentricity of the primaries in this maneuver.